I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 149 Drastic changes

"The plan is good, but our Swamp Monster just died two years ago and a new Swamp Monster hasn't been born yet. Is it too late?" asked the white birch tree worriedly.

"What happened to Alec Holland? When he was a child, he awakened to the power of nature, and his soul was imprinted with the mark of the green of all things.

Why do people who are adults, almost thirty years old, still refuse to accept their fate calmly? "Sequoia said doubtfully.

"Human beings are trouble." The banyan tree murmured and explained: "He refuses to abandon his body, emotions, morals and bonds as a human being, and subconsciously resists integrating with the power of nature."

"Do you want to change someone? For example, the newly awakened Ivy Pepper. How is her compatibility with Swamp Monster?" Sequoia asked.

Liu Shan said: "More than 80%."

"Oh, it's taller than the swamp monster of the previous generation." Several old trees were very surprised and very happy.

"It's a pity that he is not as good as Alec. If he becomes a swamp monster, he can exert the power of the green of all things to an unprecedented level. He will be stronger than us back then." The old banyan tree said.

It turns out that several old trees are former swamp monsters.

They were once humans.

Now not only is the human body gone, but human emotions are completely abandoned.

Even plans to exterminate modern humans are discussed in a bland tone.

"We can't give up on Alec." Sequoia said.

"Where is he now?" asked the old banyan tree.

Liu Shan immediately replied: "While studying for a doctorate at Gotham University, his girlfriend Abby is with him. The two get along very well, are sweet, and plan to get married after graduation."

"I am against this marriage!" The old tree demon was furious.

"A happy life will only make him more addicted to cheap and lowly human nature, and more resistant to integrating with the power of nature. We have to take action." Cypress said.

"But we are a parliament of trees and cannot interfere in worldly affairs." Sequoia said.

"We have believers, and every child of the Green of All Things should have the consciousness to sacrifice for the overall situation. Since that Ivy Pepper has an 80% adaptation rate, her strength should not be weak, right?" asked the old banyan tree.

Liu Shan said: “She has just awakened and has a bright future, but her power at this time is extremely weak.

Without the conduit provided by Swamp Monster to connect all things, we can't force the power of nature into her even if we want to encourage her.

But we have Jason Woodrue. "

"The adaptation rate of the waste is even record-breaking below 1%. What can be done?" Several old trees asked excitedly.

Liu Shan said: "He is not a good Swamp Monster successor, but he is pious enough and can be considered powerful in the secular world.

As long as we give him some benefit.

For example, he was willing to do anything for the Parliament of Trees, the power of nature that he had been begging for but could not get.

Even if it violates the laws of the world, even if it violates moral ethics. "

"Very good, let him use any means to bring Alec Holland to the swamp." The old banyan tree said.

"Don't you consider Alec's own will?" Sequoia asked in shock.

"There is no time for him to be confused. Even the dark wizards of the evil witch group are working hard, so why does he have the right to slack off?

Have Woodrue lure the Deathstalkers to Gotham.

Faced with a life and death crisis, Alec has no choice.

Either be killed or transformed into a swamp monster. "The old banyan tree made the final decision.

Liu Shan hesitated and said: "Ivy Pepper is a good prospect. If the hunter goes to Gotham and finds her, should we send someone to protect her?"

Or let Woodrue take her to the Tree Council and be taught by us ourselves? "

"No! Letting the Death Slayer see Alec is a risky move in itself. Just leave Ivy in Gotham. If anything happens, you can ask her for help." The old banyan tree said.

Liu Shan hesitated, "Can you at least inform her first?"

The old banyan tree said coldly: "If she knows about the death hunter and tells Alec in the future, how will we explain it to him?

Remember, there is only one Swamp Thing per generation, Alec is irreplaceable, and the rest are expendable. "

Harley didn't know what happened to Ivy, but she was sure that something had changed in Ivy.

That afternoon, she took her to Madame Xanadu's exorcism office.

"Probably awakening the power of nature."

After Mrs. Xanadu carefully inspected it, she slowly said: "In nature, there are five major consciousnesses that are integrated and integrated, that is, the five natural gods who control the power of nature.

The green of all things represents plant life, the red of all living things represents animal life, the black of decay represents death, the withered ashes represents the transition between life and death, and the dividing bacteria represents digestive activity.

They form the Parliament of Life. "

"The Parliament of Life sounds too subjective. Although it is a representative of nature, it does not seem to exist in nature. Instead, it seems to be artificially defined." Harley frowned.

"You are right to say that. I am not familiar with the Ashes of Withering and the Fungi of Split, but the redness of all living beings, the greenness of all things, and the blackness of decay must rely on human beings to exist.

For example, if Ivy is selected by the Tree Council and combined with the green of all things, she will become the incarnation of the plant god, a swamp monster. " Xanadu said.

"I don't want to be Swamp Thing," Ivy said immediately.

"Do you know what Swamp Thing is?" Xanadu said amusedly.

"But it is always a monster. I am very satisfied with my current life and don't want to become a monster." Ivy said.

Shangdu touched his chin and said with a strange smile: "The swamp monster is like a walking pile of vegetable salad."

"Oh my god, it's so disgusting." Ivy's face turned pale.

Harley vaguely recalled that Swamp Thing seemed to be a DC superhero too?

That big green guy?

A monster indeed, like a salad greens.

Xanadu said: "The swamp monster has the power of gods, and all the plants on the earth are its eyes, ears, and part of its body.

If it wanted to, it could turn the world's steel and concrete cities into forests and gardens in a matter of days.

