I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1539 The gap between reality and ideal

Alien cruise ship conference room.

Blackfire frowned and said, "Actually, destroying the Green Lantern Corps is not entirely a good thing for us."

Ambassador Lann sneered: "Did the Tamarans develop a servile nature under the rule of the Green Lantern Corps, and slaves can't live without their masters?"

Before Blackfire could get angry, the spokesperson of the Kolu class scolded unceremoniously: "Ambassador Chris, we are talking about business, please be polite and restrained."

Ambassador Lan's face turned red and he wanted to get angry.

The leader of the Kunde warlord also complained: "Let's just talk about it, Chris, why do you always make trouble? Harley Quinn may arrive at any time, and we don't have much time."

Ambassador Lan suppressed his blush, but could only keep his mouth shut.

Blackfire glanced at him contemptuously. No wonder he was just the deputy of Representative Lan. With such a city and ability,

"I have a reason! Before the rise of Harley Quinn, the Green Lantern Corps was on top of us, and of course we didn't like them.

But the problem is, now that Harley Quinn has risen strongly, she can crush the Seven Lantern Corps by herself.

What kind of terrifying strength is this?

Also, in the last battle with Loki’s Zerg, she drove hundreds of millions of Zerg troops to flee in panic. Don’t you find it terrifying?

Every civilization we have present will have no chance of surviving when faced with the Loki Zerg alone.

But she single-handedly took down the most terrifying Loki Zerg in the universe.

She is from Earth.

It is foreseeable that in the future, Earth's civilization will replace the Green Lantern Corps and put pressure on us, making us very uncomfortable. "

On the Archimedes airship, General Lane looked at Harley with a complicated expression. Her expression was calm, neither proud nor angry.

But he really couldn't calm down. Just one person made all the advanced civilizations in the universe so fearful. Fortunately, she was from Earth.

"These aliens are so abominable!" Diana's eyes seemed to be filled with small flames.

"Alas, compared with the dark forest in "Red Manhattan: The Trisolarial Crisis", they are already fine." General Lane sighed.

Alien cruise ship conference room.

"You mean, use the Green Lantern Corps to check and balance Harley Quinn?" The spokesperson of the Koru Class frowned: "I agree with what you said about the 'Earth Threat Theory', and I also admit that we should be wary of the rise of Earth civilization.

But does the Green Lantern Corps have the power to check Harley Quinn? "

Blackfire smiled and said: "Except for the Supreme Being of the fifth dimension, I can't think of anyone in the material world who can check and balance Harley Quinn.

I never thought about using the Green Lantern Corps to counterbalance her, I mean using the Green Lantern Corps to counterbalance Earth civilization.

A fact that is well known but no one dares to disclose is that for the past 3 billion years, the Green Lantern Corps has been suppressing civilizations with potential that seek external development.

The euphemistic name is maintaining regional peace and protecting the lives and safety of people in the Star Territory.

Green Lantern still does this.

For example, in the early years, the Golden Dragon Empire encountered a development bottleneck and needed to expand its territory to obtain strategic resources. When the Green Lantern Corps encountered the "Lamp Ring Flaw", it occupied several nearby resource planets.

Green Lantern Lila immediately came to the door and destroyed the Golden Dragon Empire fleet, forcing the Golden Dragon Emperor to commit suicide. In the end, the Golden Dragon Empire collapsed.

Hahaha, Lantern Laila is the eldest princess of the Golden Dragon Empire.

We can continue to promote this concept of 'peaceful coexistence and orderly development' and make it a universal value in the universe.

Anyway, our group of advanced civilizations have passed the stage of competing for territory.

The planets around the earth are all owned. As a rising star, the development path of the earth will be 10,000 times more difficult than that of the Golden Dragon Empire. I see how it can break through the bottleneck of the "stellar civilization".

Well, you can also pull the earth to engage in "quantum energy neutralization" or "pollution-free and non-hazardous cosmic energy plan."

Most of the hyperdrive engines in the universe now extract quantum energy from quantum space to create energy crystals as fuel.

We can let experts promote a point of view - quantum space has been exhausted of energy, and excessive energy extraction will affect the stability of the multiverse.

It even equates "excessive extraction of quantum energy" with "frequent cosmic crises in recent years."

In short, in addition to kidnapping the earth ideologically and morally, weakening their bloody nature, and turning them into sheep, they must also restrict their energy and technological development. "

Speaking of this, Blackfire couldn't help but sigh: "The overall civilization level of the earth is extremely low, technology is underdeveloped, and the race is inferior, but they always have one or two geniuses who come up with 'super technology' that shocks even higher civilizations.

I don't know whether to encourage them to toss or restrict their development.

If there were a few more Brother Eye crises and Submojo crises, Earth's civilization would be doomed by itself without anyone taking action.

