I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1619 Time Trap Exposed

A few days after arriving in the 31st century, Dachao had three very deep impressions of this future world.

First of all, the history of the 31st century has changed.

When he first came to the 31st century, the golden nuclear bomb Harley Quinn did not leave a deep imprint on history or reality, but now "Paradise Mountain Churches" can be seen everywhere in the universe.

The Heavenly Mountain Sect is the Christian sect founded by Harley herself after the Little Black Bean incident.

Unlike other branches of Christianity, the Paradise Mountain Church uses the "New Bible" written by "Saint Harry".

Secondly, believers in Paradise Mountain do not need to worship the Virgin Mary and the Son, but they must worship God and the God of War in Heaven.

Well, in the 31st century, Harley became a "prophet" and a "righteous man of God."

The sect she created became mainstream, and the "New Bible" she wrote spread throughout the universe.

Dachao even took two minutes of free time to go to Gotham to take a look at the "New Jerusalem".

Well, it's Harley in the Gotham Cathedral of the 21st century.

In the eyes of cosmic Christians, it is the Jerusalem of this era.

There can be up to 20% alien races on the earth in the 31st century, and this New Jerusalem has played a huge role.

Almost all aliens who have immigrated to Earth are Christians of the Heavenly Mountain sect.

One of the purposes of coming to Earth is to make a pilgrimage.

Of course, there are also some assholes who use the name of faith to defraud the earth of green cards.

"New Jerusalem" does have a holy relic that even Da Chao cannot deny: the Holy Sound Tower that suppressed the fallen angel Terry.

The story of the angel Terry and the succubus Ellie fell in love and gave birth to a forbidden son. Even in the 21st century, it is a major Christian event worthy of being included in the New Bible.

In the 31st century, alien Christians also know the story of Terry and Ellie.

In addition, the Holy Sound Tower has been opened in the 31st century, and the angel Terry seems to have regained his freedom.

At least that’s what Christians today think.

They say God redeemed Terry and Ellie.

In fact, Brainiac 5 doesn't know Terry's true ending, but Da Chao saw with his own eyes that the Holy Sound Tower did open.

The towers, mottled by time, have become the "wailing wall" in the eyes of Christians in this era.

Unlike the 21st century where people often see miracles, in this era except the Holy Sound Tower, there are no other confirmed Christian holy places.

Oh, that’s not right. The Holy Sound Tower is only one of the eight holy relics of the 31st century. There are also seven ancient buildings or ruins related to the King of Martial Gods.

"The history of King Wushen is fake, don't you know?" Dachao was puzzled.

“The historical relics are real, the tourism fees earned every year are real money, and the locals insist that the history is real.

King Wushen’s archeology has also become the earth’s strongest cultural export to alien civilizations.

The people and the government worked together, and the pastors of the Tiantian Mountain Church vigorously promoted it, and the fake things became true.

Anyway, I don’t even believe in God, so it doesn’t matter if it’s true or false. "Brainiac 5 shrugged and said indifferently.

The second thing that impressed Superhero was the strength of the Legion of Super Heroes.

Not only are they very powerful themselves, with more than five hundred in number, each possessing S-level or above strength, their methods are also very astonishing.

The Justice League in the 21st century only wants to form the "Superman Legion", and the Superhero Legion in the 31st century summons hundreds of superhero legions from parallel universes through the cosmic treadmill.

The 31st century when Dachao arrived is the 31st century of the main universe.

There are countless parallel universes in the main universe, and there are also future 31st centuries in the parallel universes. There are also legions of superheroes in those 31st centuries.

"Such a large-scale crossing will cause much damage to the origin wall!"

Seeing thousands of otherworldly superheroes entering the 31st century, Dachao was terrified, fearing that the Origin Wall would collapse and the universe be destroyed in the next moment.

Brainiac 5 sighed: "Teacher Harley once said that our 31st century is an illusory world. Although we will not admit this statement, it is undeniable that the 31st century exists in the river of time and is not a purely material universe.

Val has personally experienced the destruction and restart of the 31st century. He has also shattered the void with his fist, shattering the essence of the world.

Your universe in the 21st century is within the Ten Thousand Heavenly Array, and when it travels through it, the frequency difference in the universe will be reduced.

The 31st century is in the super-time flow, and there is no Heavenly Blood Domain or Origin Wall around it. It's not that there is none at all, but they are just projections. "

Dachao's third deep impression on the 31st century is the dream girl's prophetic ability.

She was much more reliable than Madam Xanadu, and she predicted everything correctly without any backlash.

At this moment, in the 31st century, the earth.

A star war that shook the universe broke out in orbit outside the earth.

After freeing thousands of cosmic supervillains from galactic prisons, Superboy took some time to build a new "Monitor Suit" using the equipment of the era.

The defense is a bit weaker than the original armor, but its main function of replenishing yellow solar energy for him every moment is still there, which is enough.

Superman, who wears armor and possesses supernatural powers, leads more than 5,000 cosmic villains to Earth.

More than 50,000 superhero legions from hundreds of parallel universes have been waiting for a long time.

As soon as the two sides met, the most brutal and cruel super melee broke out.

Although Superboy is invincible and can slaughter dozens of Legion heroes by himself, quantity can really change quality.

In particular, super villains have a very important characteristic: they bully the weak and fear the strong, and are especially afraid of death.

The Legion of Super-Heroes also adheres to the concept of absolute justice of not killing people, but in a war of this scale, it is simply impossible not to kill people.

Even if they don't want to kill at first, they will lose control of their strength and emotion when the supervillain laughs and kills their comrades.

Once blood is seen, the scale cannot be controlled at all.

Once there are large-scale casualties, the super villains will be unable to control themselves, and desertions will occur on a larger scale.

