I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1397 Who is the enemy and who is the ally?

Facing Halle who was devouring the spirit of existence but showed no sign of repentance, Ganser opened his mouth to persuade, but finally closed it again, only touching Hall with his shoulder.

Hal shouted, "Harley, the Spirit of Being is our hope to end the Blackest Night."

"It turns out that it is not. It is just a tool, and it is a 'stubborn donkey' that refuses to be honest and obedient." Harley said calmly.

"Witch Harley, you despise the light of life, but you yourself are only the most insignificant product of the light of life." "Sinestro" gritted his teeth.

Harley shook her head and said, "Don't put your own face on it. I don't believe that you created life in the universe, nor do I believe that after you die, all life in this universe will die."

"Witch Harley, don't go crazy. The Spirit of Existence is really the source of our life. Don't you feel it? When the Spirit of Existence is injured, we will also become weak." Atrocitas said seriously.

"It's not the spirit of existence that creates life, it's our emotions for life that create it." Harley said, then looked at the Black Death Emperor on the other side who hurriedly stuffed his black heart into his chest, "The same goes for you, you are just death. The embodiment of emotion, and emotion is only an element of life, not the whole of life.

You dream of killing everyone in the universe by wiping out the spirits of existence, right?

Nice idea, but just a pipe dream.

Killing the Spirit of Being cannot kill us.

On the contrary, if everyone in the universe is killed, the spirit of existence will lose its meaning and will disappear naturally.

You are running towards a goal but in the wrong direction. "

"Is what Harley said true?" Hal looked at Gunther in surprise.

Gunther frowned and said nothing.

Hal quietly sent a message to Harley again, "Who told you this theory? Is it true?"

"I just imagined it, I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, it's used to fool the enemy. If they believe it, we will make a lot of money. If they don't believe it, I just wasted a little saliva."

It stands to reason that Harley wraps her mental fluctuations in a defensive force field.

Hal was speechless.

Not to mention, after hearing her words, the Black Death Emperor was really touched in his heart.

However, a sarcastic sneer appeared on His withered black face, "A mere mortal dares to make irresponsible remarks about the Supreme Being.

Your vision and wisdom are as small as dust in front of me, not even as good as a frog at the bottom of a well. "

"Let me ask you, who are you?" Harley said.

"I don't want to talk to ants." The Black Death Emperor turned his head and looked proud.

Harry smiled and said, "You said this while sorting out your evil heart. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Diana of Love looked at His chest and sarcastically said: "Black Death Emperor, how many times has your heart been ripped out today?"

"His 'conscience' is probably numb from the pain." Blue Lantern Green Arrow said with a smile.

"Hahaha" cheerful laughter sounded on the battlefield.

The Black Death Emperor's face was black, shriveled and rotten, unable to turn red, but the anger on his face was visible to the naked eye.

"Laugh, laugh hard! When I kill the spirit of existence, your souls and corpses will wail forever in my universe of death."

"Old Hei, don't get excited yet." Harley waved her hand and said: "In terms of strength, I am already half a god king now.

The God King and the Demon King are theoretically one level lower than the Supreme Being, but in fact they are both in the same realm. "

At level 110, you can establish a pantheon and call yourself the main god.

Level 120 is the God King.

The supreme existence is actually level 120, and level 120 is the limit in the DC universe (PS).

The difference between them and the kings of gods and demons is like graduating from a prestigious university with better teaching resources. After graduation, they are assigned job packages and become senior government cadres.

The other is a person who graduated from an ordinary university with slightly poor teaching resources. After graduation, he started his own business and worked hard, and eventually became the boss (god king) of a company (the god system).

They are still in official-based countries, and those who have power have everything.

It cannot be in the United States. The big capitalists in the United States are more powerful. If you have money, you have everything, including power.

They are all top-level successful people, but the supreme beings occupy more authority in the multiverse.

But let’s talk about strength.

The Three Palace Demons at their peak were evenly matched with Darkseid.

The Third Palace is not the Supreme, He is the Demon King, Darkseid is the Supreme, or the top existence in the Supreme.

"Let's talk about experience." Harley smiled slightly, "You have just arrived in the multiverse, and I definitely know more supreme friends than you do.

Finally, let’s talk about the record. I am a junior. Let’s be humble. Let’s go 6-4, me 4-6 and you 6-6. "

The Black Death Emperor roared angrily: "You alone are worthy of fighting with me?"

"If you had only one life, you would have died a long time ago." Green Arrow said coolly from the side.

Harley waved her hand, "Okay, I'll be more modest. Two is eight, and you are eight. With my strength, knowledge, and record, I can at least have a few serious words with you, right?"

