I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1634 Dayi who escaped from the world

Wushan City, the VIP guest room of Ge Deng's house.

That night.

After putting her daughter to sleep in the next bedroom, Lana, wearing kimono-style pajamas, opened the paper door and came to her husband who was reading a book on the tatami.

Lana glanced at the book and said: "The ceremony will begin tomorrow. You have been waiting for that ceremony for many years, right? I thought you would be very excited, at least not looking at Eastern history books that have nothing to do with the King of Martial Gods."

Mr. Depp smiled faintly, with full arrogance in his calmness, "After the death of Teacher Ichiro Katsura, no one in the world knows the history of King Wushen better than me.

If I am still cramming when the ceremony is about to begin, then I am no longer worthy of the status of the Resurrection Sect's 'senior recorder'. "

"You are very strange to me now." Lana said with a complicated expression.

"Except for the resurrection of King Martial God, I don't have any secrets from you. Even the resurrection ceremony of King Martial God, I didn't hide it from you. I brought you and Chloe." Mr. Depp said.

"You should understand that I didn't come here to believe in your Martial God Cult teachings. I am willing to take Chloe with you because I hope that you will be bound by family ties and not go on the final road of no return," Lana said.

"I am very sensible, even more sensible and clear-headed than you." Mr. Depp closed the book and asked: "Do you want to know how I became a believer in the King of Martial God?

Or, are you curious, what is the relationship between Ge Deng Xiong Er and me? "

"I'm wondering. After so many years of marriage, I've never seen you contact him. If we are old friends for many years, we should be very excited and happy to get together again.

When we met in the afternoon, you all had a straight face and your tone was very rude. It made me feel embarrassed to be around you.

Is he a member of your Resurrection Church? What does he have to do with your belief in the Martial God King? Lana asked curiously.

Depp said: "I am the student and descendant of Ge Deng Xiong Er's father, and I don't have a close relationship with Xiong Er himself.

I respect my teacher very much. When I see his son being uneducated and ruining the family tradition, I will certainly feel sorry and angry. "

"What's wrong with Xiong Er? He is the mayor, has a high status, treats people well, and doesn't look like a bad person."

Lana's impression of Xiong Er was pretty good.

"He gave up the tens of thousands of years of belief in the God of War that his ancestors had insisted on, and became like you, thinking that the history of the King of War is false," Mr. Depp said angrily.

"Isn't this considered uneducated?"

Lana had a better impression of Xiong Er.

Born in a cult family, but able to emerge from the mire and remain untainted, he is obviously a man of great wisdom and awareness.

“For those of us who believe in the doctrine of Resurrection, he is simply ignorant.” Mr. Depp sighed: “His father, Ichiro Katsura, is the chairman of the History Department of Cambridge University and my teacher.

Even though the history of King Wushen is the most popular and attractive history major, and even though I myself took this course as an elective, I was similar to you now, very materialistic, and didn't believe in those histories.

At most, I think King Wushen is a 'world-class emperor' that surpasses Alexander the Great and Caesar.

Professor Ge Deng opened the door to a new world for me with his explanations in simple terms, meticulous arguments, and logical reasoning, and made me realize my own shallowness.

My parents gave birth to me, and it was Professor Ge Deng who made me what I am now! "

Lana said angrily: "It turns out it was Ichiro Katsuki who ruined you! A dignified Cambridge professor turned out to be the leader of a cult and tempted young students astray. It's so abominable."

Mr. Depp said displeased: "Are you going to quarrel with me at this time?"

"I'm telling you the truth, why did I provoke you?"

"Teacher Ge Deng is the person I respect the most. If you scold him in front of me, what else are you doing instead of provoking trouble?" Mr. Depp said.

"But he... Hey, Katsuki Ichiro, I seem to have some impression." Lana's face suddenly changed slightly and she murmured.

"It's strange that you have no impression. Professor Ge Deng back then was just like me now, a well-known expert on the history of King Martial God."

