I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1603 God King? Pit King

Who is stronger between the combination of "Zeus and Harley" and the combination of "Heavenly Father and Harley"?

According to Diana's theory, Darkseid single-handedly beat Heavenly Father to death with a few punches, but in the face of Zeus and the gods of the sky, Apokolips used all its power.

Since Darkseid pays more attention to Zeus, it means that Zeus poses more of a threat to him than Heavenly Father.

Even Bateman agrees.

And Harley always felt that as long as she and her Heavenly Father could cooperate sincerely without any second thoughts, killing Darkseid would not be a big problem. Even now that her Heavenly Father was brutally beaten to death, she still insisted on this idea.

So, to sum up, if Harley can join forces with Zeus to form a new "Zeus-Ha double god king" combination, they can take the initiative in the war against Darkseid, and even in this battle of heaven Directly killing Darkseid.

Logically it seems perfectly fine.

Harley was somewhat convinced.

"In order to defeat Darkseid, I am willing to try even if there is only one chance in ten thousand. The question is, is Zeus willing to cooperate with us?"

"Now that Tianqixing's army is approaching, God King Zeus should have no other choice, right?" Da Chao said.

"He can still run away. If we are surrounded and he runs away with the whole family, we will be in trouble," said Harley.

Diana said with certainty: "My father is the most noble and glorious God King in Heaven, and he will definitely not escape without a fight.

As long as He and Darkseid fight, no matter what He thinks about us in his heart, he will not refuse us to participate in the war.

At most, He will ask us not to interfere with the duel between Him and Darkseid for the sake of the glory of the warriors.

But there is not only him in Mount Olympus, but also many gods with weak divine power.

My father is not a fool, and he will never reject a strong and reliable ally. "

Harley frowned in thought.

Beka was puzzled: "Why are you hesitating? As you said, even if there is only one ten thousandth chance, you have to try.

Even if Zeus is stubborn and refuses to join forces with us, we will still have no loss if we return home. "

Harley did have concerns.

She was worried that after she appeared with the heroes of Earth, Darkseid would immediately focus on her, and Zeus, cunning, ruthless, and ruthless, would take the opportunity to run away with the Olympus system.

In the end, what was supposed to be a bloody battle between Olympus and Apokolips turned into an early war between Earth and Darkseid.

She is not afraid of starting a war in advance. As long as Zeus is willing to join forces with her, it will be more beneficial to them to start a war in advance.

The question is, can Zeus be trusted?

Harley is not sure who is more powerful, Zeus or Heavenly Father. Harley is also not sure who is more moral and worthy of dating. In other words, based on her understanding of their deeds, both of them are bastards. .

But when it comes to who is the most trustworthy partner, Harley can be 100% sure that Heavenly Father is 10,000 times more reliable than Zeus.

The reason is very simple. In this catastrophe of the restart of the fifth world, Zeus can run away, and the Olympus system can watch the fire from the other side, but Heavenly Father cannot run away. One of him and Darkseid must die.

Heavenly Father definitely doesn't want to die, so his and Harley's alliance will be strong.

"Okay, let's leave immediately."

Thousands of thoughts ran through her mind, but Harley finally didn't express her worries.

First of all, she felt that Zeus was unreliable emotionally, but intellectually she recognized that this was a good opportunity.

If we can join forces with the gods of the heavenly realm, the possibility of defeating Darkseid is very high.

She will regret it for the rest of her life if she misses this opportunity.

Secondly, Diana would definitely look bad if she revealed her suspicions about Zeus's character.

In case Zeus and the Earth are going in both directions, what she says at this time will affect the subsequent cooperation between the two parties.

Harley's mobility was very strong. After making a decision in her heart, she immediately opened her mouth and sucked Diana, Dachao, and the remaining 16 Genesis 16 generals into the stomach bag dimension.

When we arrived at the outskirts of Heaven, only three minutes had passed since Mr. Miracle issued a warning to the Earth.

Her mobility is powerful, and Darkseid's movements are not slow either. At this time, billions of demonoids have begun to attack the Kingdom of Heaven.

The realm of heaven does not belong exclusively to a certain pantheon of gods.

It is composed of the divine kingdoms of many divine systems, and its structure is somewhat like a lotus pod.

