I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1617 President Superman (Happy New Year, wishing my friends a happy New Year)

When Superman leaned down, kissed Lois's cold and pale lips, and sent the essence of the Heavenly Blood into it, the power of the Heavenly Blood spread in Louise's body.

The red light wrapped around her body forming a red cocoon.

Dachao turned his head anxiously, and was about to ask Harry if it was effective, when the red light suddenly disappeared, revealing Louise with a rosy complexion and a good body from the broken cocoon.

She opened her confused eyes the next second.

Big super ecstasy.

"My dear, Louise, you - how do you feel?" He suppressed his excitement and asked anxiously.

"Clark?" Louise looked at him with misty eyes and murmured: "I just had a terrible, strange nightmare.

I went to a very far away place. The surrounding area was dark, eerie and cold. I seemed to have seen a lot of scary things that I can’t remember clearly. "

"You didn't dream. You died, and your soul went to the world of the dead, or simply fell into hell." Harry looked at her up and down in surprise, and reached out to touch her chest and belly, and said in a loud voice: "Don't consider the blood of heaven. The side effects of the essence, it is truly a life-saving medicine that represents the essence of life.”

Even she was shocked, and General Lane and others beside her were naturally even more shocked and confused.

"What happened? Louise was still lying on the morgue just now, how come she was resurrected in the blink of an eye? Harley, you were the one who resurrected her?" General Lane shouted in confusion.

"What, am I dead?" Louise turned over and stood up, moving briskly and shouting loudly.

It took more than half an hour for Dachao to tell the story of Taixu's trip in detail.

"Ji Luo really didn't lie. The main universe only passed for a moment, and I didn't notice your departure, and you suddenly came back." Diana said in surprise.

"That thinking superman sounds very powerful. If used to deal with Darkseid, it will be very effective." Neptune said regretfully.

Harley shook her head and said: "Thinking Superman is Taixu's antibody against Mandrake, and Darkseid is not the virus in Taixu's eyes. It is very likely that Thinking Superman cannot have any effect on Darkseid at all."

There is no doubt that the strength of Superman's thinking exceeds the cognition of mortals. Even Harley herself does not know how to evaluate it, nor its essence and principles.

But it is a highly targeted weapon. It is obviously impossible to rely on it to solve all problems, just like expecting a vaccine to solve all viruses.

Da Chao also said: "Thinking Superman is a continuation of Taixu's will. Using it to deal with Darkseid may break Taixu's 'neutral characteristics' and cause Taixu's resentment or backlash?"

"What exactly is Taixu?" Dinah asked curiously.

"Taixu is the main monitor and the drawing board for the existence of the multiverse." Da Chao said.

"What does the Master Monitor represent?"

"Does the main monitor represent Taixu's pan-consciousness or subconscious mind? In short, Taixu's thinking is the main monitor." Dachao pondered.

"I still don't quite understand." Dinah frowned.

Da Chao had no choice but to look at Harley and said, "You explain."

Harley said: "Treat Taixu as the earth, and the multiverse is a building built on the earth.

Buildings are man-made structures, not the natural features of the earth.

On the vast earth, there is only one small building in our multiverse.

But the earth is not alone. There are many planets in the endless starry sky beyond the earth, and buildings or bungalows have also been built on those planets.

Together with the buildings on the earth, they constitute the great omnipotent universe.

The earth has Gaia consciousness, and Taixu naturally also has Taixu consciousness, and that consciousness is the main monitor.

The main monitor's duty is only to watch the evolution of the multiverse, without interfering, distinguishing between good and evil, and not accepting the influence of the multiverse.

Alas, the way of heaven is universal, selfless, ruthless and selfless, this is probably what it means.

If something from the multiverse affects it, it generates targeted antibodies to counteract the impact.

Just like Gaia, its presence is very low on weekdays, but it represents the pan-consciousness of the earth.

If human behavior disrupts the balance of nature, natural disasters will occur frequently. "

"You mean, every drawing board that exists in the multiverse has an independent consciousness? I thought Taixu included the entire omnipotent universe." Da Chao said.

Harley shrugged, "Maybe you're right, I'm just expressing my own understanding.

It’s too fictitious and unreal, so let’s focus on more real things, such as, who killed Louise? "

Dachao looked serious and said: "Do you suspect there is a conspiracy here?"

