I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1551 The survivors of the universe

This afternoon, the Green Light Trial officially ended.

Representatives of higher civilizations were not very satisfied with the results.

"How did Witch Harley become the Guardian of the Green Lantern? This is ridiculous." Queen Blackfire of Tamaran waved her hands and shouted excitedly to the representatives in the hall: "We had already discussed that we could retain the Green Lantern Corps and use it to Check and balance the external expansion of earth civilization.

But now the witch Harley has become the only guardian of the Green Lantern Corps. When the earth's development reaches a bottleneck in a hundred years and needs to plunder resources and markets, will the Green Lantern Corps come to stop it? "

A spokesman for the Kolu Class sighed: "This is not what we want to see, let alone what we push to happen. Hal Jordan going to find Harley Quinn is beyond everyone's expectations."

"Yes, we ask the Green Lantern Corps to make a guarantee that they will no longer lose control. The subtext is that they invite higher civilizations to join in the supervision of the Green Lantern Corps. Perhaps we can send representatives of civilization to become honorary Green Lanterns.

In this way, the Green Lantern Corps is under supervision, and we don't interfere too much with the normal operation of the Corps. Isn't it the best of both worlds?

Unexpectedly, Hal Jordan couldn't understand what we said and actually thought of 'Guarantee' as the new guardian.

If it were any other Guardian, we would have reason to be suspicious, but if it were Harley Quinn, we wouldn't dare to doubt it.

If you doubt her, how can you enter the reincarnation gate in the future?

Secondly, it is useless for us to doubt her, because now everyone in the universe knows her reputation and deeds.

Who could be more trustworthy than a man who has saved the multiverse countless times?

Even if we disagree, the 13 judges and the jury of the universe will accept this result. "The representative of the Throne World sighed.

"Hal Jordan doesn't understand, why won't you say it clearly? I think he made the decision to lure the wolf into the house out of desperation," said the leader of the Kunde warlord.

"How do you see how helpless he is?" Queen Tamaran asked.

The leader of the Kunde warlord said: "After the trial, I saw him arguing fiercely with several Green Lanterns in the corner of the corridor. The other Lanterns were questioning his decision. Hal Jordan was very excited, saying that higher civilization... that is We have made it clear that we want to disband the Green Lantern Corps, and choosing Harley Quinn as the Guardian is the only choice to preserve the Corps."

"Are you sure?" Black Fire asked in surprise.

The leader of the Kunde warlord pointed to his ears and said: "We Kunde mercenaries have the most powerful body in the universe, second only to the Kryptonians. I have the same super hearing, super vision and super power as Tearman." brain."

"Oh, if I had known this would be the result, I would have told him clearly then." The representatives said in annoyance.

"Well, the situation is not too bad. Now Hal Jordan is still here, and he can suppress everyone's dissatisfaction with his status as the 'Greatest Lantern'. Waiting for the future. Hehe, this thunder will explode sooner or later." The spokesperson of the Keru class smiled.

"Alas, that's it, we can only look forward to this." Black Fire sighed, and then said: "What do you think about the reborn people who enter the reincarnation gate?"

The class spokesman's eyes flashed and he said: "What do you mean by this?"

Black Fire said calmly: "Do you expect a 'patriot of America' to appear among the top officials of the Kelu government?"

The class spokesman frowned, "Of course I don't want the pure blood of the Koru people to be tarnished."

Black Fire said: "But just because you don't want to, it doesn't mean it won't happen. In fact, our civilizations are the hardest-hit areas where reborn people come.

The reason is also very simple. We are an advanced civilization in the universe that is well known to earthlings.

If it were you and me, if we wanted to be reborn on an alien planet, we would choose the most powerful civilization, right? "

The representative of the Tata people hesitated and said: "It seems that no earthlings come to alien planets, they all choose to be reborn on the earth."

Black Fire said: "They chose to be reborn on Earth before, but that may not happen next.

The earth is too dangerous, the reborns are very familiar with each other, an informer appears, and soon the whole world knows that a new batch of reborns have arrived.

In other words, if you catch a reborn person, you can find information about a group of reborn people from his memory.

Therefore, I guess there will be many earthlings trying to break into the sea of ​​stars.

If nothing else, as long as they are reborn as Tamarans, their lifespan will be extended several times, and they will live hundreds of years longer.

A few hundred years are enough for him to betray the interests of the Tamarans and become an 'American patriot'. "

"It makes sense, we should indeed take strict precautions." The representative of Throne World nodded: "The characteristic of our Throne World is superpowers, and it is the civilization with the highest proportion of star warriors.

Those power hungry bastards from Earth are definitely going to be after us. "

"Queen Tamaran, do you have any good suggestions?" the Koru class spokesperson asked.

"We unite to put pressure on the U.S. government and make them swear not to release reborns into our civilization." Blackfire said.

