I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1571 The Second Generation Prophet

Daily Planet Building.

"As expected of Admiral of the Galaxy, he has great influence. He just decided to do an exclusive interview at midnight last night. By this afternoon, 300,000 cosmic TV stations have requested to broadcast the interview live across galaxies!" Perry stared at the tablet. Data, he said happily.

"I bought it, 300,000, not 30,000?" The surrounding reporters and anchors all exclaimed.

"Lois' special program 'Death of Orion' a few days ago was promoted for more than a week in advance, and it only reached less than 10,000 universe TV stations, right?" Jimmy Olsen asked Louise next to the glass wall.

Clark looked at the two women in the live broadcast room and said: "The death of the God King of Apokolips is already a big news that shocked the universe, but ordinary cosmic civilizations have no idea about the God King and don't care much about it.

Admiral Galaxy has always been very famous, but in recent years there have been few official interviews.

The topic she talked about, ‘The Fifth World Change’, is also a topic of concern to the entire universe, so her current results are considered normal. "

"I think she is not interested in drinking." Louise said in a somewhat unnatural tone, "She specifically chose this time to be interviewed. It may not be because of the changes in the fifth world."

"But Lana and Miss Quinn are discussing the changes in the fifth world right now." Jimmy Olsen asked puzzledly: "Is there a mystery behind their words?"

Through a transparent glass wall, people outside could clearly see the conversation between Admiral Galaxy and Lana Lang in the live broadcast room.

Sound is transmitted through speakers. Although the glass wall is transparent, it is 100% soundproof.

At this time, Harley was talking and talking about the changes in the Genesis Star and Apokolips Star in recent times.

". It can be concluded that Darkseid faked his death to hide his whereabouts, hiding in dark corners and playing tricks.

I have been friends with the Righteous Heavenly Father of Genesis for many years. We trust each other and have a very deep friendship.

In order to fight against evil and darkness, He and I have already reached a tacit agreement - to fight Darkseid together in the final crisis.

I may not be able to defeat Darkseid, but with the addition of Heavenly Father who is as powerful as Darkseid, the balance of victory is almost completely tilted towards the side of justice.

This is an obvious thing. Faced with this inevitable defeat, what would ordinary people do, let alone Darkseid?

Anyway, I don’t believe that Darkseid would do nothing and just sit back and wait for death.

Now we know that He does have a conspiracy.

He faked his death and escaped, leaving Heavenly Father careless, and finally assassinated Orion and obtained two equations. "

"But the gods of the fifth world witnessed Darkseid's demise with your own eyes. It seems that you are the only one who insists that he is pretending to be dead." Lana Lang said.

Louise frowned and said: "How does Lana know the attitude of the gods in the fifth world? Is she just talking nonsense? Our Planet Daily is a very serious galactic news platform and we cannot allow others to catch us."

"She has factual basis. After getting permission from Admiral Galaxy for an exclusive interview at midnight last night, Lana went to the 'Forgotten Bar' overnight and interviewed more than 20 gods and demons and 300 extraordinary people who drank there." Perry said.

"Forgotten Bar?" Louise was startled and doubted: "Gods and demons are very difficult to deal with. Will they accept interviews from mortals?"

"Lana took a letter of introduction from Admiral Galaxy. The owner of the Forgotten Bar was her friend. They helped Lana invite the demon gods in the bar, and they also gave Admiral Galaxy face.

Lana also took a lot of videos, which may be used as material for the next episode of the show. "

Louise's tone was sour, "Harry is really well prepared."

She didn't say that Lana Lang went out all night for interviews and was fully prepared.

"Shh, listen to what she says." A reporter was watching the interview very seriously.

"If Darkseid can't even fool them, he doesn't deserve my attention."

Harley's answer is simple and what she really thinks.

"That's it?" There was an obvious look of surprise on Lana Lang's face.

Harley wanted to say something right now: The hero of the world is only me and the Dark Emperor of Apocalypse!

She didn't say it because she had to take into account what Heavenly Father thought - she also hoped that Darkseid would join forces with Heavenly Father again after he showed his face.

"In my heart, there are countless villains in the multiverse, but Darkseid ranks first."

