I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 145 The predecessors built the building, and the descendants paid the rent (please subscribe

More than half of the buildings in Gotham, including but not limited to buildings, streets, bridges, and docks, were built by Wayne.

The iconic building of the Wayne family is Wayne Tower in the center of Gotham.

Well, it’s the “beast-headed statue” building that often appears in Batman movies.

Like the Rockefeller Tower, Wayne Tower is a complex of buildings.

The main building is the office building of Wayne Enterprises, and the auxiliary building will host some large banquets.

For example, just today, a charity banquet to save poor children in Africa is going on.

It is magnificent, like the hall of a luxurious palace, with a band playing soothing music on the stage, beauties in gorgeous clothes, decent gentlemen, with fragrant clothes and temples, drinking wine and talking, laughing.

"I don't think we should be here." Selina pulled her collar uncomfortably.

She changed into a sapphire blue off-the-shoulder gown, which was beautiful and fitted her well.

However, American girls in the developmental stage generally have the defect of being too "round" in figure. Selena felt that compared with the slender collarbone of the lady in the hall, she was too bulky.

The skin on the shoulders is fair and smooth, but extremely thick and strong.

"I just wish the Court of Owls would break out now."

Bruce turned his head and looked around, with a hint of gloom hidden in his eyes, "Only by exposing them to the sun can we win the battle.

Hiding in the dark, they will never be defeated and we will always be afraid. "

The young master is wearing a suit and tie. He is handsome and handsome.

When greeting guests, he is also at ease and calm.

"I'm not worried about the court," Selena said with an unnatural expression. "Maybe I'm not suitable for this kind of banquet. Maybe, I-Jesus, that's Harley, why is she so shining!"

I saw a young girl coming at the gate.

She didn't go out of her way to dress up in fancy clothes. She also wore light makeup, with a fragrant face and rosy cheeks, which was smooth and charming. Her pink dress and simple pearl necklace accentuated her snow-like skin and slim figure.

Unlike Selena's American big girl figure, her figure is almost perfect and her body proportions look very comfortable.

Slimness and fitness coexist, and gracefulness and strength coexist.

"Can practicing martial arts also improve the body? Maybe I should learn yoga from her." Selena said sourly.

"Wow, this is Witch Harley, she's so beautiful."

"Shh, her identity is different now. Are you seeking death by mentioning 'witch' in front of her? But she is indeed pretty."

"Why do I always feel like she's shining?"

"I think so."

"Look at her hair, the glitter is the effect of the hair accessory!"

Soon, many eyes fell on the crystal "rhinestones" in Harley's hair.

Although it is a colorful non-mainstream hair color, it cannot cover up the essence of "Tears of the Holy Spirit", making her whole person shine.

"Harry, your crystal hair chain is so beautiful. Where did you buy it?" Selena asked curiously.

"Someone gave it to me." There were quite a few people who came over to say hello and ask about hair chains. Harry said a few casual words and went straight to the champagne tower.

Mrs. Xanadu was drinking there alone.

She wore a purple floor-length skirt today, with a head full of black silk fixed on her head by a classical oriental hairpin, giving her a harmonious classical beauty.

"What a coincidence, I met you here" I said hello first.

Then, he asked doubtfully: "You are probably not here to raise money for charity, are you? I noticed that your rumored boyfriend, Mr. Wayne, is accompanied by a girl, and you are not here with him."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on Harley's hair.

"Madam Gao Jian, after I visited you at the exorcism center the day before yesterday, I asked someone to inquire about your preferences and habits.

I came here today because I want to see the Archmage’s communication circle. "Harry didn't hide his purpose either.

"Haha, do you think I am here to communicate with other mages? I think too much. Most of the time, I prefer to interact with ordinary people." Mrs. Xanadu chuckled.

Harley sighed: "I'm a newcomer. In the whole Gotham, I only know Madam as a mage."

"This hair chain of yours is so beautiful. It looks like a magic item, but there is no magic power fluctuation at all. Where did you buy it?" Xiadu couldn't help but ask.

God’s methods are indeed extraordinary.

"A friend gave it to me. It's said to be special material extracted from meteorites. I think he's bragging." Harley boasted.

"80% of it is really an alien object from the sky," Madam Xanadu said with a look of surprise.

Then, the expression on her face calmed down, she took Harry to a quiet balcony, and then said calmly: "Actually, you should avoid the circle of magicians now. The right way is to spend your final transformation with peace of mind."

Harley asked doubtfully: "Didn't you ask me to find a teacher last time to guide the evolution of magic power?"

Below the balcony is the street, and you can directly see the entire banquet hall without fear of anyone eavesdropping.

Mrs. Xanadu leaned against the fence, took a sip of champagne, and asked without answering: "In the past few days, have the shadows around you become clearer?"

Harley's expression changed, "Isn't this normal?"

Mrs. Xanadu sighed: “It’s a normal phenomenon, but the speed is too fast.

I thought your terminal transformation would last at least a year.

Generally speaking, two or three years is not a long time, but your transformation is extremely fast, and it may be completed before October.

You need a teacher, but you may not have enough time. "

"Madam, can you help me introduce a teacher?" Harley asked quickly.

Madam Xanadu pondered for a moment and then said frankly: "Harry, you know your situation.

If I introduce you to a mage and that mage is willing to take you in, then he must be my friend.

But if he becomes your teacher, he will be targeted by the Crusaders.

I don't want to put my friend in danger. "

Harry thought for a while and said, "I'm telling the truth, madam, don't be angry. If even the Crusader is afraid, then he is not worthy of being my teacher."

