I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1431 Jason Returns

No heavy hammer is needed to play the drum. After the second sister finished speaking, Ha Li understood what she meant.

She wants to recruit herself!

On the eve of the Blackest Night, Harley swallowed the origin of the Black Death Emperor on the planet Riut and raised her death emotion defense expertise to level eight. The "invisible death" blessing placed on her by her second sister immediately dissipated.

For this matter, the second sister came to inquire in person.

At that time, she was also communicating with her second sister through an oil painting in the gallery of Morpheus Palace.

There are a total of six character paintings in the corridor, representing the other six members of the Endless family besides Morpheus.

If Morpheus wants to see someone, he can ask the person in the portrait to turn around and communicate face to face.

If Morpheus receives an invitation to visit a certain brother's house, he will step into the painting and instantly enter the other person's territory.

That day, the second sister mainly asked about the reason why her blessing failed. While Hallie pretended to be stupid and blamed God, she also confirmed two things during the conversation with the second sister.

First, death emotions are only part of death.

The death of the second sister is equivalent to "fruit", and the death emotion of the Black Death Emperor is just "pear". Pears are fruits, but fruits are not equal to pears.

After going to the Speed ​​Force space, Harley determined that the speed of death is an "apple". Apples and pears are different, but they are both fruits.

Secondly, the second sister Death not only represents death, death and life are two semicircles of a circle.

Morpheus once said something that very well represents the meaning of the death of his second sister: "Mortals have two opportunities to see her in their lives. One is when they are born, when she takes them on the journey of life, and the other is at the moment of death. , she guides them on their journey to death.”

From death to life, from birth to death, it was all done with the second sister's company.

That is to say, not only is the Black Death Emperor only a part of the second sister, but Bai Deng is also a part of the second sister.

As a result, Harley activated the black light and white light specialties at the same time, and both of them were upgraded to level nine. She restrained the second sister to death, but not to death. Her "life and death defense expertise" was extremely professional.

The specialty of defending the second sister.

She was simply restraining the second sister. The second sister was not a stingy person and would not go out of her way to trouble her.

Last time, her level eight black light defense expertise eliminated the second sister's blessing. The second sister only asked about the reason. Not only did she not blame her afterwards, she also agreed to transfer the blessing to Selina.

It can be seen that the second sister is broad-minded and a generous person.

Looking for her this time was entirely due to a bug in the life and death seal, which affected the normal progress of the cycle of life and death in the DC universe.

The essence of the second sister is the incarnation of death in the DC multiverse, representing "all death in the universe".

Now that Harley's reincarnation seal involves the law of life and death, but it is not within the understanding and control of the second sister, then the second sister can no longer represent "all death".

When the definition of the second sister is denied, will the law of death in the multiverse remain undisturbed?

In order to solve this problem, the best way is to analyze Harley's seal of life and death and make it part of DC's law of death.

So the second sister's first request was to ask Harley to give her a reincarnation seal.

However, Jason has been reincarnated for several days, which means that the second sister discovered the problem of "Qui's Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death" a few days ago. As a result, no explanation has been found so far. She is worried that the research on the reincarnation seal cannot be completed in a short time.

In order not to affect the law of death in the multiverse while she was studying the Death Seal, she suggested that Harley be her own god.

"I know you are unruly and dissatisfied with everyone. Even the gods and demons don't pay attention to you."

Seeing that Harley had been deep in thought for a long time, the second sister thought that she was not happy and took the initiative to explain: "Letting you become a god is just to facilitate the integration of your reincarnation seal into the death law system of the multiverse.

After I understand the principle of the seal of life and death, we can dissolve the relationship with God.

Let Morpheus be the witness and we can sign a contract. "

Morpheus said strangely: "Whoever comprehends the new laws in the universe will immediately integrate into the sea of ​​laws and become part of the origin.

Since Harley's seal of life and death was unprecedented, why wasn't she accepted by the Law Sea? "

The second sister stared at Harley and said: "I am also very confused. Your reincarnation impression law is not a law. It is not a law so it cannot be collected by the sea of ​​laws. Why is it so strange?"

