I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1406 Return of the Dead

"This is impossible!" The next moment, all the lamp owners shouted out of control.

The heroes of the Earth who hesitantly approached the lamp owners, were surprised, stopped and breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

The white light after the seven lights were combined into one was no different from the previous single seven-color energy beam. It fell on the defensive light film without any ripples or even splashing.

"Hahaha, seven lights combined into one, that's all." Harley laughed proudly.

Before the "ultimate battle", the seven-in-one white light would certainly not be so useless.

But during the battle with the Black Death Emperor, Harley once took advantage of the situation and picked up a body part of the Lord of the White Lantern. All the white lantern origins inside became the experience points of the white lantern defense specialty.

At this moment, her white light defense has reached level eight!

This eighth-level defense expertise alone can protect you from 95% of the energy damage of true white light. The seven-lamp white light in one is just a knockoff.

In addition, she has other defensive specialties, so it is unusual for the seven lights in one to harm her.

"Her god is only immune to magic damage. We convert the white light into physical attacks." Sinestro gritted his teeth.

"How to transform?" Atrocitas asked.

Before, when their seven lights were combined into one, they had always merged seven kinds of pure energy into pure white light. This energy beam was pure enough, but it was the least lethal attack method.

"Relax your mind and only output energy. Leave the control to me. I will give it a try." Sinestro said.

"Why don't I take the lead in this process? I think you should give me all your energy and let me become the 'New Lord of the White Light'." La Freeze shouted.

"I was once the greatest Green Lantern. Only Green Lantern can manifest the most powerful weapons and perform physical attacks." Sinestro said.

The seven lanterns have different emotional energy attributes, and the strongest attacks are also different. The red lantern is mainly based on blood sea and flames, the yellow lantern is mainly based on fear and fantasy, and the green lantern comes first, rebounding the attacks of other colored lanterns. Only The Green Lantern of Will is the hardest energy manifestation and has the most stable structure. It can use energy swords to launch powerful physical attacks.

"No, I will never give my energy to others." Lafleeze shook his head repeatedly, "Anyway, it's not me that Witch Harley is suppressing.

The spirit of existence has always been aloof and refused to even give me any white light to let me become a White Lantern. Why should I sacrifice my orange light for it? "

"Our seven colors of light all come from white light. If the skin is gone, the hair will be attached. You don't understand such a simple truth?" Sinestro said angrily.

"I think you should give me the energy of color light." Atrocitas also said, "Although the red light cannot embody the strongest weapon, my body is the strongest weapon.

Give me control of the white light, and I can blow through her defense shield with one punch. "

"Hmph, I also think that white light can forge the strongest purple crystal and seal her completely." Carol said.

"Don't think about it. Unless you give me the white light, you'll be screwed." Lafleeze screamed.

Looking at the lamp owners who were arguing fiercely and almost fighting each other, Sinestro looked gloomy and cursed: "A group of idiots who have no sense of the overall situation. To become allies with you, they might as well surrender to the Witch Harley."

"Don't, don't surrender, I'm having fun." Harley smiled.

Sinestro's face darkened, and the lamp owners stopped arguing, with expressions of shame and anger flashing across their faces.

"We take turns to lead C and try various moves in turn." Ganser suggested.

——Sinestro, you are different from them. They are short-sighted and have no overall perspective, but you are a natural leader!

He also quietly sent a message to Sinestro.

Sinestro glanced at him, frowned and glanced around the lamp owners, and said: "Lafleeze, you go first, Atrocitus second, Carol third, me fourth, and Gunther fifth. , Qingnu is sixth, Saint Walker is seventh, do you have any opinions?"

Gunther gave him an appreciative look.

"I agree." Seeing that he was ranked first, Lafleeze immediately shouted with a smile.

Atrocitus and Carol saw that they were at least in front of Sinestro, so they did not object.

The remaining "honest people" naturally nodded in agreement.

"Seven lights in one!"

With a shout, white light fell on Harley's force field golden film again.

However, the next moment, it exploded automatically.

Several lamp owners looked at Fritz.

"Oh, I can't control it. The white light is so evil that I didn't even react." Lafleeze was very embarrassed.

"Change to the next one." Sinestro said dully.

Although Lafleeze was reluctant to offer his orange light to others, he did not dare to break his promise in public.

They could attack the Witch Harley together, so why wouldn't they attack him?

"You focus the beam on me, and I will fight the Witch Harley in close combat." Atrocitas clenched his fists, looking forward to it.


The next moment, a big hole exploded in the chest of the Lord of Red Lanterns, and white light flew in all directions along with minced flesh and blood.

"Uh ah ah!" Atrocitus screamed repeatedly, "The white light is too violent and it is impossible to surrender."

Qingnu and Saint Walker silently stepped forward to heal his injuries, and it took them two or three minutes to manage to suppress the injuries.

"I have long said that controlling white light requires destiny, and not everyone is qualified." Sinestro said proudly and confidently: "Come on, let me show you the true style of the Lord of White Light!"

When Atrocitus and Lafleeze heard this, they were naturally very aggrieved and angry, but they did not go back on their word.

