I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1591 Mutation within mutation

"Bob, why? Why did you betray us and why did you kill Lei? Isn't he the savior of the catastrophe? You have seen the revelations related to him on the Origin Wall. Are they all fake?

I can feel that you did not lie at that time. You must have seen something on the Origin Wall, otherwise there is no need to spend so much money to deceive us. "Donna shouted excitedly.

She is Wonder Woman, the second-generation "Wonder Woman". She also has the ability to fly, but her speed is slower than that of the Monitor. Moreover, Jason was hit by an energy cannon and was knocked several kilometers away. She had to rush over to save him. teammate.

After Martian Manhunter and all the heroes of the Alliance were burned alive, she flew over with Jason in hand.

Although he failed to save Martian Manhunter, he at least blocked Bob's next action: crushing and killing the lost Ray Palmer.

Bob didn't want to answer Donna's question, but people are not grass and trees, and how can they be ruthless. He has been with them for so many days and experienced many battles together. Jason even fought for him and Monitor Nix.

"I didn't lie. Lies can't fool Harley Quinn. I did see a revelation on the Origin Wall, and the content of the revelation was indeed related to Ray Palmer." He sighed, with a complicated expression, "Donna, Jay Sen, I lied to you, but my purpose has never changed - to protect the multiverse.

The revelation on the Origin Wall is - Kill Ray Palmer, he is the greatest threat to the multiverse. "

"Impossible, how could Ray threaten the multiverse? Even if you want to lie, you should find a more convincing reason." Jason immediately denied it loudly.

Bob said: "I swear, this is true. I was confused at first, but then I asked the chief monitor and found out what Ray Palmer had done.

Did you know that in just a few years, he traveled through space 3,572 times and caused more than two million travel events? "

Donna was stunned and said, "How can he time travel for more than two million yuan? Why does he have to time travel so frequently?"

"The time-travel event does not mean that he himself traveled through the parallel universe." Bob explained: "He transferred important items from universe a to universe b. The person did not travel through it, but it is considered a time-travel event.

When I was in the main universe, I explained to you the reason why the Deviants had a negative impact on the Origin Wall.

Time travel events are also anomalies.

In fact, you should understand that what I said is true. In the process of searching for Ray Palmer, whether in the nanouniverse at the bottom of the quantum dimension or the parallel universe we have been to, there is information that he has burned with quantum energy. and his personal mark.

These marks are like a thread, pulling all the universe closer to the same frequency.

To eliminate the anomaly, Ray Palmer can only be eliminated first.

In fact, even today, he still travels frequently. "

Jason sneered: "If what you said is true, why are you the only one looking for Lei? Why are all your fellow monitors chasing you?"

Bob smiled strangely, "Jason, you underestimate the monitor."

"I think too highly of you." Jason didn't mind chatting with him, because this was her tactic.

There are four people in "Bob Team". In addition to the traitor Bob, there are also three heroes of the earth, she, Donna and the second-generation atom Cai Ruian.

The three of them also came here together. She and Donna were responsible for frontal containment - no matter talking or fighting, as long as they could attract Bob's attention. Xiao Cai entered the nano state and was responsible for searching and rescuing Ray Palmer.

"Actually, I am an undercover agent assigned by the monitor to be among you aberrants." Bob said.

"What?" Donna was shocked, and Jason was also a little dumbfounded.

——What the hell, you are an undercover agent, so who am I? Is it possible that there are two undercover agents in a team of four?

The shock on their faces pleased Bob.

There was a hint of pride on his red face, and he said: "After seeing the 'Origin' revelation to me on the Origin Wall, I immediately found Chief Monitor Dax and told him the contents of the 'Origin Wall Revelation' .

He trusted me and immediately searched the multiverse for any trace of Ray Palmer.

We searched for a long time, but could only find traces of his frequent travels, but could not find his lair.

This should never have happened, as the Monitor has stewardship of the entire multiverse.

Now that this has happened, there are only two possibilities. A certain monitor cheated and betrayed us.

Or maybe someone who isn't the Watcher but has authority over the multiverse is covering Ray Palmer's tracks.

There is only one person who has the authority of the multiverse but is not a monitor, the Witch Harley.