But the heroes of the Earth and Harley Quinn can take care of the Earth and easily solve the disaster of out-of-control technology every time. "

The spokesperson of the Kelu class said slowly: "Actually, we don't have to worry too much about technological development.

No matter how many wise people appear on the earth, they will not be able to take off the entire earth civilization.

Because there are too many idiots on the planet holding them back.

And those idiots all hold high positions and are the leaders of civilization.

Just like this Luther flu spreading incident.

The source is the subordination experiment that the U.S. military has been tossing. Although its abilities are limited, it cannot control its ambition and greed.

Lutheran flu actually existed as early as the end of last year.

If we persist in traceability and zeroing, given the incubation period of the influenza virus and the true potential of Earth’s civilization, it can be completely eliminated in at most half a month.

But the Earth Guys have been struggling for more than half a year, but there is no sign of eradicating the Luther Flu.

It can be seen that the ability of these civilized and powerful people to do things is extremely low, and their efficiency is very low.

Greedy, inefficient, and incompetent, they are the best helpers in limiting the development of the earth.

With them here, we don't have to worry about one more Harley and ten more Justice Leaguers on Earth.

The current system in the United States is enough to ensure that the people elected to power are all idiots.

In our advanced civilization, it is the chief scientists who decide national affairs.

Sociologists and politicians only assist scientists in governing the country.

But on earth, the living environment of scientists is not even as good as that of so-called celebrities and Internet celebrities.

Hehe, now the people on earth can be idle, wait for their talents to run out, wait for the top scientists in the universe such as Luther, Mr. Excellence, and Dr. Stone to die, and see how they develop. "

Representative Lan said excitedly: “Speaking of celebrity Internet celebrities, I find that it is easy for earthlings to get sick satisfaction from entertainment programs.

We can definitely help them develop this industry, just like Lan helped the Daily Planet develop its news business. "

Black Fire frowned and said: "The news business of Planet Daily is not an industry that produces negative energy for civilization.

That group of reporters can help earth civilization expand its influence in the universe, and then compete for control of public opinion, while also broadening the horizons of people on earth. The effect is comparable to two Justice Leagues. "

On the airship, Diana gritted her teeth and glared: "Fake, you actually regard Zhenglian as a unit of measurement. The total value of the unit is actually not as good as half of the Planet Daily. We Zhenglian have helped them a lot."

In the conference room of the alien cruise ship, Representative Lan frowned and said: "We are not the ones taking the initiative to help Planet Daily develop its cosmic news business.

Harley Quinn’s endorsement, Adam’s Wonder Woman’s matchmaking, it’s hard for us to refuse.

What I mean is that we all work together to use our own media industry to help the earth develop online and video entertainment.

Entertain them to death.

They put all their energy and time into entertainment programs, and the ratings of Daily Planet naturally dropped to the bottom.

The most important thing is that entertainment programs are the easiest to fundamentally influence a civilization’s outlook on life.

For every additional Internet celebrity on the planet, there will be tens of millions more citizens who envy Internet celebrities, admire Internet celebrities, and want to become Internet celebrities, and reduce the number of thousands of citizens who dream of becoming scientists, and ultimately reduce the number of more than one scientific staff. "

"Well, Representative Chris, your words are worth more than thousands of space fleets!" the Tatas admired.

"It's indeed a good point. We should reduce the number of ordinary cosmic celebrities like Harvey Dent and Lois Lane, and cultivate more galactic Internet celebrities for the people on earth." The spokesperson of the Keru class nodded.

Blackfire glanced at Representative Lan and said, "We can discuss these small tricks in detail in private after the 'Green Light Trial' is over.

Now back to the topic, what do you think of my suggestion just now, leaving the Green Lantern Corps to restrict the development of the earth? "

The Tata man said slowly: "There are benefits to staying, and there are benefits to not staying. Well, it also depends on the attitudes of Harley Quinn and Hal Jordan.

The power of the two of them can crush all our thoughts and plans. "

On the Archimedes airship, General Lane wiped his forehead and touched the cold sweat on his hand.

"These aliens are so vicious, Harley, what should we do now?"

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "There is nothing new under the sun. Isn't that what they said is what you are doing? What's all the fuss about."

"Well, having said that." General Lane was stunned, his expression tangled and angry: "But I never thought that the aliens could be so bad, as bad as us, it's so hateful."

Harley was speechless, "Why can't aliens be as bad as you? Is it possible that in your mind, Americans are the worst in the universe?"

"Ivy, keep going. Kyle, no need to peep anymore, I already understand what they are thinking." Harley said contemptuously: "A group of shallow people who bully the weak and fear the strong are not worth mentioning."

The Archimedes airship is activated again, and Kyle Rayner returns from the River of Time.