Speaking of this, Mr. Depp couldn’t help sighing and lamenting, “The social status of Professor Wu Shen Wang’s history back then was completely different from what it is now.

At that time, the history of King Wushen was the most popular subject and the hottest topic among the people.

Experts in this field are the biggest stars in society.

Professors who are archaeologists of King Wushen's remains often appear on television for exclusive interviews or appear on the front page of the news.

As a reporter, you must have seen interviews related to Professor Ge Deng. "

"I have almost forgotten all the false memories from the past. They are all fictitious and there is no need to remember them," Lana said.

After a pause, she continued: "In real history, there was no King of God of War, perhaps no Professor Ge Deng, and no you.

At least not Wushan City.

This city did not exist at all in its original history, it was just a sea. "

Mr. Depp said calmly: "Lana, have you ever thought about the possibility that at this moment, in this universe, in this reality, your memory is false."

"Alexander, you are just a professor of history, not a master of time and space theory. You have to trust real experts, such as the heroes of the Zhenglian who participated in the Battle of the Origin of Time.

For example, the Galactic Admiral who leads the reboot.

For example, I am the famous reporter who participated in the full coverage of Crisis on Infinite Earths! "Lana pointed to her nose.

“You, you are all too arrogant.” Mr. Depp sighed: “Before Crisis on Infinite Earths, your memories and your history were all in line with ‘reality’.

Your memory was right then.

At that time, there was no Martial God King in reality, and the story of the Martial God King did not appear.

But after the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the universe and time all took on a new look.

Memory and history that conform to reality are true memory and history, and the basis of reality is material. "

Mr. Depp pointed to the towering mountain peaks outside the window and said, "Did you see it? Wushen Mountain, the highest mountain in the world, surpassed Mount Everest in the previous universe.

If you hit it with your head, you will get a bloody head. If you go to climb the mountain, you will be very tired. If you search on the mountain, you can find many precious herbs.

It's more real than anything else.

The tomb of King Wushen built in the heart of the mountain is also real.

History that conforms to these ‘real’ facts is true.

The 'reality' that conforms to your old memories once existed, but now it is gone.

The parallel universes of the past were either annihilated in the wave of antimatter, or reversed their origins and became the raw materials for reshaping a new world.

The new universe has its own new history. Whether the history takes place within the Wan Tian Yi or simply takes place on the timeline, it is the true history of the 'present universe'.

The history in your memory does not conform to the current 'reality'.

It may not even be a natural phenomenon that you can live in this reality.

It is the Galactic Admiral who remembers you so that you and your memory can be preserved.

Personal behavior that distorts the laws of nature must have side effects.

The side effect is that you have memories that contradict reality.

You have two sets of memories, one is from the old history of the previous universe, and the other is the true history of this new universe.

Both sets of history are true, they just come from two different universes.

Just like two different countries with two different histories.

It just so happens that you move to the new world, but insist that your history is true. "

Lana frowned and wanted to refute loudly, but Depp's words didn't seem to have much logical holes.

Depp sighed: “You think we are the product of ‘distorted reality’, but in my opinion, you are the distorted existence.

You are like the relic of the 'Giant Lantern'.

He came from the previous universe, and the mother universe was destroyed. He survived alone and came to the new universe.

He is only one person, and he has no illusion that he is reality and others are products of distortion.

You are more numerous, have a stronger voice, and have the platform of the Galactic Admiral. Then you distort reality and history, turning reality into fiction, and replacing the present with the history of the past. "

Lana looked at her husband with a complicated expression, "Did Ichiro Katsuki use these words to convince you back then?"

Depp shook his head and said: "At that time, the Galaxy Admiral didn't even know where he was, and no one knew about the concept of reboot.

Back then, there was only one history and one set of memories. You were all normal and had not yet mutated.

My becoming his disciple was not the result of a single word or a long conversation.

I studied with him for eight years and studied many of his personal and collected works.