"Do you think this was an accident?" Harley asked.

Dinah took out a tablet and said: "The super villain who raided the Daily Planet is called 'Clayface'. In his normal form, his body is made of earthy yellow mud and is extremely malleable.

It can grow or shrink, and it can also be immune to physical damage.

If he activates camouflage, he can look fake and transform into anyone.

Well, his mud body can even be disguised with clothes and hairstyle, which is more real than illusion.

He is a native of Gotham and is often an enemy of Bateman.

He is stupid and easily instigated. Sometimes he goes to other cities to form gangs with other villains to commit crimes.

In this Daily Planet raid, because Clayface turned into a newspaper reporter, the security guards and other reporters were defenseless.

In addition to Louise, three reporters were killed and 25 other employees were injured.

On the surface, it appears to be an attack on the entire Daily Planet.

But the place where he launched his attack was closest to Louise. We have reason to suspect that his real target is Louise, and the others are just a cover-up. Or, Louise is the main target and the Daily Planet is the secondary target. "

Harley looked at Chao and asked, "Where were you when Louise had an accident?"

"There was a space accident near Pluto."

Harley pondered and said: "You have been keeping an eye on the super villains recently to see if they have formed a secret society again. In addition, Super Villain, please pay attention to monitor Luthor and see what he has been up to these days."

"Could it be the old gods or Darkseid who was causing trouble behind the scenes?" Neptune asked.

"It's possible, but it's the super villain who takes action directly. We can only follow the clues. Otherwise, where can we find Darkseid and the old gods?" Harley said.

"Hey, you clearly warned them that the 'Final Crisis' situation was special and there was no room for compromise with Darkseid. Why didn't they listen?" Dinah said angrily.

"We haven't concluded yet. It's possible that we guessed wrong, or that they couldn't help themselves." Harley said.

After a pause, she continued: "The murder of Louise has also reminded us that the crisis has reached a critical moment. You must pay attention to protecting your family, and more importantly, protect yourself."

"How about letting the family members enter Noah's Ark now?" General Lane suggested: "Hasn't the area of ​​the Order Continent expanded ten times?

A separate area can be set aside to build a 'hero's family community' so that they can live safely and comfortably for a long time. "

"As for the community, you can decide among yourselves to separate it from the United States. As long as I am on Earth, you can find me to enter the Ark at any time." Harley said.

As she said that, she looked at Louise, "Do you want to come in now?"

"I" Louise hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said, "I still have to go to Planet Daily, there is my program at 6:30 tonight."

Harley was speechless.

After returning to Quinn Manor, Harley immediately moved all the people in the manor to "Noah's Ark".

In fact, there were not many people, just the housekeeper Angela and her son Harry, and Gordon's wife and son.

They trusted Harley very much, and after hearing what she said about Louise's murder, they immediately decided to move into the Ark.

But Selena was a little hesitant, "It's okay if I stay in the manor and don't go anywhere else?"

Harley said: "If I am at home, it will definitely be fine, but tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the Monitor will lend me the Blood Territory Mothership, and I will stay in the Blood Territory for a long time to recruit Superman.

You don’t have to worry about poor accommodation.

After being promoted to God King, I devoted part of my mind to studying Naboo's 'Continent of Order', and I gained a deep understanding. The land area expanded ten times, and a small ocean was added. The King of the Sea has moved hundreds of thousands of Atlanteans. Come in.

I have set aside two acres of land by the sea so that you can enjoy the same luxurious life as you do now. "

"Of course it's not about living conditions. I'm glad you can arrange it this way." Selina sighed: "But I'm still Mrs. Wayne. I have to take care of Bruce and help him take care of Wayne Enterprises."

"You stay at home by yourself. Helena goes in first to live with Angela and Harry."


After arranging the people around her, Harley sent another group message to her little brother.

They were the same group of people she hung out with when she was the emperor of Gotham.

Although they are no longer gangsters now, and those people are all successful in their careers, they still follow the past practices of the "Quinn Family" and strictly obey her orders. They also use part of their total income every year to honor "Sister Harley" .

Noah's Ark is open to people all over the world. She just reminded them and did not give any special treatment.

Everyone on Earth has been warned by her.

Of course, if her little brother enters the Ark, he can now carve out a separate community. The per capita land area has not increased much, but the accommodation environment has been greatly improved.