The essence of defense expertise is actually "anti-law".

It specifically targets a law corresponding to magic.

This one-by-one targeting gives it some characteristics of a law, but it is not a law after all.

At least it does not meet the certification standards of DC Universe Law.

This is different from Harley being beaten and leveling up.

Being beaten and upgraded is recognized by Fahai as a way of cultivation, because during this process, Harley gained "new power" - experience points, which are the evil thoughts of the person who beat her.

"I don't know either." Harley shook her head blankly.

"Forget it, everyone has secrets. I'm curious about your secret, but that's not what we're discussing now."

The second sister shook her head and asked, "How have you considered it?"

"What are the benefits and restrictions of being your god?" Hallie asked.

"I won't give you much benefit, because I have almost no restrictions on you. Responsibilities and obligations are equal." The second sister said.

"Is it possible that 'Death Agent' is just a blank title?" Harley asked.

The second sister said: "Of course not, just like the main gods and gods of other gods, you will have a part of my authority and divine power, but that's it.

There won’t be too much authority, and divine power is only symbolic and less in quantity.

I don't have divine power myself, so I don't need to. The 'salary' I give you every month has to be temporarily converted.

Then you still live your life, as long as you don't abuse the authority and power I gave you, and don't interfere with the normal operation of the death rules of the multiverse, I won't even meet you. "

Harley glanced at her with a strange expression. She was already so infamous, and the second sister wanted to give her strength.

"What, do you have any objections?" asked the second sister.

"No, I'm very happy to be able to help you, second sister." Harley shook her head quickly and said with a solemn expression: "And becoming your god will be very impressive when it comes to speaking out."

The second sister and Hari Lang were interested in a concubine, and as the middleman, Morpheus was one of our own, so the whole signing process went very smoothly.

In less than three minutes, Halle received the signing bonus: the first batch of "second sister power".

"The discovery of high-level death energy allows the reincarnation defense specialty to evolve. Do you want to absorb it?"

The moment the second sister's power entered the body, Harry's evolutionary treasure deep in the sea of ​​consciousness was touched.

There were two big bosses at the scene, and Harley didn't dare to act recklessly. She could only temporarily suppress the impulse in her heart and continue to feel the "second sister's power."

"Smiling so happily, you have gained a lot?" the second sister asked in surprise.

"Am I smiling?" Harley touched her face, and her mouth was indeed grinning.

"I spent several days in heaven, looking for information about the reincarnation of life and death, but found very little.

Now that I have just received the Death Godhead given by you, my second sister, my mind seems to have opened up and I understand a lot of things at once.

Maybe in three to five years, I can understand my own law of death and become a real god of death. "

"It won't take that long, at most three to five months. I will definitely crack the mystery of your reincarnation seal." The second sister said confidently.

——If you can crack it so quickly, you will be called a ghost. The greatest characteristic of the reincarnation seal is to form an all-round restraint on "death", restraining your spiritual perception, law detection, and power penetration. Unless you use physical attacks to deal with it, it is specially designed to restrain "death". Overcome all your magic detection methods.

You can use an ax to chop the mark, but it has no effect on studying it!

Harry smiled secretly in his heart, nodded seriously and said, "Even if you break the seal of reincarnation, second sister, I plan to continue to be the spokesperson of death."

"what ever."

"Second sister, let me ask you something. In fact, compared with my 'God descending to earth', the reincarnation seal is not very useful.

Why doesn’t anyone say that my ‘god descending to earth’ interferes with the operation of the laws of the universe? "Before the second sister turned around and left, Harley hesitated to ask this question.

The second sister came to her because of the reincarnation seal, but the reincarnation seal is only one of the defensive specialties.

She now has 11 defensive feats.

It must be said how special the Reincarnation Seal is. It is the fusion of multiple specialties. First, it is the fusion of the two emotional defenses of life and death, and then emotional death is merged with speed death. Together with the speed force specialization and the emotional energy specialization, it is also formed. A connection.

