"Are you talking about a prophecy? It is predicted that a major event will happen in the future where Kyle renews the energy of the Seven Lanterns." Diana asked.

"No, I just used his white light characteristics to infer his destiny. Whatever his destiny, he is equipped with the ability. On the other hand, if you know what he can do, you can also deduce his destiny." Harley said.

Luther frowned and said, "I hear what you mean. We need to rely on the White Lantern to solve the sub-Mojo mutant virus. Its white light must have one of two characteristics: controlling the evolution of life and distorting reality on a large scale.

And Kyle Rayner's destiny has nothing to do with the evolution of life or the distortion of reality. His white light does not have these two abilities, so he can't help us solve the Amojo mutated virus? "

"Well, that's basically it. However, it's not like Kyle can't help. Let him inject some life energy into the patient's body, and the patient may be able to recover automatically." Harley said.

"I can't take care of millions of aliens and more people on Earth. Especially since the Origin Wall has just undergone a mutation, I don't dare to extract emotional energy on a large scale.

Next, we'd better go to the origin wall and check it out to see what the thing that came out of the origin wall is and whether it's my hallucination. "Kyle said solemnly.

"If you can't take care of millions of people, then focus on taking care of the alien VIPs, ordinary people, especially Earthlings, and let Luther take charge." General Lane said.

Luther was very confident and said: "Harley, call the Pox God to be my deputy, and I can develop a new sub-modran vaccine for patients on Earth - Luther Flu II.

With the foundation of the first-generation Luther flu virus, I am confident that the results will be available within 3 hours, the dosage of the drug will be achieved within 12 hours, and all earthly patients will leave the ICU within one day and become common colds again.

But the number of alien races is huge, and each race needs a kind of Yamodra vaccine. There are thousands of civilized ethnic groups, and I can't handle it in a short time.

In addition, I feel that aliens, especially alien groups with advanced civilizations, will not easily let me obtain their genetic sequences.

Just like we must never disclose the genetic data of people on Earth to aliens. "

Harley said: "Let the aliens research their own species' submojo virus vaccine. You will make the technology public, and I will ask the Pox God to cooperate with them.

You can develop the second generation Luthor Potion in three hours, maybe they can go slower, five hours, ten hours? "

"I don't mind giving away my gene editing technology for free, but there is only one acne god." Luther said.

"The Pox God is a god who can split into countless clones." Harley said.

"Okay, very good. Now more than half of the crisis of the Amojo virus has been solved." General Lane breathed a long sigh of relief, his expression became more relaxed, and then asked: "About what Luther said before about the weaponization of the Amojo virus. , how to solve it?

White Lantern Kyle can't bend the timeline, Harley, can you?

Just like what was done with Koruga, replace the current timeline of the virus spreading across the universe with a timeline in which the Subamodra virus did not spread? "

"No!" Harley shook her head and said, "Even today, there are a lot of cosmic news about Sinestro punching evildoers and saving the universe.

There are also many people who scoff at this, such as Guy Gardner.

He openly interviewed Louise and told the twisted truth about Koruga.

But from the beginning to the end, I never denied the fact that Sinestro beat Firong.

Because it is a fact, but this fact was cut off by disaster after it happened.

I am not creating a timeline, but 'straightening' the distorted timeline.

The reality that Sinestro punched the evildoer was not from me, but from the fact that he had the ability to do it, at least he had done it before.

If Luther successfully develops the all-powerful Amazo elixir and Amazo refuses to accept it and changes this reality to what it is today, I can change the reality back.

Well, I can only protect the timeline. If I were to create a timeline out of thin air, I can't. "

"But you also created a timeline of the God of War during Crisis on Infinite Earths." General Lane said.

Harley said: "That time the timeline was about to be born, and I wrote data on the blank timeline.

Now we have to create a timeline out of thin air. The two are completely different.

The difference between making up a story on a timeline and creating a new timeline is like assembling a computer and building a computer from scratch. "

"In that case." General Lane frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "We can only have an honest talk with the leaders of higher civilizations.

Let me make it clear first. If a tragedy does occur in the future that destroys the civilization of the planet, we will have something to say.

Public opinion on the earth is controlled by powerful countries. When it is enlarged to the Milky Way and the cosmic civilization circle, it is also the higher civilizations that have the right to speak.

Harley, please go out and talk to them personally. You are powerful and famous. They also want something from you. They expect you to sanction the Green Lantern Corps. We should be able to negotiate. "

"Sam, I openly hire you to be my representative, and I will also lend you the use of the Archimedes airship. Do a good job, I believe in you." Harley didn't want to run around the universe.

"Several days have passed since the outbreak of the Yamodra virus. Many leaders of advanced civilizations died. They all urgently sent envoys to the earth. We have arranged for them to stay at the Galaxy State Guesthouse in New Zealand.

Going to meet them won't waste much of your time. "General Lane said.

"Well, are they still in New Zealand?" Harley asked.

"Waiting for news from us above New Zealand. Well, they are afraid of being infected with the Luther virus and have been staying in their space cruise ship." General Lane said.

"Okay, me and" Harley looked around and asked, "Where is Chao? He is the organizer of the Great Trial."

Diana said: "Together with Super Girl and Super Boy, he was busy using his super vision to find infected people, and the commander's condition also relied on him to maintain his health.

If he hadn't used thermonuclear rays to kill the mutated Submojo virus that invaded his head one by one, the commander would have died along with Roxy and the others. "

"How is the commander-in-chief's condition now?" Harley asked.

"Out of the danger period, the person has woken up, but still can't get out of bed." General Lane said.