"Aren't you worried?" General Lane asked doubtfully.

"You are as bad as these alien devils. You use the same methods and have the same level. You are equally matched. What should I worry about when a crouching dragon meets a phoenix chick?" Harley asked with a relaxed look.

General Lane opened his mouth, then fell silent.

It wasn't until the airship stopped on the deck of the alien cruise ship that he said quietly: "Do we need to make changes and learn from the 'chief scientist' system of higher civilizations?"

"Don't you think it's strange? Most of these advanced civilizations are led by scientists. Why do they want to go together?" Harley asked.

"Because this is the truth?" General Lane hesitated.

"Oh, why are so many countries on earth now imitating the United States in establishing a presidential system? Don't say this is the truth. If it is the truth, you already have the truth, so why are you still struggling?" Harley sneered.

General Lane frowned, "Many countries on Earth don't want to learn from us. This is the result of our efforts to promote it. Is there someone in the universe who is also promoting the 'chief scientist system'?"

"They are all imitating the Martus!" Harley said directly.

"That's right, Maltus is a country run by scientists. The Science Council is the country's highest authority, and every member is a top scientist." General Lane suddenly realized, "So, Maltus is the only super civilization in the universe. Just like our country, the United States, is the only superpower on earth.

So just as all the countries on earth admire us and take the initiative to learn from us, the aliens are also imitating the Martus people."

Looking at the proud look on his face, it seemed as if his motherland was already on par with the top civilization, Martus.

Harley said calmly: "Think again, what will happen to those countries on earth that have copied the American system."

Kyle Rayner blurted out: "Of course it's democracy, freedom, and prosperity."

"Haha." Harley smiled contemptuously.

General Lane said with a sneer: "The main reason is that they haven't learned the essence, and we have been deliberately causing trouble.

If there is a chance to develop smoothly, just like these advanced alien civilizations, hey, the advanced alien civilizations are like Maltus, but the little blue man has been secretly doing evil to prevent them from developing."

His expression became very strange, "Why do I feel that the little blue man is very similar to us in many aspects.

For example, the Green Lantern Corps of Little Blue Men is equivalent to our positioning of the American soldiers as the "world police". Is this a coincidence? Or is it a common characteristic of super civilizations? "

Then he turned to Harley and said suddenly: "You see that our country in the United States also has the characteristics of a super civilization, so you don't suggest that we learn the 'chief scientist system', right?"

Harley looked at him with a dull face for a while, without saying a word, and jumped off the airship.

"Hey, Harley, why don't you speak?" General Lane shouted.

"She acquiesced." Ivy said holding back a laugh.

"Oh." General Lane also smiled.

Harry walked quickly towards the venue without looking back.

Even without the "Green Light Trial", people on Earth often see spacecraft from alien planets.

As long as they are not armed ships and accept the speed limit supervision of the earth, basically all alien spacecraft have the opportunity to enter the solar system and even enter the interior of the earth.

The 'Starlight' that was serving as the venue at this time was a starry sky cruise ship that was not equipped with naval guns and whose speed was limited to twice the speed of the third universe.

Of course, a mere twice the speed of the third universe is definitely not suitable for interstellar travel.

The 100-meter-diameter dish-shaped spacecraft that appeared over the coast of New Zealand at this time was only part of the complete Starlight.

The power capsule loaded with the hyperlight engine is like the front of a train being unloaded and left in the space dock outside the atmosphere.

In order to protect the safety of the planet, this system of limiting the armament and speed of alien spacecraft is the norm in the universe. The earth just follows the existing rules of the aliens.

"Dear representatives, I'm sorry that this happened, but please rest assured that we have made appropriate arrangements for the mutated submojo virus."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Harley bluntly stated the Earthlings' "patient treatment plan."

After they spent a moment, she continued: "Although Earth's civilization is poor and weak, Earth people will not shirk their responsibilities.

The above are just arrangements we have made based on our own circumstances. Each civilization may have different needs, and we are willing to try our best to meet them. "

"The Pox God is really as miraculous as you say, and is it also effective on us silicon-based people?" the Tata representative asked doubtfully.

"Since Luther Flu is effective on you, the Pox God can also help you. It is the God of Viruses and has very unscientific powers." Harley said.

All the alien representatives looked at each other and remained silent.

Representative Lan was the first to lose his composure and said loudly: "We also want all the research data on the submojo virus and the Luthor virus."

"No." Harley refused directly.

Representative Lan didn't expect her to be so straightforward. He was stunned at first, then his cheeks turned red and he said with some excitement: "Didn't you ask us to make a request?

With so many ambassadors and even civilization leaders dead, we have every right to make any demands on you! "

"We will try our best to accommodate reasonable requests, but I suggest you don't mention unreasonable requests." Harley said calmly.