"Uh ah ah~~~" The next moment, the seven lights merged into one, and white light suddenly appeared. Sinestro suppressed his blush, but he could not stop the white light from dispersing into seven colors of light again.

"Hahahaha, is this your destiny?" Lafleeze laughed.

Those who looked happy thought they had defeated Harley and won.

"This is impossible, it shouldn't be, I can even control the real white light, the inferior white light will only be easier." Sinestro's face was full of reluctance and disbelief.

"Are you sure it was you who was controlling the Spirit of Existence before, rather than the Spirit of Existence simply parasitizing on you?" Carol said sarcastically.

"If even I can't do it, taking it can only mean one thing. This road is dead and impassable." Sinestro said coldly.

Then Gunther, Carol and others all failed.

Sinestro's face looked better, "It seems that the seven lights in one are just that. Although the lower limit is not low, there is no potential to be developed at all."

Ganser hesitated and said: "If someone adapts and controls the seven colors of emotional energy at the same time, he may be able to truly master white light through hard training."

"That kind of person doesn't exist at all. It's already difficult to adapt to seven colors of light. It's completely impossible to wear one of the light rings at the same time." Sinestro said decisively.

"What should we do now? We really have nothing to do with Witch Harley?" Atrocitas said angrily.

"Sed, let's try together." Gunther looked at his little blue man wife.

"You mean, give up emotional energy?" Said asked in surprise.

Ganser nodded slightly, "Just use our own strength."


The two little blue men stretched out their hands to Harley at the same time. There were no colorful energy waves, just pure and transparent spiritual power.

His movements and moves are all very similar to those of a Jedi Knight.

"Buzzing buzzing" The defensive golden film that had been calm vibrated violently, gradually distorted, and the spherical shape became irregular.

It was like a balloon being rubbed wantonly by two invisible hands.

Harley looked at the golden film that was pinched into a long strip and asked in surprise: "How do you cultivate such strong spiritual energy?"

The Blackest Night is both a crisis and an opportunity to gain experience points.

In just a few days, she gained almost a level of experience, now reaching level 114.

Even in the material universe, the defense will be "down-clocked" to the extreme value of 100 points, but Gunther is also in the material world and is also affected by the down-frequency.

Just relying on the power of the mind, their attacks are close to the extreme.

If it weren't for the fact that her emotional energy defense specialty was too restrained against colored light, the power of her mind combined with the light ring would definitely exceed the upper limit of defense of the force field's golden film.

"Bang bang bang!" Seeing that the rubbing effect was not good, the power of the soul turned into "Fantian Seal" and smashed it from top to bottom.

With the first "boom, boom, boom", the ground where Harley and Hal were standing collapsed a hundred meters deep. With the second and third hits, it was more than 2,000 meters deep. The groundwater was exposed, and Harley and Hal were submerged. Under water, the slapping effect plummets.

Ganser and Said used the power of their minds to lift them up and beat them left and right.

"Bang bang bang" The spherical defensive gold film almost turned into a pancake. The smile on Harley's face disappeared and sweat began to form on her forehead.

"Her defensive shield has reached critical point, and we still have strength left. We have seven legions!" Sinestro suggested.

Ganser looked up at the sky, then turned around and looked around, looking hesitant.

When the seven lamp owners formed an alliance, their respective legions also gathered together.

After all, the black light is ravaging the universe, and a single color of light cannot destroy the black light ring.

Only by joining together and integrating the energy of the Green Lantern can we protect ourselves.

Later, the seven lamp owners rushed to the battlefield on Earth, and the seven legions followed closely, but they did not enter the solar system.

There were two reasons. First, the situation was unclear. Several legion commanders were afraid of losing their troops or even being wiped out.

Even the earthlings didn't dare to stay on the earth and made a modern version of "Noah's Ark" to hide. The seven legions should be cautious.

The second reason is the prophecy of the Blackest Night.

They thought that if the seven lamp masters unite as one, they can defeat the Black Death Emperor, and the rest will be useless if they don't come.

When the Black Death Emperor ran away, the Seven Lantern Corps, which had not made much achievements, was inevitably a little embarrassed, so they came over to help Earth clean up the mess.

Even the yellow light is no exception.

The Seven Lantern Corps are all on Earth, so it would be easy to summon the Seven Lanterns to besiege Harley at this time.

But Harley is not alone on Earth. Gunther has seen Superboy clenching his fists and getting ready to go, and the other heroes are united and ready to join the battle at any time.

He was sure that if he and Said broke through the defensive shield of Witch Harley, a chaotic battle would have begun by now.

"Shout, call all the seven legions here. Today I will let you know who is the leader of the Seven Lantern Legions!" Harley shouted, "All people on earth listen to my order and retreat three kilometers for the seven lanterns." Make room for the lamp allies. Let them attack as they please, and don't stop them."

She had the confidence to shout that.

This confidence is not her strength.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Seven Lantern Corps. The key is that different colors of light can blend with each other.

Cooperating with Ganser and Said, it is really possible to break through her defensive golden film, and then leave her disgraced and embarrassed.

"Everyone stop it!"

Just as the Seven Lantern Corps began to gather here, Hal suddenly flew into the air and let out a shout.

