I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1593 Level 120, God King Harley (Happy New Year everyone, all the best)

Harley didn't know whether to say she was lucky or bad.

As soon as she followed Jay to Earth-51, she sensed the soul mark on Barry's body.

But before she could be surprised, the terrifying atomic "big nuclear explosion" came to her.

"Fake, this kind of energy" Harley was shocked, angry, and very confused.

Since it was speculated that Bob's team had found Earth-51 and might be meeting the chief monitor, she naturally increased her vigilance and started defense early.

An atomic explosion ten times more terrifying than a nuclear bomb appeared directly above her head, obviously targeting her.

The defensive force field on her body rippled like boiling water waves, but it did not explode and her body was not directly harmed.

Jay, who was protected by her side, was also safe and sound.

But this made it clear that he was ambushing her, which made her very confused.

Even if I hate her to death, is this the case?

The location where they landed was in the urban area!

The super energy blast didn't kill her, but it killed so many ordinary people. How could the supervisor allow this to happen?

"Harry, we were ambushed, they knew we were coming." Jay also felt something was wrong.

"Have you noticed that this energy is very familiar?"

While Harley was shocked and angry, she was also confused about the atomic energy properties that attacked her.

"The energy is so violent, more terrifying than nuclear energy. Without your protection, I'm afraid I'd be burned into coke in an instant." Jay looked at the purple-red energy rolling like a tsunami outside the light film, and said with fear.

They were at the center of the explosion right now.

The aftermath of the explosion set off a huge energy storm.

Being in it is like a bean falling into a grinder.

Fortunately, protected by Harley's force field, they were steel beans made of N metal.

"I'm talking about the characteristics of atomic energy. Does it feel familiar?" Harley said.

"Is this atomic energy? Quantum dimension energy? I don't understand what you mean. Is this weird?" Jay said.

"Atomic energy is not strange. What is strange is that the energy is sixty-seven times Captain Atom."

Ordinary people can only use their mental power to sense external energy and judge the characteristics of energy based on experience.

However, Harley can taste its taste with her mouth, absorb part of it, and then directly taste its properties after digestion and purification in her stomach pouch. The accuracy is countless times higher than mental induction, and there is almost no error.

After all, if she encounters new energy that she has never seen before, she will not be able to detect it. The evolutionary treasure deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness can also give hints and ask whether it has been absorbed and reserved as the starting energy for new specialties.

Jay puzzled: "Captain Atom's energy comes from quantum space and is not unique. For example, Atom's atomic cannon has the same energy as Captain Atom."

Harley said with certainty: "Even if they come from the quantum dimension, Major Adam's energy is different from other people's."

After a pause, she added: "Besides, it also has a two-thirds flavor of Dr. Manhattan.

Well, it's also soaked in the aura of heavenly blood.

Overall, it's very complicated, but extremely powerful. "

"You are saying that the person who attacked us has the quantum power of Dr. Manhattan? How is this possible? Don't get it wrong." Jay was also surprised at this time.

"One hundred percent sure."

The connection power defense expertise in her body reacted, and there was no mistaking it.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, Dr. Manhattan has been integrated into the DC multiverse, and his quantum energy has become one of DC's original forces.

If you go deeper into the quantum dimension, you might even be able to meet Dr. Manhattan.

His quantum energy has become the original energy of DC, and it can naturally be used by the proud and destined people in the DC universe.

Harley didn't continue to worry about energy. When the shock wave subsided a little, she immediately pointed in one direction and said quickly: "Jay, run with me in that direction!"

"Whoosh——" Jay held her shoulders and ran out of a golden-red light in the violent energy storm.

The two of them rushed out of the explosion range almost instantly and arrived at the street dozens of kilometers away.

"Oh my god, Barry? Barry, is that you?"

The direction pointed by Harley was the location of the Heaven Mark, and soon Jay saw a familiar figure.

The figure was faster than Jay, running out of a dense golden network within the city.

He is moving the citizens of the city outside.