The lotus pod looks like a single piece on the surface, but inside it, there are “honeycombs”.

Looking at the sky from the outside, it is a dimensional plane with thousands of scenery, that is, a flat continent.

After entering the heaven realm, I found that the space inside was extremely complicated.

It is a five-dimensional structure.

In the four-dimensional material universe, a flat continent is a flat continent.

But a flat continent is only a four-dimensional structure, and the sky is a five-dimensional world. The five-dimensional world can be understood as the superposition of countless four-dimensional worlds.

Those worlds superimposed on each other are the kingdom of God in the "honeycomb".

Now, billions of demons are besieging the Heaven Realm, which seems to be huge, but once the Apokolips army penetrates into the Honeycomb Divine Kingdom, it is like grabbing a handful of sand from the seaside, scattering it on the top of the mountain, disappearing into the gap and disappearing in an instant.

Although there are many single grains of sand, hundreds of millions of them, the cracks in the stones are too big.

Not to mention that the heaven is the kingdom of gods, even if a mineral water bottle is turned into a four-dimensional structure (the time dimension is not included), it can hold the water of the entire universe.

Therefore, Darkseid specifically emphasized before the war that the other "wild gods" could be let go and the main attack would be on Mount Olympus.

Therefore, when Harry came to the outskirts of the heaven, he saw a huge crowd of demonoids rushing into the heaven and disappearing immediately. The next moment, thousands of golden lights flew out of the heaven and fled in all directions.

"Hey, Luo Ke, brother Odin, are you running away too?"

Harley just flew to the gate of Heavenly Realm and happened to encounter the Nordic Gods.

The one-eyed Odin held a golden palace in his left hand, and held Gangnir in his right hand at full alert. Under his hip was an eight-legged "red rabbit horse". He ran away very fast, but did not look embarrassed at all.

"Harley? Darkseid went crazy and personally led people to sweep away the heaven. After the heaven is over, what are you doing here?"

Odin's one eye flickered and he glanced at the golden palace on his left hand. He pulled the reins with his right hand to stop the eight-legged Pegasus.

The Golden Palace is similar to Odin's Hall of Valor, which contains a large family of Nordic gods.

"You are also the God King. Maybe we can defeat Darkseid together." Harley said.

"You still don't know my situation? Facing Darkseid holding two equations, I can't withstand even one move."

If he were the real Odin, he might still be able to give it a try, but he is just a Xibei.

The God of Trickery is not known for fighting.

If they really fight, I'm afraid that one move will reveal their identity, the second move will cost them their lives, and the third move will destroy their bones.

Harley said quickly: "At least in the eyes of others, you are the strongest god king among the old gods. Together with Zeus, you are known as the 'Two Heroes of Heaven'. With your powerful appeal, you can call the escaped gods to come back and join me. camp.

Let’s form an ‘Anti-Darkseid Alliance’.

When we encounter Darkseid, I will be the main force, and all you need to do is help from the side. "

"Let's wait until you can resist Darkseid's wave first. That bastard is too cruel. He has already punched 18 gods who tried to resist one after another. Now everyone is scared to death."

"Odin is here, and he is also on your majesty's hunting list. Don't let him get away."

At this moment, two dark elites led a group of demonoids to fly over, shouting loudly as they flew.

Just two dark elites dare to chase the "Two Heroes of Heavenly Realm".

"Oops, no, they're catching up. I can't be targeted by Darkseid, so I'm leaving now."

Odin didn't feel that he was humiliated by the dark elite at all. Instead, he looked panicked, pinched the horse's belly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Ah, it's Witch Harley, hurry up, send a signal to His Majesty~~~"

When Odin ran away shamelessly, Harley became the most conspicuous presence, and the new god of darkness recognized her identity from a distance.

At another time, Harley would tease them a few words, then activate the defensive golden film and gain a wave of experience.

But now seeing Odin, the same name as Zeus, running away in panic, Diana in the stomach dimension became anxious.

"Harry, don't waste time, go to Olympus quickly."

"Whoosh -" Harley was also worried that Zeus couldn't hold on, and immediately turned into a golden light, grinding out a "true blood path" in the demon-like army, and flew straight to Olympus.

