I want to have a date with Superman

PS to the previous chapter

(ps: DC comics may have more than one author even from the same publication, and the image of Luther also changes under different authors' pens.

This chapter's "Luthor wants to become Superman" is considered one of Luthor's mainstream settings.

In the comics, Luther put on the orange light ring, revealing his innermost desires, and Diana strangled his neck with the lasso of truth so that he could not lie. Then Luther said this sentence His fatal declaration: I want to be Superman.

In the old comics, Luthor also stole Superman's genes and extracted the "Superman Factor" so that he could briefly possess all the powers of Superman.

However, I think the "Superman" Luthor wants to be is not Clark Kent, the Superman.

No one can deny Luther's wisdom.

He is an extremely smart person. His wisdom is not only reflected in scientific research, but also has an extremely thorough understanding of human nature. Otherwise, he would not be able to become the number one boss of the secret society in a mortal body and let many unruly extraordinary villains obey his orders. .

How can such a smart person not see clearly whether Da Chao is hypocritical or is he really "hopeful"?

If Luther really thought Da Chao was hypocritical, he wouldn't care so much about "proving Da Chao's hypocrisy".

What is fake cannot be true. Da Chao will be exposed sooner or later. He only needs to wait quietly. At most, he will monitor Da Chao and look for evidence to expose Da Chao's hypocrisy, instead of going to great lengths to create evidence to prove Da Chao's hypocrisy.

Just like a man and woman in love, under what circumstances would a man be particularly impatient to let his girlfriend show his love for him?

Did he discover that his girlfriend's love for him was true, or did he discover that her love was perfunctory?

When a man is sure that his girlfriend loves him, he will not rush to save this love, there is no need.

If a man loves his girlfriend very much, but finds that she is absent-minded when getting along with him and obviously does not love him, he will be anxious and eager to do something to turn his girlfriend's false love for him into true love.

Luthor has been struggling all these years, saying, "I want to prove that Superman is not the hope of mankind, he is a hypocritical liar." In fact, this is because deep down in his heart, he has already confirmed that Superman is the embodiment of hope and is a person who should not exist. The perfect person.

Only the truth needs to be eradicated.

The best way to deal with falsehood is to uncover the lie.

Luthor also said that he wanted to prove to the world that humans do not need Superman. An omnipotent Superman would make humans inert and lose the motivation and courage to move forward alone. Superman is hypocritical, uncontrollable, and unreliable. When humans Losing oneself and completely becoming a subordinate of Superman, humanity will eventually be destroyed when Superman collapses. If human beings want to develop healthily, they must ultimately rely on themselves.

This is not a pretense, it is what he says from his heart.

Precisely because he is sure that Superman is almost flawless, there is a worry that "human beings have lost themselves and completely regard Superman as a pillar of spirit and belief."

Let’s use the example of a man and woman in love. Man A sees that Man B is also pursuing his goddess, and Man B looks ugly. Man A will not be impatient. But if man B is a Yanzu, man A will be anxious and worried that the goddess will fall into B's arms.

Luther calls Da Chao an ugly guy, but in his heart he admits that he is a real Yanzu.

It can be said that it was Dachao who made Luther successful. Dachao opened the manhole cover, allowing Luther to see a wider sky, and letting Luther know that a person can still be so good and perfect.

When the full score of the test paper is 100 points, even the most ambitious academic master is only motivated by 100 points.

When a top student knows that he can get extra points through academic papers and social activities and push the total score to 150 points, even if the paper must be published in a magazine of the "Nature" or "Science" level, even if his true ability is at most 110 If he scores 150 points, he will try his best to reach 150 points. His eyes will only be fixed on 150 points and he will not even look at 100 points again.

This is greed.

Luther is an extremely egoistic and selfish person. He will not applaud Da Chao who scores 150 points. He will only want to surpass him and score 151 points.

He said that human beings can only rely on themselves, but in fact, that "self" is really just himself.

He said that if humans regard Superman as a belief, humanity will eventually be destroyed as the illusion of Superman is shattered. Does Luther care about the future of mankind?

On Station B, when the up owner released Luther’s classic remarks, many B friends sighed: Luther is right. I also lamented for Luther, feeling that the hope that he could really become a human being was too unrealistic and too fantasy.

I want to say, when you judge a person, do you judge him by what he says?

High-sounding rhetoric is a basic skill for almost every qualified politician.

They can all make declarations that make everyone say, "What he said is so good, he is right," but which one of them has done it?

Whether a person is good or bad has nothing to do with his identity or words. Celebrities and politicians all have identities and status, and they also speak nicely, but nine out of ten of them are terrible.

To judge a person, you can only judge him by what he has done.

Luther doesn't even care about the life and death of his teammates in the secret society, and even treats the employees of Lex Group Company cold-bloodedly (Luthor once used his female secretary Mercy to block the gun many times, and actually blocked the gun, and used a beautiful secretary as a human shield). He has never really cared about strangers, so how could he really care about more "illusory" human beings?

No matter how patriotic a person says he is, when in reality he doesn't even love his family and friends, he is lying. If you don’t even love the people around you, how can you love a wider country?

The ancients said that filial piety comes first among all virtues, which does not mean that filial piety is simply ranked first.

But the parents who gave birth to and raised him were not filial, and his other kindnesses were most likely hypocrisy.

The human beings mentioned by Luther still refer to himself.

If you replace "human" with "Luthor", you can better understand Luthor's mentality and thoughts.

He recognized the excellence of Da Chao, and subconsciously "cowardly Luther" wanted to rely on Da Chao and believe in Da Chao as a god. However, "Superman Luther" could not accept that he worshiped others and pinned his hopes on others.

If this perfect "Superman" really exists, then the "Superman" can only be Luthor himself!

He said "I want to be Superman", not specifically tearing apart Man, but the perfect existence in his heart.

Super is already a reality, so the "perfect existence" in Luthor's mind must transcend reality and be more "superhuman" than Superman.

This kind of greed that is difficult for ordinary people to understand led to him being selected by the Orange Lantern Ring.

The above is my own opinion, just take a look at it, don’t take it too seriously. )

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