"Oh my god, Jay, Harley." Hearing Jay's cry and seeing Jay's figure, especially Harley next to Jay, Barry no longer doubted that they were from a different world, and his voice was so excited that A little choked up.

"You are finally here."

Harry saw that his eyes were a little red, and couldn't help but wonder: "You seem to be very free, no one is restraining you, what's going on?"

"It's a long story. Let's save people first - Omaika, they are here. They must be the Emperor. He is targeting you. He was the one who launched the atomic energy shock that destroyed the city just now."

Barry still wanted to pull Jay to save people together, but the next second, he saw hundreds of blood domain airships surrounding them.

In addition to the airships, there are thousands of armored warriors, and dozens of superheroes.

They were definitely not here to find him, so there was only one possibility left: the emperor wanted to surround and kill Harley.

"These guys." Harley looked around and sneered: "It's nothing to worry about, chickens and dogs. Jay, you and Barry save people, and I will lead them to the sky."

"In addition." She opened her mouth and spit out a "wireless earbud" from the dimension of her stomach bag, "Barry, you wear this communicator and tell me about the current situation while rescuing people.

The planet seemed to have turned into a huge battlefield. In just two or three minutes after arriving, I felt at least 20 high-level energy bursts. "

"It's the Emperor and the Watcher."

Barry took the communicator and disappeared in front of Harley's eyes, but his voice came clearly.

"Harley, be careful." Jay warned and disappeared in an instant.

Harley quickly took off while listening to Barry's concise and rapid description of the situation on Earth-51.


They were indeed coming for her. As soon as they flew into the air, countless purple-red energy rays fell on her.

"Today, I'm going to let you bastards see the story of the protagonist of an online novel who breaks through to the 'Supreme' realm in battle."

Harry glanced at the experience jar deep in the Consciousness Sea, and simply revoked the defensive expertise of being immune to magic and energy damage, and only maintained the defensive gold film equivalent to the second layer of skin.

She can break through level 120 with only about 8% level experience left.

Level 120 is equivalent to the God-King realm in the DC universe, and will definitely bring strange phenomena from the sky and shock the entire audience.

Therefore, she can quickly pack a punch that will shock the multiverse.

"Kill, kill Witch Harley, the emperor will reward you with control of the universe."

"Whoever kills the Witch Harley will become the Overlord of the Universe!"


The soldiers in blood-colored energy armor had already rushed to Harley.

Although their expressions were obscured by their helmets, the fervor in their voices spoke of how excited they were.

"Kill, kill Witch Harley." The superhero was also shouting.

Their expressions were twisted, and their eyes glowed with an evil red color, which made Harley feel familiar yet strange.

These people wore a set of scarlet uniforms, but the style and hero markings had not been modified. She could recognize the identities of some of the heroes at a glance, but their expressions and behaviors were extremely unfamiliar to her.

"Emperor, what's the use of sending these minions here? Come out and challenge me."

Harley doesn't mind killing people, but she's just not willing to kill heroes with familiar faces.

Even though she had wiped out all her experience points, she did not take the initiative to attack them.

However, even if she didn't attack them, her natural curse - the Black Vortex of Thorns - would continue to reflect their attacks, causing a large number of casualties to the blood-armored soldiers and causing corpses to fall like rain; causing the Zhenglian heroes to scream in agony and run away in embarrassment.

"Emperor, I know you can hear my voice, come out and face me face to face, fist to fist - eh!"

Harley suddenly felt a huge energy rising in the distance.

She was familiar with it.

"It seems to be the creative power of the monitor. What's going on? The energy does not explode, but is dissipating."

She was filled with surprise and uncertainty. She no longer struggled with the soldiers, and used the energy of the yellow light to accelerate past the blood-armored soldiers who were not afraid of death. A few seconds later, she arrived at the city center. This was once a prosperous city, but now there is only one piece left. A pit of dry and cracked earth that was burnt red.

Around the cracked earth, there is a group of superheroes that Harley is very familiar with.

Unlike the third-rate heroes who besieged her before, these guys were all giants, including Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, and even Bateman, grinning and jumping up and down.

Well, this Batman is a vampire.

