I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1455 Harley’s plan

"Thump thump thump thump."

After the pox god got into his nostrils, he felt like he was having an epileptic fit. His muscles twitched and his body bounced up and down on the bed. A thick, smelly brown liquid flowed out of the corners of his mouth, nostrils, and eye sockets.

Although he looked disgusting and terrifying, the sub-demon features on his body were slowly disappearing.

Well, the speed is very slow, and the effect is not as obvious as when Luther's universal elixir was first used.

"My lord, I have defeated the Amojo virus."

A voice came from Da Chao's heart, full of joy and pride.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief, at least her little brother was not overwhelmed by the wave of Yamo Zhuo.

Then she asked: "Have you split the antibody virus that destroys the Yamojo virus?"

"No, I swallowed the Yamo Zhuo virus." Xiaodouzi said.

Harley frowned and said, "What's the use of this? You have the blessing of my divine power and the source of fear. It's not strange to digest the submojo virus, but that's not what I want."

She can digest the Amojo virus, and her beloved ones Diana, Neptune, and Dinah don't have to worry about the Amojo virus invading their bodies as long as they turn on Hallelujah.

The virus enters their bodies and can only be reduced to food.

In order to help Xiaodouzi achieve the position of "pox god", Harley also invested a lot of resources in it. It is expected that Xiaodouzi can eat the submojo virus.

The problem is, Harley not only hopes that Xiaodouzi can cure Dachao's illness, but she also hopes that Xiaodouzi can evolve a new virus that can eliminate the Yamojo virus under the attack of the Yamojo virus.

Xiaodouzi's original name is Tyrant Bug, which is different from the Smallpox Lantern.

Smallpox Lantern is simply the smallpox virus.

The reason why the Tyrant Bug was created is that it can evolve infinitely.

Depending on the environment, corresponding lethal viruses are generated.

Smallpox is just one type of virus, but tyrant bugs can produce countless types of viruses in the corresponding environment.

"Can you split off a mutant that only kills the Yamojo virus but is completely harmless to the human body?" Harley asked.

Xiaodouzi said: "My lord, no matter what function you want, I can evolve the virus.

But there is a premise, I cannot evolve out of thin air, you have to provide me with the corresponding environment.

For example, if you want to kill all the people on earth, use the strongest antibodies in the people on earth to eliminate me.

My merozoites die off from generation to generation in the antibody environment, but eventually some mutant viruses will remain.

They can fight against the immune system of the Earth's body in different ways.

I will absorb the advantageous genes of those viruses and synthesize new viruses that are completely irresistible to people on earth.

In this way, a race can be easily wiped out. "

"Won't you be completely killed by antibodies during the evolution process?" Luther couldn't help but ask.

"Infinite evolution is my characteristic." Xiaodouzi said simply.

"If it exceeds its limit too much, it will definitely die. The civilization that originally cultivated it only increased the strength of the antibodies step by step and gave it enough time to complete its evolution." Harley said.

Bateman asked: "Xiaodouzi, you can't evolve now. Is it because the Yamo Zhuo virus didn't regard you as an intruder and didn't take the initiative to attack you?"

"The Yamozo virus itself is an invader and is rejected by the immune cells in Superman's body. At least for now, it hasn't attacked me yet," Xiaodouzi said.

Xiaodouzi's evolutionary path is very similar to Harley's defense expertise. They become resistant to whatever they are persecuted.

Well, all evolutionary paths are a struggle against adverse circumstances.

Harley is the only one who persecutes "unfavorable circumstances" (devours the energy representing unfavorable circumstances).

In order to evolve fire resistance, it must be roasted by flames. Undersea creatures that have never seen flames cannot evolve high fire resistance of a group nature even if a single life gene mutates.

Bateman's eyes flashed and he immediately said: "Superman has just been infected and has not yet fully transformed into a sub-demon.

If you were to put you into the body of a completely submojo-transformed patient, his immune system would be almost replaced by the submojo virus, and he would definitely resist your invasion.

