I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1627 The clam and the crane fight, and the fisherman wins

Time goes back to early December 2022.

The original Mandrake fought the Thinking Superman outside the universe.

In the Blood Domain, the Alliance of Gods is paying attention to this battle.

"Your Majesty Zeus, things seem to be out of control." Shiva looked worried. "Dax promised to be sure to deal with his fellow monitors, but he didn't say that he would drink the blood of heaven and transform into a very evil concept. Mandrake.

We can trust the monitor's promises, and the monitor has no reason to take action against us.

But Mandrake is different. It is a completely different existence from the Monitor. "

"Lord Shiva, what exactly is Mandrake? It's just drinking the blood of heaven, why does the breath change so much?

Even across the Heavenly Blood Realm, I was trembling and frightened by the evil in it. "Neon God King Izanagi said solemnly.

"I can only sense the evil in it. I don't know exactly what kind of existence it is."

Shiva looked at Zeus, whose eyes were shining with thunder, and asked: "Thunder Shazam is your dependent. He is here, so he must know more, right?"

Zeus nodded slightly, "I am currently peeking into Billy Bassant's mind. What he sees, hears and feels is also what I see, hear and feel. Well, I already know the foundation of Mandrake. .

As we can perceive from a distance, Mandrake is more evil than Darkseid, the "incarnation of darkness and evil", and more depraved than Satan, the "incarnation of corruption and sin".

It is the thinking life formed by the concept of extreme evil"

Then, Zeus explained to the gods the theory of thinking life, thinking superman, Taixu, and the absolute balance between good and evil.

"I didn't expect the Master Monitor to actually exist. I always thought it was a legend." Horus murmured.

"The main monitor is the collective consciousness of Taixu. It is nothingness after neutralizing good and evil. It does not interfere with the affairs of the multiverse. We don't need to care whether it exists or not." Zeus said.

"We should indeed be more concerned about Dax, but Mandrake is no longer Dax!" Susano'o ordered.

"Thinking Superman is the work of the main monitor, and the Witch Harley is on the side. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Dax to come back from the void, and we will most likely lose everything this time." Poseidon, the God of the Sea, sighed. road.

"It doesn't matter if we invest in defeating others in the early stage. In fact, we didn't lose much. The energy clone of the God King's combat power can take time to regroup. The key is that we are on the wrong team." Izanagi wailed.

Zeus' expression changed slightly, "The battle in the Great Void is over. The Thinking Superman won a tragic victory. Mandrake fell into the depths of the Great Void and died completely. Dax is finished. The gods... Alas, I pressed the wrong treasure this time."

Horus said angrily: "Your Majesty Zeus, you can't just say 'wrong treasure' and just expose this matter. It was your Olympus pantheon that persuaded us to form an alliance of gods to support Dax."

Hades glared at Him and said coldly: "Who else can you support besides Dax? Darkseid or Witch Harley?"

Zeus pulled his brother and said to the gods: "Dax was able to convince us for two reasons. First, he entered hell and merged with the main consciousness of the previous generation of monitors, Mar Nou, and had a certain chance of becoming the main monitor. By.

This ‘certain probability’ is not something I’m just talking about, and everyone in the know understands it.

Mar Nou has a secret agreement with Heaven.

He never mentioned the details of the agreement, but we all saw the tacit cooperation between the two parties.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, Paradise is full of food; in Crisis of Multidimensional Restart, Ghost reciprocates and cooperates with Little Luther to activate the cosmic tuning fork.

Later, hundreds of thousands of angels descended to provide energy for the restart.

Dax also told me personally that he received the secret technique of separation and cultivation of emotional illusion from God.

He will use this secret technique to fuse the remaining 50 monitors.

So we all believe that he can take care of the remaining monitors and that he has a chance to become the main monitor.

The second reason is that the conditions offered by Dax are too generous.

When he becomes the main monitor, he will help us solve the magic debt problem.