Dozens of Zhenglian giants were besieging the three monitors.

"Hahaha, you bitches, you have today too!"

Next to a Watcher's body, Harley saw another familiar person, the Watcher's blue-skinned prophet.

She was covered in blood, holding a scimitar full of gaps in her mouth. She held a dead human head in her left hand. She reached into the monitor's chest with her right hand and dug out a dark red crystal.

It may have been a heart before, but after leaving the monitor's body, it immediately turned into energy crystals and became transparent to the naked eye.

As streams of monitor origin flow out, the crystal is still shrinking rapidly.

Harley swallowed, feeling a little hungry.

"Bah~~" The blue-skinned prophet opened his big mouth and started biting, and swallowed the crystal in two or three mouthfuls.

Harley didn't feel that her aura had greatly increased, but a massive amount of creation power was revealed from her body.

"Would you like to take a sip?" She licked her tongue, looking hesitant.

Just because the blue-skinned prophet couldn't absorb the monitor's origin doesn't mean she can't either.

She didn't need to go down and fight for the prophet's heart. She only had to open her mouth, spit out the gastric acid mist downwards, digest the scattered power of creation, mark it with her own spirit, and finally inhale it into her body.

"Whoosh - BOOOM!"

Just as she was hesitating in the air, a red light flashed across the sky like lightning, and then the protective golden film on her body shattered, and her body hit the ground like a cannonball, smashing out a hundred-meter-deep earth. pit.

"Bang bang bang bang!" The red light also flew into the pit, and two fists as big as ocean bowls were driving piles at her head.

Harley's reaction was a little slower because her super dynamic perspective could clearly see the other person's movements and his face.

What a superman!

The appearance and strength are exactly the same as Dachao, except that the "S" on the chest is replaced by a "U".

Since she is Da Chao, she can't make a killing move——

"Bang bang bang!"

The sharp pain in her head made Harry give up the ridiculous idea of ​​showing mercy.

——This bastard has already made a killing move, how can she hold back?


As soon as he thought, a translucent defensive gold film wrapped around Dachao's body.

He was like a big black fish locked in a vacuum bag, struggling hard, but his movements seemed very stiff.

Harley stood up, drew out the bloody stick, and hit Da Chao on the head with the stick.

When the big stick landed on top of his head, the light film automatically cracked and analyzed, allowing it to directly touch his body.


Dachao's face was twisted in pain, but his mouth was covered with a defensive gold film, so he couldn't scream out freely, and his voice was muffled.


Just when Harley was about to hit the second stick, the scream of a sharp blade cutting through the air came from her ears.

When she heard the sound in her ears, she had already been hit hard on the head.

The sword blade slashed through the golden film, slicing open her skin and flesh, getting stuck on the bones.

"You bunch of ungrateful bastards, do you want to die?"

Harley was completely furious.

The 11 major defensive force fields were fully opened, covering the whole body of the person holding the sword, causing the divine power in her body to become chaotic and out of control for a while.

With a murderous look on his face, Harley turned around and poked her between the eyebrows with a finger.

"Boo-chichi-" The fingers merged into the bone-white stick, triggering a quantum critical strike that first shattered the smooth and delicate skin, then penetrated the skull and penetrated deep into the brain.

"Ahhhhh-" She let out a shrill scream of extreme pain and terror.

The cry was short-lived, but the two beautiful blue eyes quickly lost their luster, the body tilted, and he died.

"Oh my god, she killed Wonder Woman with just one move."

Cyborg, who was shooting infrasound waves at Harley, screamed in horror.

Yes, it was Wonder Woman Diana who was killed by Harley just now.

She killed her "old friend" for the first time.

Watching Diana's body gradually fade, freeze, and disappear, Harley looked complicated and couldn't for a long time——

"Bang -" Eagle Man roared and flew over, hitting her hard on the back of the head with the metal hammer.

The mixed emotions in Harry's heart dissipated in an instant, leaving only pure murderous intent.

"Since you must seek death, I will help you."