Secondly, Samsara Seal is more active, while other specialties are relatively passive.

Defense feats generally require a "force" to act on her body to take effect.

The impression of reincarnation is strengthening the law of reincarnation. It is not only proactive, but also very ruthless.

"I don't know how many laws of the universe your 'God descends' has interfered with, but as long as it has nothing to do with death, I don't care." After a pause, the second sister said meaningfully: "As long as it is related to the foundation represented by the seven members of the Endless Family The rules have nothing to do with it, and the Endless Family will not cause trouble for you.

The seven of us brothers and sisters represent the seven basic laws that maintain the existence of the universe, and are the seven cornerstones.

The origin of the universe may be able to tolerate your influence and modification of other rules, but the foundation cannot be shaken. "

Harley's eyes swept over the frame one by one. There were seven members of the Endless Family, namely the eldest brother Destiny, the second sister Death (death and life), the third brother Meng (nightmares and dreams), and the fourth brother Destruction (destruction and creation). The fourth brother’s picture frame is blank with no one in it. It is said that the fourth brother has wandered away and has never been contacted), the androgynous brother and sister’s desire (desire and indifference), the ugly fat girl’s despair (despair and hope) ), delirium (madness and sanity) in the form of a little girl.

It seems that the biggest difference between the Seal of Reincarnation and other specialties is that it touches one of the seven cornerstones.

However, the cornerstone of the DC universe is not earth, water, wind, and fire.

Fate, death, dreams, desires, destruction, despair, delirium are all too unmaterialistic.

Is it possible that this universe was really born from an "idea"?

As soon as her hind legs left the dream dimension, Harley absorbed all the power of the second sister in her body.

The defense of reincarnation has taken a big step forward.

The difficulty for the second sister to crack the reincarnation seal has increased a lot.

Harley returned to Quinn Manor with a smile on her face and contentment.

After saying hello to Ivy and the others, she ducked into the meditation room and continued to study the seal of reincarnation.

This time relying on the "second sister's authority", Harley had a more direct understanding of her mark.

It used to be a blind man touching an elephant, but now the "death godhead" has pulled her to a position close to the second sister.

You can know the true face of Lushan Mountain at a glance, just by sitting on an airplane and looking down.

The more she researches, the more Harley feels that her reincarnation mark is a bug, which is very incompatible with the laws of life and death in the DC universe.

Well, the Seal of Reincarnation comes from defense expertise, specifically to defend against life emotions and death emotions, and it is only normal to be in opposition to the law of life and death.

But the interference it shows in the cycle of life and death is very similar to the laws of reincarnation.

The gods rely on the law of reincarnation to intervene in reincarnation.

Harley controls the specialty of defending against the reincarnation of life and death, and is also interfering with the reincarnation.

Expertise and law are opposites, but they achieve the same goal through different approaches.

"Although the Reincarnation Seal is very domineering, its performance is too showy. The first time I used it to help people reincarnate, it alarmed the representative of the law of death in this universe.

If I go to another world, I plan to sneak in quietly using the reincarnation seal.

It's not just a matter of alerting the enemy, it's simply stealing with gongs and drums. "Harry sat cross-legged on the futon, frowning.

How to conceal the particularity of the Samsara Seal, or in other words, how to disguise the Samsara Seal as an existing rule of the universe?


While Harley was meditating hard, using her second sister's authority, and trying to connect the "divine nature of death" with the seal of life and death, a signal suddenly jumped into Harley's mind.

It was like her brain had become a base station, and a cell phone far away suddenly entered the signal range.

"Shit, it's Jason!" Harley opened her eyes wide, with a look of excitement on her face. "Second sister has too much power. She only had a preliminary grasp and helped me sense Jason's reincarnation mark."

After being excited for a while, her expression became a little embarrassed again.

The worst-case scenario really happened.