Even if we understand that the probability of success is extremely low, I believe that no god can refuse. "

Horus sighed and fell silent.

"My conditions remain unchanged and the cooperation can continue."

Silently, a bloody shadow appeared opposite the gods.

The shadow turned from virtual to solid. With its sharp canine teeth, ragged cloak, and dark red skinny body, it was clearly another Mandrake.

"You're not dead?" The gods were shocked and alert.

"I am the Last Watcher Solomon, or you can also think of me as the real Mar Nou. As for Dax, he is just my pawn." Mandrake said.

"I don't quite understand. Isn't Mar Nou Dax?" Zeus asked doubtfully.

"Dax is fused with the soul of little Alexander Luthor. Of course, that is also a piece of my consciousness."

"So that's it." Zeus said thoughtfully, "Then, our sacred oath with Dax."

"The one who made the oath with you is 'Marnou'. As for what form we are in, it doesn't matter to you." Mandrake said.

"But your current form does not seem to be accepted by the multiverse." Shiva hesitated.

"All the backlash will be borne by Dax, otherwise why would I hide behind the scenes and let him come forward?" Mandrake said calmly.

The gods suddenly realized.

When they looked at Mandrake again, their eyes were filled with obvious awe and deep hidden vigilance.

Zeus showed a relaxed smile and said: "Your Excellency has now obtained all the authority of the monitor as planned in the 'Marnou' plan, and you are just waiting for the restart time to come?"

Mandrake's already ugly and terrifying face became even more ugly, "There is still a watcher alive. Please help me find him."

"Is it the female monitor? She is with the Witch Harley." Zeus said.

"It's not her. Jiluo Vala is dead."

"Sir Solomon, please forgive me." Poseidon, the God of the Sea, said: "The gods don't know much about the monitors as you do. You can't even find them. We are even more blind and don't know where to start."

"You don't understand what I mean. What I need is not your knowledge and wisdom, but magical power. To put it more bluntly, it is the 'fate divination' of the three witches of destiny.

Only 'fate' can tell me the answer.

As far as I know, all 50 monitors except me are 100% sure to be dead. "Mandrake said.

Zeus puzzled: "There are only 52 monitors in total. The monitors of the main universe were stillborn. Apart from you, there are only 50 left. If they all die, where will the last monitor come from?"

"I don't know and I don't understand, so I asked Destiny for the answer." Mandrake said.

Hades, God of the Underworld, doubted: "Are you sure those 50 monitors are really dead?"

"They will either die directly at my hands or die through my tricks. How can I be sure?" Mandrake said.

Hades said: "You don't know something. Ever since the Witch Harley "pretended to be dead" for the first time, she successfully turned against the wind and used her small skills to make great achievements. In recent years, "pretending to be dead" has formed a genre.

People, gods, and demons with a little ability are all secretly studying the art of pretending to be dead.

For example, Darkseid, the master of the "playing dead Yin people" style.

As strong as Orion, as wise as Metron, and as cautious as Heavenly Father, they were all killed by him.

There may not be a watcher who also secretly practices the art of pretending to be dead. "

"Yes, the art of pretending to be dead has become very popular recently. Your Excellency Solomon must not be careless." All the gods agreed.

Zeus even revealed his trump card and said: "To tell you the truth, I also created the 'Thunder Suspended Death Technique'.

In the last battle on Apokolips, everyone saw that my energy body was exploded by Darkseid, turned into thunder and lightning in the sky, and finally disappeared without a trace.

I seemed to have suffered a great loss.

After all, a god-king-level energy body only consumes the power of faith and takes tens of thousands of years to accumulate.

But in fact, I didn’t lose much at all, because it was a suspended animation, hehehe. "

"Since His Majesty Zeus has confessed, I won't hide it from everyone. I also faked my death." Izanagi said proudly and proudly.

The gods looked at each other and showed understanding and meaningful smiles.