Harley roared angrily, first activating the source of fear in her body, and her pupils quickly turned golden.

Visions of fear arose in the hearts of the heroes around her, their expressions changing and twisting, their movements hesitant and stiff.


Harley was like a fired cannonball, hitting Hawkman hard on the back.

This time, she showed no hesitation and once again showed the "Nine Yin White Bone Claw". The power of the Wind of Nothingness and the Tears of Destruction surrounded her fingers. As long as she poked it, the powerful man with divinity would be sent away with one move, such as the previous magical Heroine.

If he had been replaced by Da Chao, his death would not have been so simple.

Tears of Death and Wind of Nothingness specifically restrain gods with divine power and divinity.

Even if he is not a god, if he is poked by her, he will die or be disabled.


But just when Hawkman was about to die, a sharp shout suddenly appeared above Harley's head, and then the overwhelming force of Tarzan fell from above and hit Harley heavily on the shoulder.


The defensive gold film is still on Da Chao. Da Chao has torn the gold film and is about to regain his freedom. Harley does not have the gold film to protect her body at the moment and can only resist physically.

She resisted, but her shoulder blades cracked and her body hit the ground like a cannonball.

The cracked pit that was already scorching hot was once again smashed into a pit a hundred meters deep by her.

Her body was covered with mud, her head was gray and her face was dirty, and she was very embarrassed.

"You go deal with the monitor, and leave Witch Harley to me."

"Harry, be careful, he is the emperor." Barry's worried voice came from the earbuds.

The emperor did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but suspended his hands above the pit.

Harley shook her head a few times, then stood at the bottom of the pit and looked up at him.

The emperor's whole body is covered with a metal shell, and his power is extremely restrained, and it is hard to see why.

"Witch Harley, as long as you leave immediately and swear not to interfere in the battle between me and the monitor, I can pretend that nothing has happened." The emperor said calmly.

"Shell Man, as long as you immediately kneel down and kowtow to me a hundred thousand times, I can give you a great pleasure." Harley said.

"You are very arrogant and stupid." The emperor said coldly.

"I have the ability to be arrogant, what about you? You don't even dare to show your face, you hide it in a metal shell. I have never even heard of you." Harley said with a relaxed expression.

"Ah——" From outside the pit, there was a roar of grief and anger that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks.

The earth beat dullly twice, and Harley once again felt the essence of the monitor gushing out.

Another watcher died.

She understood the emperor's intention: to deal with the monitor first with all his strength.

Barry just gave a quick talk about the Emperor using the Justice League to obtain the "Miracle Destiny".

He needs the Justice League.

He had never shown up before, but when Harley got murderous and started killing Zheng Lian before killing even one Wonder Woman, he couldn't stay any longer.

Harley couldn't stay any longer.

She stood at the bottom of the pit, opened her mouth, and her throat became a dam that was broken during the great flood. An endless stream of golden light mist spurted out. When it met the soil, it corroded away. When it met the energy escaping in the air, Digested.

In just a few seconds, the deep pit where Harley was located turned into a smooth arc-shaped basin, and most of the battlefield was shrouded in hazy light and mist.

"What the hell?"

The emperor immediately opened up a purple-red energy coat that looked like a flame, but he still felt that there were tens of millions of ants on the surface of his body that were eating crazily.

"Ah, my eyes hurt so much~~" A superhero was howling miserably.

"Get out of here quickly, this fog is poisonous."

"No one is allowed to leave. Continue to surround and kill the monitors! Only the last two are left. Kill them all and you will be free."

The Emperor let out a long roar, with his head down, his legs up, and his fists stretched forward, a classic Superman flying action.


It was like detonating a nuclear bomb again.

The basin, which was already two or three kilometers lower than the horizon, once again lost three hundred meters in altitude.

The violent purple-red energy mixed with a large amount of dust formed a mushroom cloud 10,000 meters high.

The emperor's idea was very simple. It didn't matter whether he could kill the witch Harley. This at least could dispel the strange light and fog on the battlefield.

He did achieve his goal. Under the purple-red energy shock wave, all the light mist was blown away in an instant like morning mist in the strong wind.