In Harley's heart, Heavenly Father is also considered a villain, even if He has the reputation of being the embodiment of justice.

Lana nodded slightly and said: "Personally, I now believe that Darkseid is not dead and is still plotting in secret.

Because countless facts in the past have proven that your judgment is almost never wrong. "

Harley sighed: "Actually, I hope I am wrong this time. Because no matter who the final enemy is, it will not be more difficult to deal with than Darkseid."

"If Darkseid is planning everything secretly, what should we ordinary people, superheroes, and powerful advanced civilizations in the universe do? What suggestions do you have?" Lana asked.

"Superheroes are already doing what they should do. When Darkseid comes, he will face a team of heroes who are fully armed and ready.

Ordinary people don't need to worry too much now.

As long as Heavenly Father is still there and as long as the Creation Star is immortal, the earth will not be affected by war. "

This is the only consolation.

No matter how cunning and cunning Darkseid is, no matter how far he has mastered the two equations, he cannot launch a sudden attack on the earth.

Because Harley and Him signed a peace agreement under the witness of the law of cosmic contract.

Even if Darkseid violates the laws of the contract, Harley will inevitably be alarmed at the legal level.

He cannot take Him by surprise, nor can the Earth be caught off guard.

"But ordinary people are not doing nothing. I hope that everyone, especially criminal organizations and super villains on the earth, will be more vigilant from today on and be careful of all abnormal anomalies around them.

As the dark side of Earth, the villainous organization is most susceptible to being infiltrated by Darkseid's power.

For example, the ‘super child smuggling case’ has attracted widespread attention in society in recent years.

The famous detective Pinto, known as the "Batman of Metropolis", suspected that Apokolips spies were disguised as aliens and lurking on the earth, and through the hands of super villains, they collected children with super powers from the earth.

I would like to remind these people that this 'Final Crisis' is very similar to the earlier Black Night.

There is no way to survive if the Leading Party and the Japanese devils commit adultery!

During the Blackest Night, even villains cannot take refuge in the Black Death Emperor, because he will turn you into dead people.

Darkseid in this "Final Crisis" will not turn living people into living corpses, but he will twist all beings with independent consciousness into his puppets.

If anyone fantasizes about joining the dark camp, becoming a general under Darkseid, and ultimately living an ignoble existence or having a successful career, I advise you to give up on this idea.

Arrested by heroes of justice, at least you still have free will.

If you take refuge in Darkseid, you will inevitably lose yourself and become his flesh and blood puppet. "

"Why do you say that?" Lana asked in surprise.

"Darkseid has a life equation and an anti-life equation! I have fought against Orion before, and I know how terrifying the two equations are.

Using them to control people's minds is easier than using a remote control to adjust the air conditioner temperature.

Therefore, regardless of ordinary people or villains, if you find a person suspected of being related to Apokolips, or an incident that is suspected of causing harm to superheroes, report it to the Zhenglian headquarters immediately.

My suggestion is not only for people on Earth, but also for civilizations and forces in the universe, not to take chances. At this time, Darkseid is no different from the Black Death Emperor, and is the mortal enemy of all living people.

There is no room for compromise between us and Him. "

Lana asked: "In your estimation, when will the final crisis break out?"

"It's possible at any time. The initiative lies with Darkseid, but it will not be later than the end of this year."

The fifth world will be completely restarted by the end of this year.

At that time, it would be meaningless for Darkseid to have another attack.

Half an hour later, Lana Lang looked at the tablet in her hand and said: "The issues regarding Orion's death and the final crisis of the fifth world are almost over.

However, I saw several hot topics related to you online.

People are very concerned about the events that happened in Kandak and are also very confused. I wonder if it is convenient to talk about it here? "

"Here we come, even though the map is a bit long, it's still a complete picture!" Outside the live broadcast room, Louise said with a hint of sarcasm on her lips, meaningfully.

"No conspiracy theories, Lana Long just improvised and acted freely." Perry said seriously.

Louise glanced at him and said with a smile: "If you hadn't said this, Lana might have acted freely."

"I'm telling the truth, don't be weird," Perry said.

Just as Louise was about to continue taunting, Clark whispered: "The glass wall is soundproof, but Harley can exert her mental power and know everything that happens here."