At that time, the Yamojo virus was Yamojo's antibody. You should be able to evolve a virus form against it, right? "

Luther glanced at him in surprise. This guy's reaction speed seemed to be a little faster than him.

He had just thought of the patient who was completely sub-demonized, but he hadn't had time to speak.

Xiaodouzi thought for a while and said: "If the patient who has been transformed into a sub-mozo has completed the sub-mozo transformation from the inside out, what you said is really possible.

Anyway, I'm willing to give it a try and I won't know the result until I try it. "

"Don't worry yet." Harley waved her hand and said: "You are just a virus, not a vaccine. Viruses mainly destroy.

Even if the 'Amadra immune system' in the body of Yamodra is destroyed, it will not necessarily turn back into a human being, and it will most likely die directly.

In other words, you will become the virus that kills Yamodra, not the vaccine we are looking for. "

After being infected with the submojo virus, you will not necessarily die.

The virus is more like a transformation agent that forces evolution, allowing the infected to complete the transformation from human to submodra.

Luther agreed: "Yes, the patient who has not yet transformed into submojo is a human being, and killing the submojo virus in humans is a cure.

A patient who has been transformed into a sub-mojo is no longer a human being, but has become a sub-mojo.

Killing the Submojo virus in its body is equivalent to killing it itself, but it is also a patient in another form.

Unless we completely abandon all submozoic patients. "

Bateman said solemnly: "I understand what you are saying, but if we don't immediately save the patients who have not yet transformed into sub-mojo, they will quickly become sub-mojo.

Let Xiaodouzi evolve the 'killer virus' that kills the Yamozo virus, and cure the patients who are not seriously ill first.

The patient who has completely transformed into a sub-mozo is not dead now and will not die in a short time. He can slowly study the antidote. "

Harley nodded, "I'm just reminding you to distinguish between Yamodra and Yamodra patients. They are almost two races."

Seeing that they had finished talking, General Lane interrupted: "Harley, Superman is cured."

Harley glanced at Dachao and said, "He has injured his muscles and bones this time and needs to recuperate for a while. He cannot go out immediately to help you maintain law and order in the city."

General Lane said: "What I mean is, before Xiaodouzi evolves, we must cure Mr. Tesla first.

By the way, there are also my daughter Louise, my grandson Jonathan, and my biological mother lives with their family, and 80% of them are also infected. "

"General Ryan, Miss Truss, and dozens of congressmen and generals are waiting for rescue." said a White House official wearing protective clothing.

Before Harley could speak, Bateman said coldly: "Little Douzi won't save anyone until he completes his evolution."

General Ryan didn't look at him, only focused his gaze on Harley's face.

Harley shrugged, "Listen to the experts."

General Lane was startled, "Luthor, you are the leader of the expert team."

Luthor shrugged, "This is the Justice League."

He is not necessarily afraid of delaying time and affecting the treatment of more people, but he certainly has little interest in saving Tesla and his daughter.

Before, Miss Tesla even shouted in public that he was causing trouble secretly.

As for those military and political officials, when he was imprisoned in the Stryker Island Prison, only Harley helped him. They all took advantage of him and took advantage of his property and technology.

If they all died and were replaced by a new group of people, Luther would only be happy and not feel any sadness at all.

After the fall of the White House, the deputy commander immediately replaced the commander-in-chief Tesla who lost his ability to work.

In the evening, after once again confirming that the Pox God could not complete the evolution in a short time, he reluctantly admitted the fact that the "unknown virus" had entered the United States.

His words are very skillful.

First, the virus is unknown.

Since the White House doesn't know what it is, it certainly has nothing to do with it.

Secondly, the unknown virus "entered" the United States, rather than being born in the United States.

Of course, he didn't say anything above clearly, and he won't be slapped in the face in the future.

The deputy commander was helpless.

He simply didn't want to take on the responsibility of leadership at this time.

At this time, you really only have responsibilities, not much power, and not much benefit to gain.