Those books are in Ge Deng's library. Ge Deng Xiong Er can read them at any time. As a result, he doesn't read or learn, and now he has become an 'alien' like you. So I scolded him for being ignorant and incompetent, and threw him away. The face of the wise father.

If you are interested, you can go to the teacher's study room and have a look.

After reading those books, you will definitely change your mind. Forget it, after tomorrow night, your world will undergo earth-shaking changes. There is no need to read anymore.

The basis of reality is material, and the basis of truth is conformity to reality. Seeing and experiencing with your own eyes is more convincing than anything else. "

On the outskirts of Wushen Mountain, on the stealth aircraft.

Neptune frowned and said: "This Depp does not seem to be a crazy believer. His belief comes from a logical and self-consistent theory. To be honest, I am not confident that I can refute what he said."

"Depp is certainly not an idiot. He has six doctorates. Quantum physics, philosophy, and international relations are all majors he is good at." Da Chao said.

"Do you agree with what he said, that we are the outliers? Our 'real memory' is actually a real lie. It was true for the previous universe, but does not fit with the reality of the current universe?" Neptune asked.

Dachao sighed: “Material is not necessarily the basis of reality, thoughts can also create matter.

Isn’t it thought and will that dominate the restart process?

Harley also said that our multiverse is an idea composed of two thoughts, good and evil.

In such a world, the boundary between truth and falsehood is like the sea and the sky, very blurred and indistinguishable.

Living in the moment and enjoying the present is the key. "

The next day, the annual Martial Arts Festival was held as normal, and Lana especially liked the sacrificial dance performed by the noble ladies of the "35 Family".

"I can guarantee that based on the dancing skills of these ladies, even advanced alien civilizations will give a thumbs up and say 'very good' when they see it. The 'Martial God King Sacrificial Dance' can even become a cultural business card of the earth's civilization. .”

Mayor Ge Deng's eyes lit up, and an expectant smile appeared on his fat face, "Mrs. Depp is a well-known journalist in the galaxy. If you can help promote it-"

"Xiong Er, what nonsense are you talking about!" The old man in rich clothes kneeling on the other end of the tatami yelled: "This is a dance dedicated to the King of Martial Gods, how can alien ghosts and beasts deserve to watch it?"

"Mr. Ida, now that the earth has entered the interstellar state, it's time for you to open your eyes and see the world!" Mayor Ge Deng shouted.

"You are the one who is short-sighted. What does interstellar transformation mean? Our ancestors conquered the starry sky tens of thousands of years ago." Old Man Ida said.

The majestic old man sitting at the head said solemnly: "Ida, Xiong Er, you all shut up and stop arguing! On the Martial God Festival, there can only be singing and laughter."

"Hai!" Old man Ida immediately nodded and saluted.

Mayor Ge Deng curled his lips and said nothing.

Lana was sensible and didn't say much.

After the sacrificial dance, the 35 family members gathered at the foot of the mountain and presented delicacies to Wushen Mountain.

Once the ceremony is complete, the food becomes a buffet shared by all.

Whether they are noble ladies and elderly people from 35 noble families, ordinary people in the city, or sparse tourists who come for sightseeing, they can pick out their own food on their own plates.

Lana's mouth was full of oil.

"It's so delicious, with magnificent scenery, simple and beautiful dances, and rare delicacies in the world. Your Wushan City has the potential to become a famous attraction in the Milky Way.

Mr. Yamashita, do you really not need promotion? I can write an article on "Wushen Mountain Travel Guide" or make a series of programs. "

"That's great, I thank you on behalf of all the citizens." Mayor Ge Deng said excitedly.

The dignified old man frowned and said, "Miss Lang, do you know what you came to Wushan City to do?"

"I know, I just want to repay your warm hospitality."

The majestic old man glanced around and whispered: "It seems that you don't believe in King Wushen. If you do, you will understand that we don't need the attention of the world at all, and we don't need tourism to boost GDP.