Seeing their despicable behavior, Mandrake was a little unsure.

But after carefully recalling the death process of each monitor, it once again firmed up its thoughts and said: "The 50 monitors only encountered two disasters, one was the emperor and one was Mandrake Dax.

Back then on Earth 51, there was no way anyone would fake their own death.

Because he faked his death at the time and would return to the super-time flow monitor satellite later, there was no need to hide all the time.

The Watcher killed by Dax is even less likely to be disguised.

‘Mandrak’ swallowed up all their essence and blood, how can it be disguised?”

"Then who is the last watcher?" Zeus asked puzzled.

"Call the three goddesses of destiny, they are the only ones who can find the answer now." Mandrake said.

This is also the reason why it came to look for the gods right after it killed Jiluo Vala.

Zeus shook his head and said: "The three of them are avoiding the backlash of fate in the palace of fate. They cannot leave. If they leave, their lives will be in danger.

Moreover, it is useless for them to come.

While it's uncertain who the final Watcher was, he was always a Watcher.

The fate of the monitor cannot be pried into.

Not to mention whether it is possible or not, they cannot afford the price. "

"They even dare to curse the Witch Harley, but are they still afraid of the Monitor?" Mandrake said.

"It's not a matter of fear or not. After tempting fate to impose a curse on Witch Harley, they have already suffered the backlash.

It's just the last straw that will crush them completely.

The backlash that will be suffered by peeking into the fate of the monitor is countless times heavier than a straw. "Zeus explained.

Mandrake frowned, "Besides the three goddesses, which other god is proficient in divination?"

Zeus shook his head and said: "Most diviners only peek into the future from the river of time. Such predictions often do not involve fate and cannot be guaranteed to be 100% effective for mortals.

Everything can change, only fate is eternal.

What is recorded in the "Book of Destiny" will definitely become a reality.

Lord Solomon, didn’t Superman just open the ‘Book of All Souls’ in the void?

That book is the master database of the multiverse, and it must contain information about the 'Last Monitor'. "

"You also said that the book is in the void. Without the approval of the main monitor, who can see which book?" Mandrake said.

"Sir Solomon, even if there is one watcher left, it will not threaten you. You have killed so many watchers." Susano'o said.

Mandrake shook his head and said: "You don't understand, I didn't kill, I only killed Ji Luo Vala.

The higher the authority in the multiverse, the greater the constraints on origin.

The constraints of the new gods are greater than those of the old gods, and the constraints of the monitors far exceed those of the new gods.

Darkseid needs to use trickery to break the New God's taboo on parricide, and the Watchers kill each other and receive even more severe punishments.

So I pushed Dax to the front and let him do all the dirty work, taking on all the sin and the curse.

If Ji Luo is the last monitor, and I kill her, all the power of the monitor will be concentrated on me, because there is no one to spare me.

But she is not the last watcher.

There is also a watcher who has not violated the taboo and is hiding somewhere.

After killing Ji Luo, I lost my rights as a monitor.

My "innocent body" was favored by "Origin" more than me who was stained with heavenly blood and killed my own people, so the supervisor's authority began to be concentrated on him. "

"So, we may face an enemy of 'Marnou' level"

All the gods looked extremely ugly.

One of the reasons why they took refuge in "Marnou" was because he had the official status of "Monitor".

No matter whether he wins or loses, at least he will not be disliked by "Origin" - even if he is guilty, the monitor will bear it.

Now that "Mar Nou" has become the deposed prince, the gods will probably be liquidated by the "new king", not to mention the power of the dragon.

The three god-king brothers of Olympus first exchanged a vague look, and then Poseidon, the god of the sea, tried to say: "Sir Solomon, are you Mandrake now? How is your strength compared to the monitor?"

Mandrake took a deep look at him and said: "I swallowed Dax's blood essence, and I am a 'half-Mandrake'. I did not trigger Taixu's 'Absolute Balance of Good and Evil' mechanism, but my strength is better than that of Dax." Kesdu is strong.

