I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1500 The Fifth Green Lantern of Earth

"The ghost has indeed found a new host. He is still from Gotham, but I won't tell you his original identity. You will understand the reason yourself." Zaulie said.

The Archimedes airship was still on its way back to Earth. Harley sent a text message to Lao Zha, but received no reply for several minutes. She could only take out the big cross, and a ray of consciousness instantly drifted into the gate of heaven.

"Did you see my text message? Why didn't you reply?" Hallie asked.

Zaulie glanced at her with a resentful look and said, "It's not like you keep forgetting to recharge my phone bill. My mobile phone has been in arrears for more than a year."

"Phone bill?" Harley was stunned for a moment before she remembered that she had never recharged Zaulie's phone bill after giving her a cell phone for the first time a few years ago.

"I bound a bank card to your mobile phone at that time, and there were 300 million US dollars in it."

With doubts in her heart, Halli also took out her mobile phone and opened Zaulie's bank statement.

"Shit, so many 648, it's more than one game, and it's not just about playing games. The online rewards alone exceed 200 million. Fake, you are the Archangel of Heaven, how can you be so useless!" Harley was stunned! .

"It's too boring to guard the gate alone. I want to do something like this for myself. Moreover, the earth has been changing so fast recently. I must keep up with the times and understand all aspects of the Garden of Eden." Zaulie's expression remained unchanged, without any shame.

Harley glanced at her suspiciously, and then clicked on the account that Zaulie tipped.

After a moment, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not a male anchor who calls her "family", nor a female anchor who calls her "big brother on the list".

All are asking for help and donations.

Either they themselves are sick and need money for treatment, or someone in their family is sick.

When Lao Zha meets someone, he will donate tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Also because Lao Zha gave a lot of rewards, the platform specially pushed this kind of videos to her, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent long ago.

"Why didn't you tell me if you didn't have any money to spend?"

“You can connect to WiFi without calling charges. The main host of Watch Dog is in Tiantian Mountain. The Internet speed is super fast and it’s free of charge.

When surfing the Internet, spend it if you have money, and don’t spend it if you don’t have money.

Anyway, no one called me for several years before. "Zhaulie said calmly.

"Well, when I go back, I will help you set up an 'Angel Charity Fund'. If you need donations in the future, you can use the fund account.

But you can no longer 648 without restraint.

Anyway, you have unlimited lifespan and unlimited time, so you can kill your liver, or help others make money on behalf of your liver.

It’s not that I’m short of money, but you are God’s favorite archangel. You can’t indulge in games and lose your merits! "Harry said seriously.

"Well, you're right, I'd better replace the liver. It won't work without drawing cards." Zaulie nodded.

"What's going on with the ghost?" Harley asked again.

Zaulie hesitated for a moment and said: "During the multi-restart period, wasn't the ghost tempted by the eclipse and did something that shamed the Lord?"

Harry curled his lips, it was something that made the Lord secretly happy, right?

“At that time, the mage from the main universe found Black Alice and asked her to borrow all the remaining power of the ghost, and the magic chaos calmed down.

At that time, the stranger took away Black Alice and the ghost, and then found a host for the ghost.

He is a police officer in Gotham, absolutely upright and reliable, and he knows you. If you are worried that the new ghost will cause trouble for you, there is no need to worry. "Zhaulie said.

"Shit, Gotham Police Officer."

Harley thought hard, but she didn't expect a GCPD with noble moral character that impressed her deeply.

"Might as well choose Gordon."

Zaulie said seriously: "It is precisely because Gotham is a mire and the Gotham Police Department stinks like a cesspool, it is even more rare for an upright person who can emerge from the mire without being stained.

As for Gordon, he is very qualified, but you understand why he was not selected. "

Archimedes on the airship.

Harley opened her eyes and said: "Ivy, please check, the Gotham police officer who died during the multi-dimensional reboot."

Not many police officers died in Gotham during that time, only three.

Harley quickly cast Crispus Allen, who had a cleaner background.

This Allen is not affiliated with any black state organization and does not receive a second salary outside of the Gotham government.

But he has no outstanding achievements.

He didn't risk his life to fight against the dark forces like Gordon did, nor did he serve as Batman's assistant.

His position was not high, and although he had solved many cases, he had never done anything that left an impression on Harry.

"A very ordinary good person, the threshold for becoming a ghost is so low?" Ivy was also very confused.

"It is indeed very ordinary, but in Gotham, it is very rare to be an ordinary and competent police officer."

Harley turned to Allen's death report, "Look, he died in the same way as the previous ghost Jim Corrigan.

Falling into the trap of the gangsters, he was alone and outnumbered. He was shot by more than a dozen machine guns, shot hundreds of times, and his body was almost broken in two.

How much resentment must there be!

It fits Moke’s style very well, haha. "

Two hours later, Earth Metropolis, Hall of Justice.

"Harley, you're finally back." Kyle Rayner seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and he said impatiently when he saw her: "Today when I was fighting a fire in Los Angeles, a string of light rings suddenly flew over.