"Witch Harley, your little tricks are of no use to me." The emperor looked at the center of the energy storm and sneered.

"I want to thank you, Brother God, for giving me the strength and courage to guide me on the right path. You have once again become my salvation." In the turbid storm, Harley's clear and emotional recitation came. Sutra sound.

"Brother God, I rejoice to see your face a thousand times and still long for it. I will proclaim your word with my lips. Please open my eyes so that I can see the wonder of your word."

Accompanied by bursts of chanting, a sacred, great and vast aura rose from the bottom of the pit below the storm. The dazzling golden light even dispersed the atomic energy storm and blew away the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion.

"What happened and why is my soul shaking?"

The heroes stopped besieging the monitor and looked at the place where the golden light bloomed in surprise.

"This is impossible, shouldn't, and makes no sense~~" The emperor couldn't believe it and screamed again and again.

"In the name of creation, Witch Harley was promoted in battle and became the King of Gods. Is this an illusion?" the female monitor wearing a golden crown murmured.

"It's not an illusion, the origin responded to her, and the sea of ​​laws has manifested in the human world for her." On the creation star, the heavenly father said to the new gods and generals with an ugly expression.

There is an extra god-king in the multiverse, and the entire law sea is shaking violently, which naturally alarms other god-kings, devils, and supreme beings.

"Why did Witch Harley suddenly become the King of Gods?" Ugo, the God of War on the Creation Star, asked in confusion.

"She is now reciting the Bible to thank the Lord." Heavenly Father said gloomily.

".In the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!" With the last words of blessing, the voice of reciting the Bible stopped, and the power of the law that solidified time and space and trembled the hero's soul also slowly dissipated.

"Dog God, it's the Dog God who is blatantly using tricks again!"

The emperor gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and roared, "Dog God, you have already made your attitude clear by closing the door to heaven, why are you still intervening in our dispute?"


A golden bubble with a diameter of five meters suddenly appeared. The emperor did not even react, and his entire body was covered in it.

People outside could no longer hear his voice, or even feel his mental fluctuations.

"You evildoer, how dare you utter blasphemous words and insult the supreme God, why don't you kneel down and repent to me!"

There was no space fluctuation, but Harley appeared in front of the bubble as if teleporting, and said with a frosty face.

This is the new change in the defensive force field after she reaches level 120: it is separated from her body and exists independently.

Starting from level 100, her physical body forms a force field on the surface due to its strong defense, which is also a defensive golden film.

The physical defensive force field will evolve every 10 levels. At level 110, the spherical force field that was originally like a defensive shield will gain the ability to change as desired.

For example, Harley can turn the force field into a weapon such as a blade, or into a straitjacket to bind enemies.

No matter how the appearance of the golden film changes, it cannot leave her control and cannot exist independently of her.

Now with a thought in Harry's mind, the force field appeared directly around the emperor, forming a bubble and containing him.

At this time, the emperor was hundreds of meters away from her body, far beyond the range of the defensive golden film at level 110.

In addition to putting bubbles on enemies within the range of telepathy, Harley can also use quantum displacement to instantly arrive in front of the bubbles she threw.

It's a bit like Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

But what she uses is not the power of space, but the quantum displacement technology developed by absorbing Manhattan energy in her early years.

Quantum displacement in the normal state can only move forward a few meters or a few hundred meters, and no more than one kilometer at a time. It cannot be used for long-distance travel, and it is not very useful on the battlefield because quantum displacement is triggered randomly and cannot be controlled.

In order to ensure the triggering of quantum displacement, it is often necessary to run in small steps at high frequency. The process is too cumbersome and has low practicality.

Now that the level has increased to 120, the defensive golden film can exist without her hands, and the golden film is an energy field formed by her physical defense being too strong. It is essentially a part of her body.

Even if the golden film is dozens of kilometers away from her body, her movement is equivalent to touching her right hand with her left hand. This process can be completed instantly through quantum displacement. Although it is still triggered randomly, but the enemy is trapped in the bubble, she has enough Triggered in small steps of time.