In the entire multiverse, no one is my opponent. "

Zeus's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "That's good. Without authority, you can't suppress others with power, so you can suppress them with strength.

Witch Harley must die.

She took away most of Darkseid's life before she died. What could the 'Last Watcher' do without help? "

"I'm afraid that the monitor will join forces with the Witch Harley." Shiva said worriedly.

Zeus said: "Witch Harley doesn't know the existence of the 'Last Monitor' at all. She is still waiting for Jirovara to summon her to go to the Blood Realm to form the 'Superman Legion'.

Therefore, the only choice is for the last monitor to find Witch Harley.

We keep an eye on the main universe and wait for the last watcher to fall into the trap. "

Susano'o looked at Mandrake and smiled: "Witch Harley has made a lot of noise in the Blood Realm these days, and we have been worried that her 'Superman Army' will become another big variable.

Well now, Lord Solomon killed Ji Luo and destroyed the Qiongji. The 'Superman Legion' is gone. "

Mandrake said strangely: "I didn't destroy the Dome, I just accelerated it to hit the Earth in the main universe."

Zeus frowned and said: "I'm afraid it will be counterproductive. Witch Harley will definitely be able to sense the crisis and then intervene to stop it. In the end, the Dome will belong to her."

Mandrake nodded and said, "I know, I did it on purpose."

The gods looked confused.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, laughed and said: "What a trick to lure the snake out of its hole! Lord Solomon wants to use the Dome to attract the last monitor to show up, right?"

As long as the monitor has a sense of responsibility, he will immediately jump out to stop the mothership when it hits the main universe.

Not to stop it would be dereliction of duty. Qiongji belongs to the monitor, and he is the only monitor now! "

Mandrake glanced at him, nodded slightly and said: "Unfortunately, it failed only half of the time. The mothership was unexpectedly stopped by a superman before it approached the main universe."

"How come there is a Superman? What a coincidence?"

"It's a coincidence, but it's not a coincidence. That Superman was one of the targets recruited by the Witch Harley. At this time, there are thousands of similar 'Supermen' wandering around in the Blood Realm." Mandrake said.

"I guess you have other arrangements." Zeus smiled.

A strange smile appeared on Mandrake's dry face, "I erased the mission date and monitoring data of the Dome.

On the surface it was to delete the process of me killing Ji Luo, but in fact it was to cover up the fact that the underlying logic of the mastermind had been rewritten by me.

If the last monitor wants to find the Witch Harley, he must go to the Dome first.

After all, Qiongji is right at the gate of the main universe.

Until then hey hey hey! "

Horus gave a thumbs up and praised: "Brilliant, you are indeed the real Lord Mar Nou!"

Mandrake waved to the void, and a triangular blood domain mothership silently approached.

"Everyone, this is the 'Midnight Echo'. I will hand over part of the control to you, and you will be responsible for tracking and monitoring everything that happens on the Dome."

"Do you have anything else to do?" Zeus asked.

"You guys wait and wait while I take the initiative to see if I can find the last monitor in the super-time flow." Mandrake said.

After Mandrake left the Blood Realm and entered the hypertime stream, the gods boarded the Midnight Echo.

But in another part of the blood realm, the three god kings of the Olympus god system quietly gathered together.

Not all the god-kings and main gods who met Mandrake were their true bodies.

Some seem to be the original body, but in fact they are still clones with powers similar to the original body.

Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades of the Olympian pantheon were not even together.

They each have their own paths and are scattered all over the place. Even the brothers don't know where the other's true identity is.

At this time, the three of them came to the same place in perfect agreement.

"The last change in the monitor must come from the arrangements of Origin. Dax, it's Solomon who has lost the favor of Origin and is likely to fail. We can't follow it all the way to darkness." Zeus said indifferently. .