Even because he needs to stay in the White House and live in a metropolis where the Yamodra virus is ravaging, he may face the crisis of death.

"Harley, has Lord Pox God not completed his evolution yet?"

After the press conference, he dialed Harley's phone again. Well, that wasn't right. Harley thought he was annoying and had already blocked him. Now he was using the command line to call the landline number of Zhenglian headquarters.

"Michael, you just called me an hour ago." Harley said angrily.

"Really?" the deputy president said with a wry smile: "Did you watch the White House news live broadcast just now? I can't help it. The Yamojo virus must be controlled and the patients must be cured as soon as possible, otherwise the United States will be doomed."

"Is it useful for you to urge me?" Harley said calmly.

"I'm not rushing you. Talking to you makes me feel at ease."

Harley hung up the phone and turned to Dinah, who was holding the phone over, and said, "Don't let that bad old man harass me anymore."

Dinah's face was full of sadness, "Actually, I am also anxious. The new data has just been compiled. Now there are 500,000 infected people in Washington state alone, and that will at least double tomorrow.

Even if he is as fast as the Flash, he can keep busy, but there is no place to accommodate so many patients! "

"So?" Harley looked calm and unresponsive.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to tell you that the current situation is very bad." Dinah sighed.

"Do I need you to tell me? Four days ago, when I first suggested General Lane seal the city, I had already seen today's scene."

Luther trotted over, beckoned and shouted from a distance: "Harley, come here quickly, Xiaodouzi's evolution experiment is over."

"So fast?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Succeeded?" Dinah was overjoyed.

The heroes, government staff, doctors, and researchers who heard them all looked happy.

"Failed." Luther said.


"The situation is a bit special. The failure is not because Xiaodouzi didn't work hard, but - well, come here and listen to what he has to say.

"It turns out that my infinite evolution has its limits." Xiaodouzi floated in front of Harley like a firefly and sighed: "In the body of 'Amadra', the Amadra virus is indeed like its immune system, trying to kill me wipe out.

If I don't have the power of the Lord, even if I am a Yellow Lantern, I cannot withstand their invasion.

If it were a normal situation, I would continue to multiply during their attacks, and breed new forms of viruses from generation to generation, until eventually all of them survive and come back to bite the opponent.

This time, I kept multiplying, too.

Relying on the devouring power given to me by the Lord, I reproduce faster and in greater numbers than before.

My propagules have mutated countless times, and they are all unable to resist the erosion of the advanced death power of the submojo virus. "

It did not participate in the battle of the Blackest Night, and originally did not know the power of the Black Death Emperor.

However, during the process of evolution, Batman, Luther, and Doctor Fate were always around to provide technical guidance, and it finally understood that the submojo virus came from the corpse of the Black Death Emperor.

"If you eliminate the 'cancerous' influence of the Black Death Emperor on life, you can complete your evolution?" Harley asked.

"Probably." Xiaodouzi said.

"So, after going around and around, the final answer to the problem is still in White Lantern?" Bateman frowned: "When Bai Lantern completes his destiny and cleanses the pollution of the Earth's life and death system caused by the fallen power of the Black Death Emperor, Ya The death characteristics of the Mojo virus will disappear.

At that time, Xiaodouzi will be able to complete his evolution, right, Kent? "

Dr. Destiny nodded slightly, "We have to allocate some of our energy to help Bai Deng fulfill his destiny as soon as possible."

"Dina, can you contact Boston? If it's convenient, it would be best for him to come over in person." Harley said.

"Sorry, Harley, it's really not convenient for me to find you right now. I'm with my grandpa. Well, I'm on Interstate 5 at the moment."

Harley could even hear the whirring sound coming from the microphone, and it was obvious that the other side was moving at high speed.

Listening to the roaring sound of the machine, it seems to be a motorcycle?

"Is it convenient to talk on the phone? Or, if you wait a moment, I'll find an opportunity to park the car and come over when I have time?" he asked.

"No, I'll go find you. You need to pull over the motorcycle first."