"It's just a defensive gold film, but you want to trap me?"

The emperor did not notice any change in the golden film at this moment.

Harry had used the golden film to trap many people before, and now that he was using this trick on him, he was not surprised at all.

And although Harley has reached level 120, her level has improved tremendously. In terms of hard power, the defense gold film has only increased from 119 points to 120 points, which is only a slight improvement.

Of course, this improvement is also a qualitative change.

Her defense at this time was the peak allowed by the multiverse, and the effect was more than doubled than before.

Even if Harley continues to level up, and her defense is raised to level 150, within the DC multiverse, the effect is still only 120 points, and at most it will be tougher and more durable than at level 120.


After the emperor sneered, he immediately erupted with terrifying purple energy, and a pair of iron fists shot out an afterimage.

The transparent bubbles turned purple-red, and bubbles the size of a rice cooker continued to pop up on the surface.

Harley didn't look at him, but pressed one hand on the surface of the bubble to provide it with energy and maintain its existence.

She opened her mouth and spat out an even more violent golden mist again.

If the emperor falls into the urn, he can be beaten at any time, but the dissipated essence of the monitor will never come back.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar of the Creation Power Defense Specialty bubbled rapidly, and it was almost level 7.

Level seven is a hurdle. After passing this hurdle, the expertise will be upgraded from intermediate to advanced, and the effect will be significantly improved.

"Let go of the emperor~~"

Seeing that the emperor was sealed in the bubble, and the battlefield was once again filled with golden mist that corroded flesh and blood, the prophet who had eaten the heart of the monitor was angry and anxious.

She no longer besieged the monitor with the heroes of the main alliance, and turned into a purple light with her scimitar, rushing towards Harley at light speed.


Harley reached out and pointed at her, and another bubble suddenly appeared, covering the incoming purple light.

"Boo~~" But the next second, the bubble stretched, deformed, and exploded suddenly.

Not only was the blue-skinned prophet not trapped, the emperor in the previous bubble also successfully broke out.


When the two bubbles were popped, Harry's head still felt a twinge of pain, as if he had been hit on the temple.

She understood that all bubbles shared the same damage limit.

The bubble is not invincible. As long as the damage caused to it reaches a limit within a certain period of time, it will burst, which is equivalent to Harley being injured. Although she won't bleed, she will endure the corresponding mental shock and the damage she suffers will not be reduced.

Before level 120, if a superman attacks with all his strength, he can break the bubble with three or five punches; if three or five supermen attack at the same time, Harley can break the defense in an instant.

There is a limit to the damage that the defensive gold film can withstand. Just like Harley's physical defense is strong, she will still bleed and become weak after being injured to a certain extent. It's just that she has the food defense specialty and her recovery speed is amazing. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to tell that she has been injured.

After level 120, as long as she is willing, she can put bubbles on all enemies within the field of vision. All the bubbles together are like a huge defensive golden film. They can withstand attacks at the same time and the damage will be superimposed. If the limit is exceeded, all the bubbles will The bubbles burst together.

The emperor kept hammering the bubble before, making it uneven and on the verge of breaking.

After Harley uses the second bubble on the prophet, it is equivalent to a defensive golden film, which can withstand the attacks of two people at the same time and immediately break the defense.

"Witch Harley, go to hell~~~"

The moment Harry's thoughts turned, the prophet had already arrived in front of her, and he swung his scimitar and struck at her front.


The dark red scimitar cut into pieces of time and space, and also cut off Harley's raised right arm in two.

"Uh~~" Harley screamed, the horror in her heart overpowering the pain in her arm.

——What kind of power is this, and why can she cut off her hand with one knife? She is now the thick-skinned God King, with 120 points of ultimate defense!

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, that's all."

The prophet used his spiritual power to laugh out loud, and swung his knife towards Harley again.

Having lost her right arm, she had exposed her long, snow-white neck.

With the next stab, Harry with a broken arm may become "Headless Harley."

"Pfft——" A sharp invisible spear pierced the prophet's chest.