Louise quickly opened her eyes and looked inside. Harry seemed to glance at her?

"Well, I mean, if it were me, I could do it more naturally than Lana. Or, I could help her create a series of special topics to completely clear up the Kandak incident?" she said with a sneer.

"Well, it's not like you're short of series, so why bother." Clark sighed.

Louise glared at him and didn't continue to speak.

In the live broadcast room, Harley was silent for a while, and then said: "Kandak's matter was originally very simple. I have nothing to say, but since many viewers are interested, then you can ask."

"Can you tell us what exactly happened? People on the Internet are talking about it, but there is no conclusion. The White House only said that your appearance in Kandak was not part of the diplomatic plan." Lana Land said.

"I actually went to see Dr. Fate." Harley roughly told the story.

"But that's not what Ambassador Wilson said." Lana Long also played a video.

Isis uploaded a secretly recorded video of the presidential palace to the Internet, and it is now going viral.

"She gets the majority of the promethium metal mined in the mine every year. It's strange that she's not in a hurry." At the end of the video, Ambassador Wilson said with a smile.

Lana Lang looked at Harley, "Is what he said true?"

"Whether it's true or not, the White House has actually given the answer." Harley said.

Lana Lang nodded and said: "In the morning, the commander-in-chief explained at the press conference that Ambassador Wilson deliberately lied to President Kandak in order to successfully complete the diplomatic mission.

His lies have smeared your reputation and you have now been stripped of your ambassadorship.

Of course, the Commander-in-Chief also said that this was a relatively common diplomatic fraud. Although it was very dishonorable, not suitable for public disclosure, and even illegal, diplomats often did this, even alien diplomats. "

Before this exclusive interview, the U.S. government had already cleared the ground for Harley. It was not considered a cleansing. As long as she told the truth, Harley really had a clear conscience.

"I am ashamed and angry. My name can be used by any Earthling to intimidate alien evil. I will not object, but will be proud of it, but it should not be used by one Earthling to intimidate another Earthling.

I hope that U.S. government officials will not make this mistake again.

In addition, if anyone encounters U.S. officials threatening or otherwise acting in my name, please call the Justice League headquarters.

You can report with your real name, or you can leave a recording and report anonymously.

If the evidence is conclusive, the report will be considered successful.

If the report is successful, I will personally reward you with a bonus of 1 million to 10 billion US dollars. "Harry said seriously.

"I bought it, 10 billion? Is this true?" Lana Lang covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"It would only reach 10 billion if the country was intimidated."

Lana Land said: "There is no doubt that you were not involved in the Kandak mine theft operation.

The White House issued the entire bill for your purchase of promethium metal from American mining companies.

You paid for every promethium ingot you got.

But your large-scale purchase of promethium metal has, to a certain extent, encouraged illegal organizations to steal minerals.

No matter how much money you spend, they will never reach the people of Kandak.

Do you know about this? "

"Well, to ask such a pointed question, Lana isn't just cleaning up the floor for Harley." Louise was a little surprised.

"Admiral Galaxy does not need to clear the land. She is never short of money. She often donates spaceships captured from alien planets to the Earth Space Force. Any super-light spacecraft is enough to buy the entire Khandak." Perry road.

In the live broadcast room, Harley said: "I know a lot of things clearly, but I don't care."

"Oh, so it's really okay?" The reporters exclaimed.

Lana Lang was surprised: "You don't care about illegal organizations stealing metal mines in Kandak?"

Harley nodded and asked, "Am I an alien?"


Harley asked again: "The earth is completely peaceful now? I mean, international conflicts have never stopped, right?"


Harley said: "A lot of super crime incidents have broken out in the United States recently, right?"

"That's right, experts say they suppressed it during the big trial and are now committing revenge crimes." Lana Land said.

“I am from Earth, and I am not completely ignorant of many things happening on Earth.

But I have never intervened in an international conflict, interfered in the politics of another country, or solved a super crime case. " Harley said.

"Uh, it's true." Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their expressions turned weird. "Although it feels a little strange, it seems normal that she doesn't care about what happened in Khandak."

"But you once said that with great power comes great responsibility." Lana said.

