I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1463 The Black Death Queen in Black Silk

The underground space of the Riut satellite.

At this moment.

The Book of Darkness placed on the circular altar was opened from the middle. On the page, the words "Book of Witch Harley" suddenly caught the eyes of the seven lamp owners.

In addition to the chapter names of the story, there are also character illustrations, including the lifelike Harley and the disappeared Harley.

That's right, Harley disappeared.

In Harley's own eyes, she stood there without moving even a step, but the people around her disappeared.

But in the eyes of the seven lamp owners, when she put her hand on the book with curiosity, imitating Sinestro and Lafleeze, and read the contents of the book with her heart, her body suddenly flattened into a paper figure. , fluttering, like a piece of paper, floating into the pages of a book.

Then, loud laughter of "Hahaha" sounded on the altar, and the "Book of Darkness" was opened from the middle. A black light flashed on the page, and a sexy girl with long black hair and blue skin jumped out.

"Lisa?" Sinestro and Hal exclaimed at the same time.

The blue-skinned woman turned out to be Lisa, the former Yellow Lantern Demon and the keeper of the Yellow Lantern Corps' "Book of Parallax".

"From this moment on, Witch Harley belongs to the Book of Darkness, and also belongs to its custodian, Lisa Drake!" Lisa Blue looked at the pages of the book and laughed proudly, "Witch Harley is nothing more than that -"

She glanced at Sinestro and said, "Oh, no, Witch Harley single-handedly suppressed the entire Yellow Lantern Corps. She is by no means an ordinary person.

All I can say is that my baby "Book of Darkness" is too powerful. "

"Oh my God!" Hal looked at the image of Harley on the page and shouted in horror: "Lisa, what did you do to Harley? How did she become an illustration on the page?"

"Look what book this is," Lisa pointed to the title at the top of the page, "The Book of Witch Harley. This story is the biography of Witch Harley, and she is the protagonist in the story.

As the protagonist in the story, of course you have to stay in the storybook. "

"Shit, the "Book of Darkness" is indeed a trap." Lafleeze stepped back with fear on his face, "As long as you read the stories in it, will you be pulled into the story book?

It was so terrible that Harry, a cunning and powerful witch, actually said it quietly. "

Atrocitus also took a few steps back, away from the Book of Darkness, and asked in surprise: "Why are we okay? We also read the story book."

Sinestro read "Carona's Book of Stories" and Lafleeze read "The Book of Witch Harley".

After hearing that Witch Harley had gained new powers, Atrocitus, Sinestro, and Qingme also went to read the "Book of Witch Harley" at the same time.

In the end, only the witch Harley was sucked into the book and became a paper man.

Sinestro said with a solemn expression: "If something happens to one of us first, can the Book of Darkness still imprison the Witch Harley?

Although I don't want to admit it, she is indeed the strongest among us.

Dealing with the strongest ones first and leaving the less strong ones for later is a strategy that anyone in their right mind would think of. "

"Bah!" Lisa clapped softly, "It can't be you, Sinestro, you can still think calmly at this time."

"Lisa Drake, you have sworn to be loyal to the Sinestro Corps and to me forever." Sinestro straightened his chest and belly, his eyes were sharp and his tone was stern, "I order you to immediately transfer the contents of the "Book of Darkness" to Give me the control.”

"No, Sinestro, I will only be loyal to one person now, and that is Master Kalona." Lisa chuckled and said, "I will not be sorry or ashamed of this, and you have no right to accuse me.

In the battle between the Yellow and Green Corps, even if you are arrested by the Green Lantern Corps, I will still be loyal to you.

I gathered the remaining defeated soldiers to rescue you.

When I am also imprisoned in a high-tech prison by the Green Lantern Corps, don't talk about saving me, you will even forget about me.

As soon as you see me now, you give me orders, but have you ever considered why I am here? What have I been going through these days? "

Her tone was calm at first, but as she spoke, she began to become emotional and her expression became distorted.

Finally, he started to become hysterical and loudly vented his grievances.

"Being imprisoned in a high-tech prison is just the beginning of a greater misfortune. As the administrator of the Book of Parallax, I can read its contents even if I am separated from it.

I saw part of the truth about Blackest Night and the secret of Scarface, the Guardian of the Green Lantern Corps.

She secretly surrendered to the Black Death Emperor and became his most loyal servant.

I also saw the fate of the rest of the little blue men.

Hahaha, what a joy, they all died without a burial place, their souls and flesh were reduced to sacrifices.