The murderous aura in the Black Death Emperor's heart did not diminish but increased. He rubbed the handle of the sickle with his left hand, his eyes searching for her fatal flaw, always ready to kill her with one blow, but he did not sneer at her or deny her words.

Harley continued: "When I asked you just now, who are you, I definitely didn't expect to get the answer of 'I am Black Death Emperor'.

You call yourself the ‘incarnation of death’, do you know what death is? "

"Death is eternal darkness and silence. Death is your final destination. I am death!" the Black Death Emperor said loudly.

Harley did not hide the disappointment on her face and shook her head: "You are wrong, death is the end of life and the beginning of new life.

Death is part of life.

In other words, it is the other side of life, just like two sides of a coin, neither of them can live without the other. "

"Nonsense, full of fallacies." Black Death Emperor scolded.

"Let's make a hypothesis. Suppose you succeed-"

"I will definitely succeed." The Black Death Emperor said.

"Okay, you will definitely succeed. At some point in the future, you will finally kill me. After losing me, the remaining people will be nothing but losers. You will easily deal with them."

"Witch Harley, don't criticize or boast. Without you, we can still solve the crisis." Atrocitas shouted: "Without you causing trouble, at least Sinestro would not be stimulated to madness. He joins forces with us. The Black Death Emperor will be destroyed.”

When the Black Death Emperor was about to get angry, Harley quickly pressed down her right hand and comforted him: "They are destined to be killed by you, don't worry about the noise of the corpses."

"You are right, I can only create corpses and will not make noise with a corpse." The Black Death Emperor nodded.

A circle of scarlet anger rose up from the main body of the Lamp of Wrath.

Harley said: "Let's continue, and let's say you were a great success and finally plunged the world into darkness and silence, without a single living person.

At that time, how did you define death?

You said your name was ‘Black Death Emperor’, but at that time, did ‘Black Death Emperor’ still have meaning?

In the entire universe, you are the only one with consciousness. Who calls your name?

Who will admire your majesty?

Does it make any difference at that time whether you have a name or dignity?

You say that you are the incarnation of death. You define death as the opposite of 'living'. Death is equal to 'unliving'. At that time, there was no living thing in the universe and everything was 'unliving'. Doesn't that mean that everything is 'you'? '.

You exist in a world where everything is ‘you’, you are ‘everything’ and you are ‘the world’. So is there any difference whether you exist or not? "

The murderous aura, vigilance, and wariness in the Black Death Emperor's single eye dissipated one by one, and were gradually replaced by confusion.

He stood there blankly, neither speaking nor moving for a long time.

"What happened to the Black Death Emperor?" Ten minutes later, Louise looked at the sculpture-like Black Death Emperor and asked in confusion.

"He fell into the philosophical thinking of 'Who am I' and couldn't extricate himself." Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said.

"Can Harley Quinn handle him with just a few words?" Damian said in disbelief.

"Pah!" Barbara slapped him on the head, "You have to call him 'Master'!"

Star Man said: "I'm really not sure. Anyway, I think what she said makes sense. Kill all living creatures, and death will lose its meaning of existence. The Black Death Emperor destroys life, which is equivalent to destroying himself."

"Wha—" Just as the Black Death Emperor was meditating and everyone was trying their best to keep quiet, a white light flashed across the dim sky shrouded in the power of death like lightning, and finally penetrated the Black Death Emperor's back.

It was Sinestro, holding a sword of white light, sneaking up from behind and penetrating the Black Death Emperor's body with one sword.

After the sharp sword passed through the lower abdomen, the white light blade was divided into four petals and bent into a hook. The hilt was stretched into a chain, like a ship's anchor, hooking tightly to the Black Death Emperor's body.

"The Black Death Emperor, your fate ends here!" Sinestro roared, and shot out two white light chains from each hand, which bound the Black Death Emperor's hands and feet respectively.

The last chain shot out from his chest, circled twice around the Black Death Emperor's neck, and then drilled down into his ragged chest, tightly wrapping around his black heart.

"I won't kill you. If I kill you, you can be resurrected through your corpse. I will seal you forever."

Sinestro shouted in a judgmental tone.

Hal opened his mouth, finally sighed, and turned to look at Harley worriedly. She looked calm and only frowned slightly.

"Gunther, what now?" he asked.

"Sealing is indeed a good method." Gunther hesitated.

"Only if Sinestro is not bragging." Carol said.

"Perhaps it would be better to do nothing and let Harley kill his murderous heart." Green Arrow sighed regretfully.

Unfortunately, after Sinestro's sword, even if the Black Death Emperor agreed with Harley's point of view, he would not change his determination to kill them.