"But the Gate of Reincarnation is in the hands of Harley Quinn. To put pressure on the US government, is it to cut off their thoughts?" the Tatas asked doubtfully.

"Of course I want to put pressure on Harley Quinn, but no one can put pressure on her. On the contrary, I feel a lot of psychological pressure every time I face her." Blackfire said helplessly.

"Me too, even if she looks nice, I'm still inexplicably stressed." Her words immediately received many echoes.

They were not hallucinating.

Every time she dealt with them, Harley would activate her source of fear. She didn't take the initiative to intimidate anyone, but she naturally frightened all those with evil intentions.

Just like a lion that has eaten and drank enough and is taking a nap on the grass, it should be very harmless, but ordinary people will still be scared when they see it, and animals such as antelopes and bison do not dare to approach.

Blackfire added: "I have discovered a pattern. As long as we put pressure on the US government, they will turn around and run to find Harley Quinn, which can often help us achieve our wishes.

And no matter how harshly we reprimand them, they always smile.

Instead of facing the Witch Harley with humility, we should face government officials with arrogance. "

"It makes sense." The alien representatives were deeply moved and agreed.

"But there are also rebirths among us. What if our people are reborn on the other side's home planet?" Representative Lan asked with twinkling eyes.

Black Fire said: "This is also one of the purposes of this secret meeting. I suggest that everyone swear together to prevent such incidents from happening."

"Just swear?"

"Swearing before the Gate of Reincarnation, those who break the oath will be stillborn in the next life."

"Hiss, so cruel."

The alien men's judgment was correct. They found the White House, and the White House men ran to Gotham and told Harley their demands.

“I can put up a sign in front of the Gate of Reincarnation that people on earth are not allowed to reincarnate into certain civilizations below.

But I can't guarantee whether the reborn soul will be obedient.

After all, once you step into the door of reincarnation, 70% of your future depends on merit and 30% on the strength of the person's will. Even if I determine the scope of reincarnation in advance, they may distort the result with their thoughts.

Just like the previous group of people, they obviously had no merit, but they were reincarnated into wealthy families, and even became the sons of the devil. "

"Just have this promise." General Lane sighed: "Anyway, they will definitely prepare other preventive measures.

Alas, some people actually considered going to a higher civilization before.

A group of black magicians who specialize in hunting reborn people have appeared on the earth, which is too dangerous.

But now that higher civilizations have become wary, aliens will inevitably use big data monitoring to investigate the reborn people in the civilization.

The living environment for reborn people now is too harsh. "

"Then don't be born again, be an honest and good person, and go to church to read the New Bible more often when you have free time. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to go to heaven after death?" Harley said.

General Lane hesitated for a moment and said with an anxious look: "Do you think I can go to heaven?"

"Definitely not." Harley said immediately.

"You didn't even go to heaven to check my merits?" General Lane said with a pale face.

"What have you done that you don't know about in your heart?" Harley rolled her eyes at him.

"I, I am all for the United States, I am patriotic." General Lane shouted excitedly.

“Not to mention doing bad things in the name of patriotism, even crusaders who uphold love for God will mostly end up in hell.

However, don't worry, we have been friends for more than ten years, and we can't watch you suffer.

When you fall into hell, I will arrange an errand for you as "Chief Quinweather". " Harley comforted.

"Is the length too low? I am a general after all." General Lane struggled.

"How can I be promoted to general if I'm not a captain?"

In early July, 13 judges from all over the universe left the earth with small gifts from people on earth.

Alien tourists also began to evacuate on a large scale a few days ago.

With the departure of the aliens, the earth has once again returned to its former tranquility, or "hustle and bustle".

The day after the alien reporter responsible for the live broadcast of the trial left, 150 super crimes broke out in the United States.

The supervillains are exhausted after not committing crimes for several months.

In addition to traditional crime projects, the super villains also kidnapped more than 30 alien VIPs stranded on Earth.

The superheroes are very busy, but Harley doesn't even pay much attention to relevant news.

She stayed at the manor honestly, waiting for the aftermath of the Apokolips incident.

As a result, after waiting for several days, there was no movement from Orion, but the green lantern ring in her hand suddenly lost its response to the central energy battery.

The light ring did not destroy itself, and the energy stored in it was not lost. It just lost its connection with the central battery.

"The central energy battery of Qinglan has been exploded again?" She was shocked and confused, and quickly used the lantern ring to contact Qingnv.

could not be reached.

"Sure enough, something went wrong, but what could go wrong at this time?"

Harley didn't hesitate and immediately sent a message to Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner using the light ring.

Kyle didn't respond, but Hal quickly connected to her.

"What could happen to the Qingdeng Tribe?" He was confused.

"I don't know, but the authority of the central battery belongs entirely to me. No one can cut off the connection between me and it unless it is destroyed." Harley said.