Jason is not in the United States, nor on the Earth, nor even in the main universe. He has gone to another time and space.

Not only are there parallel universes, but the timelines are also staggered.

The main universe is now in the autumn of 2020, and Jason's timeline is probably between 2010 and 2015. The distance is too far, and the induction is a bit blurry.

"Alas, it seems that Bruce has no fate with him in this life. But in the next life, maybe I can rely on my second sister's authority to control the location of the reincarnation seal and let him return to the earth."

Harley sighed, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Bruce: "Two good news, one bad news, Jason's reincarnation was no accident, he is alive and well; but unfortunately, we may not be able to do it for a short time I can’t see him anymore, he has indeed been reincarnated in another world; but don’t worry, I am trying to control the precise guidance of the reincarnation seal, Jason’s third life will definitely be on the main universe Earth.”

I don’t know how he felt. He didn’t reply to messages, call, or come to my door for a long time.

Harley really doesn't have any good low-cost solutions at the moment.

If Jason was just in another parallel universe in Wantianyi, she might try to travel to another world at some cost.

But there is still a river of time between Jason and the main universe. For unknown reasons, Harley can't get close to any river of time so far.

The day after Harley resigned to Jason's situation, a call came from Wayne Manor.

"Jason is back." Bruce said simply, not very excited.

"What, it's impossible-" Harley was very excited and shouted immediately.

As soon as she screamed, she subconsciously sensed the location of the reincarnation seal.

Then she was stunned. The two reincarnation seals were both on the earth in the main universe at this time!

"Really, he and she are at the manor now. Come over quickly." Bruce said in a strange tone.

"Her?" Harley was surprised again.

"Well, Jason was reincarnated as a girl, ugh!"

The last sigh revealed obvious distress.

Jason did turn into a girl.

Probably because of preserving her memory, her dress and appearance are very manly.

He is a big man of 1.8 meters, with short hair and a face that is not ugly, but it has nothing to do with being charming. About one-half of his face is "full of flesh."

The muscle bumps on his arms were bigger than his chest muscles, and under the tank top were eight packs of unusually eye-catching abdominal muscles.

"Jason, what is your name now? Your appearance is very similar to your last life. Could it be that you were reborn in your biological parents' home?" Harley looked at her for a moment and asked in surprise.

Jason's pupils shrank and he nodded: "My parents in this life are the same as in the previous life, so my name is still 'Jason Todd'."

"But you are a girl, why would your parents give you a man's name?" Harley asked curiously.

Jason's expression was gloomy, his eyes were lowered, and his voice was dull, "I took this myself, they don't care at all."

If Harley realizes something, it seems that Jason is still having a bad life in this life and has not gotten the love from his parents that he dreamed of.

Dick sat next to Jason, put his arm around her shoulders and comforted her: "It'll be good to come back. We all miss you. The old Wayne mansion seems incomplete without you these days."

"Dick, don't touch her." Bruce said solemnly.

Dick was stunned for a moment before realizing that his good brother had turned into a girl.

"Bruce, what are you worried about? Even if I am immoral in my private life, I won't attack Jason!" he said excitedly.

——Jason doesn’t look like a woman at all, and he still has the same face. He’s very picky about food, right?

Although the scream was very loud and aggrieved, Dick still took back his right hand and sat down in an upright position.

Damian said softly: "At first, Teacher Harley said that you would be reincarnated that night, so we sat together by the phone and waited for your news.

After waiting for three days and three nights, no one closed their eyes, but I still didn’t get your call.

Afterwards, Bruce asked The Flash to identify all newborn babies in the United States and even the entire earth. That day, we were all in pain.

Yesterday, Teacher Harley confirmed that you were reborn in another world and would never come back. Bruce locked himself in your bedroom and didn't come out until now. "

Jason's eyes quickly turned red and moistened. Finally, he shed two lines of tears and choked up: "I miss you too. In the past twenty years, I have not regretted it for a moment.

I really shouldn't have been so stupid, so naive, so impulsive, woo woo"

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