I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1597 Earth Monitor

"Emperor, Your Majesty the Emperor!" The blue-skinned prophet was like a madman, twisting his face and shouting while waving his scimitar and constantly attacking the huge bubbles dyed purple.

Not far from her, there was the dead body of a watcher.

She also felt it when the emperor's armor was torn apart and atomic energy poured out.

The emperor is her belief, her reborn parent, and the monarch to whom she is loyal.

She was trained by the Watcher as a prophet since she was a child. She can lose her life, but she cannot lose her allegiance.

The Emperor was still so kind to her, allowing her to accomplish the greatest feat in the history of the multiverse - killing the Monitor.

Therefore, after discovering that the emperor was killed, she was so excited that she immediately gave up the two monitors who were on the verge of death and rushed towards Harley's bubble.

If no one stops it, the bubble will definitely burst. After all, Harley and the Emperor went to the quantum dimension.

Fortunately, before the Prophet launched an attack on Bubbles, Monitor Nix chased him.

He fully understands the meaning of "Harley's Bubble", which contains the energy to destroy Earth 51.

If it explodes, he is not sure whether the prophet and him will die, but the energy dimension of the Earth-51 universe will definitely suffer heavy damage. Then the node universe is destroyed (ps), which may eventually affect the entire Wantianyi.

The Watchers are conspirators and bastards, that's true.

But the bastard is not without merit. For example, the previous generation of monitor Mal Nou, the little Luther who was so cruel that he took away the body of a baby, has always had a deep father-daughter love for the prophet Laila.

At this moment, Laila doesn’t know where in the universe she will live a happy life.

After the monitors are divided into 52 parts, each monitor represents a character of Mal Nou, and Nix is ​​the embodiment of "responsibility".

He protects Ray Palmer because of the monitor's responsibility to protect the common people in the world.

To fulfill this responsibility, he could betray his fellow Monitors and cover up Ray Palmer's traces.

Now as the monitor of the Earth-51 universe, he has fulfilled his responsibility to protect the earth and the Node universe regardless of his own safety.

Only because of his desperate efforts did the prophet fail to attack Harley's bubble in the first place.

At this moment, Nix was almost dead, and the other watcher was nowhere to be found. The Prophet rushed to Bubble again and slashed hard from the outside.

"Emperor, hold on, I'm here to save you!" The prophet attacked frantically while transmitting spiritual power into the bubble and shouted: "Witch Harley, I swear, if you dare to hurt the emperor even a hair, I will not only chop you off. With his head, he will also kill every earthling in the main universe."

Harley had just returned from the quantum dimension when she heard her shouting.

In fact, even in the quantum dimension, she can remotely sense bubbles in the Earth-51 universe.

If Bubble is attacked, she will notice it and rush back immediately.

"Since you want to reunite with the emperor, then come in."

"Boom--" The diameter of the bubble suddenly expanded in a circle, directly covering the prophet who was slashing with a knife on the side.

She seemed to have fallen from the air into a lake filled with asphalt.

The asphalt is also heated to near boiling.

"Ahhhh-" As soon as he came into contact with the high-pressure and high-concentration atomic energy, the prophet burned as if his whole body was on fire.

She struggled hard and screamed miserably, "Let me out, ah, my body is melting, no, the emperor doesn't want it!"

She howled and came to the edge of the bubble, swung the scimitar in her hand again, trying to carve a way out.

"You wanted to come in before, but after letting you in, you wanted to go out. Do you really think that this is the People's Square, and you can come and go as you please?"

Harley stepped forward, dodged, and appeared directly near the inner wall of the bubble, poking the prophet's temple with a finger.

Sensing the danger, the prophet quickly slashed Harley's neck with a knife, attacking her vitals, forcing her to retreat to save herself.

Harley sneered, stretched her neck forward, tilted her head, and opened her mouth to bite the scimitar in a weird posture.

"Ding~~" The blade rubbed against the teeth, making a permeating sound of gold and iron clashing.

"Tsk~~" Harley's "Nine Yin White Bone Finger" also pierced the prophet's head at the same time.

This guy is an assassin. He has fast speed, quick reactions, and sharp attacks, but he is squishy. His physical strength seems to be less than 80 points, and even his skull has been punctured.

"Ouch~~~" The prophet's brain sputtered, and he let out an inhuman howl. His body seemed to have been electrocuted, and he struggled and beat violently against the bubble barrier.