Since you don't believe it, why come again? "

"For my husband's sake, I don't want anything to happen to him."

The majestic old man looked at her deeply and said, "You are at least a good wife, barely qualified to participate in tonight's event."

After leaving this sentence, he turned and left.

Mr. Depp said excitedly: “Lana, Mr. Yamashita has approved you.

You don't know that I worked hard to get you and Chloe a spot at the venue. "

The reason why Lana was able to eavesdrop on his conversations with the Resurrection Cult members was because during this period he frequently contacted the church's senior leaders and tried his best to secure places for his wife and daughter.

Lana didn't know about this painstaking effort, nor did she want it.

"Reporter Lang, you shouldn't have come." Mayor Ge Deng shook his head and sighed, "I can't help myself. I am destined to never be able to get rid of this group of cultists for the rest of my life. You are different, you are free."

"Xiong Er, I really feel sad for Teacher Ge Deng." Depp looked at Mayor Ge Deng angrily and disappointedly, "The honor of presiding over the 'Resurrection Day' should belong to you. This is the responsibility of the Ge Deng family to protect the mausoleum for tens of thousands of years. Repay, but you."

He shook his head and pulled Lana away.

When the sun sets in the west, the Martial Arts Festival officially ends.

It was also at that time that Lana Long hugged her daughter and started climbing the mountain with the "35 Family" people.

There were more than 1,500 people, including locals and many family members like Lana.

"Where are we going? Why not take the cable car?" After climbing for half an hour, Lana began to feel weak in her hands and feet.

"Leave Chloe to me." Depp took his daughter from her hand and continued to climb up, saying, "This is the etiquette for meeting King Wushen, climbing from the foot of the mountain to the door of King Wushen's palace.

You can only climb by yourself without the help of any external force. Only in this way can you show your sincerity and King Wushen allows visitors to enter. "

"Wushan Mountain is higher than Mount Everest. Even if the altitude at the foot of the mountain is more than a thousand meters, it will take at least several days to climb to the top. I may not be able to persevere. Can those old people, children and ladies hold it?" Na doubted.

"You don't have to go to the top of the mountain, you will know later."

The wait is five hours.

Lana was covered in sweat and panting, and Depp was so tired that he almost collapsed.

But to her surprise, the old men's clothes and hair didn't even become messy.

Except for his red face and his somewhat breathless speech, he was almost the same as when he was at the foot of the mountain.

"They are all kung fu masters. Even their family members and the noble ladies who perform dances have also practiced martial arts!" Lana suddenly realized when she saw them sitting cross-legged and resting with their hearts in the air.

Depp gulped down half a bottle of mineral water and gasped: "Isn't this a matter of course? How can followers of the God of War not practice martial arts? I have also practiced martial arts, but unfortunately I have no talent."

Lana looked around. The altitude of this place was about three thousand meters, not even halfway up the mountain. However, there was a large platform with the back of the main peak, which was almost as big as the Metropolitan International Airport.

The platform has been repaired and is very flat and spacious without many buildings.

“This is the base camp where humans resist the brutal rule of the gods, the origin of martial arts, and the arena where human heroes practice martial arts.

Look at the surrounding mountain walls and the deep marks on the ground. They are all traces left by the battle between humans and gods 50,000 years ago.

The gods besieged Mount Wushen nine times and fought on this platform seven times.

Do you know what this platform is called? It is the legendary ‘God-Slaying Arena’. " Depp put down the water bottle and said boldly.

"Don't fool me, I've seen the Wushan attractions guide, and this is clearly the 'moon viewing platform'. It's very spectacular to stand here and watch the moon rise," Lana said.

Depp waved his hand and said, "As you wish, the Pope is calling me and the ceremony is about to begin."

Lana held her daughter who had fallen asleep and stood in the crowd watching them prepare for the sacrificial ceremony.