Representative Lan became even more excited, "Who will judge whether it is reasonable or not? Are we the victims or you people on Earth have the final say?"

Before Harley could speak, the Queen of Black Fire stood up and scolded: "Ambassador Chris, I'm really ashamed of you. Even though your request is so unreasonable, you still have to argue so hard."

The spokesperson of the Kelu class squinted at Black Fire and frowned: "Ambassador Chris, Miss Quinn's arrangements are very sincere, and I am very grateful for her efforts to save Kelu patients.

Please don’t presume that Lan En’s personal will represents all of our civilization. "

"What?" Representative Lan was a little dumbfounded. That's not what you just said!

The leader of the Kunde warlord sighed secretly and said: "We did have an ambassador who died of Luther Flu, but that is not the fault of the people on earth.

Even before we entered the solar system, Earthlings were warning us about the flu.

We ourselves made a mistake in judgment and did not pay attention to this matter. Why should we blame the earth? "

After being stunned for a while, the remaining alien representatives nodded in agreement.

Harley glanced at everyone and continued: "In addition, I hope that all major advanced civilizations can cooperate with the Justice League in tracking down the carriers of the submojo virus who have left the solar system, as well as their close contacts.

To prevent some cosmic terrorists from collecting submojo viruses to develop biological weapons. "

Blackfire looked at her with respect and praised: "Earth is indeed a responsible civilization. It is so thoughtful. We, Tamaran, will fully cooperate with the Justice League to complete this matter."

——This is a new idea, I have never thought of it before.

She whispered to herself.

"We can add the submojo virus to the 'list of dangerous diseases in the universe' and issue a warning to all civilizations."

"Under the leadership of Admiral Galactic, and with the hard work and cooperation of all of us, I believe that the Amojo virus will soon become history."

Other aliens followed suit and expressed their opinions one after another.

"In that case, let's break up the meeting first. The top priority now is to research the new Yamodra vaccine." Harley said.

"Well, Miss Quinn, please do your business first. We should also organize biologists to cooperate with the pox god to develop our country's exclusive sub-modro vaccine."

General Lane didn't come back to his senses until he left the conference room and returned to the Archimedes airship. He thought there would be an epic "Galaxy admiral's verbal battle with an alien ghost guy", but what's going on now?

"Is this the end? I didn't even say anything." He murmured.

"What do you want to say?"

"Apologise to them, bow, or even kneel down," General Lane struggled.

"Next, you can still kneel down and kowtow to get their understanding."

"But..." He looked at Kyle suspiciously, "Did you read the timeline wrong just now? Except for Ambassador Lann, who is a bit cunning and vicious, the other representatives are very kind."

"You must be reading that right. They are just ordinary people. Looking at their timelines is like reading lines on the palm of your hand." Kyle Rayner was also puzzled, "How about I take a look again? Let's see what they are saying after we leave."

"Look quickly." Diana urged.

She had clenched her fists just now, preparing for a big fight, but she didn't expect that the entire meeting only lasted three minutes.

"What are you doing? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

As soon as the River of Time window opened, several people on the airship saw Representative Lan roaring angrily.

"Are you blind?" the Queen of Black Fire shouted rudely: "The sharp look in Witch Harley's eyes just now almost pierced the void. What if we go hard and she gets angry?"

"Does Harley look scary?" General Lane was confused. He clearly remembered her expressionless face and very calm eyes.

Representative Lan also said: "What the hell, I'm right across from her, why didn't I see her sharp eyes?"

"The words of the Black Fire Queen are a bit exaggerated, but the meaning is not bad." The spokesperson of the Keru class said helplessly: "Her attitude is very tough and she is not in a good mood. This is scary enough."

"I'm telling the truth." Black Fire said seriously: "At that moment, I felt a chill in my heart. It seemed that black clouds had covered the sky, and a terrifying sea of ​​blood rushed towards me.

A ferocious evil dragon even condensed behind the witch Harley, trying to choose people to devour. "

Representative Lann looked at her in bewilderment and shouted, "Are you crazy? Or are you too afraid of her and are frightened into a psychosis?"

"I don't care about idiots like you who came out of the greenhouse." Black Fire said.

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, you're a bunch of lunatics who don't keep their word." Representative Lan stood up and walked out angrily.

"Oh, don't go, we haven't finished talking about the 'Earth Civilization Control Plan' yet." The leader of the Kunde warlord shouted.

"Harry, you used mental illusions on them?" General Lane asked suspiciously.

"I didn't do anything, I simply expressed my attitude. Someone got it, that's all." Harley said lightly.

"Just attitude?" General Lane couldn't believe it.

Harley shrugged, "Maybe it adds some source of fear."

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