I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1583 Monitor Nix Utan

"Look, I said that as there are fewer and fewer unknown universes left, the probability of finding the target next time is higher. No, I just comforted you and said that it might be successful next time. Harley didn't even have time to come back. This time It really worked.”

Sissoko said to Black Iris with a proud and relaxed expression.

He said this to Black Iris, but Harley felt uncomfortable hearing it.

When she was there, she searched more than 40 universes but could not find Earth-51. As soon as she left, Jay entered the target universe and saw the monitor immediately after landing.

Harley endured her discomfort and looked at the monitor who looked nothing like the monitor, and asked: "Which universe are you the monitor of, Earth-51? What's your name?"

The Bob I met before looks exactly like the Watcher from Crisis on Infinite Earths.

He is a middle-aged white man in his forties with slender hair, a red face, blood-red eyes, and a serious expression. He wears a monitor armor of three colors: blue, yellow, and silver.

This monitor is a young black man, in his early twenties, very young, and looks a bit like NBA star Kobe Bryant, somewhat handsome.

Although there are little dreadlocks on his head, he looks very refreshing and elegant.

"Nix Ultan, monitor of the Earth-51 universe."

After introducing himself somewhat stiffly, he immediately said: "I know that you can enable God to descend to earth and block the peeps from higher dimensions.

Now please immediately activate God's descent to earth and cover up my existence. "

Jay and "Barbara" traveled to Earth-51. As soon as they landed, they were stopped by the monitor before they could confirm their target by checking whether the superheroes had retired.

——It’s not convenient here, let’s go to the main universe to talk.

Monitor Nix said directly at that time.

After speaking, he used the power of creation to take the two of them away.

One of Harley's goals was to find a monitor, so "Barbara" didn't struggle or resist.

After returning to Earth, the excited Sissoko immediately called the Hall of Justice to report the good news.

Half a minute later, Harley teleported back.

"You want to avoid your Watcher brothers? You don't trust them, so you hide Ray's existence?"

Harley activated the defensive force field, covering a hundred-meter range. Monitor Nix immediately sensed it, and the indifference on his face softened.

“I trust my Brother Watchers, but they all have different attitudes towards anomalies, but they all have the same view on the Watchers who harbor anomalies – severe punishment.

I don't want them to see me with you, as this will cause them to misunderstand. "

"Bob said before that the monitors were meeting to discuss how to deal with deviants, and he wanted to find Ray Palmer before the meeting was over. Now that the meeting is over? What was the result of the discussion?" Harley asked again.

Nix Utan frowned, "Bob is too unscrupulous. He has done everything he shouldn't have done and said everything he shouldn't have said. Now he has become the target of the Chief Monitor's trial."

"Ah, what can we do? Bob is a good man, we should help him." Harley looked worried and exclaimed.

Nick Utan glanced at her and said calmly: "Witch Harley, you don't have to act in front of me. If you trust him, you won't hide Ray Palmer's whereabouts.

You know, I am the monitor of Earth-51.

I know exactly what Jason Todd is going through. "

Being exposed in front of her for lies and acting, Sissoko and Jay were a little ashamed for Harley.

Harley herself was not embarrassed and said with a serious face: "I lied to Bob because I naturally distrust the supervisor. You know what your 'father' has done.

How could I completely trust such a monitor?

In order to protect my companions, I can only temporarily deceive Bob.

But that doesn't mean I don't care about him.

Bob explained to us the underlying reasons why the deviants threatened the Origin Wall, and also saved Jason several times.

I haven't done anything bad so far. Isn't it normal for me to worry about his safety? "

Sissoko and Jay looked at her with more respect: she was indeed the treacherous and cunning witch Harley. If they had not known what she said about Bob behind her back, they would have almost believed her.

"I don't care about your attitude towards Bob. I'm here just because I discovered that you are frequently traveling through parallel universes. This behavior is very reckless and stupid. Don't do it again in the future."

"We will listen carefully to your suggestions, but you have to explain why." Harley said.

Nix Utan was unwilling to have an in-depth discussion with "Witch Harley". If they were willing to stop the time-travel operation, he would leave immediately.