"If you go to Nox and see it, you will understand. What do you want me to do?" Hal asked in confusion.

"I'm worried that this is a conspiracy against me, starting with you and Kyle, and I will sweep the formation for you. Kyle is a white light and can teleport instantly. If you take a step first, I will arrive quietly in the next moment.

Well, just like the last "Green Light Mass Poisoning", I hid my whereabouts and aura, and stayed aside to observe secretly. "

Hal was speechless, "Are you too cautious?"

"The central energy battery is destroyed, how can I not be cautious? Moreover, the seven lanterns are connected with each other. If something goes wrong with the green lantern, do you think the green lantern can escape?" Harley said.

"Okay, you ask Kyle to come to me, and I will go to Nox with him." Hal said.

"Where is Kyle? I can't find him, he didn't reply to my message." Harley said.

"Since the Green Light Trial, he and Palco have been looking for cracked walls around the Origin Wall and the 'ancient beings' coming out of the wall. After the trial the day before yesterday, I talked to him and asked me to try ."

Half a minute later, Hal said in shock: "Harry, something happened to Kyle. Not only can I not contact him, but even the Book of Oa can't locate his lamp ring."

"You are daydreaming. The Book of Oa has no authority over the White Lantern Ring." Harley said.

"Yes, the Book of Oa cannot monitor the white lights, but Kyle gave the Book of Oa the authority to locate his ring. He insisted that he was a member of the Green Lantern Corps and could not do anything special." Hal said quickly.

Harley said helplessly: "In that case, I will go to Nok Planet first, and you will come later. If I fall into a trap, you, well, you can figure it out."

After saying that, she took out the big cross, spent 50,000 Heavenly Merits, and instantly arrived at the planet Nok near the edge of the universe.

The next second after arriving in the outer space of the planet, Harley saw the enemy of the Qinglan tribe, a 100-meter giant with a head that looked like a peach.

He was wearing a high-tech space suit, with a weird and advanced-looking instrument on his back, and a giant battleship with a diameter of 100 kilometers above his head.

"You have been defeated. If you hand over the lantern ring and swear not to use emotional energy again, I will allow you to leave this planet unscathed." He shouted to the green lanterns who were as small as ants on the earth.

The Qing Lan headquarters has been reduced to ruins. More than three thousand Qing Lan members were pinned to the ground by weird robotic flying insects, unable to move and struggling.

Almost all of them, including the tribal leader Qingnv, were wiped out.

The reason why it is "almost" is not that Harley, the guardian, survives, but that only half of the Green Lanterns are staying at the headquarters at the moment, and most of the others are traveling around the planet, observing the various behaviors of the world and understanding compassion.

"Hey, what kind of wild boy dares to come and run wild in my Qingdeng tribe?"

Seeing that the other party was just a "tech man", Harley immediately felt relieved. Without waiting for the critical moment to come, she flew directly to the opposite side of "Xiantao Head" and shouted: "I am the guardian of the green lantern, the invincible general of the universe, you are Who is it, where is it from, and why is it taking my central light?"

"Ah, it's the Guardian. The Guardian is here."

"Great, the guardian was finally not too late this time."

Seeing her domineering appearance, the green lanterns below all cheered.

"Are you also a light craftsman?" Xiantao looked at Harley suspiciously, "I didn't find any fluctuations in emotional energy in you."

"Lightsmiths?" Harley asked in confusion: "Why do you call us 'Lightsmiths'?"

Xiantao Head explained: "You use lamps to extract emotional energy and use rings to use them, which is different from us.

We extract emotional energy with pyramids and weaponize it with canes.

In our world, people who use emotional energy are collectively called 'lightsmiths'. "

Harley was first surprised by the information revealed in his words, and then she was surprised that his attitude was not like that of an arrogant and unreasonable cosmic villain, but gentle and gentle, like an honest and responsible "scholar".

"Can you introduce yourself? Where is your lightsmith? This is the first time I have heard of a second cosmic force that uses emotional energy." Harley's tone was gentler.

"When I first came to this planet, I introduced myself and told my purpose." Xiantao said.

"But I just came here, and I am the guardian of the tribe, with the highest status, and I introduced myself."

"You said you are the invincible general of the universe? It sounds like you are bragging." Xiantao said.

Harley asked in surprise: "Have you never heard of 'The Invincible and Beloved Harley Quinn'?

What kind of old hat is sticking out of the corner?

No, with your style, you can definitely detect the turbulence of the universe. You are not a native of this universe. "

"Your name is Harley Quinn? Well, it's indeed not the first time I've heard of it. Just two days ago, when I first came to this universe, I heard other lightsmiths mention you."

Xiantao's head showed a thoughtful expression and continued: "Yes, I come from another universe, the 'previous universe' before the birth of your multiverse.

To you, we are the remnants of the universe. You can call me ‘the remnant’. "

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