But before I could laugh out loud, Scarface appeared in front of me."

Lisa's face showed a complex expression of dissatisfaction and fear.

“She saw in the Book of Darkness that I saw the truth of the Blackest Night through the Book of Parallax.

It’s not that she is more capable than me.

Master Carona said that I am a natural administrator of the 'Book of Emotions', better than all the little blue people.

However, I was just the manager of the "Book of Parallax" at the time, while Scarface controlled the most powerful book of emotions in the world. "

Hal asked in surprise: "Did Scarface keep you locked up in the Book of Darkness and tortured until Carona rescued you?"

Lisa nodded and sighed: "When you stay in the story of "Book of Darkness" for a while, you will understand the pain I have experienced.

The stories in the book are just stories to the readers, but they are the real world to the readers.

The rich emotions and tragic plot are almost like a real world.

But they are all painful worlds, after all, this is the Book of Darkness. "

"Come on, she's going to lock us in a book." Lafleeze screamed in horror.

Lisa snorted coldly, "You have already entered the title page of the book. You are just waiting for the book to be closed. Where can you run now?"

"What, we are already in the book?" The lamp owners were shocked and flew outside quickly.

"Crash~~" Black chains came out of thin air, binding their hands and feet from all directions.

"Hahaha, do you know what this is?"

Lisa raised her hands high, and illusory black chains fell one after another around her, "This is the story line! No matter how powerful the characters in the story are, and no matter how powerful they can run, they can't escape from the story line."


Hal saw the asphalt-like dark energy on the chains, and immediately thought of the black iron chains outside the altar.

After entering the underground space, they saw a black metal ball hanging from hundreds of thick chains.

There is a palace inside the metal ball, and the "Book of Darkness" is placed on the altar in the center of the palace.

"Damn it, she didn't lie. We fell into a trap from the moment we stepped into this space." He said with an ugly expression.

Carol struggled and shouted in confusion: "Why didn't we notice it? Harley is such a cunning and cunning person, but she fell into the trap without any reason."

"Hahaha, Hal Jordan, you guessed it right. From the moment you entered this space, you started a new story - "The Seven Lamp Lords and the Fall of Witch Harley."" Lisa laughed.

Seeing the doubts and confusion on the faces of the lamp owners, she became even more proud and laughed even louder.

"Fortunately, you have all come into contact with the 'Book of Emotions'. Do you know that in addition to recording the past events, the 'Book of Emotions' can also peek into the future?

"The Seven Lamplords and the Fall of Witch Harley" is not history of the past, nor is it a prophecy of the future.

It is the story that is developing at this time.

The story is happening, and it is being written into the book one stroke at a time. The person writing the story is you.

You are both the characters in the story and the author of the story. You control your own destiny without outside interference. Therefore, even though she is as sharp as the witch Harley, she did not realize that she had become a 'person in the book'. "

"Ah~~~" Lafleeze couldn't hold on at first, and was pulled to the edge of the "Book of Darkness" by the chain. As soon as he touched the page, he screamed and was swallowed by the book.

Like a pear falling into the lake, the page becomes dull and the person disappears without a trace.

"Ding dong~~" An orange light ring fell to the ground.

Unlike Harley's disappearance, Lafleeze's light ring was spat out.

The light ring is equivalent to the personal intelligent terminal of the "Book of Emotions", but the "Book of Darkness" is the mastermind of the black light, and of course cannot accommodate other colored light rings.

With the disappearance of the Lord of Orange Lantern, there is an additional "Book of Lafleeze" in the book.

Next to fall were Carol, Saint Walker, and Qingnu.

Sinestro and Atrocitus outlasted them by ten seconds.

"Ding-ding-dang-dang." There were six more light rings on the ground.

"Ahhhh~~" Only Hal was left struggling.

He gritted his teeth, his cheek muscles twisted, and a large amount of sweat fell from his forehead. The green light ring on his finger was like a small green sun, lighting up a bright green light.

"No, this is impossible. You have become the protagonist of "The Book of Howl", how can you resist the power of the story line?"

Lisa was no longer as relaxed as before, she was also struggling, her face was twisted, and she exhausted all her strength.

"Crack~~" Finally, as Hal shouted, the chains tied to his body were broken.

He fell heavily onto the stone altar.

At this time, he was only two meters away from the "Book of Darkness".

"Ahhh--" The chain broke, and Lisa seemed to be severely injured, letting out a shrill scream from her soul.

Even the protagonists of the story within the pages of the book heard her cry.