"Since the person is still sick, you will represent the U.S. government. You and I, plus Kyle, the Lord of the White Lantern, are we sincere enough? Even if the alien has resentment in his heart, he should swallow his anger." Harley laughed. road.

"Suffer your anger? What are you going to do? This time we are in the wrong, so we should comfort you with words." General Lane quickly advised.

Harley said disapprovingly: "Other people's generals are dead, and you still want the guests and hosts to have a good time?

According to the temperament of advanced civilizations, they would definitely want to use a Star Destroyer Cannon to blow the earth into dust.

But reality does not allow them to do this, what else can they do besides swallowing their anger? "

General Lane was stunned and said: "At least the beautiful words should be gentler and try to resolve the resentment in their hearts."

"So I asked you to go with me, and you can tell me beautiful words. I pretended to be a flower of the high mountains, aloof and unapproachable. Well, try to talk as little as possible." Harley said.

General Lane was speechless.

Luther was eager to give it a try: "Harley, I represent the highest intelligence of earth's civilization and can speak on professional issues -"

Harley interrupted him: "The laboratory where the second-generation Luther vaccine is synthesized is the place that needs the smartest brain in the universe most."

There are quite a few alien leaders who have been tricked to death by Earthlings.

There are many alien envoys coming to Earth this time, and the number of alien spaceships is naturally huge.

After receiving the news from General Lane that "Admiral Galaxy has arrived", they prepared for more than half an hour. They gathered a dozen envoys from higher civilizations on a cruise ship and arranged the venue before notifying the earth and inviting Admiral Galaxy and Bai. The Lord of Lamps comes aboard.

"Do you think they will attack in public?"

On the Archimedes airship from Metropolis to New Zealand, General Lane was a little restless.

"If they make trouble, bow as hard as you can. Once they make trouble, bow once until they are moved by your sincerity and stop talking," Harley said.

"Bowing doesn't mean sincerity, so what's the use?" General Lane said.

Harry smiled and said: "Bowing does not represent the sincerity of the person who bows, but seeing you bowing pitifully and shamelessly will make the person being bowed feel uncomfortable and helpless.

As the saying goes, if you can't hit someone with a smiling face with your hand, you can't curse someone with a bow if you open your mouth.

You have to hit others, and they greet you with smiles, but you can't beat them if you have any dignity.

You have to open your mouth to scold the other person, but the other person still keeps bowing to you. As long as you still have some conscience and shame, you can't curse.

To put it bluntly, bowing is not to express one's sincerity and conscience, but to inspire others' noble moral character and integrity. "

General Lane was stunned and murmured: "It seems to make sense."

Then, he hesitated and said: "My back is a bit stiff and I can't bend it. How about changing it to someone with more experience?"

"That's even better. You're a lot older and your hair is gray. You obviously can't bend down, but you bend down awkwardly and forcefully. You look even more pitiful. The alien is even more uncomfortable and helpless." Harley said.

General Lane's expression was twisted.

"Hey, stop first."

When they were about to approach the alien cruise ship, Harley's expression suddenly changed slightly, and she raised her hand and patted Ivy's shoulder in the driver's seat.

Ivy hovered the airship in the shadow world and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Those alien guys are talking behind my back and seem to be saying bad things about me." Harley frowned.

"Who is talking bad about you? There are no aliens here." General Lane said.

"The group of alien envoys waiting for our meeting are discussing topics related to me, and they don't seem to be well-intentioned." Harley said.

"How do you know?" Ryan asked in surprise.

"I am a god. No matter who says my real name, they can cause my reaction. The closer the distance and the greater the malice, the stronger the reaction." Harley said.

General Lane's expression changed slightly, and he asked in an unnatural tone: "No matter who talks about you behind your back, you can hear it?"

Harley said meaningfully: "I can sense it as long as I want to, but most of the time, I don't have that much energy to care about other people's whispers.

Today I can detect that the alien envoys are discussing me because I paid special attention to them. "

General Lane lowered his head and asked, "What are they talking about?"

Harley shook her head, "Unless there is a statue of me at the venue and a ray of consciousness comes from me, I can only sense it and cannot hear the sound. But if a ray of consciousness comes, it will definitely be discovered by the superpowers on the spaceship."

She turned to Kyle Rayner and said, "Help us take a look and see what they are talking about."

"What do you think?" Kyle asked puzzled.

"You are the white light, above time. We are about to meet them, and their timeline is right next to you, connected to you, and it is very conspicuous." Harley said.

"Well, you can try it."

"Get a live broadcast." Harley said again.

Kyle nodded, the light ring on his right hand glowed with a faint white light, and the symbol of the white light appeared in both eyes.

General Lane rubbed his eyes. It was not an illusion. Kyle Rayner in front of him seemed to be blurred, and his figure became a little blurry.

"What's up with him?"

"He has entered the river of time. You can see the river clearly from the sky." Harley smiled.

"Buzz~~~" As soon as he finished speaking, Kyle's light ring projected a 33-inch window into the air, opposite the solemn and gorgeous venue.

"We must not let the Earth guy go easily this time, Harley Quinn must pay the price!"

As soon as the window opened, a roar of gnashing teeth came over.

"Ah, it's Queen Blackfyre of Tamaran, she..." General Lane exclaimed in disbelief: "She was gentle to us before, and she even held my hand and said - Tamaran is firmly on our side. , no matter what the attitude of other higher civilizations is."

Harley sneered: "Do you really believe it?"

"Her sister Spark is a superhero on Earth! The Earth Alliance also saved her home planet. Our two civilizations have had a relationship for nearly ten years. Is there really no pure friendship between countries?" General Ryan said bitterly.

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