After doing all this, Harley got into the meditation room and began to study the Taixu Sutra.

"Taixu Sutra" is a new "secret book" she is creating after entering Taixu and experiencing Taixu and thinking life.

Especially witnessing the battle between Thinking Superman and Mandrake, Harley gained a lot of insights into her own spiritual practice.

Now she plans to turn her insights into a secret book called "Taixu Jing", which will be mainly used for the practice of fantasy people.

The demonization of nightmares continues to this day, and Harley's illusion training has gone through several stages.

In the first stage, she split her soul into phantom beings representing extreme emotions, numbering more than a hundred.

In the second stage, she got inspiration from the emotional energy of the Seven Lanterns and classified all the phantoms, with each category corresponding to an emotion.

During this process, she also tried to integrate the phantom with the seven existing emotional energy sources.

Before this process was completed, Harley entered the third stage of phantom training, after she obtained the equation.

Regardless of the equation of life or the equation of anti-life, they are all composed of emotional elements.

And the fantasy people represent extreme emotions.

So, can the phantom be connected with the equation?

Before this stage was completed, Harley entered the fourth stage of phantom training, after the trip to Taixu.

Taixu pursues the absolute "neutrality of good and evil", achieving a balance between evil and justice.

When evil increases, justice also increases; when evil is eliminated, justice collapses.

Harry had an awareness that the key to surviving the demonization of nightmares was for the illusory person to reach the "realm of trance".

That is to say, the sum of all illusory beings is "absolutely neutral" just like Taixu.

The problem is that phantoms are all negative emotions. To reach the "Tai Xu Realm", you must have positive emotions to counteract them.

In addition, positive and negative illusions cannot only be in opposition. They are in conflict with each other and also create each other, just like the two yin and yang. Taiyin produces Shaoyang, Shaoyang turns to Taiyang, Taiyang turns to Shaoyin, Shaoyin turns to Taiyin, Taiyin

There must be a "connecting power" suitable for fantasy people, so that their yin and yang can be combined.

Equations seem to be the force that unites opposing phantoms.

Hallie hid at home alone studying "Taixu Jing", she was so excited that she almost forgot herself, completely forgetting the time, until Da Chao came to her door.

"Harry, can you still sit still? It's been three days, three days!" He raised three fingers to her and said very excitedly.

"Uh, you mean Jirovara, she hasn't come to us yet?"

Harley was stunned for a moment before she realized that they had an agreement with the female monitor.

She guessed: "Maybe she was too busy at work or got the time wrong? With her status, there is no need to deceive us."

"Is it possible that she encountered some trouble?" Dachao asked worriedly.

"Now that she is the only monitor, what trouble can there be? Moreover, even if she encounters trouble that cannot be solved, according to her style, she will not mind shamelessly coming to us for help." Harley said.

"We have to do something to determine her condition, right?" Wonder Woman frowned: "Without the Blood Territory Mothership, our Super Legion plan -"

"Buzz buzz" Suddenly, Quin Villa vibrated slightly but at a high frequency like chaff.

The expressions of Harley, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Cassandra, Rachel and others beside them all changed slightly.

"Is there a massive aircraft approaching the manor? It is approaching the earth, and the entire earth is affected. But how is this possible? It is impossible for such a large spacecraft to avoid our early warning radar."

"It's the Blood Territory Mothership, the Dome." Harley frowned.

"Ji Luo is here?" Dachao was delighted and flew out of the door with a "swish".

Harley's movements were not slow, and with a flash of yellow light on her body, she teleported to the sky.

Sure enough, they saw the Dome, which was more than 40 kilometers long. It was like a cigar with a dark red shell. It was only a few kilometers above the ground. Half of Gotham was shrouded in shadow. Everyone in Gotham was alarmed and looked up. Look at the sky.

"It's really the Qiongji. Ji Luo is here to find us. Although we're late, we're finally here." Dachao said excitedly.

However, Harley looked solemn and said, "Be careful, it's not Ji Luo who's coming."

Dachao was stunned when he heard this, and asked in confusion: "Who is it if it's not Ji Luo?"

"Buzz buzz-"

A beam of red light was projected from the belly of the spacecraft, scanning a holographic projection in front of the two people.

A Superman with a blue uniform, a red cape, and a giant red "S" on his chest.

Just a thick-lipped black man.