Harley didn't hang up the phone after saying that. She turned on the yellow light portal at the target point and stepped out to the vast Gobi highway.

The "living man" Boston was wearing a motorcycle suit and a helmet, with a three-wheeled motorcycle underneath him.

He was riding in the driver's seat, and there was an old man dressed in the same style sitting in the box next to him.

The old man has white hair and chicken skin, and his body is like a dried lentil, curled up into a ball. He is now very old and very thin.

However, the old grandfather had a happy smile on his face, and even laughed out loud while galloping.

"Squeak--" The motorcycle stopped on the side of the road and parked next to Harley.

"Oh my god, it's really Miss Quinn. Boston, you kid is not bragging. You really know such a big shot!"

The old grandpa was very excited when he saw Harley. He stood up tremblingly and slapped his grandson's arm vigorously. Then he smiled like a chrysanthemum and greeted Harley.

Harley also patiently talked with him for a while about the story of "Dead Man" Boston, and praised Boston so much that she was so happy that the old man couldn't see his teeth. Well, the old man didn't have many teeth left. When he smiled, he could neither see his eyes nor his eyes. teeth.

After talking for four or five minutes, the old man came back to his senses and quickly said that it didn't matter to him. If they had something big to do, they could leave immediately.

"No, I'm going to ask Boston about something, and I'll leave as soon as I'm done. I won't delay your journey."

Harley smiled and used a yellow light energy tool to create a small transparent pavilion, covering the motorcycle and the old man inside to block the wind, dust and sun outside.

Then he walked to the edge with Boston, who jumped off the motorcycle.

"Harry, thank you." Boston was also a little excited.

"Thank you for what?" Harley asked curiously.

Boston said: "You chatted with my grandpa for a long time. He was really happy and very proud of me."

——Listening to his chatter, he did not show any impatience or perfunctory expression. He smiled, had a sincere expression, and was very friendly.

He didn't say these words out loud, nor did he insist on thanking Harley. He just asked warmly in his heart: "Harry, what do you want from me?"

"Why are you here?" Harley asked in confusion: "I'm not saying you shouldn't accompany your old grandpa. When the old man sees you so happy, you should spend more time with him.

However, aren't you busy with Bai Leng's Destiny now? "

Boston raised his right hand with a complicated expression, pointed to the white light ring on his finger and said, "This is the destiny given to me by the white light."

"You mean, Bai Deng asked you to ride a motorcycle with your grandpa? Why?" Harley asked in surprise.

"It wants me to feel the meaning of life. The reason why I ride a motorcycle is because my grandpa, like me, is also a stuntman. He is a motorcycle rider."

Boston said bitterly: "You know, I haven't seen my grandpa in 20 years, but he recognized me the first time we met."

He tilted his head and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "He has been waiting for me and has been looking forward to seeing me, but I am such a bastard. I have done too many mistakes and missed too many.

Now I am very happy, very grateful, and very grateful to the spirit of existence for giving me the opportunity to make up for my mistakes. "

Harley waited for him to calm down a little before asking: "If feeling the true meaning of life is the destiny given to you by the white lamp, what is the meaning of this destiny to it?"

"The light ring is charging." Boston rubbed his eyes and said, "You can't hear it, but I can hear the sound coming from the light ring every once in a while.

For example, just now, the sound of 'The light ring is charged 65%' appeared directly in my mind. "

"You mean, it's learning from the black light, stimulating your emotions and absorbing your emotional energy?" Harley asked in surprise.

Boston frowned and said: "It's different from the black light, the black light——"

"Okay, you can understand it that way." He sighed.

He only has gratitude and respect for white lights, which is completely different from his disgust and fear of black lights. Subconsciously, he does not want to use black lights to compare with white lights.

"What would happen if the emotional energy reached 100 percent?" Harley asked.

Boston said in an uncertain tone: "Perhaps it can stimulate a wave of life light to wash away the black light pollution on the earth?"

Harley nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Are you the only one providing emotional energy to the light ring, or are all the destined people providing emotional energy to it?"

