I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1576 The Disappearance of Barry

Bateman said in a deep voice: "Harley, have you ever thought that having Barry frequently travel through parallel universes will attract the attention of the monitors and make them guess who we are looking for.

And Bob's behavior of abolishing the prophet status and taking away Jason and others will inevitably let his monitor brothers know his purpose.

Eventually they'll figure out that we're also looking for the Atom. "

"It's very possible." Harley said.

"Then you just let Barry time travel?"

Harley sighed: "Even if the other monitors don't know where Ray Palmer is, the monitors in the Earth-51 universe must also know, and Barry's goal is Earth-51, and sooner or later he will be alerted.

We cannot operate quietly and secretly, we can only take the initiative with speed. "

Da Chao said: "Are you sure that the monitors of the Earth-51 universe must be fully aware of Palmer's situation?

Is it possible that, like Bob, the monitor of the main universe, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

Obviously everyone knows that Jason has met Lei in Universe 51, and they have even discussed it. Many heroes know about it, but Bob knows nothing about it. "

"Bob is not the real watcher of the main universe."

Da Chao said: "But this doesn't mean that the other monitors are omniscient and omnipotent, right?"

Bateman waved his hand and said: "There is no need to argue about this. Whether the monitor is omniscient or not does not affect the monitor of Universe 51 knowing about Ray Palmer.

Because Lei is a time traveler.

The Watcher must be able to detect and track the anomalies in his own universe, as Bob has proven. "

"Oh, that's right." Da Chao smiled awkwardly, then frowned and said, "What do the monitors of Universe 51 think about, and why do they want to conceal Palmer's whereabouts?

What does Bob really think? Is he a good guy or a conspirator?

Even if Barry finds Universe 51, how will the monitors of Universe 51 react next?

How will Watcher Bob treat Jason and Donna when he discovers that he has been played by us?

There are too many unknowns and variables, and unknowns and variables often represent dangers. Perhaps Bob should not be allowed to take Jason and the others away easily. "

"Then what do you think we should do?" Harley said calmly.

Dachao thought for a while and said: "Let Bob go first, and then we can discuss it like this. Even if Barry ends up taking the risk, Jason and Donna won't be trapped."

"How to get rid of Bob?" Harley asked again.

"Tell him half the truth and let him wait while we discuss it." Dachao said.

"Da Chao, you think too simply." Kyle frowned and said, "Bob will definitely keep an eye on us and even become suspicious. As long as he has suspicion, he may find anyone related to Jason.

Harley also said just now that Selina and Dick all knew that Jason was sent back by the Atom.

At that time, no one thought that Ray Palmer would be so important, and no one had any sense of confidentiality.

Even some of the heroes of the Justice League knew that Jason had met the Atom.

Bob is a monitor, and it is very easy to read the memories of ordinary people.

He didn't do that just because he didn't expect Jason to have met Ray.

There is no need to even read the memory, just look for Jason's past on the timeline, Bob will be able to find other insiders, and then he will find Ray the next moment.

To be honest, this result is beyond my expectation.

Even though so many people knew the news, the supervisor was still kept in the dark.

It can only be said that everything is too coincidental. The real monitor of the main universe was inexplicably sacrificed by Lex Luthor. This Bob's authority over the main universe is seriously insufficient. "

Dachao scratched his head and said hesitantly: "My method may be sloppy, but Harley is very smart, let Bob not be suspicious, okay?"

I'm a little worried about Jason and Donna.

Harley always judged people very accurately. Since she had doubts about Bob, he was probably not a good person.

What if we rescued Palmer but trapped Jason? How should we calculate the gains and losses? "

Barry glanced at him and Harley and said, "It's pointless to discuss this now. Since Harley didn't object to Jason leaving with Bob, it means that it was the best choice.

What we have to do now is to completely take the initiative and don't let Jason's sacrifice be in vain.

Well, I'm not saying he will definitely die, but him going on an adventure with Bob is also a sacrifice. "

Dachao sighed and asked, "Barry, can you take someone through time?"

Barry said: "Yes, but the speed will be much slower, the movement will be extremely loud, and the damage to the origin wall will be greater.

I can change my own frequency and adjust it to the same frequency as the parallel universe.

Although the origin wall will also be affected during the frequency modulation process, the harm is much less than that of ordinary people. "

"I've said what needs to be said, Barry, let's get started." Harley said.