"I'm sorry for entering your earth rashly and causing quite a disturbance." The black-skinned Superman bent down and bowed to the two of them, "My name is Calvin Ellis. As you can see, I am a 'Superman' '.

I have just become the captain of the Dome spacecraft and have no experience in inter-dimensional flight. I ignored the impact of the spacecraft's gravity on the earth and acted a little recklessly. I apologize again. "

"Hi, hello. I'm Clark Kent. How did you become the captain of the Dome? I know its owner." For some reason, Dachao was a little reserved and unable to let go of this black Chao.

"This is not the place to talk. How about I use the tractor beam to pull you into the spacecraft, and then go to the blood realm to discuss it in detail?" Although the black superman's expression was serious, he was always very polite.

"Harley." Dachao didn't answer immediately, only turned to look at Harley.

He remembered her previous warning.

"Let's go." Harley said simply.


A beam of red light fell, and Harley, Chao, and Wonder Woman, who had just arrived, all disappeared in mid-air.

"Hey, take me one!" Cassandra jumped below.

"Buzz--" The Qiongji spacecraft actually responded to her and pulled her and Rachel in.

Then, under the surprised gazes of Gothamites, the huge cigar-shaped spaceship faded and disappeared like a mirage in the sun.

In the familiar cockpit of the spaceship, Harley met many familiar and unfamiliar people.

Ji Luo was not there, but there were five Superman and one Wonder Woman present.

There's also a bunny superman among them.

Almost like a big muscular rabbit.

If it hadn't been for the fact that it was also wearing a Superman uniform, Harley would have thought that it was an animal man from a magical dimension just like Mr. Red France and Mr. Rabbit in the manor.

They were familiar with Superman and Wonder Woman, but they didn't recognize any of these Superman or Wonder Woman.

Without waiting for the people on earth in the main universe to ask, the black superman Calvin took the initiative to explain: "The Dome Spaceship belongs to the monitor Ji Luo Vala. She has unfortunately passed away."

As he spoke, he pressed a few times on the bridge, "Click, click, click~~~"

The deck cracked, and a crystal coffin rose up from the crack. Inside lay a female monitor wearing a golden crown.

Her body was withered and shriveled, like a dried mummy, her skin was slightly blackened, her mouth opened with a black hole, and her eye sockets also had two sunken holes.

"Oh my god, what happened to Ji Luo - ah, there were two tooth marks on her neck, and her blood was sucked dry." Dachao exclaimed.

"Mandrake!" Harley said with a solemn expression.

"What?" Dachao was shocked again.

The other supermen also looked at her in surprise, "Who is Mandrake?"

"The wound on the neck has the smell of Mandrake. Mandrake is the watcher who drank the essence of heavenly blood."

Harley explained briefly, then turned to look at the black Superman, "Calvin, can you tell me how you got the Dome?"

"He, like me, is a 'Superman Warrior' recruited by you." Rabbit Superman grinned and introduced himself: "I am 'Captain Carrot'. Although I am a rabbit, I am indeed Superman."

"Oh, hello, Captain Carrot." Harley's eyes flashed and asked, "Did you just say that you were recruited by me?"

The black man coughed lightly and said, "We once picked up the drift bottle you threw out.

After arriving in the Blood Domain, I did not find the Archimedes spacecraft.

Fortunately, as you said, after entering the blood realm, 'Superman' can quickly adapt to the environment and open up a high-dimensional perspective.

Instead of getting lost, I accidentally saw this spaceship in thousands of viewing windows. "

A being with a high-dimensional perspective can theoretically see the universe in an instant. A pair of eyes has thousands of perspective windows, just like countless video chat windows open on a screen, and each window corresponds to a parallel universe.

However, ordinary people simply cannot bear so much video information.

Superman has a super brain that can open hundreds or thousands of perspective windows.

The black man continued: "I went straight to the Qiongji, and through communicating with the spacecraft's artificial intelligence, I learned its identity, and got its recognition, becoming the new captain of the Qiongji.

The body of monitor Jiluo Vala was lying near the bridge.

Thinking that many supermen, like me, had entered the Blood Realm but failed to find the Archimedes airship, I began to search in the Blood Realm.

Unfortunately, only Captain Carrot has been found so far.

But the function of the Qiongji is very powerful. It can activate the blood domain teleportation and pull the 'Superman' from another world directly into the mothership.