Whether there is a traitor among the monitors or the witch Harley is secretly playing tricks, the purpose is to protect the abnormal.

In this case, I also express my attitude of protecting abnormal people in front of the people on earth.

In this way, we can successfully penetrate into your interior. "

Jason's eyes were red, "Solomon killed Dora, was he just cooperating with your acting? Dora's life was just a prop for your acting?"

Bob shook his head, "Only the chief monitor knows that I am an undercover agent. After all, we are not sure who is the traitor in the team.

Solomon is a radical who genuinely wants to hunt down deviants, we're just using him to stage a show to get you to trust me. "

"Why are you looking for me and Dora? If you want to act, you can kill others. There are so many abnormal people in the world." Jason said angrily.

She had regretted and blamed herself countless times in her heart: If she had persisted a little longer that night, when Bob arrived, Dora would not have to die.

Now she understood that no matter how long she and Dora held out in Solomon's hands, Bob would never arrive in time and he would only "just happen to" save her.

Bob sighed: “I didn’t lie to you, the revelation I saw on the Origin Wall contained part of your information.

——Follow Jason Todd to find Ray Palmer.

This is the insight I got from the ‘source’.

You happen to be the one among the deviants who has the closest relationship with Witch Harley, the one we suspect.

It can be said that teaming up with you is destiny.

It turns out that the revelation I saw was correct.

The Monitor and I searched thousands of parallel universes before, but we couldn't find the Atom.

After teaming up with you, I only passed through less than 10 parallel universes before I found his traces. Isn't this destiny? "

Jason was angry and anxious.

Angry at the shamelessness and treachery of the monitor, who is obviously the supreme creator, but still imitates mortals in playing Infernal Affairs.

I'm worried that Xiao Cai hasn't come back yet. Didn't he find Lei?

As if he guessed what she was thinking, Bob smiled and said: "You are talking to me so much, maybe you want to delay time, right? Coincidentally, I also want to delay time."

Donna's heart trembled and she said with a cold face: "What do you want to do?"

Bob looked up at the sky and said, "Do you still remember what Nix said before? He said that he was just a pioneer, and the chief monitor was leading more than a dozen monitor brothers to search for me."

Jason's expression changed slightly, "Are you stalling for time because you want to wait for them to come? Why? You obviously have the advantage, and we are the passive party."

There was a hint of sadness and regret on Bob's red face, "Nix also said that the supervisor meeting has ended, and the supervisors unanimously decided after discussion to take special actions at special times.

In view of the fact that the multiverse is at stake, the Monitor will abandon the principle of not harming life in the universe and kill all aberrants and their companions without mercy. "

Donna's pupils shrank and she whispered, "You want to kill me and Jason?"

Bob turned his head and glanced at Jane Rowling's burnt head, "And Cai Ruian."

"Fake, he really knows our plan." Donna said harshly: "Jason, what should we do now?"

Jason pursed his lips and said nothing.

Bob looked at her and sighed: "You are not strong, I can easily defeat you, but it is a little difficult to catch you all.

Before setting off, Witch Harley made you her divine favored one. She must be wary of me, right?

I didn't show mercy to you just now, but I could only hurt you with all my strength, but I couldn't kill you instantly with one move.

If you can withstand my attack, you may create an opportunity for Xiao Cai to activate the nano-universe teleportation.

If we really let you escape back to the main universe, it will be very difficult for us to face Witch Harley. "

Jason looked around and sneered: "You've been talking nonsense with us for so long, and your supervisor brothers still haven't arrived. It seems they were tripped up by something or someone."

Bob smiled strangely, "What are you expecting? Witch Harley's magic weapon descending from the sky? Hehehehe, Jason, you are so naive."

"You are the one who is naive." Jason shook his head and sighed: "Now, I won't hide it anymore. In fact, I am also an undercover agent."

She no longer wants to delay the time. The longer the delay is, the worse it will be for them, because the chief monitor will definitely come soon, but it will only come a few minutes earlier and later, and the possibility of Sister Harley appearing in time is extremely low.

They can't afford the gamble.

Once the chief monitor leads a group of monitors to arrive, they will have no way to escape and will surely die.

Without delaying time, we must resolve the issue quickly.