"Seal me? Are you daydreaming?" The Black Death Emperor roared, wisps of black smoke like flexible silk threads emerged from his body, and the several white light chains that bound him shook violently.

The smile on Sinestro's face disappeared, his expression became serious, and his hands began to exert force, pulling the white light chain between them straight.


The muscles of the Black Death Emperor's one-arm were still shriveled and rotten, but the white light chain wrapped around it began to twist and deform.

He was gradually able to wield the sickle in his hand.

"You—" Sinestro was shocked and angry, "your heart is in my hands."

"You can smash it and let me change another body," the Black Death Emperor sneered.

Sinestro suddenly turned around, glanced at Harley, then turned to the lamp owners and shouted: "What are you doing there so stupidly? Come here and help me?"

"Oh" Hal reacted the fastest and flew to Sinestro's side, trying to help him "tug of war".

"Idiot, it's not that I'm not as powerful as him, nor are we competing in strength." Sinestro shouted: "I used the light of life to suppress him, and he was struggling with the power of death.

The power of life and death are at a stalemate. The combination of your seven lights can help me weaken the origin of his death. "

Even if it is a supreme being, not all attributes such as magic power, strength, speed, reaction, and defense are at full 120, so that it will be truly invincible.

Just like the Black Death Emperor, his strength lies in the energy level, attributes and total amount of the power of death.

His body at this time came from a living corpse. The corpse was rotting. His defense was weak, his reactions were average, and his pure physical strength was not strong.

Of course, the power of miracles can create miracles.

When Billy doesn't have the power of Shazam, he can't even beat ordinary people. Once the power of Shazam is poured into his body, Thunder Shazam can challenge Superboy in a duel, and his speed, strength, reaction and other attributes soar to 95+.

That was not his own power, but the blessing from the "power of miracles".

The Black Death Emperor is not a magical warrior like Thunder Shazam, and cannot enhance his physical attributes in all aspects, but it is not difficult to use the power of death to maximize his power.

It is not difficult for any supreme being.

The battle between Sinestro and Him is not a contest of physical strength, but a contest of "internal strength."

In fact, Sinestro's best helper at this moment should be Harley.

Her "internal strength" is not very deep, but she is the best in the world at competing in internal strength.

The so-called internal strength refers to the quality (Tao) of the "miraculous power" and the skills (shu) to control the "miraculous power".

In the DC universe, generally speaking, the quality of strength is the most important, followed by skills, then weapons and environment. Physical strength is at the bottom.

The quality standard of power is energy level and attributes.

When the Blackest Night first came, the Seven Lantern Legions were massacred by the Black Lanterns indiscriminately because the energy level of a single Colored Light Legion was not as good as the Black Lanterns.

After the other colored lights are combined with the green light, the energy level is increased, making it stronger than the ordinary black light ring.

When the seven lights merge into one, white light is generated, and they begin to kill the black lights in turn.

But the white light of the seven lights in one has a lower energy level than the Black Death Emperor.

Therefore, the Seven Lanterns had no power to fight back in front of the Black Death Emperor.

This is not a difference in the total amount of "internal strength", let alone how strong one's body and spirit are.

It's very simple, just a matter of high or low energy levels.

High-level energy has an absolute crushing effect on low-level energy.

To use an analogy from the world of Xianxia, ​​a Yuanying Ancestor with residual blood and not much "true energy" left can still use the "power of Yuanying" to overwhelm a group of energetic Jindan monks.

Because the energy level of Yuanying is higher than the power of Jindan.

And the golden elixir with remaining health can crush a group of foundation builders.

Of course, it is not ruled out that a certain protagonist can use artifacts or special skills to achieve leapfrog challenges.

Such as Harley.

At this time, Sinestro's power of life and the power of death of the Black Death Emperor were almost the same in energy level.

There was no difference in the total amount of energy, and neither side showed signs of exhaustion.

Although "Sinestro" was robbed of a piece of his origin by Harley, the Black Death Emperor also had one of his right arms chewed by Harley during the Riot incident.

The energy quality is the same, and the key to victory or defeat is skill.

Obviously, Sinestro is not a qualified white light host, and his skills are far inferior to that of the Black Death Emperor.

Being cut into "Sinestrodine" several times is proof of this.

Now we are barely able to form a stalemate with the Black Death Emperor, and we still rely on sneak attacks.

If he wants to break the balance, the best option is to lower the energy level of the Black Death Emperor's death power.

His skills are not as good as his, and the energy level of his own life force cannot be improved.