Hal's energy was almost drained from his body. He lay on the ground and took a breath. He picked up the six light rings beside him and turned them into green light with a "swish" and disappeared into the "title space".

"Hal Jordan, come back!" Lisa covered her forehead and growled ferociously.

"Hey, I heard your voice, speak up!"

Well, it's a little embarrassing, Harley is still looking for the scream just now.

She clearly "heard" the cry and was nearby. She used all her defense skills, but she couldn't find the person.

Not only her ears, but her spiritual sense told her that the screaming woman was not far away from her.

Her feeling was correct, but it was a pity that she was just a paper person at the moment, and the paper person could not see the readers outside the book.


When Harry found no one, he turned his attention to the "Book of Darkness" in front of him again.

"Finding the Higher Magic of the Multiverse."

no respond.

Harley increased her mental strength and repeated her request again.

Still no response.

"I was able to query the 'Book of Harley' before, but now it suddenly doesn't work. Is it because I have been deceived into a trap and there is no need to deal with me, or is this book not the real 'Book of Darkness'?"

Harley thought as she inspected the space.

Except for her and the book in front of her, there was nothing but darkness.

She tried to fly but couldn't.

Can't even move.

Harley had a feeling that it wasn't that her body was trapped, but that the "movement rules" here were different from those in the main universe.

Just like a person who has never learned a foreign language goes abroad. He does not become deaf or mute, but he does not understand other people's languages ​​and is no different from a deaf-mute.

"This is not the four-dimensional material world, nor is it the five-dimensional Limbo Hell, but the DC universe only has six dimensions."

Harley looked at the dark nothingness in the distance, then looked at the "Book of Darkness" in front of her, and had a guess in her mind.

"Could I have entered the two-dimensional paper man world, inside the Book of Darkness? If it is just a two-dimensional plane world, as long as I increase the frequency, I should be able to escape easily."

The Archangels in Heaven often arrogantly refer to Earth as "the world of pages."

In the eyes of the five-dimensional gods who transcend time, the lives of mortals are almost the same as the characters in the book, and you can turn page by page to see the ending.

If they enter the book page world, their frequency will be reduced, they will lose the characteristics of instant recovery of injuries and never getting tired, and their power will be reduced to the extreme value of 100 points in the material world.

Even the supreme being cannot exert 120 points of power in the material universe.

If the Supreme Being forcibly increases its power, it will only be excluded from the material world.

This process is called "forced upscaling".

Harley's defense has already exceeded 100 points, and she can also upgrade to leave the material world.

But now she forced to increase the frequency, but she did not leave this suspected two-dimensional "book page".

But Harley didn't feel depressed either.

She has determined that this is a trap set by Carona for herself.

It is impossible for Carona not to know her strength.

He even glimpsed the secret of her new powers through the Book of Darkness.

Considering that she could increase the frequency, he probably made targeted arrangements.

"In that case."

Harley opened her mouth, and a black light flew out of her throat and wrapped around her fingers.

It was a black light ring.

Countless black light rings appeared in the universe on Blackest Night.

After the Black Death Emperor ran away, most of the light rings lost their energy and turned into nothingness, but there were also many remaining light rings.

Not to mention her, even Bateman has hidden at least one - a message from Selina.

"The target is a living being, so the light ring cannot be used." Black light flashed on the surface of the ring, trying to escape from her finger.

Harley clenched her fists and held it tightly in her hands.

At the same time, the origin of the Black Death Emperor in the dimension of her stomach bag flowed into her limbs and bones.

The fair and vibrant skin became dry and gray, with black air coming out of the pores, the shiny hair withered and turned white, and the skin was almost close to the bones.

It looked like a corpse that had been dried for three years.

"Harley Quinn from Earth, you have the authority to rule this ring!"

The black light ring was immediately honest and said a welcome speech that was different from ordinary black light zombies.

"Connect to the Book of Darkness." Harley ordered.

The ring is like a powerful cloud computer, and the emotional book paired with it is the central server.

The best way to connect to the central server is the Lantern Ring.

She was not sure where she was, nor how Kalona picked up the "Book of Darkness", but she was 100% certain that the real owner of the "Book of Darkness" was the Black Death Emperor.

As long as the other party is not the Black Death Emperor, she may surpass him in authority and take away control of the Book of Darkness.

And once she takes control of the Book of Darkness, whether she chooses to leave or fight back, it's up to her.

"Buzz buzz" The black light ring flickered with black light, and the "Book of Darkness" in front of her trembled slightly. She wanted to open it, but was suppressed by a force.

