I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 144 Bruce’s Awakening

Half an hour later, the conference room on the third floor.

Harley's leather boss chair belongs to old Carmel. She and Bruce sit on the left and right at the bottom, followed by Gordon and Alfred.

This wasn't a good thing, so Halle didn't let Selena come over.

"You probably didn't get much useful information out of Talon's mouth, did you?"

Although it was a question, Old Kamai's tone was very certain.

"It's enough for us who were ignorant before." Bruce's face didn't look good.

He had guessed before that when he learned that the assassin had been captured, the mastermind behind it would definitely take action.

But he never expected that the person coming over would be the Emperor of Gotham.

And it came so urgently.

Well, obviously, he's also a member of the Court of Owls, who murdered his parents.

Thinking back to Fish's stolen goods dealer, cooperating with the GCPD, using his parents' jewelry to frame Andy, and the "clues" Gordon found long ago, the old Camai may have played an important role in the murder of his parents.

The atmosphere became tense due to his unfriendly attitude.

Harley smiled and said, "It's really not too much. I also know that there is a court composed of Gotham elites. I know that the court secretly controls Gotham. I know that they once trained the claws in an abandoned subway station in Jersey City. I know that Bruce's parents were indeed raped. Murderous.

But the claw is only a weapon of the court. The weapon does not need to know the specific composition of the court and the identity of each 'judge'. "

Old Kamai sighed, looked at Bruce and said, "I know this is all your plan, to lure the snake out of its hole, you are very smart and courageous.

But you don't have to be in such a hurry. When you grow up, your mind and body mature, and you gradually join the Wayne Group, the court will only be one of the many Gotham secrets you master. "

"I'm almost eighteen." Bruce said stiffly.

Old Kamai looked at him deeply, and stopped making remarks like an elder, and said directly: "The Court of Owls is real, but it may not be real.

There is a nursery rhyme in Gotham about the Court of Owls. Have you heard of it? "

Gordon said: "Beware of the Court of Owls, always watching your travels; watching Gotham City in the dark, hiding in the low-walled pavilions; living with him at home, lying in your bed, he is also there; never mention his name, Sharp claws will hunt you down."

Old Kamai nodded slightly, "The court is real. A group of elites from various industries in Gotham claim themselves to be rulers and form a secret society known as the 'Court of Owls'.

The Court of Owls is not necessarily real, because this court is probably borrowing the legendary organization from nursery rhymes to increase the legend and deterrence of the current court (ps).

Whether it's really the Court of Owls depends on what you think. "

"I don't want to explore the truth or falsehoods of Gotham legends. I just want to find the murderer of my parents." Bruce said excitedly.

"Don't look at me like that." Old Kamai waved his hand, "The Court of Owls is a top social circle, and people like me are not qualified to enter it.

Well, I was a peripheral member for a while.

But as early as decades ago, when I ruled the Gotham underworld, I was no longer willing to do things for others. "

The old man is being modest.

The Court of Owls is actually willing to accept him as a full member.

But he told the truth again.

In any organization, there are ordinary members and leaders.

Even if he officially joins the Court of Owls, he will only be a high-level thug and will never be able to climb to the top of the court.

Just like the top boss Du Yuesheng, he has achieved the ultimate in being a Taoist emperor, but in the eyes of political and business bosses, he is still a stinky chamber pot that can be used but refuses to get close to him.

"But you are here for the Court of Owls." Bruce said.

Old Camai pointed at Harley and said in a cold voice with some anger: "If she is not involved, or she is not from the Falcone family, do you think I will be involved in this bad thing!

It's almost one o'clock in the morning and I have already gone to bed.

Do you think it was easy for me to run from Long Island to the Hudson Yards in the middle of the night? "

"Hey, BOSS, don't worry, one person is responsible for the work, and I will take care of it!" Harley said confidently.

The old man sneered: "Of course you have to bear it yourself, I don't want to deal with them at all.

I am willing to listen to them, just because it is my responsibility to maintain peace and stability in Gotham!

You are a murderer, and the court is not a good one, but I don't want Gotham to become a tragic battlefield for you two. "

——This is what I mean, you, a heck of a boss, have become the defender of Gotham and the people’s guardian, while we, the good citizens, have become the heinous villains.

You know, I'm Batman's teammate right now!

Harley complained in her heart, but said: "What do you think, Kamai, if we expose the existence of the court to the TV station?"

"You can give it a try. Anyway, the secret of the court has been exposed, and my mission has failed. I will not be involved in what happens after that. You can do whatever you want."

With that said, Old Kamai stood up and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Falcone, you haven't told me why my parents were murdered," Bruce shouted.

"I don't know, and I won't tell you if I know. Boy, you are not your great-grandfather. You have no right to tell me what to do or not to do."

Harry didn't stop him. Instead, he took a step forward, opened the door, and accompanied his old godfather to the car.

After getting in the car, the old man took Harley's arm and whispered at the car door in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Remember Thomas Wayne, the Emperor of Gotham, whom I mentioned before?

He is Bruce's great-grandfather and the former controller and possibly founder of the Court of Owls.

The reason why he established the current court was because he doubted the existence of the legendary court and even murdered his father, Allen Wayne.

