I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1555 Kyle’s Destiny

"Now that the seven lantern beasts are here, what are you going to do?" Harley looked at Kyle, who had already fused several lantern beasts, "You want to fuse all seven lantern beasts? Can you bear it?"

She remembered that during the battle between the Yellow and Green Legions, Kyle couldn't even hold back a Parallax monster.

"As you said, the origin wall is a conceptual existence with no direction or volume. Entering it, even if the distance is only 'one nanometer', it may be tens of thousands of dimensions different.

The lantern beast and I merge into one, and the coexistence of humans and beasts can guide me to find the color light energy pool.

In other words, I am connected to the soul of the lamp beast and naturally find the energy pool. "

Kyle clenched his fist, and the lamp ring shone brightly, "I am different now. I can control my emotions easily. Even if the lamp beast wants to take my body, it can't.

What's more, they are very honest at this time and are actively cooperating with my actions. "

"Are you sure you won't stick to the wall of origin?" Carol asked worriedly.

Hal looked at the Origin Wall and said: "I don't know why, I feel confident that I can blend into the wall like water dripping into sand."

"Do you want to write a suicide note first?" Hal beside him said coolly.

"Hal, be mature and stop being so childish!" Carol shouted.

Kyle looked at Hal who was sneering again and again, opening his mouth to speak but he hesitated.

Finally, he sighed and summoned the remaining Parallax Monsters and Ion Sharks into his body.

"Wow~~~" A big sun seemed to rise beside the origin wall, and the Seven-Lamp Beast entered his body. Kyle became the host of the first seven-lantern fusion in history, and the bright white light on his body almost turned into actual water flow.

"What a strong fluctuation of colored light energy!" Xie Yi exclaimed.

"Give me the orange lamp stove." Kyle said.

The orphans do what they say.

Kyle was holding an orange light stove the size of a lantern. He turned back and stared deeply at Carol, who had a worried face. Finally, he couldn't help but hugged her waist and gnawed it with his big mouth.

Carol also cooperated and snuggled into his arms.

Hal's face turned really green.

It's not an adjective. He was so excited that the green light's energy-containing eye mask shone brightly, making his white face pale green.

"Wow~~" Kilowog whistled and clapped lightly.

Sinestro also laughed and clapped, saying: "When a hero goes to war and a beauty kisses goodbye, we should send our blessings, right?"

Although I felt a little sorry for Ha Er, Kyle was about to break through the Origin Wall. Everyone hoped that he would succeed immediately and applauded.

Harley glanced at Hal. This guy's nose was crooked with anger, his fists were clenched tightly, and his cheeks were green, white, and red.

She began to worry that he would suddenly become unbalanced and become a demon again.

After three and a half minutes of French kissing, Kyle let go of Carol and rushed towards the wall of origin resolutely.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the moment when the white light hit the wall. "Boom!"

Like an old shoe thrown onto a calm lake.

The Origin Wall didn't crack, and Kyle didn't solidify into stone.

The rock wall was like water, with a circle of white light waves rippling, and Kyle plunged into it.

"Oh, it really worked." Harley felt relieved.

"I just said that Kyle Rayner has a destiny, and now he has finally fulfilled his talent." Said said happily.

"You said at the beginning that his destiny was to bring disaster." Saint Walker said.

"I misjudged the details, but I grasped the general direction. The results I achieved with him in the seven-lamp training that day came in handy today," Said said.

Louise asked: "Now that both the lamp beast and Kyle have entered the origin wall, how can we judge the status of the color light energy pool? Mr. Relic, can your spacecraft detect the situation inside the origin wall?"

Wei Yi shook his head and said, "My instrument can't even touch the origin wall."

"Wait with peace of mind until Kyle comes back." Harley said.

"Is it possible that he can't come back?" Hal asked hesitantly.

"Are you going too far?" Kilowog shouted.

"I'm not cursing him." Hal defended: "I'm just reminding everyone to be prepared. If the source wall wants to absorb Kyle's origin and suck him dry, how can we save his life."

Carol said angrily: "You are just cursing him! Kyle is just a porter, responsible for transporting the orange light energy, how could he be sucked dry?"

"We have been dating for decades, but you don't understand what kind of person I am?

Just because you are in love with someone else, are you trying to think of me in an unbearable direction? " Hal said excitedly.

"I don't want to quarrel with you! When you got along with other women, I didn't make a fuss or curse." Carol crossed her arms and turned her head away from him.

Hal grabbed her arm and asked her to face him, "Tell me clearly, you and Kyle are getting along just to get back at me, right?"

"Obviously, you are wrong. She is Star Sapphire. Everything about her can be faked, but love cannot be faked." Louise said.

