I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 160 Punch Novosheng

Seeing his companion looking at Harry strangely, Quantum Mage Rich couldn't stand it and said, "Harley is the only one who is responsible for delivering messages. It's so unfair to treat her as a villain."

Young mage Benjamin immediately responded: "Only a fool would think that Harley and the Bureau of Shadows are in the same group. Don't forget, she also joined the Wizarding Group!"

Little brother, you are not very good at talking!

Harley gave him a dull look and said, "If you want to save people, you must at least have a plan. It can't just be done by shouting a few slogans."

"John, what do you say? I'm not sure at all." Gary said.

Constantine was quite a leader.

The group of third-rate exorcists present, many of whom were older and more qualified than him, all looked at him with questioning eyes and regarded him as their backbone.

“Annmarie, Zed, you two are good at psychics and are responsible for guarding and comforting Astra.

There are several bedrooms in the underground ballroom. I will draw a protective circle on the floor of one of the bedrooms later.

Harley, you are a local and have a reputation. Go outside immediately to find some cats, preferably black cats.

Chas, Richie, Gary, and Frank drew an exorcism circle before and after going to the nightclub.

Just use the strongest magic circle you know to prevent the exorcism process from being interrupted by external evil spirits.

Benjamin, despite the verbal commitment from the Shadow Bureau, we cannot completely trust them.

You use a camera to film the crime scene as evidence that we have nothing to do with the case. "

"Does everyone understand?" he asked, looking around.

"Understood." Except for Harley, everyone nodded, even Judith, who was not assigned a task.

"I don't understand." Harley shook her head.

Constantine waved his hand and let everyone else do their own thing, leaving Judith, Hallie and him at the foot of the stairs.

"Do you have any questions?" Constantine asked.

"You didn't even say how to exorcise demons." Harley said.

"Didn't you say? Fight fire with fire and kill the creditors." A stern look flashed in Constantine's eyes.

Harley had an ominous premonition in her heart, "Are you planning to summon a more powerful demon and drive it to kill Novel?"

"Christ also used the name of Satan to drive out demons. No need to make a fuss, right?" Judith said with a smile.

"Judith, please believe me, even if Christ casts out demons, he will never chant the name of Satan." Harley said sternly.

In the "unofficial history" outside the Bible, there are records of Jesus helping people who were possessed by the devil to drive out demons.

It says that Christ chanted the name of Satan and used the big ghost to scare the little ones, thereby completing the exorcism.

After going to heaven and being exposed to the "Voice of Heaven", Harley would never believe such nonsense again.

Judith frowned and said: "Our goal is to kill Novosheng. The road to heaven is unreachable. If we don't ask for help from hell, what else can we do?

Moreover, when Christ cast out demons and recited the name of Satan, it did not mean that Christ had done something back then, but was revealing a truth - using big demons to drive out small ones.

Christ refers to Christians.

Throughout the ages, many priests have performed exorcisms like this. "

"As Judith said, many priests also perform exorcisms in this way. It seems that Harry, you don't know enough about the common sense of the magical world." Constantine smiled.

Harry's heart moved and he said, "In that case, let me do it."

"What are you here for?" Constantine asked strangely.

"I'll summon the great demon."

Thinking of Brother Huanxi, Harley felt that she was doing well again, her tone and expression were full of confidence.

Judith said with a dull face: "I know you will say that you know a few top demons and have very good relations with them. They are always available when you call them."


"Perhaps you are not lying, but I can understand that the final transformation messes up your thinking and memory.

It's understandable, but that doesn't mean I'll let you do whatever you want. We don't have time. Judith sighed.

Constantine said impatiently: "Harry, Novosheng is a great demon no lower than a viscount, maybe even an earl.

To kill it cleanly and without hurting Astra in the stalemate, summoning a Duke-level demon is the safest way.

But after killing Novosheng, it became a new threat.

The black magician has to control it so that it doesn't hurt us and Astra, and lets it go back to hell.

This process requires a lot of magic, mental strength and skill to master the anti-summoning spell.

Say it yourself, can you do it? "

These words were so logical that Harry couldn't refute them.

"Who are you going to summon?" she compromised.

Constantine held up the "Magic Book of Truth" and said, "I have several choices in my mind. I will choose the best one with Judith later."

Harley left.

She went to the bar to find the bartender and asked him to take her to find the black cat.

Outside the bar, she saw Richie squatting on the ground drawing a spell with chalk, and then saw the dead cat that had been run over by a car.

Harley had a guess in her mind. It was probably Novelson who responded to Astra's call and jumped from hell to the human world. He took the "cat" with him.

She didn't know why, but the devil liked cats.

Especially black cats.

In the black magician's summoning technique, the sacrifices range from the horned dog demon to the hell boss Satan, and the sacrifices are all black cats.

The bartender was a local, and with him leading the way, Harley quickly arrived at the pet shop at the end of the street.

The reason why I came here in person is because choosing a cat is very particular.

Don’t be disabled, don’t be too old or too young, it’s best to be able to see spirituality in the eyes of a cat.

When Harley returned to the basement carrying a cat, less than 20 minutes had passed.

"Help, ah ah ah, help me, John, Harley, uh uh uh-"

Still at the corner of the stairs, Harley heard a weak cry.

The sound wasn't loud, but it was full of pain and fear.