But he understood that the Monitor's orders worked well for other people in the universe, but they didn't have much of a deterrent effect on her.

"Bob didn't lie to you before. After the exposure of Monitor Solomon's shooting of Dora Dent (Joker's daughter), it caused an uproar on the Monitor satellite.

The monitor is the manager of the universe and cannot decide a person's life or death without authorization, let alone murder lives with his own hands.

This is the rule!

So Chief Watcher Dax called all the Watchers for a meeting to discuss Solomon's punishment. "

Jay worried: "Now that you are here and did not attend the meeting, will Chief Monitor Dax notice something unusual about you?"

"It is not necessary for the body to come to participate in the meeting. We all have a large universe to take care of, and we will not leave our own domain easily."

After explaining, Nix continued: “At the meeting, Solomon had a heated debate with the monitors who opposed the murder.

In the end, due to the fact that the Origin Wall was on the verge of being shattered, everyone had to reach a consensus on this issue - before the completion of the restart of the fifth world, the Monitor temporarily put down the past rules and prioritized protecting the security of the multiverse.

In other words, the Monitor can now kill the deviants.

If you dare to resist, the monitors will gather and attack you.

As for Bob's collusion with the deviants, it is regarded as a betrayal of the origin. This is the new law.

He may be removed from his position as overseer or even be punished more severely. "

"Harry, it seems we misunderstood Bob. He actually took such a huge risk for us." Sissoko said worriedly.

Even then, Harley's suspicion of Bob was still unresolved.

Even at this time, Nyx Utan was on guard.

Until the finale, she won't trust any of the monitors.

"Bob said he saw a revelation on the Origin Wall: The great disaster is coming, and Ray Palmer is the savior. There should be no need for him to lie. Do you know about the revelation?"

Nix was a little surprised, "I didn't know that the Origin Wall had inspired Bob, but when it comes to Ray Palmer's significance to the multiverse, I can confirm that it is indeed very important."

"So you're trying to cover Ray Palmer? What can he do?" Harley asked.

"His current work can save countless people."

"What job?"

Nix hesitated for a full half minute before giving in under Harley's insistent gaze.

"Research on a vaccine for the 'Doomsday Virus'."

"What is the doomsday virus?"

"I don't know when or why it appeared. I only know that it destroyed several universes and caused the death of countless lives. Even the monitors cannot eliminate or cure this virus." Nix said with a solemn expression.

Catherine approached Harley and asked in a low voice: "Could the Vaal virus be the 'doomsday virus'?"

Harley thought for a while and said: "Nix, you knew the harm of abnormal people to the Origin Wall, but you still chose to shelter Ray Palmer and create a comfortable environment for him to develop a vaccine for the doomsday virus.

There is no doubt that you are a kind and kind person.

But your current situation is very awkward.

While vaccines are needed to save hundreds of millions of lives, at the same time we face the threat posed by anomalies to the entire multiverse.

On the one hand, he is full of compassion for life, but on the other hand, he knows that the overall situation is the most important but goes against the overall situation.

You are very conflicted, and your heart must be full of anxiety and uneasiness. You want to have the best of both worlds, but you don’t know what to do. "

"What do you want to say? I came to see you because I hope you will stop traveling. I will take care of Ray Palmer, so you don't have to worry about him." Nicks frowned.

"I have a way to help you get out of trouble." Harley looked into his eyes, her expression more sincere than ever before, "Your problem is that you fight alone and lack helpers.

As the saying goes, one person can count on shortcomings and two can count on strengths. We can form an alliance and help each other. "

Nicks took a deep look at her and said, "You must give what you want before you take it. What do you want me to do for you?"

Harley was very embarrassed for a moment. This monitor was too smart. He saw through everything as soon as she started to deceive her.

"Okay, let's be frank. I have two small favors that I need your help with. First of all, I want to see Ray Palmer. Please open the door for me. Secondly, I want to go to the Heavenly Blood Realm. Could you please help me?" A way.

In return, you can come to me for help now or in the future, no matter what salvation plan you have that cannot be recognized by other monitors.

For example, doomsday viruses.