Depp had confessed to her before that he was a "senior recorder", but she didn't know the specific work of the recorder.

Now she vaguely understood.

Just a senior assistant!

At this time, he put on ancient and extremely gorgeous robes.

It is like an Eastern Taoist robe, but the patterns and ornaments are more complex, and the overall look is more luxurious.

The person who presided over the ceremony was Pope Yamashita, and Depp was the ceremonial officer who assisted him in the ceremony.

After struggling for more than half an hour, the officials of the Resurrection Cult put on their sacrificial attire.

Ordinary believers in the church built a circular wooden platform.

A total of 68 people came to the stage to worship, and others gathered around the wooden platform.

Depp led people to place ancient sacrificial utensils on the altar and drew runes around them, which was very busy.

Pope Yamashita stood in the center of the altar and led everyone to recite a long poem describing the King of Warriors leading ancient human heroes to conquer gods and demons.

So far, Lana has not discovered anything sinister about the Resurrection Cult.

Neither did I see the statue of the evil god, nor did I hear any doctrinal preaching that violated human ethics.

She just felt very tired and wanted to lie down on the soft big bed and have a good sleep.

After climbing the mountain in the middle of the night and working on the altar for a few hours, it was already six o'clock in the morning and the sun was about to rise.

"Dang~~~" As Depp rang the bronze bell that was half a man tall, the blood sacrifice ceremony officially began.


Pope Yamashita pulled out the ribs from his waist and stabbed it into his heart.

Blood splattered, his face showed a look of fanaticism, and he said "Welcome back to the King of Martial God", then his body tilted and he was out of breath.

Lana was stunned, sleepiness immediately disappeared.

"Welcome the Martial God King to return from death!"

The other 67 people on stage shouted, and together they drew their knives and stabbed their hearts.


Corpses were piled all over the altar, and blood flowed down the cracks in the boards.

Lana wanted to scream loudly, but the people around her were not alarmed by the deceased's behavior. Instead, they were excited and recited the sacrificial poem of the God of War even louder.

"Don't be nervous. They are all fanatical believers of the Martial God King. By sacrificing their lives in this way, their souls can be honored in the 'Martial God Fighting Kingdom', which is the final destination of human heroes who follow the Martial God King to fight."

Mayor Ge Deng held her sleeve and whispered in her ear.

"But...many people died." Lana couldn't accept it.

"They kill themselves and ask for mercy. We don't need to understand them, we just need to bless them."

Although he said blessings, Mayor Ge Deng showed disapproval on his face.

Opposite the viewing platform is 5 kilometers away.

The Justice League's stealth fighter hovers in mid-air.

"Dachao, what should we do now? Their blood sacrifice is not to sacrifice others, but to sacrifice themselves. Do we want to stop it?" Dinah looked at the screen and asked with a strange expression.

Dachao hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "Forget it, they have already inserted the knife into the chest, there is no way to save him. Even if he is saved this time, he will not be able to save the next time."

If an ordinary person can't think about it and wants to jump off the building, Dachao will save him and help him untie his knot.

If the cult leader tricks the believers into committing suicide and sacrificing themselves, Dachao will stop them, beat up the cult leader, and advise the believers not to be deceived.

But when the cult leader attacked him, Dachao was a little at a loss.

Their movements were too sudden and unexpected, and now the knife was already in their bodies.

Secondly, as old believers, they will never be persuaded by outsiders.

"I have a question. The leader of the Martial God King's Resurrection Sect has killed himself. What about the next ceremony? Who will preside over it and who will take the lead?" Neptune said with a weird expression while stroking his beard.

"Hey, their blood sacrifice seems to have been responded to!" Wonder Woman said in surprise.

"Who is responding to them?" Dachao opened his eyes wide, but saw nothing.

"Get the spacecraft closer, I can feel a magic vortex slowly forming above the platform." Diana said.

Ten minutes later, even an ordinary person, Lana, noticed something "landing" above the altar.