Except for the green light, all other colors of light are available.

And they are all saying things like, ‘Kyle Rayner, an Earthling from sector 2814, you have the compassion to save all sentient beings’.

They didn't mind each other's presence at all and both wanted to put on my fingers.

I was too surprised to react and let them all fit on my fingers successfully. "

Harley looked down at his hands, only a strangely colored green light ring.

Basically it's still a Green Lantern Ring, but with seven different colors of light flashing on its surface.

"Did you activate your emotional elements today, or run the "White Light Magic" at full strength?"

"No, I didn't do anything." Kyle said with certainty.

Seeing her observing her light ring, he added: "After putting the other six color light rings on my fingers, I can actually use their power at the same time.

Not only can any light ring be operated without any obstacles, it can even blend multiple colors of light.

For example, filling the green light with the blue light of hope can instantly enhance the green light beam tenfold.

I was only surprised at the time, not worried at all.

When I tried to combine seven lights into one, all seven light rings exploded and merged into the weird seven-color light ring. "

"You have even cultivated white light, so it is normal to be able to control the Seven Lantern Rings. The seven major colors, light emotions, are all separated from white light.

I even suspect that in order to cultivate white light and control the seven-color lamp ring at the same time, it is a basic condition. "

Harley said something in her heart, took out her green lantern ring, and tried to contact Kyle's lantern ring.

"Buzzing." The colorful green light ring flashed with green light, and there was an immediate response.

Kyle asked in confusion: "Obviously the Green Lantern Ring has been shattered, how can I still be connected to your Green Lantern Ring?"

"It's not a smash, it's a fusion. The current 'Colorful Lantern Ring' can not only receive my information, but can also be located by me. Shit, I can't deprive you of the 'Green Lantern Network Access Qualification'. Is White Light's authority so high?" Harley said in surprise.

"So, I can also contact the other major color-light legions?" Kyle asked.

"You'll know if you try it."

"I don't want to try, and I don't want this strange light ring." Kyle said distressedly: "You know why I gave up the power of the white light, and you also know why I left the Green Lantern Corps and returned to Earth.

I don't want to get into trouble, and I don't want to bring trouble to the people I care about. "

Harley glanced at him, feeling envious of his 'trouble', a dozen of which was never too much for her.

"If you didn't take the initiative to practice the "White Light Magic", then there are only two reasons why the Lantern Ring came to you, or destiny has come, and the multiverse requires you to use white light to complete a series of tasks.

If this is really the case, just obey it honestly. As for trouble, I will keep an eye on Heavenly Father for you, and trouble will not come to you for the time being.

By the way, after you control the white light, your strength should not be weaker than that of Heavenly Father, right? With such great power, what are you afraid of? Harley asked curiously.

"I haven't fought before. I don't know how strong Heavenly Father is, and I don't want to fight. Heavenly Father is not the only new god on the Genesis Star." Kyle sighed.

"What about the second reason?" he asked again.

"The little blue man is up to something," Harley said.

"There are red lanterns and purple lanterns entering the solar system!" Cyborg on the side suddenly said, reminding: "The purple lantern is probably Carol, and the identity of the red lantern is unknown."

Da Chao looked up to the roof and activated his super vision, "They are already here."

"I don't want to cause trouble today, but who stole the star blue stone's lamp ring?" Carol shouted loudly while hovering at the entrance of the Hall of Justice.

There was a lot of movement, and the tourists in Justice Square looked over curiously.

Many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures of them.

"Carol, I'm not a thief. The lamp ring found me on its own." Kyle walked out and explained.

"You're lying!" Carol said angrily: "The light ring you stole belongs to Rose in Sector 35. As long as the love in your heart lasts, the light ring will never leave the Star Sapphire!

Kyle Rayner, do you know what you did?

Rose is in outer space rescuing a group of alien refugees with a "love of family" whose space cruise ship has just been destroyed by interstellar pirates.

As a result, the lamp ring was suddenly taken away by you, and Rose died angrily in the cold and dark void. The hundreds of loving people she protected in the crystal stone space all died tragically. "

Kyle's face turned pale and he said anxiously: "I swear, I really didn't -"

"It was you who stole Moro's red light ring. You killed him. You must die!"

"Buzz~~" The time and space portal opened over Metropolis, and a beam of red light shot directly at Kyle Rayner.

Harry thought, and a defensive golden film blocked the path of the red light.


The red light demon is like a toad clinging to the glass window, its limbs spread out, all attached to the surface of the gold film, and its face and big brother are both squashed.

"Oh, it turns out to be Blitzcrank, the most beautiful woman in the galaxy. The Red Lantern Corps arranged for you to track down the whereabouts of the Lantern Ring?"

"Witch Harley, let me go! I have locked the location of the lost light ring, which is on Kyle Rayner. He killed Moro and must pay for it with blood."

Scarlet blood-like liquid energy sprayed from the corner of Blitz's mouth, and two flames seemed to be ignited in his eyes.

"They are just the beginning. The Seven Lantern Corps will come looking for them next." Dachao said worriedly.