His idea was correct, but the choice of seven lights in one white light could also weaken the Black Death Emperor, but Harley's defense expertise was the real "energy difference" killer.

Black Death Emperor's "Miracle Power" attack has no effect on her.

Within the scope of her defensive force field, the Black Death Emperor's "Miracle Power" was seriously interfered with, and he was unable to use his "Miracle Power" to infinitely improve his body as usual, and his strength, reaction, and speed were all improved. The ultimate "magic warrior" beat her to death with physical attacks.

It's like a classic scene in Xianxia novels: In a certain adventure in a secret realm, a certain protagonist is mainly engaged in physical training, and a group of "immortal masters" who are far beyond him and can slap him into ashes in the outside world. They fell into the "Forbidden Demonic Realm" together, and the boss's magical skills were useless. Instead, the protagonist used his pure body to defeat the bosses.

Harley's pure physical body is not too strong. Except for defense, other attributes are relatively average. Well, the dynamic perspective of "capturing the Flash's movements in normal state" brought by the Speed ​​Force defense specialty, coupled with daily hard training, her reaction It's also a strong point.

"Seven lights in one!"

The lamp owners did not refuse Sinestro's request. Except for Harley, the other lamp owners took full action.

"Uh ah~~~" Under the white light, the Black Death Emperor was indeed affected.

He was about to break the white light chain before, but now the chain has returned to its original state, locking his body again.

"Uh-huh!" However, Sinestro was unable to win the battle. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and he tried his best to maintain the stalemate.

Gunther winked at Hal again.

"Harley, come here and help, Black Death Emperor is dying." Hal shouted.

Harley crossed her arms and stood lazily aside, shaking her head and saying, "It's good like this. You have reached a deadlock, and I can calmly digest the light of life I just picked up."

"Fake!" Lafleeze felt unbalanced.

"Witch Harley, you are going too far." Sinestro roared angrily, released the chain, and turned around with a beam of white light energy cannon.

Harley opened her mouth and spit out a piece of black light, drawing a thick white beam into her belly.

"Sinestro, why are you crazy?" The lamp owners were shocked and angry.

"Boom boom boom" The chains tied to the Black Death Emperor were completely broken.

He was free again.

"Sinestro, Witch Harley, you are all bastards, damn you mother."

Atrocitus ran out in a panic, shouting curses as he ran away.

"The universe is about to be destroyed, can you do something humane?" Oliver, the green lantern, lamented as Barry, the blue lantern, held him to avoid the death sickle blades one after another.

"Brother Black, listen to me first!" Harley was also retreating. While retreating, she reached out to stop the Black Death Emperor who was hesitating to kill him. "Your great ideal is to destroy life in the universe, and you firmly believe in destroying the spirit of existence. , you can make the universe lifeless, that is, kill everyone instantly.

In that case, why are you chasing me?

You obviously can't beat me. To be honest, I really don't want to pull your heart anymore. You go find Sinestro.

If you kill it, all creatures in the universe will be destroyed, and I will be no exception.

You have been chasing me, what if it takes the opportunity to attack you again? Just like that. "

——It seems to make sense

The Black Death Emperor froze and turned his cold eyes to Sinestro.

Sinestro gritted his teeth, twisted his face, and suggested in a difficult voice: "How about we join forces to kill the Witch Harley first, and then fight for the top of the universe?"



(ps: Level 120 is the limit in the DC universe, but it is not Harley’s limit.

There are limits to the highest because of the suppression of laws and rules.

If they enter the Grand Almighty Universe, their strength is likely to skyrocket to level 130, or even higher; or they may decline to level 110, or even lower. The key depends on how closely the Supreme relies on the origin of the DC universe.

Just like the leader of country A, he controls the situation in country A, but once he goes abroad and loses his identity as a leader, he has to rely on his own strength to fight for status and interests.

It is very likely that the position of leader of country A restricted him, and when he lost his restraints, he soared into the sky.

The greater possibility is that he can control the wind and rain, relying only on the skin on his body and nothing in his belly.

The reason why Harley can break through level 120 in the universe is because of two reasons: first, her power does not rely on the "leadership position of the DC Universe" at all; second, the rules of the DC Universe cannot suppress her.

However, even if Harley exceeds level 120, reaches level 130, or higher, her strength will not be too supermodel, because her characteristic is defense.

Assuming that the Supreme Being has an attack point of 10,000 points, the damage she receives at level 120 is 100 points. At level 130, it is reduced from 100 points to 1 point, but she will still be injured.

Even if you pluck out only one of her vellus hairs, it will still be an injury. If you pluck out too many vellus hairs, you will still bleed, and if you bleed too much, you will die. )

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