"It's more efficient to use the cosmic treadmill. I'll go back to Central City's Star Laboratory for time travel," Barry said.

Harley stood up and said, "I will go to the Star Laboratory with you. You will travel through time, and I will hold the line beside you to prevent accidents."

"How can we help?" Dachao asked.

"Just stay aside and I will call you when there is a big battle," Harley said.

"You called me back specifically just for the meeting?" Kyle asked strangely: "I thought you would use my special talent, so you called me instead of Har."

"What other special talents do you have? Your destiny has been completed, your potential has been drained, and now you are just an ordinary Green Lantern." Harley said.

"Then what do you want from me?" Kyle said dully.

"I have something to ask you. We can go to Central City to talk slowly." Harley said.

"Should I go home and rest now, or should I stay in uniform and wait for the call?" Dachao asked.

"You can go home, or you can come together, as long as you can arrive in time at the critical moment. Alas, I can't handle the monitor by myself, so I have to join forces with you."

"Then I'll stay with you first. Thinking that Barry is traveling through time, I can't sleep even when I get home."

"And me?"

Harley looked at Bateman, who was the only one who had no mission and could not arrange a suitable mission, with a somewhat tangled expression, "You can patrol Gotham or continue investigating the Orion case. Well, forget about the Orion case. Don't worry about it. A waste of time and energy.”

Bateman said blankly: "Do you think I have been doing useless work these days?"

"Isn't it? With Darkseid's methods, there will be no loopholes left for you to discover."

Bateman's expressionless face had a trace of undetectable pride, "If Jason hadn't had an accident, there would have been a preliminary conclusion to the Orion murder case before tomorrow morning."

"What conclusion?"

Bateman's lips curled up, "I'll tell you tomorrow. Now I have to go to Metropolis. I hope I can have a double happiness by then. You can pick up the Atom and I can find the conclusive evidence I want."

Harley became more and more curious. Since he said that, he must not be joking.

"I am looking forward."

Two minutes later, Central City Star Laboratory.

Harley has opened a defensive gold film with a radius of 100 meters, covering most of the laboratory.

The runway is also within the range of the defensive force field.

While debugging the cosmic treadmill, Sissoko muttered: "The last time I ran the cosmic treadmill for a long time to squeeze out the speed force of the reverse lightning, it resulted in the death of time.

This time I have to run for a long time and cross many times. I don’t know what monsters I will attract. "

Catherine said angrily: "Barry is about to leave. Instead of saying a few nice words, you cursed him. If anything happens, it will be your fault."

"Don't worry, I left the reincarnation mark and heaven mark on Barry's soul." Harley said.

"Barry is the speedster. After death, his soul returns to the Wall of Speed. Have you forgotten?" Sissoko said.

"I haven't forgotten that I have been to the Wall of Speed ​​Force. Even if the Seal of Reincarnation fails and he hangs it up again, I can still find him through the Seal of Heaven and take him down."

"Hang it up, take it off." The corner of Barry's mouth twitched, "I'm just traveling through a different world, don't make it sound like I'm fighting to the death with a certain supreme being."

Harley nodded and said: "That's right, as long as you keep running, even the monitors can't catch you. As long as you run back, with me and Dachao here, the monitors can't hurt you. "

Barry took a deep breath, entered the "cosmic runway", assumed a running posture, and said: "I hope I can succeed at once. Choose one of 51 universes. The probability is close to 2%, which is not low."

"Hey, wait!" Kyle suddenly stopped him and said excitedly: "I suddenly remembered that if I call Zatanna and ask her to add a lucky buff to you, can I find Universe 51 at once?"

"Harry, can you?" Barry's eyes lit up.

Harley hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said: "At other times, it would be okay to ask Zatanna to help find people, but the Monitor is also involved in this matter, and the Atom may also be the protagonist in 'Holocaust'.

The impact was too great and Zatanna couldn't afford the price. "

Letting Zatanna help would be equivalent to turning all the risks that Barry might take into reality and doubling the cost to her.

It's unbelievable that she died with a headshot just after reciting the spell.

"Then I started running?" Barry didn't insist.

"Do you know how to find the Atom?" Harley finally asked.

"He has replaced the Atom in Universe 51, and I can directly look for 'Ray Palmer'."