Harley said: "Big does not mean broad. The greater the responsibility, the more important you must pay attention to each of your responsibilities.

I am a martial artist. I would be irresponsible to waste my time and delay my cultivation.

I am a member of Parliament, and I have to perform my duties as a member of the Council and supervise the operation of the Sky Eye Society.

I have work to do both in heaven and on the Genesis planet.

After all these things, I have very little private time left.

In the past few years, crises on the earth and in the universe have occurred one after another. If I did things beyond my limits and messed up things, I would be irresponsible to everyone. "

Lana said in agreement: "Indeed, too many things have happened recently, both on earth and outside the earth, and you are needed to take charge of the overall situation.

For example, the recent 'Remnant Incident', such as the death of God King Orion. If you are involved in international politics, it will inevitably distract your energy and affect these things. "

"God once said that you cannot rely on the Lord for everything. Most of your life, you have to rely on yourself." Harley sighed.

"However, the Kandak people could rely on the Kandak hero, but you killed him." Lana Lang said.

Kandak Orisis pointed at the TV and said to his mother: "This reporter has some conscience and does not favor the Americans at all."

"Don't jump to conclusions too early. You might be able to defend Witch Harley later." Adam's son Amon gritted his teeth.

"Although the Galaxy Admiral killed King Adam, you can't call her a 'witch'. She wants to save the universe and never deals with international conflicts." Orisis said.

"You betrayed King Adam?" Amon glared at his nephew.

"I just don't want to betray humanity."

Just as Amon was about to say more, Harley had already started talking on the TV. He could only close his mouth and watch carefully.

"It wasn't me who killed him, it was Shazam the Wizard."

"Shazam the Wizard?"

Lana was stunned, Louise, Clark and other reporters were stunned, Isis, Amon and other Kandak people were stunned.

Shazam, the black man who turned into a mortal and hid in a corner of the earth, had the same dull look on his face, "Fake, why are you involved with me?"

"Is there any video of me fighting Black Adam?" Harley asked.

Lana opened the video on the projector screen.

In the 8K ultra-high-definition video recorded with a Paradise Mountain four-axis drone, even the pimples on Black Adam’s face are clearly visible.

"look at this."

Harley froze the scene at the moment when Black Adam screamed and turned into bones, "Did you see it? There were colorful lightning shooting out from around him."

"What does this mean?" Lana asked.

"This is the power of the Seven Gods. Seeing the lightning on Black Adam's chest and his fighting style, you should understand his origin, right?" Harley said.

"It's a bit like Thunder Shazam. Could it be that he is also the favored one of Shazam Wizard?" Lana said.

Harley nodded and said, "I don't need to explain the rules of God's Favored Ones. A few years ago, reporter Louise of your TV station once popularized the rules for everyone in a special program."

Lana said thoughtfully: "The divine power of the God's Favored comes from the gods, and only the gods can take away their divine power. Therefore, it was Shazam Wizard who took away Black Adam's divine power."

Harley said: "Black Adam is an ancient man who lived more than four thousand years ago. After his divine power was taken away, he immediately became a mortal. After thousands of years, the mortal body immediately turned into ashes."

"Why did Shazam Wizard take away Black Adam's power at that time? Does it have anything to do with you?" Lana asked.

Harley said with a complicated expression: "Black Adam is not Thunder Shazam, but a member of the magical family. Just like today's Thunder Shazam distributes divine power to his relatives.

Thousands of years ago, Black Adam's nephew also gave him divine power.

For some reason I'm not entirely clear on, Black Adam killed the modern-day Shazam and monopolized the power of the Seven. "

"Omaika, you mean, he killed his nephew and gave him the power to his nephew?" Lana exclaimed.

The expressions of Isis and others changed drastically, and they looked shocked.

"No, it's impossible, she's lying." The Kandak people couldn't accept it.

"It turns out that Black Adam is a supervillain who killed his loved ones, and he deserves to die."

The non-Kandak people were completely relieved by now.

"I asked Nabu, this news comes from him." Harley said.

Lana calmed down a little and said: "Naboo was a court mage in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago, about the same era as Black Adam.