"What is that?" she asked Mayor Ge Deng beside her.

"I, I'm not sure." Mayor Ge Deng swallowed, "According to the prophecy, after the sacrifice, the first thing to come is the Hermit Palace. Is the legend true? This is unscientific!"

"What prophecy?" Lana asked quickly.

"Alexander didn't tell you?"

"Maybe he wants to say it, but I'm not interested in the fictional history of King Wushen."

Lana spoke very quietly, but there were many family members nearby. They heard her and continued to recite the "Hymn of the God of War" enthusiastically while glaring at her.

Mayor Ge Deng moved his buttocks a few times unnaturally, and they were all kneeling on the ground.

"The prophecy is written in the ancient script of the ancestors. It is very obscure. I will only give the general meaning - the sky will be dyed red with blood, the gods will fall to the earth like meteors, and the world will usher in great changes. On the first Warrior God Festival after the accident, the old The heroic spirit of the sun will return to the world with the King of Martial God."

"The prophecy seems to be describing the final crisis." Lana murmured.

"It just looks similar." Mayor Ge Deng stared at the sky, unable to continue.

At this moment, as the first ray of sunlight falls in the sky, what is falling above us is also visible to the naked eye.

"Omaika, is it really a palace? Is it the Hermit Palace?" Lana said in shock.

Not to mention her, even the believers who recited the hymn of King Martial God opened their eyes wide and looked shocked.

On the other hand, Mr. Depp, who was standing at the edge of the altar and leading the singing, was just more excited and did not lose his temper too much.

At this moment they could only see an illusory scene like a 3D projection.

It was a huge stone palace, the foundation was about the same size as the stone platform.

In other words, this wide stone platform, which Depp calls the "God-Slaying Arena", is not naturally formed.

The original location of the stone platform was also a mountain peak, forming back-to-back twin peaks with Wushan Mountain on the side.

Wushan is still there, but the peak is hollowed out from the center, and the upper half is a palace. The empty space in the center is used to build a martial arts arena, which is also the God-Slaying Arena.

Before today, everyone could only see this arena. The peaks above the arena and the palace built on the hollowed-out peaks were all invisible and inaccessible.

They are not in this world at all.

Until then, they return to the human world in a sacrificial ceremony.

They are not slowly falling from a high place as believers thought before. They have always been there, connecting the stone platform and the mountain below without moving. They just changed from nothingness to reality.

"Am I in a dream? Suddenly, a palace carved on a mountain peak appeared above us." Mr. Ge Deng murmured blankly.

When the red sun jumps out of the horizon, the illusory palace completely becomes reality.

A total of 16 stone pillars connect the stone platform below to the mountain palace above.

The space between the bottom of the palace and the stone platform is two to three hundred meters high.

Standing on the platform and looking up at the majestic palace above, you feel as small as an ant.

"Ah, father~~"

"The King of Martial God is here, my lord is here~"

Suddenly, a burst of intensive exclamations came from the believers.

Lana lowered her head, which had been raised high, and looked in the direction of the altar. She saw lifelike figures slowly floating out of the cold corpse with blood solidified.

With expressions of joy on their faces, they slowly floated towards the mountain palace above.

"Congratulations to the Pope on your way to the place of bliss! Congratulations to all the faithful who have finally fulfilled their long-cherished wish and ascended to the place of bliss!"

Mr. Depp bowed and shouted with a solemn expression.

"Farewell to the Pope." The other believers came to their senses and quickly bowed their heads.

"The legend is true, no wonder they are willing to die one by one." Lana also lowered her head and shouted.

"It may not be true. These may be just illusions, not real souls. Even souls may fall into the unknown evil god's kingdom, and life is worse than death." Mayor Ge Deng said.

"Baga!" The believers around him almost jumped up and beat him.

“Dang~~” Mr. Depp struck the bell again and said loudly: “Dear members, the first stage of the sacrificial ceremony has ended, and the Hermit Palace has responded to us.