"It's Witch Harley, stop her!"

"Attack with all your strength, target Witch Harley."

The closer you get to Olympus, the more demon-like and dark new gods there are.

And the news of Harley's charge has spread throughout the army.

There were more and denser new gods of darkness surrounding her to stop her.

Each one of them was brave enough to form a military formation and charge towards her.

Harley regarded herself as a bullet, activated all defensive specialties, and covered her body with a gold film with a diameter of two meters. No matter whether she encountered demonoids or dark elites, no matter how many people were on the other side or what formation they formed, she would attack them directly.

She killed thousands of demonoids along the way, and was also stopped by powerful dark elites. She did not fight with them, but only opened the golden film to withstand attacks and reflect damage, and people continued to rush inside.

When she rushed into the Olympus Mountains, she was already densely packed with troops from the Apokolips in all directions.

It felt like a zombie virus broke out in a city. Except for her, everyone else was infected and became zombies, and all the zombies were still chasing her.

"Brother Zeus, your daughter Diana is here with your allies! Hold on, let's join forces to find out whether that thief Darkseid is coming-"


Before her spiritual shout ended, the top of Mount Olympus towering into the sky suddenly emitted an extremely bright divine light. Accompanying the divine light was a majestic voice: "Olympus gods, listen, I have already Sign a surrender agreement with His Majesty Darkseid, and immediately lay down your weapons, surrender, and do not make any more resistance."

"What?!" Harley yelled out of control, and then shouted quickly: "Brother Zeus, calm down, I am not Darkseid's accomplice, I am here to help you!"

After saying that, she opened her mouth and released the stunned Diana.

"Quick, tell your father not to surrender, even if it is to prevent your mistress Hera from being raped and humiliated by Darkseid."

Harley said as he pulled her and flew to the top of the mountain quickly.

Diana's face turned pale and she was in a daze. "It's too late. The divine power from the main god of Olympus in my body has become inactive. I can sense that my father handed over the authority and godhead of the God King. He really surrendered." .”


Harley paused.

She had already rushed through the layers of Apokolips' army and reached the top of Mount Olympus.

And Darkseid was suspended in mid-air, looking at her coldly.

There is also a bearded man wearing a golden crown. He is tall and burly, wearing golden battle armor. His whole body exudes a powerful divine light. He looks majestic. At this time, he is holding a lightning-shaped scepter in both hands and kneeling on one knee. In front of Darkseid.

Harry's heart dropped to pieces.

"Father~~" Diana's heart was broken.

God King Zeus didn't even look at her.

Harley looked at Darkseid and smiled bitterly: "If I say this is a misunderstanding, I just came here today to see your unparalleled heroic appearance in conquering the heavens, would you believe it?"

"All the troops obey the order and follow me to surround and kill Witch Harley!"

Darkseid was very decisive, shouted coldly, turned into a black light, and came to Harley in an instant.

As Harley thought, a bubble appeared out of thin air and trapped Darkseid inside.

The eighth-level space power defense expertise was activated, and the space power within the bubble range was rejected. Darkseid's body was unable to exert any force for a while, like a landlubber falling in the river, waving his feet, which was very funny.

Just as he was adjusting to his condition, Harley stretched out her finger like lightning and poked him between the eyebrows.

The bubbles did not block her movement, but Darkseid opened his eyes, scarlet light blazing in his eyes, a beam of omega rays pressed hard on her finger, and another beam shot into her eyes.

Harley had activated all her defensive specialties, but she was unable to prevent the omega rays from collapsing and dissipating.

The two rays are like two fists, very powerful and tough.

"Bang——" Harley closed her eyes and took a hard blow. She flew hundreds of meters upside down and killed seven or eight demonoids before stopping.

"Yes, it seems that you have not only been studying equations in the past few years."

Harley was just a little surprised, but not hurt at all.

The reason why Omega Rays did not collapse in the defensive specialty position is because Darkseid adjusted it to a purely physical attack.

It was as if Darkseid was spraying water at Harley with a high-pressure water gun, and his defense skills couldn't stop him.


Darkseid quickly adapted to the space environment without space force, and then punched out, breaking the bubble from the inside.