"It says that it is stronger than the real Mandrake and is invincible." Hades said.

"Do you believe it?" Zeus asked.

Hades shrugged, "I don't believe it, but I'm looking forward to its performance."

Zeus said solemnly: "We can fail and be enemies with anyone, but we will not disobey the Origin. This is the bottom line."

Poseidon made a gesture of wiping his neck with his knife, "Killing Solomon should please the Origin and the new monitor."

Thunder and murderous intent flashed in Zeus's eyes at the same time.

"When Solomon shows obvious signs of failure, we must take action in time and stop the loss in time. It is only Mandrake's strength."

"What are you afraid of? The real Mandrake must be beyond the God King, perhaps close to the 'origin'.

But Solomon is just a Xibei guy, at most the ‘peak and limit of the God King’.

We even sealed Hecate back then, why are we still afraid of it? Hades sneered.

Poseidon said solemnly: "Although Hecate is an 'Origin' level existence, her character is weak and stupid, and she is completely incomparable to the cunning and cunning Solomon.

Wisdom is also a part of strength, and it is still a very important part. "

Zeus said: "We also have wisdom, we are not reckless, we only add insult to injury and beat the head of the drowned dog.

Solomon can only have two endings, either victory and winning everything.

If so, we are certainly on its side.

If it fails, it will definitely be after the Witch Harley is killed and Darkseid is half disabled.

After all, Solomon, who planned to become a fisherman, would not take action until then.

As long as the winners are not Witch Harley and Darkseid, no matter who defeats Darkseid, we can send smiles and blessings and become his helpers and partners. "

"That makes sense!" Hades gave him a thumbs up sincerely.

"Would you like to call some other 'old guys'?" Poseidon asked.

Zeus shook his head and said: "Except for Odin, I neither despise nor fully trust the other idiots."

"I didn't expect you and Odin to have such a good relationship." Hades said in surprise.

"How are we three brothers on?" Zeus chuckled.

Hades and Poseidon turned their heads, looking a little embarrassed.

"We can trust each other, and it is a relationship of interest where both prosper and suffer. I trust Odin because he is smart enough to understand that even the gods working together may not be able to overcome the debt crisis. Before Hecate was terminated, the old gods There must be no internal strife, internal strife is tantamount to suicide." Zeus said.

"It's useless even if you trust Odin. He has declined, given up struggling, and completely laid down." Hades said.

"Alas, even a lifetime hero cannot defeat Ragnarok. The biggest crisis for the old gods is the 'magic debt'. All the plans now are just to gain leverage for that moment." Zeus sighed.

2023, the first day of the new year.

As "The Strongest Trainee" plays, the equation signal wave spreads in the main universe.

"Origin, Darkseid actually used the equation in this way!" Shiva exclaimed on the bridge of the Midnight Echo.

Zeus looked solemn and said: "Did you hear it? Deep in the origin of the multiverse, there is a voice echoing - all life will belong to Darkseid."

"Is there any?" Susano'o said blankly: "I can only feel that Limbo Prison is in chaos, and the restart is about to begin, nearly a month earlier than we expected."

His father, Izanagi, said in horror: "His Majesty Zeus is right, Darkseid's voice echoes in the depths of the origin - all life will belong to Darkseid, but I don't understand what this means."

Atum, the King of the Egyptian God System, said: "I still heard voices in the mother river of time, 'All life will belong to Darkseid, the equation proves'.

I feel like my laws of time are spinning out of control.

The authority represented by the law is disappearing rapidly, and the law itself is also getting out of my control and seems to be leaving me.

This is so strange. Although I am not the orthodox God of Time, I condensed this law and it belongs to me! "

At first, only the God-King could sense the changes in the depths of the origin. Gradually, the more powerful Lord God also began to intuitively feel the changes in the multiverse.

"I have inexplicably lost 80% of my authority as the God King." Hades said gloomily.