But it was Harry who secretly folded the defensive gold film into a spear. With dynamic vision, he could clearly see every movement of the prophet, and he put the spear there, waiting for her to hit her with a beam of light.

"Ah~~~" The prophet screamed like a pig.

The spear is not just a defensive gold film, its surface is also covered with 11 types of defensive specialties. When the spear penetrates her body, the various specialties are immediately stimulated to the limit. No matter how weird her power is, it will be chaotic and unstable.

"BOOOM~~~" The next moment, Harley was hit in the back of the heart by an iron fist covered in purple-red atomic energy, almost exploding a hundred-meter-high energy mushroom cloud in mid-air.

Before Harley could feel proud, she screamed and hit the ground like a cannonball.

It's the emperor!

When Harley used her spear to kill the prophet, the emperor attacked from behind.

"Mother Fake, what are you doing? Why don't you come and help me?"

Harley just screamed miserably, and the injuries were not serious. Her arms were broken, and her heart almost split into several flaps. It was a serious injury, but to Harley, all physical injuries were considered skin injuries and could be passed through. The Food Defense feat allows for fast recovery with nourishment.

After only two breaths after being hit in the pit, she flew out again and cursed in the direction of the monitor.

"Witch Harley, don't expect us to be grateful to you. You are absorbing our origins, and we know it very well." Monitor Solomon responded with a sneer, while flying high-speed into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

There were two monitors left before. Solomon ran away, leaving the female monitor wearing a golden crown to support her. It was not difficult. Without the prophet, the Zhenglian heroes could not pose much threat to her.

"Solomon, don't run away in humiliation. We are watchers. Even if we die in battle, we must maintain the dignity and majesty of the Creator!"

Her voice resounded through the sky, and she was a little angry, but it could also be heard that she was full of energy and in good condition.

Solomon ignored her and flew away to nowhere.

"Nie, Nicks, where are you?"

Unable to count on the two unfamiliar monitors, Harley started calling the name of her "old friend" Nicks again.

This is Earth-51, and it's impossible for Nix not to be aware of the Creator-level battle.

Moreover, when he was in the Blood Realm before, the guy clearly noticed the changes on Earth 51 before he said goodbye and left.

Theoretically, he came to this universe before she did.

"I'm protecting the universe."

As expected, Nix responded to her. A projection of him appeared next to her, and he said solemnly: "Every full-power attack by the Emperor and the Monitor can tear the earth apart.

The reason why it didn't explode like an apple under the wheels of a car is because I continued to pour the power of creation into the center of the earth to offset the impact from the surface. "

Harley looked up at the Emperor, who was treating the prophet's wounds.

The prophet also put a quantum suit of the same style as the emperor's on himself, probably hoping to block her golden film attack.

"The prophet's power is a little weird. She and the emperor have joined forces. I can't beat her. Someone has to help me hold one of them down. Either you, or you persuade other monitors who have a deep misunderstanding of me. By the way, there are a few more now. Watchers? Your performance was so disappointing that you were treated like pigs and dogs by the prophet and slaughtered wantonly."

"Harley, the Prophet has received the Miracle Destiny from the Justice League. She can kill the Monitor and kill you with a knife, all because of the power of Miracle Destiny." Barry's voice came from the earbuds.

When Harley spoke, she kept the mic on so that Barry and Jay on the other side could hear her.

Nix also heard Barry's voice, shook his head and said: "That's not a miraculous destiny, it's a crisis force, a power derived from the belief of destruction."

Harley's pupils shrank, and she spoke mentally: "Isn't the power derived from the belief in destruction the 'Year of the Villain'? How did it become a crisis force? I have seen the power of the Year of the Villain, and it is different from the one used by the prophet."

Nix looked shocked and blurted out: "How do you know the 'Year of the Villain'? Even if you have felt that energy at the origin of time, you should not say this name, it is-"

——Only Papetua, the mother of creation, would call it the "Year of the Villain."

He closed his mouth, swallowed Pappetua, and just looked at her with sharp eyes.