If you fight, you will definitely not be able to defeat Bob, so you will have to run away.

Now Bob is standing next to Jane Rowling's body and refuses to move. Ray Palmer is probably beside Jane Rowling. Xiao Cai's mission is to find Ray, and he is probably with Ray at the moment.

They didn't escape, so it's possible that Bob used some kind of restraint.

So, she wants to anger Bob so that he rushes over to fight her, and then Lei and Xiao Cai have a chance to escape.

Only when Xiao Cai and Lei open the passage to the nano-universe can they travel back to the main universe.

"What did you say, you are an undercover agent? Whose undercover agent?" Bob asked in surprise.

Jason showed a sarcastic smile, "You are so cruel to play tricks in front of Sister Harley. To tell you the truth, I already know the location of Lei, because when I was reborn in another world, I passed by Earth-51!"

"Jason, you-" Donna was shocked.

Jason said: "Donna, don't blame me, this is all Sister Harley's plan. I keep making troubles on the road, not because I am impulsive and irritable, just because I want to delay time.

When we first appeared in Metropolis, Superman arrived immediately, also because Sister Harley had been in this universe before.

Everything that happens now is actually in her plan.

Fortunately, Bob, a good guy, deliberately delayed time. Little did he know that his companion had already stepped into Sister Harley's trap. "

"Witch Harley." Bob was really angry.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, as if he was about to pounce on Jason the next moment.

Jason had a proud smile on his face, but he was alert in his heart and was ready for a tough battle.

"You're lying!" The anger on Bob's face suddenly disappeared, and he became expressionless and his eyes were cold.

"You can comfort yourself like this." Jason smiled.

Bob raised his right arm and pointed to the golden gauntlet on his forearm, "Do you know what this is?"

There is a small mechanical device on the surface of the hand guard, as big as the belly of your little finger, with a thin golden needle inserted into it.

Bob said: "This is time stimulant. I injected time stimulant (ps) into the river of time in the Earth-51 universe. It has only one effect, which is to speed up the flow of time in this world.

In extreme cases, several years have passed here, and only one second has passed in the main universe.

That's why I delayed it on purpose.

That's why the Chief Monitor came so late. "

Jason was shocked and doubtful, and said with a sneer: "If you continue to talk nonsense, whoever believes you will be a fool."

Donna also said: "You want the chief monitor to arrive immediately, and you just hope that the time outside does not pass fast enough. How could you use some 'time stimulant' to deliberately delay time?"

Bob sneered: "Under normal circumstances, of course I hope the chief monitor will arrive immediately, but now there is a traitor in the monitor team.

It’s Nix, the monitor of the Earth-51 universe!

He has always known about Ray Palmer but concealed it. Not only did he not report it, he also deliberately hid Ray Palmer's traces to prevent us from finding him.

He is the monitor of the Earth-51 universe, and in this universe, he has the highest authority.

If I hadn't killed anyone, he might not have noticed the anomalies in the area he supervised, but I killed the Flash.

Watchers cannot kill.

If the watcher kills someone, it is an abnormal event outside of fate.

Just as every abnormal person who causes harm to the Origin Wall is a superhero or villain who has a huge impact on the world, the monitor's killing of a superhero who has a huge impact on the world is also a major abnormal event and will inevitably alarm the managers of the world.

Therefore, after killing the Flash, I immediately injected a 'time stimulant' into the river of time in the Earth-51 universe.

It took the Knicks at least 'a split second' to react.

A moment passed outside the universe, and within the universe I had at least ten minutes to capture Ray Palmer.

I can't catch Ray Palmer in an instant, but I can definitely hold him in the palm of my hand within ten minutes.

Like now. "

Jason screamed in his heart, but he still said doubtfully: "Nix is ​​the monitor of the Earth-51 universe. How can you be sure that he is outside the universe and not inside the universe?"

Bob gave her a sarcastic look, "Are you the watcher, or am I the watcher?"

Jason was speechless.

Bob really didn't lie this time.

There are countless parallel universes in Wan Tian Yi, of which only 52 universes are located at the node.

In other words, 52 node universes form the Ten Thousand Heavenly Sphere, with countless parallel universes filling them.

