I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1631 The miserable gods

The miracle machine started without any warning, there was no buzzing sound from the engine, and there was no explosion of mighty power. Everyone at the scene only felt a white light sweeping across the world, and then everything changed.

The destruction of the multiverse caused by the death of Darkseid's main consciousness has all been repaired.

The boiling blood realm returned to calm, and the cracks between the blood realm and the material universe disappeared.

The Law Sea returned directly to the state before the final crisis, as stable as if the turmoil in the previous months were all illusions.

The blood-colored sky that appeared throughout the multiverse (the heavenly blood penetrated into the material universe) also disappeared. Ordinary people in the universe blinked intuitively, and the celestial phenomena returned to normal again.

If Superman observes the main universe from a high-dimensional perspective, he will find that all the infected people on Earth and Lann who were infected by the equation signal wave have regained their consciousness.

But the scars of the final crisis still remain permanently.

Cars burned to skeletons on the street, corpses of victims, crying people, buildings collapsed into ruins during the battle. Except for the infected people regaining consciousness, the loss and damage caused by the sudden stop of social operations did not disappear in an instant and were repaired in an instant.

The restart of the fifth world does not affect the reality of the four-dimensional material universe.

"What just happened? Has the miracle machine started? Or is it over?" Neptune murmured.

"It's over, the world has returned to its original state, and the eight major gods have returned. Apokolips and Genesis Star have returned to their original positions, and Darkseid, Heavenly Father, and the new gods seem to have been reborn.

In addition, the destroyed heaven realm also appeared again at this time.

It seems that even the old gods who died in the battle are given a chance to come back again. "Uncle Sam said in a complicated tone.

"Did you see that?" President Superman asked.

Uncle Sam shook his head and said: "Even from a high-dimensional perspective, don't even think about seeing the eight divine realms, they are in high dimensions.

I indirectly sensed the return of the Divine Realm through the Sea of ​​Laws. If you have any questions, you can ask - Hey, what happened to them? "

He is just a god of faith, the embodiment of the patriotism and noble spirit of the United States, and his understanding of heaven is definitely not as good as that of the old gods.

He planned to ask the gods, but when he turned his head, he saw the gods wrapped in a hazy white light, and he didn't know what was happening.

"Wu Tan, what happened to them?" Diana asked nervously.

Wu Tan glanced at Dachao, and the miracle machine in front of him had disappeared.

“The Miracle Machine has fulfilled Superman’s wish, which means the reboot is basically complete.

It's just that you are 'mortals' in the material world, and are not within the scope of the restart, and are almost unaffected by the restart.

Well, you have completed the upgrading of laws and materials in the three major restarts of the main universe restart, the time mother river restart, and the multi-restart.

This time the fifth world is restarted, it is the eight divine realms of Limbo that need to update their laws and energy.

As you can see, they are in the process of restarting now. "

"Chao, you seem to be much faster than Harley. You completed the restart almost instantly." Neptune looked at Chao curiously, "How do you feel?"

Dachao hesitated and said: "It seems that I don't feel anything."

Neptune wondered: "How could I not feel anything? I just felt clearly that the world had added a kind of vitality of the rising sun, as if it had completed a major renovation and became vibrant and brand new again."

"Oh, what I said didn't feel like it was the complex and huge information flow during the restart process that Harley told us back then." Dachao said with a strange expression: "I may have misunderstood the Miracle Machine. It is specially prepared for ordinary people. 'Machine for Dummies'.

No operation is required, no professional knowledge is required, just say your wish and it will run automatically, making your wish come true. "

Watcher Wu Tan said: "This is where destiny belongs, and destiny is in you. When Origin selected you, it already considered your ability and made appropriate arrangements.

Harley Quinn restarting the universe in Crisis on Infinite Earths was not fate.

She changed the fate of the universe that was rebooted by the Anti-Monitor and the Specter.

To change your fate against the will of heaven, you need the power to transcend fate. "

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Old Batman said.

"I said that I will not participate in the restart. I am an observer and only protect those who restart."

"Boom boom~~~" A sound like the strings of a piano breaking came from the team of gods. The heroes turned their heads and saw that the white light like silkworm cocoons on the gods broke apart and disappeared.