"I'm the same. The Origin is being assimilated by Darkseid. He's not targeting us, he's targeting everyone. His purpose is to swallow the entire multiverse. It's so crazy." Shiva trembled.

"What's even crazier is that he is succeeding. My law of time has been completely lost. There is only one voice and consciousness left in the mother river of time. Darkseid's voice, Darkseid's will, just like" Atum thought Thinking, he said with a solemn expression: "It's like the river of time changed from the aorta of the multiverse to the aorta of Darkseid.

I think I understand what 'all life belongs to Darkseid' means.

He wants to 'eat' the entire multiverse and become the only 'life' above Taixu. "


A beam of red light was transmitted to the bridge, and Mandrake, whom he had not seen for a long time, appeared in front of the gods with an ugly expression.

"Darkseid is using equations to argue that he is everything, and we must stop him, otherwise we will also become part of him." It said directly.

"I understand that he must have used the power of the equation, but how did the equation do it?" Zeus asked puzzled.

Mandrake hesitated and said: "I just came back from the Hypertime Stream Satellite, and I don't know much about it.

Have you ever used your consciousness to connect to the ‘infected person’s thinking cluster’?

Witch Harley seems to have peeked into Darkseid's secrets in this way. "

"We are not 'Thick-Skinned Harley', how dare we learn from her?" Shiva shook his head.

"Witch Harley did try it once. Her brains exploded. It looked very scary." Zeus said.

Mandrake immediately asked, "What did she say?"

"She didn't explain in detail. She just said that Darkseid was using equations to prove that 'all life belongs to Darkseid.' When he completes the proof, reality will be rewritten to this conclusion." Zeus said.

"That's it?" Mandrake was very dissatisfied.

Zeus said helplessly: "I can only peek into Thunder Shazam's mind. If she doesn't explain Thunder Shazam, I won't know."

"Sir Solomon, what step has Darkseid achieved?" Izanagi asked.

"He now controls at least 30% of the 'source' of the multiverse. I came back from the super-time flow, just because the time mother river already belongs to him, and now he is assimilating the 'fifth dimension'." Mandrake said.

"How could the origin of the universe allow this to happen?" Shiva said excitedly.

"Of course the origin does not allow it. It struggled and resisted, but it could only cry helplessly under Darkseid."

"Are equations so powerful? I thought they just represented the 'source' of life's emotional consciousness." Zeus murmured.

Mandrake said helplessly: "The problem is that our multiverse was born from an idea full of thoughts and emotions of 'good and evil, good and evil'."

Poseidon said: "I have also heard this statement, but isn't it a metaphor? The vast multiverse is just an illusory idea?"

"Have you ever been to the illusionary realm at the bottom of Limbo?" Mandrake asked.

Poseidon nodded, "A very thrilling journey."

"Why is it called Taixu Illusion?" Mandrake asked again.

"There is too much emptiness in Taixu, and our thoughts overflow uncontrollably, forming a large illusion." Poseidon said.

"So what are you still wondering about? The foundation of the multiverse is Taixu. The multiverse on Taixu is fundamentally different from the illusion created by your thinking, but there is no essential difference.

As long as you can connect the seven basic forces, you can create a real universe. "

The gods looked shocked, "We have never thought about this before, but if we think about it carefully, it seems to make sense."

"That being said, creation seems to be very simple." Susano'o murmured.

"Simple?" Mandrake gave him a look of extreme contempt, "How many basic powers have you seen in your life, and how many have you mastered now?

What is the force that connects them, you know?

How big and powerful is the ‘idea’ that gave birth to the multiverse? What are its characteristics and how it was created? How much do you know? "

Susanoo's expression was nonchalant and he was silent.

Zeus said: "Often things that are easy to say are more difficult to do. However, creation is too far away from us, so let's talk about it now."

"Now." Mandrake's expression changed. "The plan remains unchanged. We continue to wait until both Witch Harley and Darkseid are harmed."