"Harry, can you help him break down the 'colorful lights' into seven lights? Then let them check the light ring log by themselves." Diana asked.

"Obviously, if you ask this, Kyle must be unable to do it. But even if he can't do something, I can't do anything about it."

Having said this, Harley looked around and asked doubtfully: "Where is Hal Jordan? Have you ever looked for him?"

"He—" Diana was about to say something, but Cyborg quickly reminded him: "Blue Lantern is here too, it's Saint Walker. He abides by the rules and submitted an application to the watchtower before entering the solar system."

"Harley, if you can't solve the problem, I have to go to Oa to find the guardian." Kyle sighed.

"It would not be wise to go to the Guardian at this time."

Harley used thoughts to convey her thoughts, pouring the experiences of the past few days into Kyle's mind.

He rubbed his brows and took a while to digest the information.

"Brother Kyle Rayner, why did you steal the blue lantern ring?" At this time, the Saint Walker also came to the sky above the Hall of Justice.

He said loudly in a condemning tone: "Your reckless actions not only killed a respectable Blue Lantern partner, but also almost caused billions of Como people to die in the solar storm."

"Omag, you must have stopped the solar storm, right?" Kyle exclaimed.

Seeing the expression on his face, Saint Walker was stunned for a moment, and then said in a slower tone: "At that time, Brother Candace was in the Como Galaxy in Sector 888, 'treating' stars with increased solar activity.

The light ring suddenly flew away, and the bound solar energy exploded instantly.

The Como brothers were caught in the solar storm and burned alive.

Afterwards, the solar hurricane continued to blow towards the planet Como. If nothing happens, the planet Como will be reduced to scorched earth in a few minutes.

Fortunately, after the lantern ring was stolen, the central blue light stove immediately sounded an alarm, allowing me to rush to the scene in time and stop most of the storm. "

Kyle's expression changed, and he said firmly: "Harley, I have to go to Oa immediately. If it is really the guardians who are planning something, I will not let them do whatever they want."

"then you go."

As long as he has the consciousness to go to war with the Guardians, Harley doesn't have to worry about him.

Even if the worst happens, at most it will be another "Greatest Lantern Bloodbath Oua Incident".

"Holy Walker, Briz, Carol, please wait on earth for a while while I go to Oa to find the guardian to find out the reason, and then come back and give you an explanation in person." Kyle said in a sincere tone.

The three lanterns made eye contact and said in unison: "We will go with you to meet the Guardian."

Kyle hesitated and said: "Isn't this appropriate? The guardian doesn't like to see you all."

Carol sneered and said: "Do you think we are afraid of them? If this matter is not handled well, don't say anything about it. There is a possibility of another lust war.

We at Star Sapphire will never allow the lives of legion members to be in an unsafe state at all times! "

Saint Walker also sighed: "Everything else is easy to talk about, but the act of taking away the Lantern Ring without permission has seriously shaken the foundation of the Color and Light Legion."

"Okay, let's go together." Kyle said helplessly.

"I have an ominous feeling that another large-scale cosmic crisis is coming."

After the Color Lanterns left, Dachao said with a sad face.

"Harley, what do you think are the chances that the little blue man is responsible?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I don't know, and I don't really care, so you don't have to worry. Kyle and Hal are both outstanding people. We have to trust them and firmly believe that they can handle the bad things of the Color and Light Legion." Harley said with a relaxed expression.

"But Hal is dead."

Harley's expression froze, "What did you say? How is that possible?"

"It's true, Hal is suspected of death." Dachao said in a serious tone: "His lamp ring has found a new heir."

"Where did he get the light ring?" Harley asked curiously.

"Don't you know about the destruction of the Yellow Lantern Corps in Koruga? When you sent a message a few days ago to remind us of the Black Hand's resurrection, you also described your experience in detail during this period. You went to Koruga to find the weapons master, and you just missed it. Er and Sinestro slaughtered the Yellow Light headquarters"

"Hal told me before that it was a temporary lamp ring copied by Sinestro using his own lamp ring," Harley said.

"We also had doubts. Bateman guessed that Hal used his willpower to tamper with the authority of the light ring.

Anyway, his light ring has selected a new Green Lantern, who is still from Earth, named 'Simon Baz'.

This news has become a hot search topic, and everyone on earth knows about it. There is no way it is wrong. "

Wonder Woman motioned to Cyborg and asked him to open the new Green Lantern's file and show it to Harley.

"Arab-American black people." Harley casually glanced at the "correct diagnosis and treatment" file and said strangely: "So, there are already five Green Lanterns on the earth?

The more the Green Lantern Corps excludes people from the Earth, the more Green Lanterns the Lanterns have to recruit from the Earth. Hahaha, it’s really interesting. "

"Hal is dead." Dachao reminded with a frown.

"Just because the light ring changes its owner, it doesn't mean that the original owner is really dead." Harley said.

"But the Lantern Ring Diary records Hal's death information." Dachao said.

Harley looked around, "Where is Simon Baz? Let him show me the light ring."

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