"Ah——" Harley was about to fool him with a lie that seemed to be true, when the female monitor on the other side suddenly screamed, "Nix Utan, come and help me~~~"

While Harley was healing her broken right hand and chatting with Nix, the Prophet on the other side had recovered from his injuries, put on a new "Emperor's Quantum Armor", and was killing the Monitor again.

"Leave the earth and move the battlefield outside the earth." A familiar low and hoarse voice came from Harley's earbuds.


"It's Bateman, the murderous king of Earth-51." Jay added.

Harry looked up to the sky and screamed, "Emperor, come and fight me to the death!"

She called out to the emperor, but her body was wrapped in the power of the yellow light and she quickly rushed towards the prophet.

The prophet moved very flexibly. He first stepped aside and then stabbed Harry's lower abdomen with the knife.

"Chichi—" A layer of gold film blocked the attack of the scimitar, and Harley's speed did not slow down. A bubble enveloped the female monitor, and her body drew an arc and quickly soared out of the atmosphere.

She wanted to continue flying out of the solar system, but the female monitor bit Lu Dongbin, kept attacking her bubble, and broke out halfway.

"Nix, you have your hands free now."

Harry ignored her, yelled, and took the initiative to meet the prophet who was chasing after him with a knife.

"Prophet, you go and deal with the last monitor. Leave Witch Harley to me." The emperor shouted.

The prophet hesitated for a moment, then avoided Harley and continued flying towards the female monitor.


The violent purple energy fell on Harley, blocking her way.

"After I kill your big boss, what if the prophet kills all the monitors?" Harley sneered.

She actually wished that all the monitors would be killed by the prophet.

If nothing else, she could at least gain a large amount of Monitor origin from their deaths.

At this moment, her positive matter defense expertise is already at level 7 and a half. When the female monitor dies, she might be able to reach level 8.

"Witch Harley, your ability is very strange, but you will definitely die today." The emperor said coldly and firmly.

"Oh, do you have any other killer moves?" Harley asked curiously.

The Emperor is actually very powerful, and his atomic energy has some of Dr. Manhattan's quantum energy characteristics.

Dr. Manhattan has transcended the Supreme Being. He is a creation god at the same level as Papetua. His quantum energy is another connecting force.

Therefore, the emperor can crush all the superheroes.

However, Harley's strength of connection defense expertise has reached level 10!

"He's here." The emperor said in a strange voice.


"Witch Harley, I want you to die~~~"

A black light flashed across the void, and in an instant, a familiar face appeared in front of Harley.

"Shit, trashy Superboy? Why are you here?"

Harley quickly put a bubble on him.

"Don't call me trash Superboy, I am Superman Supreme, go to hell~~"

Superboy-Prime shattered the defensive gold film in front of him with just one punch.

"Witch Harley, die!" The emperor attacked her at the same time.

(ps: Crisis power is not my secondary design. Pappetua's ability to get out of trouble depends on crisis power. Crisis power is related to the seven basic powers, but they are completely different.

Regarding the crisis power, we will talk about it in detail later when the plot of Mandrake and Papetua appears.

However, in the comics, the Emperor gathers the Justice League not for the purpose of miraculous power or crisis power, but purely for the sake of the comic author to make up the plot.

When I read the comics, I couldn't understand why the Emperor needed a set of Justice League when he could defeat all the heroes. It was clear that the three supermen combined surpassed all the heroes, so why did he have to have the Justice League instead of the Legion of Superman?

Later, the emperor led Zhenglian to invade Earth-51, and the plot was even more confusing and illogical.

Can the Justice League sweep the Monitor team with just this one?

There is also the blue-skinned prophet. So much content was laid out in the early stage of the comic, such as the star oath of the nine tribes and the nemesis of the monitor, but in the end, there was only soy sauce and no more. It was very confusing.

This plot of "Gathering together Zhenglian and stimulating crisis power" is a second creation.

I can write the main plot of DC, and I will try to refer to the original comics as much as possible in setting, but I will not write according to the logic and plot of the comics. I have to give a smooth and reasonable reason for each of their actions. )

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