Knowing this, do you still refuse to be Swamp Thing? "

"Of course I refuse!" Harley made the decision for Ivy.

"There is no such thing as pie in the sky, and the power of the gods will not be free. Or is it that the swamp monster is just the body of the plant god?

Otherwise, why choose Swamp Thing and just make the first-generation Swamp Thing an immortal god? Wouldn't it be more troublesome? "

Mrs. Xanadu sighed: "If the Tree Council likes Ivy, it's useless to refuse. If they don't choose her, there's no chance to refuse.

From the moment she awakened to the power of nature, her fate has been inextricably linked to the greenness of all things. "

"What can the greenness of all things bring me?" Ivy asked.

"You can listen to the sounds of plants and control their growth. As your cultivation level increases, your body will turn into a humanoid plant." Madam Xanadu said with a smile.

Harley's pupils shrank, and she suddenly understood Ivy's identity: the Gothamite who controls plants, isn't she Poison Ivy?

Poison Ivy is somewhat famous, but Poison Ivy's name is far less famous than "Harley Quinn".

"I like plants very much, but I can become a plant myself."

Ivy's face turned a little green when she thought of herself with branches as hands, tree trunks as body, and a sunflower face.

"Madam, will Ivy turn green in the future?" Harley asked.

"If she can control the power within her body, she can maintain her human form. If her magic power is disordered, let alone the green skin, she can even grow into a big tree.

The members of the tree parliament are just old trees. " Mrs. Shangdu said.

Ivy was even more scared, "What should I do?"

Mrs. Xanadu thought for a while and said: "Ivy, why don't we make a deal. I'll teach you the techniques to control magic power, and you will help me cultivate potion materials."

Harry said: "Why bother? Madam just accept her as an apprentice."

Xanadu shook his head, "Her best teacher is the next generation of swamp monsters."

Bruce and Alfred were both surprised that Ivy became a plant mage.

They felt that their strange magical knowledge had increased.

Selena was very envious, and then practiced yoga more diligently, hoping to develop her body's potential and awaken her magical power.

Because of Ivy's new identity, Harley slightly rebuilt the rooftop.

The main purpose is to increase the green area outside the glass house.

The thousands of square meters of garden made Ivy very happy. She no longer worked as a conductor downstairs. She wished she could soak in the plants 24 hours a day.

Just half a month passed uneventfully, the security system of Wayne Manor was upgraded, and Bruce and Alfred finally said goodbye to Harley.

Before leaving, Bruce found Harley alone and said solemnly: "Harry, I have to apologize to you. When I learned that you joined the Falcone family, I thought you had fallen.

Now I have understood that reality makes you only choose this kind of life.

These days, I have never seen you actively do any bad things. Instead, you restrain your club members to only do legal business.

You have changed your identity and ideals, but you are still the same you. You may not be kind and kind, but you always stick to your bottom line.

I sincerely hope that you will still be who you are now in five, ten, or twenty years. "

"Don't be so sensational. You're just going back to the manor, not parting ways." Harley said angrily.

"I just felt it."

Bruce said awkwardly: "I found that I used to have a very shallow understanding of black and white. What I have seen and heard here during this period has benefited me a lot.

Many criminals with notorious crimes are just tragic products of cruel reality.

I sympathize with them more than punishment.

There is a vague plan in my mind - to take off the halo of Wayne's heir and re-understand Gotham from the perspective of the lowest level of society.

Your trolley is still in my warehouse. Maybe I will borrow it for a while. "

"Afu allows it?" Harley asked strangely.

"I can't help him. I can't be inferior to you." Bruce looked complicated.

"If you can do it, I can do it too. Harley, you are my role model and the goal I want to surpass."

On the day Bruce left, Kitty also said goodbye to Harley with a bow.

"You can leave, but you must promise me one thing: don't look for someone to sell stolen goods again in the near future.

Just three days ago, Saviano, the new ‘prince’ of the old Italians, was shot in the head in the dock area, less than 500 meters away from my fighting arena.”

At this point, Harley's expression became strange.

"I don't know if the murder of the family boss on my territory is a coincidence, or Fish framed me, or maybe he killed the chicken to scare the monkey?

In short, the Falcone family has been in trouble recently, and your big boss Fish is the source of the turmoil. "

Selena looked hesitant and said: "I know everything you said. In fact, I am planning to have a big fight with Sister Yu and take advantage of the opportunity to gain power."

"Are you out of your mind?" Harley looked puzzled.

"Even if the whole world betrays Old Kamai, as long as I am still by his side, his position will be as stable as a mountain. Or do you think Fish can kill me?" she said proudly.

"First of all, I have to make my attitude clear. Even if Sister Yu promises me the position of boss, I will not be your enemy.

Then, just like old Kamai was kind to you, Sister Yu also saved me several times."

Mao Mao's voice became deep and sad, "I have been around since I was nine years old. How many mistakes will a nine-year-old child make and how many dangers will he encounter during this period?"

"Okay, if she falls into my hands, I will spare her life. Anyway, I have no personal grudge against her, and I don't want to fight for the top spot." Harley said casually.

Mao Mao said seriously: "I want to remind you that I have known Sister Yu for more than ten years, and she never fights without confidence.

Maybe she could seize Old Kamai's fatal weakness without fighting. "

"Hahaha, you look down on him too much. He has lived to be eighty years old, and he still has a bloody wound." Harley said disapprovingly.

Then, at noon the next day, she was slapped in the face.

"Harley, I decided to withdraw from the world. Fish has won." Old Kamai said dejectedly on the phone.

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