Each of the 52 node universes has a monitor.

The 52 monitors divided the entire Wan Tian Yi into 52 parts, and one person was responsible for one sector.

It's just that something happened to the monitors in the main universe, and there are currently only 51 monitors.

Under normal circumstances, the Monitor will not stay inside the node universe. They will overlook the entire multiverse sector from the Monitor satellite in the hypertime flow.

"Buzz buzz"

Suddenly, the space around Bob filled with pale golden ripples.

Bob was not surprised, only smiled slightly and said proudly: "My people are here, you are finished."

"Swish swish~~~" As soon as he finished speaking, monitors appeared one after another around Bob.

They are male and female, old and young, white-skinned and black-skinned, but they all wear the same style of monitor armor.

There were a total of 17 people, and the momentum was so majestic that it almost condensed time and space. Jason and Donna found it very difficult to breathe.

But their position was a bit strange. They faced Bob and surrounded him in the center. However, the two abnormal people who were supposed to be the targets of their crusade were missing from the surrounding circle.

They didn't even look at them.

Bob turned his attention to one of the monitors with a furrow haircut, a red face, and a beard, and said happily: "Brother Dax, Ray Palmer has been taken over by me—"


All the monitors had expressionless faces. They raised their right hands at the same time, pointed their palms at Bob, and shot out golden energy beams.

"Uh-huh -" Bob only had time to scream in surprise, and then he was like a bug falling into resin, solidifying in it, unable to move or speak.

The chief monitor was like the judge of the multiverse, with a serious expression and a majestic voice as he pronounced his verdict: "Bob, you betrayed your fellow monitors, abandoned the monitor's duty to protect the multiverse, and protected the anomalies who threatened the security of the Origin Wall.

As the representative of the monitor, I declare that you will be deprived of your status as a monitor, your memory will be erased, your soul will be exiled to the material world, and you will die naturally as a mortal. "

After saying the words of judgment, the chief monitor teleported behind Bob, and his golden palm gently patted Bob's head.

Bob was unable to speak or move.

Jason could only see that his expression was extremely distorted, his two eyeballs almost burst out of his sockets, and his body was like a wet towel being twisted in the hands of a strong man, twisting it into a dry twist shape, and the "juice" in his body (Energy), gurgling into the palm of the chief monitor.

Jason and Donna were stunned and confused by this sudden change.

The other sixteen monitors surrounding Bob were also shocked and dumbfounded.

"Brother Dax, what are you doing?"

"Aren't you erasing Bob's memory and power? Why are you squeezing his energy?"

"Instead of extracting energy, he is devouring Bob, creation is above!"

"Chief Monitor, stop, your behavior seriously violates the rules of the Monitor!"

Some people remained dumbfounded, while some monitors reacted and immediately retracted the energy beam that restrained Bob, while yelling loudly.

But Bob was already like chewed sugar cane flesh. His body was shriveled and twisted, shrunk into a ball, and smoking. It was even more miserable than the corpses of Jane Rowling and Martian Manhunter beside him.

"Uh ah ah -" After absorbing all of Bob's energy, Chief Monitor Dax did not laugh heartily. Instead, he knelt on the ground and raised his head and howled in pain.

Seven or eight head-sized bumps bulged out from his body, as if an inflatable tube had been inserted under his skin, filling a large amount of air between the skin and flesh.

Those bubbles were still swimming around his body, and every time they collided, they would merge together to form a bigger bubble.

In the end, the chief monitor was left with a giant flesh bubble half a meter in diameter on the back of his head.

"No, I don't understand. Everything about him should have been integrated into me and become a part of me. Why is this? Why is it rejecting me? It has always been a part of me. You are all a part of me - ah Ahh~~~~”

"Boo~~~" Accompanied by the chief monitor's scream like a caesarean section, the bubble on the back of his head exploded, and countless golden energies flew in all directions, disappearing into the air in the blink of an eye.

"Huhuhu" lost those energy, but the chief monitor recovered and became relaxed again.

(PS: There is a ‘time weakening agent’ in DC comics, invented by the Monitor, which can greatly slow down the flow of time in the universe. The time stimulant here is set in reverse according to the ‘time weakening agent’.)

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