"I can't think of a reason for you to fall in love with him. He also has a girlfriend, Sinestro's daughter Natu." Hal stared at Carol and insisted.

The Red Pinatus in the Green Lantern team was silent and looked gloomy.

Like Hal, she became an "ex" without even knowing it.

However, she is better than Hal. At least she is aware that her relationship with Kyle has broken down. During the "Third Legion" period, she knew her boyfriend's rebellion plan and still supported the Guardians as a doctor.

"To be honest, if I hadn't used the 'Heart Chain' this time, I wouldn't even be sure that I no longer love you."

Carol looked at the excited Hal, her expression a little complicated, but her tone was very calm, "When I was 9 years old, I first met you wearing a flight jacket at the test airport, and I had a crush on you.

After that year, you were the only man in my life besides my father.

I regard loving you as a habit and an indispensable part of my life.

I know that every time you make tidbits, other people, such as Louise, Selina and others, will secretly laugh at me and look down on me, but I just can't help but like you. "

Louise explained awkwardly and eagerly: "Carol, you misunderstood. I have never laughed at you. Really, I swear, Selena, Iris and I have been helping you call Hal a scumbag." .

In fact, I'm going to do a show called 'The Life of Hal Jordan, the Greatest Green Lantern' criticizing him. "

Carol glanced at her and said coolly: "And then let all the men and women in the universe sympathize with me?"

"No, the theme of the show is to criticize Hal's philandering, and there is no content about you. Or, can I make another episode of 'Great Love' to praise you?" Louise said quickly.

"I'm so sorry. I'm in love with someone else now, which makes your 'great love' impossible." Carol's tone was still unkind.

Louise said seriously: "I don't think falling in love with Kyle is a stain on your 'great love'. Now that you can find true love, I am really happy for you.

When Selena and I talked about you before, we felt sorry for you.

You are the only woman on earth chosen by Purple Light. You have 350 million fans on Puppy Video.com who love you, and countless men praise your peerless appearance and perfect figure.

In every video of yours, there are countless comments saying 'So beautiful' and 'Carol is my wife'.

You are so beautiful, women will only envy you.

In fact, everyone knows that Hal is not worthy of you at all. "

"Louis, you are going too far. How much universe news material have I provided you over the years? Do you think you are worthy of me if you say such heartless things?" Hal said angrily.

"Hal, when I say you are not worthy of Carol, I am only referring to your philandering behavior, and I am not denying your ability and talent.

If you are loyal to love, you and Carol will be a match made in heaven.

But in the past ten years, you have had at least 78 rumored girlfriends. " Louise sighed.

"Oh, 78, Hal is such a bastard." Even the Green Lantern shouted.

"Nonsense, this is fake news." Hal shouted excitedly.

"I'm not just talking. For your series, I collected at least 3 T's pictures, texts and video materials. 78 rumored girlfriends have shown their faces, photos or videos.

Considering the many unexposed romances, the real data will only be larger. " Louise said seriously.

Dachao touched her lightly and frowned: "Why are you meddling in Hal and Carol's emotional dispute?"

Louise said aggrievedly: "It was Carol who told me first and then I explained."

"Harley, please advise them." Da Chao turned to Harley and said.

"What are you trying to persuade me? Waiting for Kyle is so boring. I'm short of food."

Her voice was low, and Hal heard it.

He really wanted to end this topic immediately and stop letting these bastards laugh.

But he really didn't understand why Carol, who had loved him for twenty years, suddenly fell in love with someone else.

For many years, Carol has been like the Great Wall of China in his heart. Everyone knows that the Great Wall is worth seeing - he knows that Carol is a good woman and deserves all his love.

But the Great Wall was there, waiting for him whether he came early or late, and it was never too late to go back when he was tired from playing outside.

Now that the Great Wall has run away and won't wait for him, he is puzzled and anxious.

"Carol, I can accept this result, but you have to be most serious and give me a reason. When and why."

Carol saw a trace of hidden pain and confusion in his compulsively calm eyes, and her heart trembled, feeling uncomfortable.

"After you were exiled to the Purgatory of Sex and Light by the Black Hand, they said you were dead. I didn't believe it or accept it. Kyle comforted me. We had no personal relationship at that time, we just became friends from ordinary acquaintances.

Later, Hallie asked me to engage in the ‘Double Cultivation of Love’ with him——”

The melon was delicious, and when she suddenly heard her name, Harry couldn't sit still and shouted quickly: "Carol, you have to have a conscience. When did I let you and Kyle practice dual cultivation?"

Carol said: "Didn't you invent the 'Double Cultivation of Pity'? At that time, Kyle was practicing the Seven Emotions, but he could not understand the 'True Meaning of Love'.