"You are even more powerful. I don't know when you became so proficient in the laws of space. It seems that it will be difficult to keep you today." There was obvious regret on his face.

He really wanted to kill Harley today.

For him, the biggest difficulty in killing Witch Harley was not to break her defense, but to prevent her from resisting the attack and escaping before beating her to death.

This is the realm of heaven, the domain of Olympus, the territory of God King Zeus, and Zeus just surrendered and gave away his authority and divine personality.

In other words, this Kingdom of God is now controlled by Darkseid.

As long as he doesn't agree, no one can activate space teleportation in Olympus.

Without space teleportation, how could Witch Harley break out of the siege of hundreds of millions of Apokolips troops?

But she just used one move to break his beautiful thoughts.

Her trick of confining space was something that he, who held the power of Olympus, couldn't break with normal space skills.

He didn't break the confinement of space, he just adapted to the environment without space power.

This shows that her control over space far exceeds his control, and he cannot stop her from starting the teleportation and running away.

Even so, Darkseid did not stop, using his fists and omega rays at the same time, launching an even more violent attack on her.

In just a few breaths, seventeen of her bubbles had been broken, and she had received more than three hundred attacks on her body.

"Gudong, gudong."

The experience jar was bubbling like crazy. Harley was already at 89% level 120 and was about to reach level 121.

The damage was not caused by Darkseid alone.

The number of dark elites is close to a thousand. Each dark elite's physical and divine power values ​​exceed 100 points (this is the divine domain, the maximum value is 120 points). They are all ruthless characters who stand alone and can destroy a world by themselves.

At this time, at least two hundred dark elites cooperated with Darkseid and surrounded Harley to display their ultimate killing skills.

It would be difficult for Harley to hurt them.

Her bubbles can trap people, and if she pokes them with her "wind finger", as long as she hits the target, she will most likely be able to send away a dark elite, but she has almost no chance.

As soon as a bubble trapped a person, dozens of dark elites around him immediately joined forces to attack the bubble, breaking it with just one blow, causing Harley to suffer a strong mental shock.

Theoretically, they are all physically stronger than her. As long as one of them grabs her hand and another hugs her feet, dozens of dark elites will swarm up and hold her down, but they don't dare to rely too much on her. close.

They once took advantage of Harley's fight with Darkseid and rushed behind her. They pinched her seemingly delicate neck with their palms as big as palms. As a result, Harley kicked her back. No one around them knew what happened. The guy screamed again and again, his body became transparent and disappeared out of thin air.

"You can't make me bleed even if you're panting from exhaustion. Why don't you just let me go? At least you can save some energy." Harley said with a smile.

"Witch Harley, don't be complacent. We can't kill you, so why can't we kill your companions?" shouted a green giant holding a flaming cane.

"Shut up!" Darkseid gave him a sharp look.

Harry's expression changed slightly, and he quickly turned to look for Diana.

No one was found, there were dark elites all around, and Diana was nowhere to be seen.

She activated her God-King Law and sensed Diana's condition through her thick-skinned divine power. The condition was not too bad. She was constantly injured, but she was still persisting and could continue to persist.

"That's it for today, bye."

Harley forced open a five-meter-diameter bubble amidst hundreds of attacks, opened the portal inside, and appeared next to Diana in a flash.

She was being besieged by more than thirty dark elites, and her body was dripping with blood. The Vulcan sword had gaps of varying depths, but her eyes were blazing, her moves were more fierce, and her fighting will almost penetrated her body to form a layer of flames. The vestment of divine power.

Almost all of the dark elites opposite her were injured, speaking obscene words, and constantly insulting Diana.

"Diana, let's go."

Harley tried to pull her, but she swung her arm and pushed her away.

"I'm going to kill all these bastards!"

Diana was deeply moved by Zeus's act of kneeling in surrender.

At this moment, he was as crazy as a demon, relying on fighting to vent his emotions.

"If we are contained here for a long time, Darkseid may attack the Earth."

Harley put a bubble around her body, opened the space door, and forcibly teleported outside the realm of heaven.

As soon as she escaped from Heaven, her Mother Box received a message from Cyborg: Thousands of sonic boom channels appeared near the Earth.

"Fake, I really guessed it." Harley looked ugly and quickly started the teleportation to return to Earth.

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