"Permissions blocked, unable to connect." The light ring kept repeating the message.

"Is the permission insufficient, or is my permission not accepted by the Book of Darkness?" Harley asked.

"The Book of Darkness is set to 'not accept any external permissions', and your permissions have not reached the central database." Lantern Ring AI said.

Carona put a lock on the combination lock. Even if she knew the combination, she couldn't open the door as long as she couldn't access the combination lock?


He knew that she had stolen the origins of the white lamp and the black lamp, and predicted that she could use the origin of the black lamp to control the "Book of Darkness".

So he closed the China Unicom access channel.

Harry was really impressed by the "smartest man in Maltus" now.

Before, she had always thought that guy was just a pedantic scientific madman with low EQ and high IQ. He was as brainless as the scientist villains in Hollywood movies and was easy to deal with.

Now it seems that she was wrong, very wrong.

Kalona is basically Maltus's version of Lex Luthor!

He has outstanding scientific research talents, is also thoughtful, and has extremely high super villain talents.

"The Dao is as high as the Dao, and the Demon is as high as the Demon. It's so powerful! Unfortunately, I'm not the 'right path', I'm evil."

Harley smiled strangely, opened her mouth and spit out a little black light. The black light left her throat and quickly expanded.

When it landed on her right hand, it had turned into a skull the size of a unicorn melon.

The skeleton had been shaved clean of flesh and blood, leaving only bones that looked like they were carved from ink jade. They were crystal clear, without a trace of color, and a thin layer of black smoke shrouded the surface.

Harley left a thought in the sea of ​​consciousness and took control of her body.

The soul left the body, picked up the skull, and put it on his head.

The skull's head coincided perfectly with her soul's head.

"Um~~~" Even with the protection of the defensive force field, Harley was still dizzy from the impact of the powerful and corrupted power of death, and her soul was almost torn apart.

However, she managed to hold on after all.

"As expected of the Black Death Emperor's first body, it tastes too strong."

As she spoke, the skull's upper and lower jaws also opened and closed.

This skull comes from the body that the Black Death Emperor used when he first came to Earth.

During the battle of the Blackest Night, the Black Death Emperor was beheaded into husks several times. He was reincarnated into several black lamp living corpses one after another, leaving several mutilated corpses in place.

Under normal circumstances, Harley and the superheroes would deal with dangerous items on the battlefield in time after the war.

But the Black Death Emperor was not killed. He ran away under the threat of Harley's words.

As soon as He ran away, they had to chase after Him to make sure He could not come back.

Therefore, after the Black Death Emperor left, Harley and the heroes rushed to the dimensional rift as soon as possible.

And within a few hours of their departure, the "valuable" trophies on the ground were quietly taken away by military agents who were not afraid of death.

Among them are the remains of the descending body of the Black Death Emperor.

When the subordination crisis broke out, Zhenglian sternly demanded that General Lane hand over all prohibited items.

The military did not have the confidence to refute a situation like "Metropolitan Zombie City".

Then the Black Death Emperor's skull fell into Harley's hands.

If it were the Black Death Emperor's head with rotten flesh stuck on it, Harley would just feel disgusted when looking at it, but what she saw was a crystal skull whose flesh and blood had been removed by researchers and polished like a work of art.

She was tempted.

Not only does it look good, it also contains the power of the Black Death Emperor, making it a powerful magic weapon.

"I don't know when I'll be able to use it," she thought at the time.

Within a month, she actually used it.

"Kacha kacha~~~" As the Black Death Emperor's origin was injected, liquid black energy spurted out from the skull's mouth, and rapidly grew its neck, torso and limbs from top to bottom.

She became a complete black-bone spirit.

And this is not the end.

The blood-like black liquid continued to erupt, and the black bones were gradually covered with a layer of dried black muscles.

The appearance and body shape are exactly the same as the Black Death Emperor back then.

The Black Lantern Ring can restore a corpse to a complete Black Lantern Living Corpse by relying on a section of the remains.

Now things are turning, and the ancestor who resurrected the dead was resurrected by Harley into a black light zombie.

"Buzz~~~" On the forehead of the Black Death Emperor, black light runes lit up with flashing black light.

A supreme aura belonging to the Black Death Emperor filled the dark space.

"Wow!" There is no need to specifically control the "Book of Darkness", it will automatically open, cheering for the Black Death Emperor to come again.

"I am the Black Death Emperor. I am the Black Death Queen. I want to bring eternal peace without noisy creatures to this universe. The Blackest Night, come!"

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