Next we go to open the palace door and welcome the supreme and holy King of Martial God back to the world! "

The believers got up from the ground and looked at him with excitement.

"Master Recorder, how do we get up there?" asked a middle-aged man.

He is the son of the Pope, but at this time the leader of the team became Depp.

Depp pointed to the altar and said: "Move the lost body and the wooden platform. The steps are in the center of the stone platform, which is where we will arrange the altar."

Everyone did as they were told.

Mr. Depp stood in the center and loudly recited an incantation in an ancient language.

"Rumble~~~" The mountain palace suddenly shook slightly, as if a machine was started above.

Then a blue beam of light lit up at the bottom of the palace, and the beam fell on Mr. Depp, who immediately floated into the sky at a constant speed.

"Tractor beam?" Lana blurted out.

"There is no Hermit Palace. There are alien spacecrafts hidden in the stone buildings above. It's the aliens who are playing tricks." Mr. Ge Deng shouted.

"Ge Deng Xiong Er, shut up!" Mr. Yamashita shouted: "If you had one thousandth of your father's wisdom, you wouldn't be embarrassed here."

"It is clearly written in the history books that our ancestors were already traveling in the starry sky during the era of King Wushen." Mr. Tanaka looked at Xiong Erdao with contempt in his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense to this ignorant guy. The Recorder is waving to us. Let's go up too."

Lana hugged her daughter, took a few steps forward, then stopped, looked back at Xiong Er and asked, "Are you going?"

"Go, of course."

"Should we go?" Diana asked on Zhenglian's invisible spaceship.

Dachao thought for a while and said: "We have probably been discovered, so let's go out directly."

"Discovered by whom?"

"The Hermitage is a product of the combination of magic and technology, and its technological content is higher than our spaceship." Da Chao said.

His super vision penetrated layers of rocks and saw the exquisite and mysterious mechanical structures inside.

"Ah, it's the Justice League!" The appearance of Superman and others immediately caused a commotion in the stone hall.

After following the tractor beam into the "Hermit Palace", everyone came to a spacious hall.

The followers of the Resurrection Sect were still looking around, and the heroes of Zhenglian followed them.

"The watchtower noticed abnormal energy fluctuations here, and a huge mountain suddenly appeared. We came here to check." Dinah said loudly with her sonic power.

"We discovered the new ruins of the God of War, that's all."

Mr. Depp was very calm, "Wushan City is an autonomous municipality of Neon Country, and the city council has full authority to handle all affairs in the city, including the development of the relics of King Wushen."

Wushan City was called "Wushan Kingdom" in ancient times, and its name came from the Ge Deng family.

Almost all of the current 35 prominent families are vassals of the Geden Daimyo.

The power of the Katsura Daimyo was actually very strong, enough to unify the Warring States Period, but unifying Neon made no sense to them, so they only asked for the power of an "autonomous country" and merged into today's Neon.

"Superman, I am Wushan City Councilor Yamashita Uki. This is a completely legal exploration operation. This Mr. Depp is the Wushen King archaeological expert we hired."

Da Chao glanced at everyone and said: "The Justice League respects Neon's laws and will not interfere with the normal lives of local people. However, this is a serious matter and we hope to witness the entire exploration process.

During this process, we will not interfere with any of your legitimate rights and interests.

If there is danger, we will also come to help. "

"The history of King Wushen is fictitious. Everyone knows it. How can it be such a big deal?" Depp said.

Ge Dengxiong Er glanced at him and said: "The heroes of Zhenglian want to help, why should we refuse? There is no point in refusing. Superman has super eyesight and can see everything."

The followers of the God of War all glared at him.

Dachao touched his nose, looking a little embarrassed.

Poseidon said solemnly: "No matter whether the history of King Martial God is true or false, this weird palace is true.

We cannot sit idly by as it has weapons and defense systems that far exceed Earth's existing technology.