"Well, you are not a god, and the effect of the white bone finger is not obvious." Harley bit her scimitar, shook her neck hard, and snatched the knife from her hand. Then she flipped it with her backhand, and half of the prophet's body flew away diagonally. go out.

The prophet was still screaming, but his screams gradually weakened, and his remaining body quickly burned to ashes under the erosion of atomic energy.

"The knife is good."

Harley spit out two teeth with jagged cuts, opened her mouth and swallowed the scimitar.

The material of the knife is very good, but the energy that makes it an indestructible weapon is "crisis power".

This is what the emperor calls "the miraculous destiny of Zhenglian".

Harley digested Scimitar in just three or five strokes, and obtained a mess of energy, which included the power of Heavenly Blood, the quantum energy of Manhattan, the creation power of the Monitor, and seven or eight types of higher energy.

There are probably two sources of this energy. First, it is given by the Forger (Emperor), and second, it is immersed or absorbed in the killing.

Harley only extracted the most important "Year of the Villain" from it.

There are seven basic forces in the DC universe, and each basic force has two categories: positive and negative.

For example, Neptune's Power of Life Connection and Tears of Death.

One represents life and the other represents the death of life.

Harley once took the lead in rebuilding the Heroes' Paradise, and now old Lois and old Superman are still living there together.

The core energy that builds the Heroes' Paradise is the "absolute justice" from superheroes, an energy that represents justice.

Absolute justice is also one of the seven basic forces, and the corresponding negative energy comes from the sinful power of the villain, which is the "Year of the Villain".

Harley has activated the Year of the Villain defense feat, powered by the tainted old hero paradise.

Now she's spawning a plethora of villains in Machete, while Prophet leads the Justice League of Blood.

"The Zhenglian, which was supposed to produce the power of justice, actually began to produce the Year of Villains after the collective depravity?" Although he was surprised, it is reasonable to think about it carefully.

The Year of the Villain literally means an explosion of villains and a boom in crime.

What the Bloodland Justice League has done is something that even the villains would be shocked to see.

“If Justice League of Blood provides Year of the Villain, where does the Crisis Power come from?”

Harley sensed carefully that the scimitar had been completely digested, but no unknown "crisis power" was found.

"There's no need for Nix to lie. Could it be that the Scimitar can't store crisis power? But what exactly is crisis power?"


A violent explosion coming from the direction of the earth interrupted Harley's reverie.

Sound cannot be transmitted from outer space, but the bloody light of the explosion was so powerful that it was like a supernova explosion, lighting up most of the solar system.

In addition to the dazzling red light, there is also a powerful energy aura.

"Harley Quinn, what happened?"

Bateman shares her perspective and also sees the Big Bang on Earth.

"Judging from the energy fluctuations, it is probably the monitor fighting the blood domain mothership, or the monitor is fighting with the blood domain mothership and another monitor." Harley guessed.

“How could a war of this scale break out on earth when there are billions of people on earth?”

Bateman was anxious and angry.

Harley hesitated and said: "Maybe the monitor wanted to leave, but the Blood Territory Mothership fired to stop it. In fact, even if it didn't stop it, Dax, who wanted to silence him, would take action.

The situation is too chaotic, I am weak and unable to control it. "

The Justice League in this universe is too weak.

If only Wonder Woman, Superhero, and Martian Manhunter were more reliable and helped her fight, this battle wouldn't be so difficult.

"How long will it take you to absorb the emperor's atomic energy?" Bateman asked.

"I try my best."

It took Harley another ten minutes to completely absorb the emperor's atomic energy into the dimension of the stomach bag.

But the battle that took place between the Earth and the Blood Realm came to an end in less than half a minute.

"Eh, Nix? Are you dead?"

When Harley put away her bubbles and prepared to return to Earth to take a look, she discovered a "corpse" covered with ice crystals floating not far away.

There was no life on it, and she almost ignored him.

But after the death of the monitor, the power of creation in the body will dissipate quickly. She did not feel the power of creation flowing out of the body, so he should not be completely dead yet.

"How is the Earth Emperor doing?"

Nicks was indeed not dead. He reluctantly opened his eyes and asked in a dazed and weak voice.

"The earth seems to have been bombarded. It may just be the aftermath of the bombardment. The problem is huge. Many people should die, but the earth will not be destroyed. The emperor has burped, his soul is dead, and his blood army has also dispersed."

Harley wanted to use the Holy Light to help him heal, but when it came to an end, he remembered his identity as the Creator.