Considering the final crisis that the multiverse is facing, I felt it was necessary to form a ‘Multiverse Justice League’, so I summoned everyone through blood teleportation. "

Harley took a deep look at the black man.

Dachao frowned and asked: "Calvin, did the spaceship mastermind record how Ji Luo was killed?"

"There is a time record, but no video. After murdering the monitor, the murderer seized control of the Dome.

It first gave an order to the mastermind to erase all flight logs, and then let it enter the main universe, hit your earth and explode at the same time. "

As the black man spoke, he called out those instructions from the source program of the main brain.

"Judging from the time, Ji Luo was killed almost as soon as we left." Da Chao said solemnly: "Mandrake is not dead, it crawled out of the void and is still hanging behind us.

But the Thinking Superman has collapsed and disappeared, so why is Mandrake still alive? "

He looked at Harley suspiciously.

"Maybe it's not the Mandrake we met." Harley guessed.

The black man said: "Is there a second Mandrake? Didn't you just say that all the monitors are dead?"

Harley said: "If the murderer is Mandrake, who was corrupted by Dax, it is impossible for it to gain control of the Dome's spaceship.

To be able to give orders to the Qiongji, that person must have at least part of the supervisory authority. "

"It seems that the second Mandrake is in a very strange state. He has some powers as a monitor and is recognized by the multiverse. No wonder there is no second thinking superman coming." Harley thought thoughtfully.

"I am not a monitor. After simple communication, the spacecraft master accepted me." The black man said.

"How do you communicate?" Dachao asked.

The black man did not hide it, "The mastermind told me that the spacecraft was about to hit the earth and it could not stop. Under its guidance, I destroyed two engines, forced the mothership to stall, and finally gained control through the source code right."

Harley nodded slightly, "The mastermind of the spaceship is not a fool. He can distinguish who is the enemy, who can be trusted, what kind of instructions can be executed, and what kind of instructions are beyond the supervisor's authority.

But knowing this, it still wants to hit the earth.

Then the person who gives the order must have authority over the mastermind, and can only be a monitor. "

In fact, there was another reason she didn't say. The Mandrake aura on Ji Luo's corpse seemed to be a little different from Dax's.

The difference was subtle, and she wasn't sure.

"Calvin, what are your plans next?"

The black Superman looked at her and said frankly: "I am willing to cooperate with you, and I will continue to recruit Superman or other powerful heroes.

When the ultimate crisis threatens the security of the multiverse, we will take action.

Of course, if only your earth is in danger, we are willing to do our best to help. Considering that large-scale travel will cause the origin wall to collapse, you'd better choose the battlefield outside the universe.

However, the current team of heroes is not the 'Superman Legion', but the 'Incarnation of Justice'.

Justice Incarnate will not participate in the war you have begun for dominance of the reboot.

To put it simply, we only fight for justice. If it is a conflict of interests, we will just wait and see. "

Dachao frowned and said: "There is no conflict of interests, we just want to protect the earth from Darkseid's invasion and from being plotted by the gods.

Of course we don't want to put the battlefield on the earth, but the enemy's goal is the earth. "

"When you formed the 'Superman Legion', didn't you plan to have supermen from parallel universes fight in the Blood Realm?" the black man said.

"Yes, Harley is the God King, if Darkseid leads the Apokolips Protoss."

Speaking of this, Dachao suddenly froze for a moment and said hesitantly: "Apocalypse still existed before. If Darkseid invaded the earth, he would definitely start from Apokolips with great momentum.

As the God King, Harley can sense large-scale evil forces approaching the main universe and intercept them in advance.

Now that Apokolips is destroyed, Darkseid may not enter the main universe with great fanfare.

Maybe he has sneaked into the earth. "

"Did you notice when the Qiongji was approaching the main universe?" The black superman looked at Harley suspiciously.

"If you have malicious intentions, you will definitely trigger my god-king sense of crisis." Harley said very confidently.

But she had to admit that she was careless this time.

Because he knew that Apokolips and the New God of Darkness were destroyed and there would be no large-scale invasion, he didn't pay much attention to the situation outside the universe.

However, malice and crisis are also important factors that trigger her spiritual sense.

Just like a martial arts master walking by the river, he will be splashed by water splashes, but if someone throws a poison dart at him, even if the poison dart is faster and more silent than the water splash, it will be difficult to land on him.