While the Seven Lantern Corps was struggling, Harley had already helped Hal successfully become the "True Lord of White Light".

"Now, I am the true master of white light!" Hal shouted: "The gathering of the Seven Lantern Corps cannot change this fact."

Feeling the terrifying coercion coming from Hal, Ganse said dejectedly: "Listen to him and let them all disperse."

"Fuck!" Even Sinestro waved his hand helplessly and dismissed the incoming Yellow Lantern Corps.

"Oh, what a pity. I also plan to let you see what it means to be an enemy of all people." Harley said with a smile.

Hal turned to her and said: "Harry, don't make sarcastic remarks here. The reason why you dare to invite the seven legions to fight is because you know that this battle will never be fought. You can brag no matter how you want."

"Hal, can you resurrect the dead now?" Bateman shouted tremblingly.

"Okay." Hal closed his eyes first, and when he opened them again, his eyes emitted bright white light.

"Supergirl, resurrected."

White light erupted in the Archimedes airship, and a living super girl suddenly sat up from the stretcher.

"Where am I? What's wrong with me?" She turned her head and looked around, looking confused.

"Oh my God, Kara, you're alive!" Louise shouted in surprise: "The light of life is so strong, it resurrected instantly, it's even more powerful than God!"

"Oh, I was wrong." As soon as she finished speaking, her expression changed and she slapped her mouth repeatedly, "I made a slip of the tongue. Actually, I wanted to say that God is the most powerful!"

"Dick Grayson, come back to life!"

A beam of white light flew from the sky and landed in front of Bateman. It was a living Dick who was covered in dirt and looked confused.

"Dick!" Bateman couldn't help himself, and went up to hold him in his arms.

"Bruce, what's wrong with me? I remember..." Dick's pupils shrank and he exclaimed: "Oh my god, I'm dead, my heart was taken out by my father, shit!"

"It's okay, everything is over."

"Jason Todd, come back to life!"

"Martian Manhunter, come back to life."

As one living person after another staged the "return of the dead" in public, everyone gradually went from shock to numbness.

However, the laughter on the faces of the people on Earth has been increasing with the increase in the number of companions.

Ganser couldn't help but feel envious when he saw it. He moved in his heart and sent a message to Hal's spirit: "Don't forget the Black Hand, Hal Jordan. In addition, the Green Lantern Corps needs Guardians."

Hal looked at him deeply and shouted: "William Hand, come back——"

"No, I won't let you succeed. Resurrecting Black Hand is my destiny!" This time Hal encountered trouble. A big bump suddenly bulged on his back, and the vicious roar of the spirit of existence came from inside.

"Uh, my head, Hallie, it's coming out, and my head is going to explode." Hall held his head and screamed in pain.

"This thing must be too obsessed with its destiny. Your act of usurping its destiny to resurrect the Black Hand stimulated it to break free from its restraints."

Harley quickly flew to his side, using all her defense skills. At the same time, she held down his "hump" with her right hand and suppressed it with a force field encircled by her soul.

"Ahhhh~~~~" The spirit of existence shouted angrily: "Witch Harley, don't try to trap me again, we will fight to the death with you."


Just like a small sun exploding on the spot, the unprecedented terrifying white light suddenly spread out, forming a powerful shock wave that even lifted Harley dozens of meters away.

But the white light comes and goes just as quickly.

When Harley rubbed her butt and got up, the white light had disappeared, leaving a unconscious Hal and a big pit.

The pit was ten meters in diameter and three to four meters deep. It was filled with white tentacles that wriggled like earthworms.

It was the spirit of existence, struggling to get out of Howl's body.

Harley took a step forward and came to Hal's side. All her defense skills were activated. At the same time, she slapped Hal on the back of the head and said, "Wake up."

"Ugh, my head hurts so much. It's drilling hard and it's about to burst." Hal screamed and got up, and Harry saw that all his orifices were bleeding.

"When I help you put the spirit of existence back in, your head will stop hurting." Harley said.

"Hahaha, it's useless. The destiny to resurrect the dead has disappeared. Your dead companions and family members will never come back." The spirit of existence struggled and laughed heartily.

Harley stared at its clean and pure white tentacles, swallowed, and said, "If you don't take the initiative to retract it, I wouldn't mind making a squid grill on the spot!"

After saying that, she picked up a tentacle and stuffed it into her mouth, and a flaming gastric acid mist spurted out from her throat.

"Bah!" With a burning sound, the white light tentacles turned into pure white light energy and slid into her esophagus.

"Aww, no, Witch Harley, you beast, stop, shut up!" The spirit of existence let out a long scream, and its tentacles "swish, swish" a few times, and then retracted into Hal's body.

Harley licked her lips, with a look of aftertaste on her face, and asked, "How do you feel now? Is it still honest?"

"Harley, we are in big trouble." Hal was stunned, got up from the pit, and said: "It turns out that the spirit of existence did not lie, resurrecting the dead is really destiny.

Now that my destiny of 'resurrecting the dead' has ended, I can no longer resurrect the dead.

But a new destiny has arrived, upon every resurrected person. "

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