"What's wrong with you? Use the power of creation to heal yourself," she reminded.

"The universe is safe, right?"

"I've even killed the prophet, don't worry."

"That's good, I'm relieved." After saying this, his head tilted and he lost his breath.

This time it was real death.

Harry immediately felt the huge power of creation flow out of him.

She was stunned for a moment, opened her big mouth, and swallowed Nix's body into the stomach dimension.

She did not use stomach acid to digest him, but simply allowed the body to hang in her stomach and decompose naturally.

"Gudong, gudong." The experience jar of the Creation Power Defense specialty bubbled crazily.

"Oh, it turns out that you can't worry about Earth-51. You are obviously fatally injured, but you still hold your breath and refuse to burp." A ray of Harley's mental projection fell next to the corpse, helped him close his eyes, and sighed: "Old Ni, you have changed my impression of the monitor. You are a really good person, so go with it in peace."

"Are you stealing my origin?" Nix suddenly opened his eyes and glared at her.

"Oh my god~~" Harley was startled, "Old nun, you're not dead - uh, what's going on?"

Nix was still lying in front of her, his body gradually turning into a transparent energy crystal that was rapidly decomposing and disappearing.

"Was it an illusion just now? No, I never feel guilty as a thief, and I didn't do anything wrong." Harley murmured.

"Witch Harley, you shameless thief, give me back my roots!"

The next second, she saw Nicks again. He was lying there, eyes wide open, yelling at her.

This time, Harley didn't panic or be frightened.

She's not even afraid of Lucifer, so the devil from hell wants to scare her?

She blinked, and the scene before her eyes disappeared like a phantom.

Nix's body is still irreversibly dissipating.

But it was obviously not an illusion just now.

Harley's body closed her eyes and used the newly acquired power of the God King. In fact, she used the God King-level thick skin law to sense the abnormal fluctuations in the dimension of the stomach bag.

The next moment, she caught a few strange breaths of law.

"Old nun, you actually became the law? Could it be that after the monitor dissipated, the body turned into the energy of creation and the soul merged into the law?"

Harley was surprised at first, and then thoughtfully said, "No wonder you are always resurrected. The multiverse will not be destroyed, and the laws will not be destroyed. If you are not dead, you are the law itself, a special law."

"Witch Harley, give me back my roots!"

The abnormal law seems to be blocked by the "small wall of origin" - the stomach wall, and cannot return to the origin of the universe.

They condensed into Nix's appearance again, repeating the previous words, looking very dull.

"Old Ni, if you disappear, will you disappear completely? After Nix dies, a new monitor is born, and he is no longer you." Harley stared at him, thoughts spinning rapidly in her mind.

Maybe there was something she could do.

This Knick is a good guy and can be dealt with.

If there is a new monitor, there is a high chance that they will behave like Marnou and Dax, always thinking about transcending and becoming the main monitor, and then causing trouble.

"Nix, you are my friend. No matter what, I can't watch you completely disappear!"

With a righteous look on his face, Harley used his thick-skinned law to gather the aura of the alien law in his stomach into one place, and a "Kui's Reincarnation Seal" landed on it.

"Buzz buzz" The alien law vibrated violently.


In the space beyond the dimension of the stomach bag, lightning and thunder rumbled, and the heaven and earth shook.

Harry gritted his teeth and activated the 11 defensive force fields, shrouding the struggling alien law.

The alien law immediately calmed down, and there was a flash of light, and the seal of reincarnation was imprinted on it.

The next second, the alien law turned into a black guy with a blank expression, it was Knicks!

"Boom - kaka -"

The shaking of the heaven and the earth became more and more intense, and Harley vaguely sensed that "Origin" opened its eyes and was about to turn its attention to herself.

"Nix, this is the earth you protect. Reincarnate here. Be a good earthling in the next life, protect the people, and protect the earth. This can be regarded as compensation for those who have experienced this catastrophe."

Harley no longer hesitated and threw his soul directly into the belly of a pregnant woman who was about to give birth on Earth.

(ps: In the original plot of the comic, after the emperor blew himself up, he did blow up the entire universe 51. Not the earth, but the entire universe.

According to the setting of DC comics, the earth is roughly the center of the universe, and destroying the earth is equivalent to destroying the universe.

Destroying the universe by destroying the energy dimension is a second setting based on this setting, making the emperor's reason for exploding the universe more convincing. )

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