"First make sure that the universe you arrive in is Universe 51. The characteristics of Universe 51 are that there are no crises, no super criminal activities, the Zhenglian is disbanded, the heroes retire, and the world is peaceful.

Once you have determined this, start looking for someone.

If it's not Universe 51, you should leave immediately and don't stay for a second. Even if there is a super crime happening nearby, even if people will die if you don't save them, don't interfere. "

"How much time will it take to save someone casually?" Barry frowned.

"It's not a matter of wasting time. If you save people, you will leave traces. If Bob and the others also go to that universe, how will Jason explain it?" Harley said.

"Okay." Barry nodded reluctantly.

"Do you still need a treadmill when you leave the other world?" Dachao asked.

Barry said: "The treadmill only reduces the running range to a limited area. I can naturally accelerate on the surface to the frequency of traveling through the universe."

"Then start running."

"Swish swish——"

Barry ran out of afterimages that only Harley could catch, and then the air in front of him exploded with a "pop", like a stone falling on the calm water, a hole appeared in the center, and rippled around it. With ripples, Barry's figure disappeared instantly.

Everyone was staring at the empty "cosmic runway" attentively, fully expecting that Barry would pull someone out of the air in the next second.

The waiting time was unbearable. Only five minutes had passed and Kyle couldn't sit still.

"Harry, you said you had something to tell me before. What was it?"

Harley said: "The theory of the Origin Wall and the Traveler that Bob talked about tonight touched me deeply, and I want to know more about the secrets of the Origin Wall.

Have you ever entered the Origin Wall? What did you see inside the wall? How do you feel?

I can’t explain it in words, but share your memory and perception with me. "

She had wanted to do this as early as when he first emerged from the wall of origin. Orion suddenly descended on the earth, interrupting the "energy conservation meeting" held by the Seven Lantern Corps and the Relic, and also disrupted her plan.

"My perception is very subjective and does not necessarily represent the truth." Kyle said.

"No matter how subjective it is, it is the only one in the multiverse. Before you, no one has ever successfully entered or exited the Origin Wall."

"All right."

Two hours later.

"Whoosh -" A golden red light flashed, and Barry's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Phew, finally back."

"Why did it take so long? Which universe did you go to? What happened?" Dachao asked.

“I don’t know what the universe number is, but it’s definitely not Earth-51, because that was an ‘ancient’ America that still used gas lighting.

I walked around and confirmed that it was not the target universe, and immediately ran back without losing a second. "Barry said.

"But two hours have passed." Dachao said.

Sissoko guessed: "Probably the time flow rate in the two worlds is different."

"Should I keep running?" Barry looked around and saw Harley closing her eyes and seeming to be dozing off, so he shouted: "Harley, are you asleep?"

"I'm recalling what Kyle saw and felt when he crossed the Origin Wall. I'm doing two things at the moment. I'm listening to your words. Keep running."

The second trip took more time, and it was not until five hours later, when the sky was bright, that he ran back in high spirits.

Dachao worriedly said: "It can't continue like this. The difference in time flow speed is too big. When will the 51 universes be found?"

"No, it's not the flow rate of time this time. There is indeed a flow rate difference, but it's not what you think. In fact, I stayed in that universe for a day." Barry looked complicated, "Oh, blame me for not controlling it."

"What did you do? You couldn't help but kill a few super villains who were doing something wrong?" Harley frowned.

"I met my mother." Barry nodded, with nostalgia, sadness, and a bit of "fresh" happiness on his face. "Generally speaking, wherever I travel from, I will appear in the same place in the parallel universe. .

For example, the two crossing points were both in Central City, and I also appeared in Central City in a different world.

As soon as I traveled through time, I heard someone shouting for help. Guess what? "

His expression became extremely excited, and he was a little lucky, "That's my mother! Well, it should be the mother of my same body. She is only in her twenties. The robbers not only robbed wealth, but also wanted to rob sex!"

At the end of the sentence, his face was filled with anger and he gritted his teeth.

Now even Harry couldn't say anything. How could his mother endure it when she encountered a gangster?

"With your skills, it won't take long to deal with the little gangster, right?" Da Chao said.

"Oh, I took down those three bastards in one move, but she was frightened when I didn't leave immediately. I had to send her home. When she got home, she said I made her feel very kind and even made me waffles. Eat. I haven’t eaten cookies made by her for decades, but alas, happy times always pass by so fast, and the day passes before I know it.”