"Will they really both lose?" Shiva hesitated: "At present, the prophecy that Witch Harley will die at the hands of Darkseid will most likely come true, but Darkseid..."

"Alas, Darkseid is still too strong." Poseidon sighed: "Previously, Apokolips was destroyed and the Dark Gods were almost wiped out. We were also worried that Darkseid was too weak and planned to use the doomsday virus to destroy the earth's civilization. , to find balance.

In the end, both Witch Harley and Darkseid became desperate lone wolves.

Now that I think about it, luckily the doomsday virus plan didn't succeed. "

Mandrake said: "If the doomsday virus is really sent to the main universe, the current situation will be more beneficial to Witch Harley and us."

Poseidon was stunned and asked doubtfully: "Everyone on earth is dead, how can it be beneficial?"

"Why do you think Darkseid spreads equation information waves in the main universe?" Mandrake asked rhetorically.

"Revenge and weaken the earth's strength?"

Mandrake shook his head and said: "For profit, for the rich emotional elements on the earth.

The emotional component is a core component of the equation, and with enough of it, the equation can be extended indefinitely.

I don’t know how Darkseid uses the equations, but I know that to achieve the goal of “all life belongs to Darkseid”, he needs a long equation. "

"When Magical Mary failed, we proposed to you and Dax to re-develop the doomsday virus and throw it directly into the main universe, but he refused." Poseidon said.

"Monitors must not do anything to throw away viruses directly, but why don't you do it?"

"We can't do it directly, or we will be punished by God. Dax is not afraid of God's punishment. Isn't he the one who takes the blame?" Poseidon said with an awkward smile.

"Dax is just stupider than me, it doesn't mean he is really stupid." Mandrake said coldly.

Shiva said: "Witch Harley already knows about the doomsday virus that will destroy the world, and she has already taken precautions.

Even if we are not afraid of backlash and forcefully poison the main universe, we will not succeed. "

"Hey, everyone, look, the Dome has sent a message that Witch Harley has brought Superman to find the 'Legion of Superman'." Zeus suddenly pointed at the screen and shouted.

"The image cannot be seen clearly, and the sound cannot be heard. Witch Harley is as cautious as ever, always turning on the 'God comes to earth' that disrupts the audio and visual." Hades frowned.

"It shouldn't be that God came down to earth. God came down to earth just to block the prying eyes of high-dimensional perspectives and timelines. Now she should be using superb space skills." Zeus said.

"Her spatial skills are very good, and she can easily block the camera surveillance." Shiva nodded: "Don't worry, after she leaves, we can analyze her plan from Superman's dialogue."

"By the way, when did she practice the law of space? Why did she suddenly become so powerful?" Susano no Ming asked in confusion.

"No one knows how many cards she has. Witch Harley has left. Ah, the Miracle Machine, and this thing?! Is it real or fake?"

The gods were shocked.

Mandrake was also shocked. After being shocked, he quickly showed a look of realization, "It turns out that the 'response' of the origin of the universe to Darkseid is here."

"Hahaha, Witch Harley finally acted like a fool and sent the Miracle Machine to us.

Look, this is the manufacturing blueprint for a miracle machine, we can build it too! Horus pointed at the design on the screen and laughed.

Zeus frowned and said: "If the miracle machine is really so powerful, then it will definitely not be mass-produced."

"Yes, there should be some restrictions. Why aren't these supermen chatting? They are all busy building parts. Aren't they curious?"

They waited for a few more minutes, but Superman was as bored as a gourd. He just worked hard and had no intention of discussing the secret of the Miracle Machine.

"It's normal for them to be like this. The earth is in disaster. 'Superman' is upright and must be anxious. How can he have the time to chat? Even if he has doubts in his heart, he will finish the work at hand first." Poseidon said.

"Haha, look!" Shiva, who was controlling another screen, suddenly laughed and said, "Witch Harley and Darkseid are fighting again."