"Huh~~~" Zeus took a long breath and said with a complicated expression: "Is the restart completed like this? It is uneventful, with almost no changes. The status and authority of the old gods in the multiverse have neither increased nor decreased. "

"Ah, your face, and your hands -" Diana pointed at Him and exclaimed.

"What's wrong with my hand? Damn it, where is my hand?" Zeus lowered his head and saw that half of the palm of his left hand was missing, leaving only his thumb and index finger, and the remaining three fingers disappeared.

"Um~~~" Seeing the old scar on his hand, he subconsciously recalled its origin, and then a memory with an extremely large amount of information suddenly poured into his mind.

Even as the God King, he had to reach out his hand to cover his forehead and let out a low groan.

After groaning for a while, Zeus cursed angrily, "Witch Harley, I'm so stupid -"

Halfway through the curse, he stopped suddenly, raised his head, and looked at Da Chao with sharp eyes, "What did you do?"

"What did I do?" Dachao was confused.

Before Zeus could say anything, the gods beside him also broke away from the white light and appeared in front of people again. Then they filled the sky with excitement and shouted excitedly.

"The origin is above, Your Majesty Pluto, where are your eyes?" Shiva pointed at Hades and shouted.

"Shiva, why is there a 'slave' mark on your face?" Hades asked.

Susanoo looked at Izanagi and wailed excitedly: "Father God, you, your face. Father God above, my body, how did I become like this? No~~~"

"Ah, Witch Harley, you and I are inseparable!" Poseidon covered his broken arm and looked up to the sky and roared.

Almost all the gods have changed. Zeus is missing half of his hand and has many scars on his body and face.

Poseidon lost an arm.

Hades, the king of Hades, had his eyes gouged out.

But they are not the worst.

When Shiva pointed at Poseidon and shouted, he didn't notice that there was a huge word "slave" on his forehead.

There is a "slave" on each of Izanagi's left and right cheeks and forehead.

Susanoo's life changed from a handsome and elegant middle-aged man with a mustache to a "bucket man" with no hands, no feet, and no head.

It’s not that He was cut into a human pig but it seemed more miserable than turning into a human pig. He turned into a mechanical structure "R2-D2" (the mechanic robot in Star Wars, which looks like a tin bucket).

But he is not alone, there are dozens of gods who have also turned into various forms of mechanical or semi-mechanical bodies.

All the gods have changed in the reboot, either with a deep "slave" etched on their faces or bodies

Seal, either the limbs are mutilated (almost all are powerful god kings), or the god's body has been transformed.

After a period of panic and confusion, the gods cursed "Witch Harley" in unison, using all kinds of obscene words and vicious curses, leaving all the heroes confused.

"What did Harley do to you? Where is she now?" Dachao couldn't help but ask.

Zeus pointed at him, furious, "It has nothing to do with Witch Harley, it's him who is causing trouble! Witch Harley is completely dead, and it is Superman who is leading the restart of the fifth world. He is the one who is humiliating and persecuting us."

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The gods immediately turned their resentful and angry gazes to Da Chao, their divine power surged around them, and they could hardly control themselves to take action against him.

The Superman Legion and the United Heroes immediately stood in front of Superhero and confronted the gods.

"Chao, what have you done? Why have they all become disabled and slaves? Although the gods are hateful, they are not evil leaders. The crisis is over, and there is no need to cause any more trouble." Wonder Woman frowned.

"It's not me, I swear, I didn't do anything." Dachao yelled aggrievedly.

"We only became like this after the restart, and you are the leader of the restart of the fifth world. How dare you lie in public?" Poseidon gritted his teeth.

"Superman, give me my eyes, give me my eyes~~~"

Hades' scream was as shrill as a ghost, as if there were thousands of resentful souls hidden in the sound waves. The scalps of all the heroes were numb and their bodies were cold.

"I thought you were an honest person, but I didn't expect you to be more vicious than Witch Harley. You left a slave mark on my face and turned my child into a mechanical monster. You are so cruel!" Izanagi's eyes almost sprayed. The actual divine flame.

"Everyone, listen to me!" Da Chao shouted quickly, interrupting the god's curse, "I started the miracle machine, yes, but I did not lead the restart process at all.

I swear, it's just a fool's wishing machine.

I make a wish on it and it does everything on its own, which is completely different from when Harley led the reboot.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask the watcher Wu Tan.