It's Benjamin!

Harley looked stern, and quickly ran to the door of the basement, opened the door, and a shocking scene came into view: a monster as huge as a bull, with the head and upper body of a hound, and the lower body looked like a monkey with bare butt and buttocks, half squatting and half standing. , the body is blue-purple, with dirty and sticky organs hanging on the surface.

She had never seen such a disgusting creature.

"Nofusheng!" Harry understood instantly.

At this time, this giant demon was holding 12-year-old Benjamin under him. The Sony camera fell to the corner, and its parts shattered on the floor.

Harley didn't know if that thing could still be called a dick.

The single bed is about as long and wide as a dead man's tongue, flat and smooth.

Two, or three?

It stretched out from Novel's lower body like a mattress, covering Benjamin in two layers.

The tip as thick as a mop was stuffing into Benjamin's mouth.

It made his eyes bulge and his face became purple.

Harry no longer hesitated, threw the cage on the ground, and ripped off the penitent chain around his neck.

That is, the Necklace of Tears of the Holy Spirit.

Wrap it randomly in your right hand and make it into a fist.

She ran quickly, rushed to the wall, jumped up and stepped on the wall, flying three or four meters sideways, landing right on Nuofosheng's wet and sticky back.

Harley ignored her nausea and clamped her legs tightly around the neck of Norfolk's hound.

"Boo!" The right fist wrapped around the confession necklace struck down, and a large hole as deep as the elbow was directly opened in the hound's head.

Harley didn't expect it to be so easy.

I couldn't hold back my strength and almost fell down.

"Fake, what is this-shit, I understand, Novosheng!" Constantine's cry came.

He also noticed something strange in the hall.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Harley repeatedly punched the dog's head, which was as big as a washbasin.

She discovered that even without the penitence necklace, her free left hand could do great damage to the demon.

It’s the reason for God’s covenant!

As long as you wear the cross, you can do damage to hell demons with your bare hands.


Nuo Fusheng let out a vicious cry that penetrated into his soul, and his body collapsed like mud.

"Oh my god, ugh--" Harley vomited wildly.

After a lot of trouble, Constantine and Judith dragged her and Benjamin out.

Harley was only dirty and unharmed.

Benjamin was in very bad condition. Harley saw that his jeans were torn, from the buttocks to the buttocks, and only the buttocks and buttocks.

She suppressed her curiosity and didn't take a closer look.

Afraid of needle eyes.

"Oh my God, Benjamin, are you okay?" At this moment, Rich and others who were painting exorcism charms outside the house also came back.

"My, my, my butt, my butt, my butt, my butt hurts." Benjamin, a 12-year-old boy with a pale face, stammered and said, covering his butt and butt.

There was a hint of crying in his voice.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Constantine patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Men will experience it several times when they grow up."

Harley's movements of wiping her body stiffened, and she looked at Constantine with a strange expression.

Unexpectedly, several other men also looked calm, laughing and joking, not paying attention.

"Prepare some oil in advance, it actually feels great." Gary said confidently.

"John has several boyfriends. It's not a big deal. There's no need to cry." Chase said with a smile.

Frank and Quantum Mage Rich, although they did not agree, they did not show any strange expression.

After some consolation, everyone sadly discovered that Benjamin’s biggest injury was not in his butt or buttocks, but in his mouth.

he stuttered.

"Maybe it's temporary. I'll find a psychiatrist for you later." Harley comforted her.

"Thank you, thank you." Benjamin wiped away his tears sadly.

Although he is a magic genius and knows a lot of magic theories, he is only 12 years old after all.

"What's going on?" Constantine asked.

“I circled around the pile of corpses, taking pictures, hoping to find all the heads and take pictures of their faces. Then, when I stood up from squatting, I felt dizzy.

Then, a huge thing pushed me to the ground."

"This underground dance hall is a bit deep. It's more than ten meters and a door away, so I couldn't hear clearly." Constantine explained.

"John, it's not good, Astra is struggling, it's Norfolk!" At this moment, Ann-Marie twisted her slightly bloated body and ran out in a panic, shouting, "Norfolk is trying to get out of Astra's body." When she woke up, her body was partially demonized."

"Damn it, my calming spell has failed." Constantine's expression changed drastically.

"What spell?" Harley asked.

She had just killed Novosheng's flesh and blood clone with her fists, which impressed Constantine and valued her opinion more.

Although the situation was urgent at this time, he quickly explained: "Although Nuofosheng is powerful and dangerous, it is the product of Astra's summons and must be inspired and controlled by her.

Just like the demons we summon can only be controlled by us, the demons cannot move freely.

Therefore, when I hypnotized Astra before, I also used a calming spell to keep her in a trance state.

In this way, Novosheng should stay quietly in her soul.

But now."

He looked at Harley, "The tiger will not die, but it will be harmed instead. You angered it and it got out of control. We must start summoning the big demon immediately."

"Have you chosen a demon?" Harley asked.

Constantine solemnly said: "Sagyatana."

Harley frowned and said, "Are you sure it's this name? It's a trivial matter if you get the real name wrong and you can't summon a demon. If you do summon a demon without a real name, you can't control it."

"Don't worry, it's clearly written in the Magic Book of Truth." Constantine held up the magic book and said with a confident smile.

"But, why haven't I heard of this name?" Harley asked doubtfully.

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