The picture on the screen was not very clear, and one could only vaguely see Harley leading the Justice League to the outskirts, and they were having a big melee with Apokolips.

"I can't see clearly. Can you launch a space-time satellite into the main universe?" Izanagi frowned.

"There are detectors on the Midnight Echo, but our actions will alert both Darkseid and the Justice League.

It would be bad if the fisherman appeared too early and caused the clams and cranes to stop. "Mandrake said.

Zeus smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, although Magic Mary is out of control, I still have two perspectives: Captain Magic and Freddy Magic.

They were right there, and the picture was very clear, as if they were actually there. I share it with you. "

"Wow, it even has spiritual perception. It's like I use my own spiritual power to sense Darkseid's breath. It's so exciting." Shiva exclaimed in surprise.

Zeus said half proudly and half regretfully: "If Witch Harley had not intervened, I could even control Billy Bassent's consciousness.

Let him turn his head to look for whatever he wants to see, instead of just passively receiving his perception like now. "

"What did Witch Harley do?"

"She interrupted Shazam and I's emotional transformation of Billy, which was the cutting and reconstruction of the illusionary being - Falk, Amozo actually broke free of the equation. Is it so strong?"

"It should be that Darkseid doesn't want to waste time on it anymore. You see. Origin, I didn't expect Jimmy Olsen to--hey, why is there no signal?"


The Heavenly Blood Domain is boiling, and the Midnight Echo in the Blood Domain is shaking violently like chaff.

"What happened?" The gods were shocked and confused. "What did Darkseid do? Why do I have the illusion that the multiverse is collapsing?"

Mandrake said solemnly: "It's not an illusion. The entire river of time and a small half of the fifth and fourth dimensions have become a part of Darkseid and become one of his hands. Now he is beating with this hand. Witch Harley.”

"Hey, the signal has been restored again. Billy has regained consciousness. The origin is above, and Witch Harley is screaming."

"Not only was she screaming, she was being turned into ashes and her soul was scattered, ha, ha ha ha!" Susano'o laughed excitedly.

After laughing for a while, He suddenly stopped.

Because no one laughs except Him.

The gods fell silent with worried expressions.

"Darkseid is too strong, too strong." Zeus spoke in a difficult voice, with regret and chagrin on his face, "Witch Harley didn't catch a single move, and the other heroes couldn't even block the aftermath. Maybe, The Witch Harley should not have been cursed in the first place, but Darkseid."

"How can one person be so strong? It's unreasonable!" Shiva said with a pale face.

"Now Darkseid is the multiverse, using the power of the universe to crush the creatures in the universe, it's simply——"

"Boom - click -"

The Midnight Echo suddenly shook violently again, and the gods seemed to hear the sound of a glass bottle being crushed instantly by the wheels of a car. It was very rapid, very sudden, and very violent.

Then, they feel themselves "sinking."

Not only did they feel it, they also saw that they were getting closer and closer to the material world and were about to fall from the blood realm into the main universe.

"What happened? Why is the universe collapsing? The Heavenly Blood Domain has collapsed, like a real sea of ​​blood, flowing like a waterfall into the material universe." Susano'o screamed in horror.

"The barrier between dimensions is broken, and all dimensions are collapsing in one place, just like a three-story building that lost its load-bearing columns and collapsed." Atum said with a solemn expression.

"The origin is above, me, I heard the sea of ​​law wailing, and the sea of ​​law also split." Shiva said in horror.

"Ha, haha, hahahaha~~~"

After Zeus' expression changed several times, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Ha, haha, hahahaha~~~"

Poseidon and Hades followed closely behind, their faces beaming with joy.

"Hahahaha!" Mandrake also laughed uncontrollably.

"Why are you laughing?" The gods were confused.

"Darkseid is dead! Hahahaha, he and Witch Harley died together. The multiverse belongs to us!"

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