Boston scratched the back of his head and said hesitantly: "I'm not sure, I can't tell whether the increase in emotion value comes from me or others.

Alas, I still have no control over this ring.

However, I can be certain that it was my emotions that started the process of the light ring absorbing emotional energy. "

"After activating the emotional absorption function of the light ring, have you ever felt angry or greedy? These emotions shouldn't be born in the process of getting along with your old grandpa, right?" Harley said.

"No, Harley, you understand wrong. Only the black light absorbs seven emotions and synthesizes white light. The white light directly absorbs our love and care for life. It can be said that all our emotions for life are nourishment for it. "

"Oh~~" Harley suddenly realized, "You are right, I was wrong. The white light is the emotion of life, but the combination of seven lights makes it low."

"The energy progress is now 65%. When will it reach 100%? You can feel its increasing speed, please estimate it." She added.

"It's hard to say. It took me less than half a month to reach 65%, and the speed is getting slower and slower." Boston said.

Harley frowned, the submojo virus couldn't wait another half month.

——Could it be that the spirit of existence is acting as a monster? Deliberately delaying the progress, making her and Zheng Lian anxious and helpless?

Thought this in his mind, Harley didn't question it out loud.

Boston worried: "Is it too slow? Yamojo virus."

Harley sighed and said, "I'll tell you the truth, I came to you this time just because we encountered problems in the development of the Amozo vaccine.

The submojo virus comes from the cells on the remains of the Black Death Emperor. Only by completely eliminating the Black Death Emperor's poison can my god be able to complete its evolution."

Harley told them completely about the difficulties they encountered and their expectations for the White Lantern Destiny, without hiding anything.

As she spoke, she secretly stared at Boston's expression, using her mental power to firmly lock the white light ring on his hand to see if "he" was snickering with it.

Boston's face became more worried, and he was even a little restless and anxious.

No mental fluctuations were detected on the white light ring, nor did it flash white light proudly.

But Harley dared to use her credibility to guarantee that that bastard, the Spirit of Existence, must be secretly having fun.

The reason why she thinks so is simple.

If she were the spirit of existence, she would also deliberately slow down the completion of the destiny, and then happily watch "Witch Harley" and the heroes of the Alliance being helpless and in great pain, even pulling out their hair, but still unable to solve the problem.

He thought a lot in his mind and cursed hundreds of words quietly, but it did not affect the change of expression on Harry's face: he was very hesitant and reluctant, but he gritted his teeth, and his hesitation gradually turned into determination.

"Oh, there is no other way. I can't count on the white light. I can only bleed again." She said.

"What are you going to do?" Boston asked immediately.

Harley said: "Have you noticed that although the people on the earth are polluted and the laws of life and death on the earth are polluted, the earth itself is clean."


Harley said: "The earth is my divine favor, and I gave Gaia the 'Harley's power' equivalent to hundreds of demon kings."

Boston suddenly realized, "Oh, I know this. During the blackest night, the Black Lantern super hit the earth's crust crazily, trying to explode the stars. But the earth was derailed and flew millions of kilometers away without even cracking. gap.

If a large meteorite falls from the sky, it will not destroy even a city, let alone the world. "

Harley said: "The earth is the hardware, and the laws of the earth are the operating system. As long as I use another batch of divine power to make the Black of Decay become my favored one, or simply let the gods of the laws of the earth be my favored ones, The crisis is automatically resolved."

Boston's eyes lit up and he praised: "What a great idea!"

Harry was not very happy, and said with a wry smile: "The price is too high, I really don't want to do this, forget it, I'm going back."

Before leaving, she seemed to think of something, walked back to her old grandfather, said goodbye to him, and patted him gently on the back.

"It was fate that we met. I put a 'Hero Island Direct Card' on your grandpa to ensure that he goes to Hero Island after his death.

At that time, the future will be chosen for him based on his merit and his own wishes.

You can now put aside your worries and enjoy life with him. "She whispered to Boston.

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