Mrs. Xanadu was really not angry, but her face became less pretty.

Harley thought to herself: "Actually, when I look for a teacher, I don't expect him to guide me in developing high-level magic power, but I want to know how to control the process and direction."

She meant what she said.

Stranger told her over and over again that the magic power of the mage was borrowed from the top boss and would be returned one day.

Realistic experience proved that he was not lying at least on this matter.

Mrs. Xanadu even asked her to be immersed in the magic power of the giant ferocious beast last time!

It can be seen that although she has lived for more than a thousand years and is still the sister of the Lake Fairy, she still has not solved the problem of the source of magic power.

Harley would rather not have magic power than leave the consequences of being controlled by others.

After all, upgrading is the foundation of her power, and magic is only an auxiliary.

But her deathbed transformation has already begun, and she will soon be born with magic power.

What's even more embarrassing is that she is not sure who her "creditor" is.

Therefore, she needs to understand the birth process of magic in detail.

"If you just want to know the process and direction of transformation, I can tell you without looking for a teacher.

The process of transformation cannot be controlled or reversed, it can only be endured.

The direction of the evolution of magic is mainly determined by two points: how much magic you are immersed in, and what magic you have been using. Madam Xanadu said calmly.

Infused with what magic?

It's either heaven or hell or both.

They all seem to be ruthless characters?

Harley's face didn't look very good.

If she borrowed the power of the little devil from another dimension, she would still have the confidence to kill him, borrow money without repaying it, and occupy the magpie's nest, but God and hell

As for magic

Harley's expression was even more ugly. Besides black magic, what else did she have?

"A mage without magic power can only use black magic, right? What chance do you have to choose?" She frowned.

"Who said you can only use dark magic if you don't have magic power?"

Madam Xanadu glanced at her with disdain and said, "Black magic itself is a type of sacrificial art.

Just like me, if I believe in the God of Order, I can use the power of order through sacrificial rituals.

In the ancient times, demons were just one of the countless objects of sacrifice.

If you need, can I tell you the names of a few gods that have been forgotten by time? "

Harry's heart moved and asked: "Can we sacrifice to the power of nature?"

"Of course, the red of all living things and the green of all things can be sacrificed."

Harley was overjoyed and asked again: "Does the power of nature have an owner?"

"The redness of all living beings and the greenness of all things are gods themselves!"

Harley's expression froze, "Where are the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire?"

Mrs. Xanadu looked hesitant, "Most people don't know that there are four major elemental gods in the world, but I happen to believe in the God of Order.

The four elements of earth, water, wind and fire are truly a family of the God of Order.

If you want, I can tell you their true names and summoning rituals. "

Harley was a little desperate. All powers have their masters? !

"Madam, I once heard someone say that magic power is borrowed and will be returned one day."

After saying that, she stared at Mrs. Xanadu, not letting go of the slightest expression on her face.

The green-eyed woman shrugged and said calmly: "If you borrow something, you must repay it, it's very reasonable!"

——She knows, but she doesn’t care, and even takes it for granted!

"Madam, you have lived for more than a thousand years, have you ever lost your magic power?" Harley asked again.

Mrs. Xanadu's expression changed, her expression became dazed, and she murmured: "There must have been several times. It was a really difficult time."

——shit, more than once!

Harley didn't know what to say.

"Is there a kind of magic that doesn't involve any gods at all?" she finally struggled.

Mrs. Xanadu showed a look of surprise on her face and smiled: "I see, you don't want to be restricted by anything, you want to fully control your own power, right?"

"Isn't this natural?" Harley said.

Mrs. Xanadu was stunned when she heard this, and sighed: "Yes, it is the instinctive desire of human beings to control everything, especially everything about oneself.

You have it, and so have I.

It’s just that I have lived too long and have forgotten the days when I was seeking great transcendence and great freedom.”

Harley's heart skipped a beat, and she had a bad feeling.

"Completely hopeless?"

Mrs. Xanadu pointed at Bruce in the center of the venue and said, "If every generation of Wayne is a hero, how will the Wayne family and Gotham develop?"

Harley was startled, vaguely understanding what she meant.

She said softly: "The Wayne family became more prosperous from generation to generation, and eventually became the well-deserved king of Gotham. The Wayne Consortium rules Gotham's economy and people's livelihood.

Every Gothamite, from birth to death, relies on the jobs, goods and services provided by Wayne Group. "

Shandufu said: "Heaven and hell have existed for 10 billion years, and both God and Lucifer are wiser than mortal Wayne.

What's even more frightening is that they live forever and don't need to pass on their family lineage or rely on the wisdom of the next generation of successors.

Today, tens of billions of years later, the entire universe, every primitive magic factor, has been marked with their mark.

Of course, there are more than two supreme beings in the universe, God and Lucifer.

But you get the idea. "

"This magical world is really suffocating." Harry sighed.

Mrs. Xanadu rolled her eyes, "Actually, our ancestors also figured out a way to avoid the source of magic and use magic."

"What method?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"The Wayne Group is the source of all evil. Today I will prove this to everyone!"

Suddenly, the soothing music in the hall disappeared. After a burst of harsh and hollow noise, a man's angry shout appeared on the speaker.

At the same time, the video wall playing the promotional video for Wayne Charitable Foundation also changed to another picture: the ferocious and twisted face of a middle-aged man.

"Wow, Nimue was right again! The prediction made half a month ago appeared on time today." Mrs. Xanadu glanced at the hall and smiled proudly.

The cover has been changed, it’s Zukuu, Xiguaxiaxiada gifted me with the right to use it, thanks to him!

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