Harley frowned and said, "I'm going to tell you now, you can save her and send her home, no problem.

But you actually stayed to eat waffles. Did you know that Jason was using his life to delay? "

"Blame me, it's my fault." Barry lowered his head in shame.

"I won't waste another second." His tone was firm, as if he was swearing.

"Would you like to take a rest?" Catherine asked.

"No, I'm in good condition."

Another two hours passed and Barry didn't come back.

"We may have encountered an exaggerated time difference again." Sissoko scratched his head, unable to hide the fatigue and worry on his face.

Kyle walked back and forth a few times, then turned to look at Harley, who was still there with her eyes closed and meditating, and said, "Are you still recalling your thoughts on the Origin Wall? What have you gained?"

Harry closed his eyes and said slowly: "The harvest is quite great. I now have a very intuitive understanding of existence beyond the six dimensions.

A blind man touching an elephant is better than having never eaten pork and never seen a pig run away.

What's more, you are not blind. You 'see' a lot of things. Although you cannot understand those things, I am different from you. I have led the restart of the multiverse twice.

Many questions in my mind related to the structure of the multiverse were answered at this time.

For example, why the equation of life is hidden within the wall of origin.

I can even conclude now that the Anti-Life Equation was previously hidden in the Origin Wall.

The Origin Wall is not only collecting the emotional fluctuations emitted by all living beings in the universe.

The emotional elements born from extreme emotions were eventually captured by the Origin Wall.

I used to think that the original equation came from the Creator God, or a higher-dimensional existence. I didn't expect that something so advanced could be produced by the lowest living beings.

Creation is truly amazing. "

Most of the fatigue on Sissoko's face dissipated and he asked curiously: "What did Kyle see in the wall? Can you let me see it too?"

"I'm afraid I can't let you see it. You can't understand or accept the information. Just like ordinary people standing next to the sun, they will be blinded by the light. The information may make you crazy.

Unless one day, my realm surpasses that of the God King and becomes the ‘Creation God’, I will be able to let you see the secrets of the universe with your own eyes in a way that you can understand. "

Sissoko was a little disappointed, "Then tell me."

"Kyle saw a passage that absorbs emotional fluctuations and emotional elements, and also saw a 'nest' that breeds emotional incarnations and equations. You can think of the origin wall as a hornet's nest." Harley said.

"I didn't see any passages or nests." Kyle said.

"If you put Fat Head and Parallax Monster in the 'pool', the pool will be the 'emotional nest', and the passage you drill into the origin wall will be the emotional passage."

Dachao frowned and said: "Barry was delayed for several hours again this time. Aren't you worried? Are you still thinking about this?"

"I believe in Barry, and I also believe that he will not be so lucky to meet his mother in distress again."

"I know he won't delay time intentionally, but the difference in time flow is too big. Bob may find the Atom before us." Da Chao said.

Harley said: "We have a problem of time flow velocity difference, don't Bob and Jason have it?

We all take the same path, and no matter how difficult and dangerous the road is, people on the same track are competing fairly.

And we have a purpose, they are wandering around without a purpose, and there is a traitor in the team, who will reach the destination first? "

"Uh, is that so?" Dachao was stunned.

Sissoko frowned and said: "Theoretically it is true, but the target is not at the end of the track, it may appear at any location.

Maybe Barry was still trudging through the mud pit, but Bob happened to take a long road and found Universe 51 directly. "

"Is that better than luck?" Dachao became even more anxious, "It seems that our luck is not very good."

When Harley heard the "tone", she immediately thought of her own situation, and then began to feel embarrassed: Could her bad luck have affected Barry?

Maybe she shouldn't be staying here.

"There's no point in being anxious. Just wait and see." Harley still seemed to be there with her old spirit.

But as time passed, morning, morning, noon, afternoon, and in the evening, even Batman came looking for him, but Barry still didn't show up.

"Harry, has something happened to Barry? I have an ominous premonition, please think of a solution quickly!"

Black Iris, who couldn't wait for her husband to come home for a long time, also found Xingchen Laboratory. After learning about the situation, she immediately replaced Da Chao and became the most anxious person.

Bart, the grandson of Iris Bai, volunteered: "Let me find Barry. I am fast enough to travel through time and space."

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