Egypt is also on the border of Kandak, so it shouldn't be wrong, but why did Black Adam commit parricide? "

"Only Black Adam can explain it himself, and other people's explanations have certain subjective biases. I only know that after he killed the contemporary Shazam, he also cooperated with the Seven Devils of Original Sin to invade the Eternal Castle and slaughtered many wizards and wizards who protected mankind.

Later, Shazam Wizard defeated him and sealed him in a sarcophagus, unable to escape for thousands of years.

Due to certain restrictions in the 'Contract of the God's Favored', Shazam Wizard cannot directly drain Black Adam's divine power in the 'Thunder Shazam' state.

At that time in Kandak, even if I didn't want to kill Black Adam, I definitely had to teach him a lesson.

I plan to paralyze his divine power and make him lose his fighting ability.

As a result, Shazam took advantage of the wizard's power when he couldn't control it, and Black Adam died. "

"So that's it." Lana suddenly realized, and the American audience suddenly realized.

Isis, Orisis and other Kandak people suddenly understood.

After realizing it, their expressions and moods became extremely complicated.

In the live broadcast room, Lana asked: "After Black Adam died, you left Kandak directly, and the people in Kandak were scolding you for being arrogant and cruel. Why didn't you stay and explain to them?"

"I don't have the habit of explaining to others, and I am used to other people's misunderstandings and insults. Over the years, I have participated in every major cosmic crisis, but countless people still call me a treacherous and shameless witch.

There are many things in this world that I care about, but reputation is the least worthy of my nostalgia. "Harry said calmly.

Outside the live broadcast room, the corner of Louise's mouth twitched and she whispered: "If you really don't care, what are you explaining now?"

Perry said in a dissatisfied tone: "This is Lana's question, of course she has to answer it. When you are the host, do you hope that the person being interviewed will keep his mouth shut and say nothing?"

Louise was about to speak when she suddenly noticed that Harry glanced towards her inadvertently, which made her flustered and confused, and she quickly closed her mouth.

In the live broadcast room, Lana finally asked: "Although I now understand what happened in Kandak, the problems in Kandak, ethnic conflicts, people's resentment against the Acton government, the chaos in the country, metal mines, etc. loss of resources

These are big questions that need to be addressed. Do you have any suggestions?

In other words, do you have anything to say to the Kandak people? "

The audience in Kandak was shocked and looked at the TV screen with wide eyes.

Even Amon, the son of Adam, held his breath, with anticipation hidden in his eyes.

"Personally, I actually have nothing to say to them."

"Ouch~~" Orisis wailed in disappointment.

But then, Harley added: "But since we are talking about this topic, I can also express my views.

Don't expect heroes to fall from the sky. Everyone's biggest hero can only be themselves. "

"You mean, you can only rely on yourself?" Lana Lang frowned: "I am not against working hard, but the problems faced by the Khandak people are difficult to solve by their own efforts."

"The words I just said came from a superhero. She said them to me when I needed help the most." Harley said.

Lana Long asked in surprise: "Who? When?"

"When I was framed by the Holy Crusaders, the predicament I faced was no better than that of the Kandak people today. When I complained to the second-generation Silk Soul, she said this to me." Harley said what happened back then. I briefly recounted my experience.

Outside the live broadcast room, Perry said excitedly: "Oh my God, I thought it was just an ordinary interview, but I didn't expect that there would be breaking news that no one knew about before. It's so surprising."

"Yes, no one knew that the second-generation Silk Soul said such things to her before today." Clark was also very surprised.

"The second-generation Silk Soul, the Galaxy Admiral in Girls' Generation, God, this is the inheritance between non-mainstream heroes! Perhaps, today we can find the reason why the Galaxy Admiral is so 'non-mainstream'.

Oh, I mean, she and Watchmen are special compared to other superheroes.

Today's superheroes will never openly claim that they don't care about the suffering of the people, nor do they care about what others think. "Jimmy Olson said excitedly.

Perry slapped him on the shoulder and praised him: "Jimmy, your analytical perspective is very good. You can make a special program."

Louise was very upset, "I have obviously asked Selena hundreds of times and she told her everything she knew about 'The Past of Girl Harley', so why did she miss such an important section."

"Maybe Selina doesn't know either." Clark guessed.