When you were still shrouded in white light, Wu Tan said that because I was stupid and incompetent, Origin sent me a stupid machine. It was too complicated and I couldn’t handle it. "

Wu Tan nodded and said: "Yes, that miracle machine can only make wishes and cannot control the restart process in detail. It's not that it can't be micro-managed, it's just that Superman doesn't have that ability."

"What wish did you make?" Zeus asked coldly, staring at Dachao.

"I" Dachao was stunned and said hesitantly: "I can't remember clearly. The content is a bit too much and complicated, but I didn't make any wishes related to the gods."

"It's just a wish, isn't it just a word?" Zeus said.

"It's much more than just a sentence. Although the Miracle Machine is a completely fool-like operation, it is a thinking machine after all." Dachao explained: "It can receive the fluctuations of my thoughts, and it knows all the expectations in my mind.

I hope Harley and Bateman are okay, I hope Lois is back to her old self, I hope Lucy uh, I hope all the infected are free of Darkseid's equation, and I hope the multiverse is restored to the way it was.

My wishes were like a tide, pouring out one after another in an instant, and then the machine responded to me and the restart was completed.

The process is simple and foolproof, but the content is somewhat complex.

I don’t even know which wishes came true and which ones didn’t. "

Wu Tan said: "In fact, you can all hear Superman's wish. If you sink your consciousness into the deepest part of the sea of ​​laws, his voice will echo in the origin of the multiverse."

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and other powerful god-kings immediately followed their words and as expected, they heard Da Chao's voice.

They fell silent and looked at Da Chao with complicated and confused expressions.

"What did you hear?" There are also gods who are not strong enough and cannot connect to the origin of the multiverse at all.

Wu Tan said with emotion: "Superman is always worthy of people's trust, and the wishes he makes are the best blessings to everyone. In a simple word, he hopes that the final crisis will have a happy ending."

"Then why are we like this?" Susanoo said excitedly.

Wu Tan had a curious expression on his face, "At first you were all scolding Witch Harley. These changes seem to be directly related to her. What happened between you and her?"

The gods looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

"I can't give an answer unless you clarify the question. I am a monitor, but I am really just an observer this time, and I have not participated in the restart of the fifth world at all.

You all understand that the authority of the fifth world is not in the hands of the monitors, and the responsibility of the monitors lies with Wan Tianyi. "Wu Tan said.

"It's the King of Martial Gods." Zeus said after considering, "The memories in our minds have been completely distorted. From 50,000 to 55,000 years ago, the history of the gods began to change.

Fifty-five thousand years ago, a person named ‘Harley’ was born in the human world. He was the pseudo-history of the God of War. You all know it. "

"We know that the history of King Martial God is false, but what does it have to do with you?" Wonder Woman said.

"The history of King Martial God is false, but now the part of history that targets the gods has become a reality." Susano'o howled miserably: "Why is this? The influence of King Martial God's history on the gods was not early. Did it end with Crisis on Infinite Earths?”

Dachao said thoughtfully: "Your current situation is very similar to the mortals whose lives were distorted back then.

At that time, Harley remembered the tens of millions of people related to her, and invested in their dream life in the restart. While they retained their memories, they also had a new set of memories that fit the new history.

Just like my wife, she clearly escaped the restart and her memory has not changed, but her life in college has changed.

In addition to those who retain memories and change the past, there are also those who change memories and life as a whole.

Now that the fifth world has restarted, you, like the people on Earth back then, have had your memories and lives distorted to fit the new history.

After all, the restart of Crisis on Infinite Earths ten years ago was the foundation and foundation for a series of subsequent restarts.

The foundation determines the general style of the building. "

"I am the God-King, above time, not you incompetent mortals." Hades growled.

Neptune said with a strange expression: "Is it possible that power is only relative? For mortals, the God-King is extremely powerful, and for the multiverse, and for Harley, there is no difference between the God-King and mortals."

With a "soar", a gloomy but scorching flame rose above Hades's head. Neptune felt dizzy for a while, and his soul almost floated out of his body. He returned to normal only after the thick-skinned divine power was activated belatedly.

——Fake Squid, you bastards deserve this!

Neptune stopped talking, but cursed loudly in his heart.

If Hades hadn't been the god of death in the Greek pantheon, and most of the souls of the people under the sea would have gone to Hades, which he controls, the King of the Sea would have cursed outright.

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