You only know that Ray Palmer can research vaccines, but you have never thought about where the doomsday virus came from, who developed it, and where it will be used. You know my ability, I can help you get this done. . "

"My brothers and I have no fundamental conflict. They are my biggest and most trustworthy support." Knicks refused without hesitation.

Harley sighed: "Ray Palmer is our companion and is related to the doomsday virus, and we happen to have a suspected doomsday virus patient here. No matter what, we will continue to travel through Earth-51.

Nix, you have only two choices, either take us to see Lei. The whole process is under your control, and you can minimize the harm to the Origin Wall during the crossing process.

Either you firmly object, and we have no choice but to launch a forceful assault in order to save people.

A big war breaks out between you and me, killing dozens of superheroes, a few of your fellow monitors, and maybe even blowing up a planet or two.

This is not the result I want to see, but once a fight breaks out, no one can control the final outcome. "

If you don't eat the toast, you will be given a fine drink.

If you don't listen to good words, just threaten them politely.

Both Jay and Sissoko looked at the monitor nervously.

"You are arrogant." Nicks said coldly.

"How about we give it a try?" Harley put one hand on her hips and hooked her fingers with him with the other hand, "Come on, let's make a bet. I'll stand still and you can do whatever you want. If you beat me to death, I'll be unlucky.

If you use all your means and there is nothing you can do, I don't want anything from you, so we will form an alliance.

Let me go see Ray Palmer and take me to the Skyblood Realm.

I didn't go to the Blood Realm to do anything bad, I just looked for the missing Flash. "

Nicks frowned.

"Sissoko, open the space runway."

Harley pointed to the circular tunnel-style metal passage and said, "This is the Flash's cosmic treadmill, which can withstand the energy of traveling through time and space.

You are a master. You can definitely focus your energy on my vital points without attacking other places and causing accidental damage. "

After saying that, without waiting for him to express his position, she floated in first.

Nix didn't want to compete with her at all.

This situation was something he had never imagined before.

He thought that after confessing the pros and cons, she would give up entering Earth-51, but he did not expect that a doomsday virus patient would appear in the main universe.

At this moment, he was still thinking about whether Witch Harley had lied. If she was telling the truth, allow her to go——

"You're a grown man, why are you so coy?" Harley yelled, interrupting his reverie.

"I've put myself in a posture, and you don't even dare to send an attack beam at me. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything, I just don't want to compete with you. This kind of competition is meaningless." Nicks said.

"Why is it meaningless? If you win, no matter what you say, I am convinced; if I win, I will prove my lethality to the monitor. In order to avoid greater conflicts, you will cooperate with me honestly.

If you meet your brothers, you will also advise them to calm down and not provoke me, the evil star. "

Nix was irritated. He had already relaxed. Why didn't she just softly plead a few words and let him do her favors with the pride of a watcher?

The old Flash glanced at Harley and advised: "Sir, Monitor, you also know Harley's character. She becomes arrogant when she gets her way. The more you retreat, the more arrogant and rude she becomes.

In order to be able to get along well with her in the future, you'd better teach her to understand the majesty of the monitor. "

Although there was no spiritual transmission and he didn't understand why she had to fight, he still understood the hint in her eyes and carried out her order.

"Okay, let's compete."

Nyx walked into the tunnel, made sure she was ready, raised her right hand, and fired a white annihilation light wave from her palm.

Used 30% of the force.


A golden film rose up in front of Harry. The golden film was like a boiling lake, shaking violently but never breaking.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar bubbled crazily.

"You didn't even break through the defensive golden film, how can you do that?" Harley said sarcastically.

Nix's face was expressionless, the power of creation in his body exploded, and his right fist was like a little sun.

"Whoosh - BOOOM!"

He teleported to Harley and punched out, causing the golden film to break into several pieces like window paper under hail.

Harley reacted quickly, folding her hands to block the iron fist, but like a tennis ball hit by a racket, it flew backwards seven or eight meters and hit the metal wall.

This time the experience growth is very strong, about 1% level, and the intensity is more than ten times stronger than before.

Harley shook her arms a few times to allow the torn muscles and cracked bones to recover quickly, and her words were still very tough, "How much force is this? It can only barely hurt me, and the monitor can only do that."