She continued: "I have considered the possibility of enemies entering the main universe and opening up a battlefield on Earth.

Traveling through it will cause damage to the Origin Wall, but a dozen supermen shouldn't cause it to collapse. "

Black Super understands, and she has already made plans to let the "Superman Legion" enter the main universe at the critical moment.

"Since the restart only takes place in the fifth world, why does Darkseid have to invade the earth?" he asked puzzledly.

"The Earth has something he wants, maybe it's destiny, maybe it's emotional factors." Harley said.

The black superman asked again: "What is your detailed plan? You can't completely count on the 'Superman Legion'.

With all due respect, your bottle teleportation is too random and cannot guarantee the formation of a superhuman team in a short time. "

Harley explained the defensive counterattack plan.

The black man lowered his head in surprise and saw that she had a flat belly, a slender waist, a slender figure, and proud and straight breasts. But her belly was so big, could it hold the entire earth?

Harley pointed to her mouth and asked, "Would you like to go in and take a look?"

The black superman shook his head and said: "Since you can hide in the stomach dimension, why not hide now? This way the Superman Legion doesn't have to venture into the main universe."

“Alas, our earth has just entered interstellarization, production and technology are booming, and life is changing with each passing day.

If all work suddenly stops and hides in the stomach dimension for a month, not to mention a month, but only a week, the economy will be set back 30 years - well, this is what economists say.

Of course I don't care about the economy, but people care about their quality of life.

Heroes serve civilization but cannot go against the will of the people. "

The black man thought for a while and said: "I will continue to recruit heroes to form the 'Incarnation of Justice'. When Darkseid or someone else invades the earth, the Incarnation of Justice will help you create time to hide in the stomach dimension.

But you can't completely count on us. If there is any trouble, don't hesitate to start "Noah's Ark" immediately.

Try to minimize traversal and try not to add new trauma to the origin wall. "

"Okay." Harley nodded and asked curiously: "Calvin, in real life other than being a hero, what do you do?"

The black man stared at her and asked, "Why do you ask?"

"Haha, I'm just curious."

"I am the president, the president of the United States."

Everyone from Earth was surprised and curious, "Oh my god, Superman is the president?"

"No wonder." Harley looked like it was true.

"What's the wonder?"


Two hours later, Earth Justice Hall.

"In the end, Calvin not only agreed to help us implement the 'Defensive Counterattack Plan', but at this time he also piloted the Qiongji spacecraft, floating in the blood area close to the main universe, to help us monitor dangerous movements around the universe." Dachao said excitedly .

"But isn't the 'Superman Legion' our plan?" Mr. Zhuo Zhuo hesitated.

Now that we have the Dome, the Archimedes airship can come back.

Ivy and several tech heroes have now returned to Earth.

"I don't think Calvin trusts us very much. He obviously got the Dome a long time ago, but he didn't come to us immediately. Instead, he started recruiting heroes to form his own 'Incarnation of Justice.'" Wonder Woman also said.

"Not only does he not trust us, he also turns against us. He is obviously trying to steal Sister Hallie's position as the 'big brother'."

Harley's little apprentice Cassandra said angrily: "If you ask me, if he is a normal, honest and honest Superman, he should take the initiative to dedicate the Dome to Sister Harley and let her take control of the overall situation. , he is only responsible for fighting."

"He's just a 'superman' who was recruited, but now he thinks he's the talker of the alliance. He's not a 'superman'." Dinah nodded.

Dachao touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed and complaining: Do I give you the impression that I am a reckless man who cannot control the overall situation?

"Oh, Calvin is a president!" Harley sighed: "A superman who is willing to participate in politics and successfully ran for president shows his initiative and desire for control.

I even suspect that the arrival of the Blood Domain Mothership in Gotham was not an accident or a reckless move.

The bottle only contained information about Final Crisis and Blood Realm. Calvin should know nothing about us, but from the results of the meeting, it was clear that he knew me very well.

Know that I am the treacherous and untrustworthy ‘Witch Harley’.

The mothership enters the main universe most likely to collect information about us.

After all, electromagnetic waves cannot be received in the blood domain, and it cannot connect to the earth's network. "

Da Chao frowned and said: "Qiongji only stays on the earth for a short time. Even if it can collect information, will it have time to read the information?"