We don't want ownership of it, we just want to make sure it doesn't endanger the safety of the planet. "

Depp and several senior officials looked at each other and nodded: "Then you can follow us. Anyway, the Hermitage has returned, and no one can reverse this reality."

After saying this, he turned around and walked quickly to the second floor.

Wonder Woman pointed to the magnificent murals on the wall of the hall on the first floor and said, "Aren't you doing historical research? There are so many murals, and each one seems to contain a wealth of information. Why don't you record them?"

Depp looked back at her and said, "They are not uncommon among the ruins of King Wu Shen. They are all pictures of war, life and sacrifices in ancient times. I have already mastered most of the information."

Even on both sides of the stone stairs, there are murals.

In addition to the murals, there are also inscriptions left by hieroglyphics.

But Depp didn't stop, just glanced at it and continued climbing.

Lana squeezed through the crowd, walked to her husband, and whispered: "You have never seen the Hermit Palace, right? The secrets of the palace's mechanisms may be recorded in the murals and inscriptions. Do you really stop and take a closer look?"

"I looked at them, and they were all pictures and texts depicting the battles and martial arts of the Martial God King."

After a pause, Depp added: "There are no traps in the Retreat, so there is no need."

"Where are the surrounding rooms? Why don't you go in and take a look?" Lana asked again.

"It's nothing more than an armory, a treasure house, a grain depot, a rest room and other buildings. We are not here to explore," Depp said.

"It's not an adventure, what are you here for?" Neptune asked.

"You will naturally understand when you get to the top floor." Depp continued to climb without looking back.

There are nine floors in total, each floor is 200 meters high, the building is 50 meters high, and the mountain is 150 meters thick.

But they never left the stairwell, they kept climbing.

At the end of the stone stairs are two 30-meter-high stone gates.

There are two paintings carved on the door. The stone carving on the left is a picture of a bow and arrow: a muscular man without two pieces of cloth draws a bow and kills the two-winged demon.

The image on the right shows a man with blazing eyes sitting on a throne, and everyone is worshiping him.

The man with blazing eyes seems to be the Archery Man, and he also holds a big bow in his hand.

"Who is he? He shouldn't be the Martial God King, right?" Dachao asked.

"He is the Martial God King, the Martial God King 'Dead-Eye Yi'."

Depp pushed the door hard, but the stone door didn't move at all.

There was a look of confusion on his face.

"Isn't the Martial God King Harley a heroine? How did you become Dead Eyes? You are speaking in Celestial dialect, Hou Yi's 'Yi'? Dayi is in line with his identity as an archer hero." Da Chao road.

Depp said: "Martial God is a realm of martial arts. Anyone who becomes a Martial God can be crowned a king, so there are many tombs of Martial God Kings on the earth.

They are not decorations.

Each mausoleum represents a human Martial God, and all Martial God Kings share the respect of the ‘Supreme and Holy Martial God Emperor’.

Of course, in Western culture, those Martial God Kings are all ‘grand dukes’, the dukes under the Martial God King. "

"This is the first time I have heard such a statement." The heroes said in surprise.

"This kind of statement has been around for a long time, but you just don't care."

Depp banged his shoulder against the door, still getting nothing.

He stopped and frowned.

"Master Recorder, is there a problem with this door?" Mr. Yamashita asked.

"I can't push it, come here and help me," Depp said.

"Push it directly with your hands? No mechanism?" Lana asked doubtfully.

"The King of Martial God is magnanimous and heroic, and he never engages in tricks," Depp said.

"Let me try." Dachao became interested. He took a step forward and pushed lightly, but there was no response.

"Hey, this stone door and my Fortress of Solitude are made of the same material. They are both neutron stars. The key alone weighs millions of tons. It is impossible for ordinary people to push it open." Dachao's heart moved, "It seems to be specially designed For 'Superman'."

"Creak!" As he summoned all his strength, the stone door finally slowly opened to both sides.

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