She activated the Power of Creation Defense Specialty, which is level 6, with 60% damage reduction, and the Speed ​​Force Defense Specialty, which is level 9. She used ultra-high dynamic vision to watch Nix's micro-expressions and judge how much force he used.

All other specialties are not activated.

This battle is not for level experience, but for the experience of fighting the monitor. Of course, having level experience is great, as it can help her reach level 120 faster.

Harley has level nine anti-matter defense expertise. She has fought against the anti-surveillance king many times and is very familiar with anti-surveillance.

But her material defense expertise is only level 6, and she has never fought a monitor before today. After today, she still doesn’t know how many monitor enemies she will face in the future.

She has regarded the monitor as a prepared enemy, and needs to find out the opponent's limits.

This Knick seems to be a good guy and relatively honest.

Honest good people will not take the opportunity to kill, and are the best test stakes.


The third punch hit Hallie like a bullet, penetrating the metal wall panel, the cement wall, and the 20-meter-deep soil. It took a while before she struggled to crawl out of the hole.

"Ahem, cough, cough." She was very embarrassed at this time, with a gray face, as if she was lying in the mud and let a hundred mad cows run over her. Her bones were broken, her muscles were broken, her skin and flesh were torn, and the blood on the wound was like jelly. solidification.

"Hey, Harley, are you okay?" Black Iris exclaimed outside.

Harley ignored her, just stared at Nicks and asked, "How much force did you use in that punch just now?"

Nicks said proudly: "It's only 60% of the strength. Do you admit defeat?"

Harley thought he was showing off.

Even though his speed was fast just now, her super vision still captured the whole process.

His muscles rose, and his expression was slightly ferocious due to the exertion. He used at least 80% of his strength.

This reassured her a little.

"If you don't agree to help save my two companions, even if you beat me to death, I won't admit defeat." Harley stiffened her neck and put on a pose that looked like she was dead.

"Harley." Black Iris was moved, and both Sissoko and the old Flash looked shocked.

Even the Knicks were a little moved.

"Are you serious?"

"You can try again. If you can't kill me, you lose." Harley said firmly.

"Lord Monitor, Harley just wants to save people and takes us to the Heavenly Blood Realm. It won't take you much time." Old Jay advised.

As an old man, he has already seen that the supervisor is a little shaken. If he says a few soft words,

"Barry Allen was captured by the Emperor." Nicks said suddenly.

His tone was indeed softer.

"Ah, who is the Emperor? Why did he want to capture Barry?" Black Iris exclaimed.

Nix said: “The United States has super villains, Earth has international villains, the galaxy has cosmic villains, and the multiverse naturally has multi-level super villains.

The Emperor is a super villain who has been active in the field of Heavenly Blood in recent years.

He controls the heavenly blood and robs superheroes from parallel universes to fight for himself. He is very cruel and very powerful. "

Harley released her fighting stance, walked to Nix, and wondered: "With the power of the monitor, how can we tolerate the existence of the emperor?

He went around plundering superheroes, didn't he create countless time-travel events? "

"The Emperor's kidnapping will not cause large-scale damage to the Origin Wall, because he only brought people to the Blood Realm and did not enter another world." Nix said.

"Even so, robbing superheroes everywhere will inevitably seriously affect the normal operation of each universe, so you just don't care?"

Nix hesitated for a while and then said helplessly: "The Heavenly Blood Domain is a blind spot for the monitors. We cannot directly locate the Emperor's mothership in the Blood Domain."

Harry was surprised and pleasantly surprised. This news was very useful!

"Since you can't control it, leave it to me. Just take me to the Blood Realm. I will go find the Emperor and save thousands of suffering superheroes."

Save the suffering superheroes.

Superhero Jay frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong with this sentence.

"How do you find the Emperor? His mother's nest is a blood spaceship. Our monitors have never stopped searching for him. However, we found traces of it several times and were quickly escaped by it." Nix said.

Harley smiled and said: "Think about it, I obviously can't enter the blood realm, why do I conclude that Barry has fallen into it?"

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