So, he organized a group of Gotham elites, established the Court of Owls, and prepared to wait for the real court to come. But he has been waiting all his life, and I don't know if he has waited.

After all, it's all the Wayne family's bad things and has nothing to do with us. Don't get involved blindly and get yourself into trouble without any benefit. "

This was truly a heartfelt statement, and Harley immediately showed a grateful and touched expression.

After the old godfather left and returned to the living room of the rooftop glass room, she took Bruce aside alone and repeated Kamai's words.

"My great-grandfather was actually the Emperor of Hedao." The young master was a little unbelievable and confused.

"It's not the Emperor of Hedao, it's the King of Gotham who rules the black and white realms." Harley corrected.

"That's even scarier!" The young master lamented, holding his head, "Gotham belongs to the people, and the Emperor and the King of Gotham should not exist."

"If he didn't exist, you wouldn't be here today, fooling around." Harley complained.

"I want to be alone." Bruce said bitterly.

"I'm afraid there won't be time for you and 'Jingjing' to be alone. What should the two assassins do? Please give me a plan." Harley said.

"Let Gordon be taken to the police station and go through formal legal channels. I will charge them with murder and sue them and the Court of Owls behind them." Bruce said.

"You hate Gordon?" Harley asked.

"Why do you say that?" Bruce asked confused.

"What's the difference between letting him lead the assassin away alone and sending him to his death?"

"Then call the GCPD, call the police, call more police officers."

Harley smiled strangely and called a large number of police officers as Bruce said.

It happened that Superintendent Sarah Eisen was also working the night shift. When she heard that it was a large-scale case that killed more than ten people and also involved Bruce Wayne, she rushed over in person.

However, Harley did not allow the GCPD to come within 100 meters of the fighting arena, so as not to affect the customers having fun in the store.

"Detective Gordon is personally involved in this case and has certified physical evidence. If you want to ask for any details, you can go to him directly."

Harley not only handed over the body and two living people to the police who came over, but also personally handed a Sony camera to the black girl inspector.

It contains a video of the female assassin's confession.

Only half an hour later.

Bruce was alone in the meditation room, while Harley, Afu, Ivy, and Selena were having a BBQ on the balcony, with a few skewers of barbecue and a glass of cold beer. It was very happy.

A phone call came suddenly: The GCPD convoy was attacked on its way back to the old city. More than half of the police officers were injured and killed. Two assassins and six assassin corpses were burned to ashes by incendiary bombs.

The black police officer was shot and is now sent to the emergency room. Her life or death is unknown.

The Sony video camera used as evidence was burned.

"Don't worry, Gordon was only shot in the left leg, he's not dead." Harley said to Bruce who came after hearing the news.

"The Court of Owls is too rampant." The young master turned blue with anger.

"It's just so so. Any big guy in Gotham can do this kind of thing." Selina said calmly.

Ivy added: "Just like the boxer level card in our fighting arena, GCPD is at the bottom of the food chain."

"What are your plans next?" Harley asked.

"I don't know. I want to do something, but I" Bruce looked confused.

"Master Xiaobu, maybe you can stay with Miss Quinn for a few days." When Ah Fu said this, his eyes were looking at Harley.

"It doesn't matter, let him sleep on the sofa."

Even after Old Kamai's warning, Harley was still not too afraid of the Court of Owls.

She now has 27 defense points.

20+ is the bullet level, which protects against light pistols; 30+ is the grenade level, which cannot be killed by grenades at close range and cannot be killed by sniper rifles at long distances.

But she not only has Archimedes, Vulcan Cannons, Sea Sparrows, hundreds of boxers, and dozens of capable gunmen. If she is desperate, she can also use black magic to escape.

Before the extraordinary people appeared, there was no one in Gotham that she feared.

"Young master is growing tall. It is not healthy to sleep on the sofa all the time. You can change the meditation room into a single room and I will sleep on the sofa." Afu said with a smile.

"You want to move in too?" Harley was a little unhappy, "How about you go to the second or third floor, find a room, and I'll prepare a bed for you?"

Ah Fu said: "Miss Quinn, don't forget, I am a housekeeper, I can cook and do housework, and I can also decorate your room in a more stylish way.

We won't be staying here too long.

I'll move out as soon as I hire a group of reliable ex-Special Forces soldiers and ask Lucius to redesign the Wayne Manor security system. "

"Okay, you sleep on the sofa, and if you pay the rent, you can help me rearrange the boxing ring and bar downstairs to suit the tastes of the old money from the Upper East Side."

Bruce suddenly said: "Harley, teach me kung fu."

"Who are you planning to fight by learning Kung Fu?" Harley asked curiously.

"I don't know what I should do, but I don't have the strength to do anything."

Bruce looked at Harley with a complicated expression, "I don't agree with many of your actions, but now I have to admit that you are my role model.

I will never put my hope in others again, especially the GCPD and the judiciary.

I always believe in the law, but I can no longer trust those who enforce the law.

Even Inspector Gordon..."

Sighing, he said helplessly: "Gordon is a good policeman, but he also has more than enough ambition, but not enough strength to be relied upon.

You made me realize a truth - no one is more trustworthy than myself, and my own strength is more reliable than anything else.

Therefore, I want to be as strong as you, but I will not follow your path. "

"What way?" Harley asked.

"Still slowly exploring."

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