"Unlike your super brain, which is almost rusty, he is the presidential superman. He must use his super intelligence frequently and his brain is very flexible." Harley said.

Dachao said angrily: "How do you know he often uses his super brain?

Is the president connected to a super brain? Our commander-in-chief’s brain is just a mess.”

"Cough cough cough~~" General Lane coughed slightly, interrupting his son-in-law's rude remarks.

——There are several White House representatives present. Now that they are publicly speaking ill of the commander-in-chief, do you still want to have a good time?

"Hey, everyone knows it." Dachao disagreed.

Harley said seriously: "Mr. Zetas is indeed not very smart and even behaves clumsily in diplomatic activities with aliens, but how old is he now?

He has been in politics all his life and has many favors all over the world. Even I have been friends with him for nearly ten years.

Even if his ability is not good, his reputation in the alien media is not good, and the domestic people are full of complaints against him, but he is an old friend of mine, and I will still support him. "

General Lane gave her a complicated look. Although they were all saying that Zetas was stupid, and her words seemed even more rude, he could guarantee that after listening to Superman's words, the commander-in-chief would only be angry. After listening to Harley's words, The commander-in-chief was filled with gratitude and emotion.

"Calvin is younger than you, looks to be in his early thirties, and is still black. The key is that he is full of justice and will not lose to you, and he must be unwilling to compromise with other politicians and big capital.

If this kind of person is not smart enough, can he become the president? "Harry said at last.

Da Chao opened his mouth, suddenly glanced at his old father-in-law, and said, "Perhaps he comes from a political family, or his father-in-law is a senior government official?"

General Lane lowered his eyes and touched the beard on his chin, and thought to himself: My dear son-in-law, you think too highly of me. Don’t I want to be the commander-in-chief myself? But I can’t do it, I don’t have the ability! Where else can I help you get to the top? You still stick to your principles and refuse to compromise with dirty things.

"Next time you meet him, you can inquire about his life experience."

Harley ended the topic and concluded: "At least Calvin is indeed a righteous hero, a true 'Superman', and we can trust him.

In fact, it will be easier for us if he takes the initiative to take responsibility. "

"Then what happens next when the final crisis comes? What about the 'Second Mandrake'?" Wonder Woman asked.

Harley looked at Dachao, "After going to Taixu and seeing the battle of thinking life, I have a deep understanding. Recently, I am trying to create the "Taixu Sutra" based on those insights.

You have personally merged into the body of the Thinking Superman, and you should have more insights than me. Do you have the urge to create "Taixu Fist"? "

Dachao nodded hesitantly at first, then shook his head quickly, "I do have some insights, and there are many more, but I don't know how to create martial arts."

"If you encounter Mandrake again, do you have any way to deal with it?" Harley asked.

"I don't know." Dachao picked his head and said helplessly: "You are right, my super brain is rusty, I can't count on it, you should think of a more reliable method."

Harley sighed: "The safest way is to transfer the people on Earth to Noah's Ark now. As long as people go to the Ark, there will be no crisis - Eh!"

She was surprised and suddenly looked at Dachao.

"What's wrong?" Dachao was confused.


The next moment, the air in front of him filled with transparent ripples.

Like a stone falling on a calm, mirror-like lake, ripples rippled out, forming a two-meter-high circular portal in the center.

"What is this? Why did you suddenly appear in the Hall of Justice?" All the heroes were shocked.

"The time bubble seems to be from the 31st century." Harley said.

"Buzz~~" The ring on Dachao's left thumb vibrated slightly.

"Yeah, it's really a super legion. Brainiac 5 sent me a message." Dachao said in surprise.

The ring on his hand comes from the 31st century. It has an "L" on the surface, which stands for Legion and is the standard equipment of the Legion of Super Heroes.

Because the ring uses N metal alloy, it has many strange functions, such as gravity-free flight and remote communication.

In the Justice League, only Superboy has a Legion ring, and he is an honorary member of the Legion.

"Ask him what he wants to do." Harley said.

"Buzai, do you want to enter the 21st century?" Dachao shouted towards the ring.

"No, I just connected your Legion ring through the time bubble. Superman, we are in big trouble in the 31st century and need your help." Brainiac 5 said.

"What trouble?"

"Superboy Supreme, he traveled through time and space and came to the 31st century."

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