In the live broadcast room, Harley continued: "He who helps himself will be helped by God, and whoever abandons himself will be abandoned by God.

Silk Soul and I only met once. Later she was willing to help me because I never gave up the fight.

Of course, resistance also requires wisdom and the use of strategies and means. It does not mean that one is passionate and takes one's life instead of one's own.

This is what I can say to the Kandak people, if you put your expectations on others, you will always be disappointed; if you put your hopes on yourself, there will always be hope.

No one in this world can truly be absolutely selfless and fair, not even Superman.

Superman was born in the United States and received education in American values ​​from an early age.

If we rely entirely on Superman to save Khandak, he will definitely transform the society of the Khandak people in the American way.

In other words, if he is allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, his ideas must be very American. Is this what you want?

If we rely entirely on Black Adam to save Kandak, think about it, how will he rule Kandak?

Whether it is Superman or Black Adam, they are both strong. Strong people will only practice their own ideas and execute their own will, rather than comply with your wishes.

Only when you become strong, at least mentally and personally strong, so that Superman and Black Adam can only become supporting and supporting roles, can you become the master of your own life. "

Quinn Manor, that night.

The afternoon interview program is being replayed on the living room TV.

Selena looked at Harley and said, "Are you so happy? From the time I came back in the afternoon to now, the pride and smile on her face have not disappeared."

"Have you? Haha" Harley touched her face and laughed again.

"You talk grandly, but in your heart you care about your reputation more than anyone else. It's really hypocritical." Selena said sarcastically.

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Harley was stunned for a moment and said weirdly: "You don't think I'm superficial enough to be complacent about this interview, do you?"

"Isn't it? Before the live broadcast of the exclusive interview ended in the afternoon, public opinion on the Internet had already changed. Countless netizens apologized to you, saying that they had misunderstood you. They also said that today they really get to know you, and you are the most established 'hero'. They even include many Kandaks.”

Ivy said with a smile: "A Kandak netizen also said that after listening to your words, he felt enlightened and reborn. Now he has decided not to expect gods and saviors. He will work hard to fight the Americans to the end."

Selena glanced at Harley, "You must be feeling proud of this, right?"

Harley sighed: "I don't blame others for saying this, but you have known me for almost 20 years and you still think like this, which disappoints me so much."

"Then what are you so happy about? You started laughing when you got home and have been laughing ever since. There must be a reason, right?"

"Of course there are reasons, and they have nothing to do with the interview."

Feeling that the experience jar deep in the sea of ​​consciousness was ushering in another wave of explosions, Harley couldn't help but laugh again, "I'm happy for Diana, she's so fierce, hahaha!"

"What?" Ivy and Selena were confused.

"As expected of the Olympian God of War, his will to fight has almost turned into a physical flame. His life is endless and he fights endlessly. It's amazing!"

Her experience jar had been bubbling ever since she sent three people to hell in the afternoon.

And the experience provided by Diana alone is almost three times that of Neptune and Dinah combined!

She is as crazy as a devil, tireless, and gets stronger as she fights. From the moment she stepped into hell to now, she has never put down the shield in her hand.

Well, in order to better gain experience, Harley asked the three of them not to use mass-destructive moves and to use shields instead of swords.

The reason is also very good. This special training in hell is not to train their combat power, but to stimulate the potential of thick-skinned divine power and generate an "equation defensive force field".

The experience points gained by the three gods' favored ones from being beaten will not be less than when Harley plays in person.

At most, the acquisition efficiency is low.

For example, with the same amount of damage and hatred, Harley would gain 100 experience points from a punch, while Diana might only gain 50 experience points.

If an elite monster can provide a total of 1,000 experience points, no matter Harley or Dinah, 1,000 points is no more or less.

This is very nice.

Harry was sitting at home, with experiences pouring in. It was strange that she smiled complacently.

"Didi, didi, didi." Selena was about to ask again when her cell phone and Harley's cell phone rang rapidly at the same time.

"Oh, no, something happened to Jason."

Selina yelled and quickly turned to look at Harry, but was surprised to find that there was no one on the sofa.

Jersey City on the edge of Gotham.

Exit Titan Tower and drive straight to the car at Wayne Manor in Gotham.