If you cannot skillfully control the emotion of love, you cannot condense the white light.

You asked us to imitate the 'double cultivation of compassion'. Kyle and I merged spiritually and felt each other's love. "

"Harry, how could you do such a thing?" Hal's eyes were reproachful and his expression was angry. "You know that I am not completely dead, and you must also know how much this kind of practice affects both parties."

Harry exclaimed, "I invented the 'Double Cultivation of Pity' specifically for the Green Lanterns, but I never asked Carol and Kyle to engage in any dual cultivation of love."

"It was Qingnu's suggestion. After teaching Kyle the 'Way of Fear', Harley Quinn never paid attention to him again." Said said something fair.

Qingnv nodded and said: "Yes, it's me, but I just wanted Kyle to feel Carol's 'great love'. I didn't expect that they would fall in love because of it.

Thousands of people in our Qingdeng tribe have practiced the 'Double Cultivation of Compassion', but only to understand the way of compassion, and none of them fell in love.

At least not yet. "

Carol said to Hal: "The 'Double Cultivation of Love' is just a medium. From Kyle's perspective, I see the 'love between men and women' that is different from yours.

I find that Kyle's dedication and wholeheartedness to his girlfriend fascinate me more than the way you and I get along.

Perhaps my decades-long love for you also shocked Kyle, and he developed feelings for me beyond admiration and emotion.

In that state, there are no secrets between him and me, and our feelings of love are completely present in each other's hearts——"

"Okay, stop talking, I understand."

Hal waved his hands, turned around, covered his face with his hands, and sat alone in a chair in a daze.

The atmosphere was dull and awkward, and no one was interested in talking.


About two hours later, a white light suddenly lit up on the surface of the origin wall.

Everyone turned around and saw a ripple on the wall, and a bit of green light flying out from the white light.

It's Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner.

Not only did the uniform change to a green light, but the light ring on his finger also changed from a white light ring to a green one.

"Where's your white light?"

Harley was surprised to find that there was no trace of the white light of life on him, just like an ordinary green light.

Kyle's expression was relaxed, with a smile on his lips, and he said: "My white light origin is divided into seven parts, integrated with seven emotional elements, and left in seven emotional energy pools with the seven lantern beasts.

It is said that there are seven energy pools, but in fact they are all in one pool, blending with each other without distinguishing each other. "

"What is this?" Kilowog asked doubtfully.

Kyle's face still showed satisfaction and joy, saying: "Harry guessed it right, the seven colors of light need to evolve, and my origin is the force that helps them complete their evolution.

The seven lamp beasts are now staying in the pool, so you don’t have to worry.

They are all slowly evolving in their sleep, and it won't take long for them to come out on their own. "

"So, your destiny is to consume white light and let the seven-color light evolve?" Da Chao asked.

"This should be it. The crisis of the collapse of the origin wall is completely resolved, and the emotional energy pool is exhausted."

Kyle pondered for a moment and said: "I have personally measured the emotional energy. Emotional energy gathers into the pool every minute. It should be the emotional activities of all living beings in the universe.

Even if the Green Lantern Corps were to expand tenfold in size, the energy consumed would not be comparable to the increase in the emotional energy pool.

However, Xiangyi's judgment was correct. All seven emotional energy pools were severely depleted.

At least for the next thousand years, we have to save some money. "

"Since I am right, why don't you completely give up your identity as 'light craftsmen'? There are many miraculous powers in this universe. You can be magicians or martial arts masters.

Anyway, being a lantern is just your profession, not the foundation of your civilization. "Xie Yi said.

Kyle hesitated and said: "I personally like the life of Green Lantern, but if everyone decides to give up the Lantern Ring, I can accept it."

"The light ring is my life, I can't give up the light ring." The yellow light Aqilo held the light ring and said excitedly: "After being selected by the yellow light ring, my life began to have meaning.

I don't want to go back to the miserable life of the past where I could see the end of my life at a glance.

If you want to take away my light ring, take away my life as well.

I would rather be buried with the yellow light of fear than become an ordinary person. "

All the lanterns also said: "Since the legion's consumption is not large, why should we give up our identity as lanterns?"

"The lust is my life. The worst I can do is save some money in the future and disband the legion directly. It will cost my life."

"Green Lantern represents justice and order. Destroying Green Lantern is tantamount to destroying justice and order in the universe. It is absolutely unacceptable."

"On average, our Blue Lantern Corps saves a dying star every three days, and one star represents billions of lives. I dare say that the hope and emotion provided by the lives we save alone is enough for our daily consumption as Blue Lanterns."

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