It just so happens that superheroes also have a very important characteristic: the more serious the casualties, the braver they fight, and they are especially not afraid of death.

Soon Superboy is alone and besieged by tens of thousands of heroes.

"Don't kill him, he just lost his way, we should rescue him." Dachao shouted from the outside of the battlefield.

"Save Nima Gobi!" a grumpy alien hero yelled. "He tore off Elastiboy's neck, crushed Iceman's head, and burned Shadow Girl to ashes. You want to redeem this bastard?" , who will redeem them?"

They were merciless, first smashing Superboy's counterfeit anti-surveillance armor, and then the magical hero "White Witch" suppressed the divine power in his body. Then Superboy was pushed to the ground, with tattered clothes, messy hair, a bruised nose and face, and screams. .

It was at this time that a sudden change occurred.

"You can't kill him!"

"Boom!" Time and space collapsed, and a huge hand stretched out from the river of time, clenched into a fist and smashed into the heroes who were beating Superboy.

"The mastermind hiding in the river of time has appeared." Brainiac 5 said with a solemn expression, "Super, it's up to you."

"Whoosh -" Dachao turned into a beam of red light and blocked it under his fist as big as a locomotive.


The shock wave caused by the collision between Da Chao and the giant fist directly blew away the surrounding time and space. Da Chao and the nearby heroes were swept into the river of time by the time and space storm.

"This" Dachao was stunned, "The time and space in the 31st century is so fragile?"

——No wonder Val can "punch through the void", and no wonder Harley said that the 31st century looks real, but is actually a mirage on the moist river.

Shaking his head, Da Chao quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and stabilized his body in the River of Time. He also rescued several legion heroes who were struggling in panic and helped them open the time field belt - equivalent to the space suit in the River of Time. .

Then they saw a mysterious man wrapped in an eggplant red tattered robe.

There is also a time lens next to the mysterious man, in which you can see the "Super Legion War" taking place on the earth.

Apparently, the mysterious man had been watching Superboy fight.

"You sent Superboy to the 31st century?" Superboy looked at him in surprise, "You seem to be a time trapper, with your appearance and strength."

He has never seen a time trapper, but he has heard Hal tell about the secrets of the time mother river.

Well, Hal himself couldn't bear to look back and didn't want to think about the past. It was Harley who forced him to talk and they listened.

Not only did Harley listen, but she also read some of Hal's memories and shared his insights about the river of time, while they watched from the sidelines.

"Knowing that I am a time trapper, you can die in peace."

Time Trap looked at Da Chao and said bitterly: "Especially you, every time I see you, I can't help but feel sick.

Well now, I have gained the great power to control time and can erase your existence like dust on the table. "

Time Trap raised his right hand, and the powerful power of time exploded, forming a piece of time lightning that engulfed Dachao.

"Ahhhh~~~" Dachao screamed sadly, but it didn't disintegrate into dust as the time trapper imagined.

"You——" Time Trap was startled at first, then suddenly realized, and shouted angrily: "Damn it, I forgot that this trick is useless against Superman."

Dachao didn't understand what he meant by this, so he just gritted his teeth and charged towards the time trapper.


Taking advantage of the moment when the trapper was distracted, he came in front of him and hit him on the head with a fist as big as a clay pot without sparing any effort.

"Bang - sting -"

——This time trap is tougher than the time trap described by Hal Jordan.

This was Dachao's first thought.

Hal once said that the time trapper's body is extremely fragile. As long as you use your willpower to resist time magic, it is not difficult to defeat it. The difficulty is that the time trapper has many time clones.

But when Da Chao punched out, his iron fist actually hurt a little, as if he was punching...

Large suprapupil constriction.

After receiving an iron fist from him, the time trapper screamed and flew several hundred meters upside down, with a gap torn open in the aubergine-red cloak wrapped around him.

With a sudden glance, Dachao saw an incredibly familiar face.

"Who are you?" He swooped over again, pulling at the cloak with both hands, "Stab it~~~"

The cloak was completely torn, revealing a familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

His hair is gray, his face is old and downcast, his tough Chinese character face is covered with beard, and his beard is also stained with spots of gray. His beard and hair have not been taken care of for a long time, and are messy and somewhat dirty.

On his bare chest under his cloak was a large red "S" burn scar.

"My dear, are you Superboy?!" Dachao was shocked.

"No wonder."

While shocked, he also solved two doubts in his mind: why this time trapper was so hard, and why the time trapper said angrily, "Forget that this trick is useless against Superman."

He is a "Superman" and of course he is tough enough.

Superboy's ability to become a Timetrap must have taken away Timetrap's power, not that he was born a Timetrap.

In order to take away the power of the Time Trap like Hal Jordan did, the Time Trap must first be defeated.

In the battle between Superboy and Time Trap, Time Trap must have used various time skills on him.

If the time skill is effective on Superboy Prime, the Time Trap will not be killed.

Since time skills are useless against Superboy-Prime, don't even think about using the same tricks against Superboy when Superboy-Prime becomes a Time Trap.

"Yes, it's me. I'm not dead. Witch Harley wants to kill me. I'm dreaming!"

After his identity was discovered, the Time Trap Old Superman no longer kept secret.

“Not only did I not die, I accidentally fell into the mother river of time and drifted to the end of the river of time.

That idiot from Time Trap even shouted for beating and killing, saying that he wanted to get rid of me, the alien who trespassed on the land at the end of time.

As a result, he was beaten to death by me. Hahaha, his power of time belongs to me. "

Lao Chao, the one who was trapped, looked up to the sky and laughed proudly.

"Since you have become a time trapper, what happened to Superboy in the 31st century?" Dachao asked confused.

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