"I thought the monitors were just hunting time-travelers, but I didn't expect them to look for you." Jason glanced sideways at the black-haired female warrior in the co-pilot, and asked curiously: "What did you commit?"

Since Dora was killed last night and the target of the monitor was identified, Jason immediately sent a warning message to every superhero through the Justice League communication network, and also suggested that all time-travelers come to Gotham to gather.

——Gotham has Harley.

These are the words he left in the warning letter.

Then this evening, an unexpected acquaintance came to Titan Tower, the magical girl, Donna Troy.

At the end of Blackest Night, Hal Jordan used the White Lantern Ring to resurrect a group of heroes.

Those heroes have a mission to fulfill on the White Day.

Jason and Dick's destiny is to find Aquaman and Beast Boy, the successors of Aquaman and Animal Man respectively.

Supergirl Kara was also resurrected and had a destiny. Her destiny was to go to Amazon Island and find the "second generation Wonder Woman", and eventually she brought back "Wonder Girl" Donna Troy.

When she first came to the United States, Donna joined the Teen Titans for a while.

Later, the Green Lantern War broke out, and she witnessed the tragic deaths of many of her teammates. She was psychologically traumatized, so she quit the Teen Titans and chose to live in seclusion alone.

Until today, she returned to Titan Tower again.

"The Monitor said that I should have been killed by the Scourge, but now I have deviated from the path of destiny, affecting the normal operation of the multiverse," Donna said.

"Forong? You were already living in seclusion at that time, and Forong didn't come to Earth. How could he have the chance to kill you?" Jason asked strangely.

"Don't ask me, I don't know. Well, that's not right, something weird did happen to me.

There are many more memories in my mind that do not belong to me, but belong to Donna in the parallel universe.

Their souls seemed to be fused with mine, and their experiences were so vivid that it was hard to tell whether they were true or not. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. "

Donna looked at the neon lights flashing rapidly outside the car window, her expression blank and fragile, which made people feel pity.

"Is there such a thing? This is the first time I've heard of it." Jason said in surprise: "Have you asked anyone about the reason?"

"Not yet. The chaotic memory just appeared not long ago. I plan to sort it out myself first."

"The monitor you saw didn't kill you, what did he say to you?" Jason asked again.

"He's not a bad person. He just said I shouldn't exist and left."

"There is more than one monitor. I'm not sure whether it's good or bad, but some do kill people and some don't. We can't bet that the one who comes to our door is always——"

"Squeak -" A huge force came from the side, and the car rubbed sideways on the cement road for three or four meters, until it hit the building on the street.

"Enemy attack -" Jason reacted quickly, but the enemy's attack was faster. Before he could struggle to climb out of the driver's seat, the car door had been unscrewed by one hand.

Jason saw a flash of purple light, and he broke through the sound barrier, smashed the brick wall hard, and flew into a bakery.

"Senjie!" Donna exclaimed, but in the next moment, she was like a pin. She was knocked dozens of meters away by the bowling ball. A ten-meter-long ravine was created on the cement road. The cement blocks were shattered and sunken downwards. As deep as the palm of your hand.

"Who, who are you? Do you dare to show up?" Jason struggled and shouted.

With just one move, he knew that he was no match for the enemy. The most important thing to do now was to delay and wait for rescue.


There was a flash of purple light, and a woman with blue skin and purple hair and pointed ears appeared in front of him.

"You are so weak. I thought the enemy the monitor was going to deal with was some great warrior, but I didn't expect that you didn't even take one of my moves.

But it doesn’t matter. I am the ‘prophet’ of the monitors. It is my mission to complete tasks for them. I can’t be picky. "

The woman with pointed ears raised her right hand, pointed it like a sword, and thrust it into Jason's chest like lightning.

Jason's pupils contracted, but relaxed instantly.

Because he already felt an invisible but real defensive force field covering his body.

Harley is here, right over the edge!

"Stop!" At this moment, another change occurred. A purple-red space door suddenly appeared in front, and a monitor with a red face and bloody eyes walked out of it.

"Monitor?" The pointed-eared woman hurriedly stepped back and asked in surprise: "Why did you stop me? I was carrying out the task assigned by you."

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