I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1390: Don’t let Witch Harley take advantage of herself!

Previously, many people on earth, including Harley, superheroes, and experts and professors, all speculated that if the black light BOSS really came to the earth, it would inevitably bring an army of hundreds of millions of living corpses.

They all guessed correctly.

At this time, the living corpses of the entire universe are swarming towards the earth.

More than trillions.

But all people on Earth, including Harley, have overlooked one very important and obvious thing: since a planet can be a Green Lantern, why can't a planet be a Black Lantern?

The living planet Mogo is the Green Lantern. What if "Mogo" dies?

Can I wear a black light ring?

No one takes this into consideration.

The Black Death Emperor is the incarnation of death, and the death in his eyes is different from that of ordinary people.

When ordinary people hear the word "death", they first think of human death, followed by animals, and at most plants.

But in the eyes of the Black Death Emperor, there is no essential difference between the death of a planet and the death of a human being.

In this way, when He is looking for living corpses, He will not have the blind spots of human thinking and will not ignore this dead planet in the universe.

It only took a few minutes at most for the Black Death Emperor to arrive at Earth from Sector 666. But he had just witnessed the horror of the seven lights united into one, so how could he rush to the earth so carelessly?

His fundamental purpose in directing this Blackest Night is not to kill ordinary people with living corpses. There are too many of them and the universe is too big to kill them all.

If He wants to kill all living creatures, He can only rely on another method, a more efficient, direct, and original method.

Just like Thanos from Marvel next door, his goal is to wipe out half of all life in the universe, but he doesn't kill people every day or just anyone he sees. Instead, he plans the Infinity Stones and uses the Infinity Gauntlet to harvest them in one wave.

There is the "Infinity Gauntlet" that Black Death Emperor needs on Earth.

He was originally very confident, thinking that the only obstacle was the "Infinity Gauntlet" itself, and that no one else, including the witch Harley, was worthy of fear.

He even had the leisure to play with her slowly, making her irritable, tormented, painful, and confused. He would first kill her heart, and then easily take her life.

Who would have thought that the seven lamps combined into one could resist His power of death.

Even the combination of the Alliance of Seven Lanterns and the Witch Harley is a bit difficult for him to cope with. If the "Infinity Gauntlet" is added to it, he needs helpers, and what he lacks most is helpers.

It's just that it takes time to get all the Black Lantern Corps to the solar system, so He ran away early and didn't officially come to Earth until an hour later.

The gift given to the earth by the Black Death Emperor is a black light planet with half the diameter of the earth.

The black light planet passed through the black space gate and roared towards the surface of the earth.

"Huhuhu~~~" The black light planet fell into the atmosphere, rubbing out a circle of bright red fire.

Satellites around the earth exploded like fireworks, without affecting the black light planet at all.

"Buzzing" the earth is out of its established orbit and beating unsteadily under the influence of gravity.

"The sky is falling!" People on earth can see strange phenomena in the sky as long as they don't hide in shelters.

"Whoa, whoa, help, Flash, Admiral of the Galaxy, where are you? Help!"

"God, I want to get on Noah's Ark."

"Whoosh -" The sky, which had turned yellowish and dim, suddenly flashed a red light.

The red light hits the bottom of the black light planet.


People on the surface seemed to hear the shouts of "Ahhhhhh".

The landing speed of the black light planet slowed down, stopped, and finally slowly left the atmosphere and moved away from the earth.

"Superman, it's Superman, Superman--ah, the sky in the west has also fallen!"

Everyone cheered, and halfway through the cheers, a planet also fell from the "west".

"Whoosh——" The red light flashed again, and a "Superman" held it firmly.

"I saw it, it's Super Girl." Someone holding a Lexnote phone shouted.

And somewhere they couldn't see, on the other side of the earth, Superboy, Green Lantern John Stewart and others flew into the sky to block the falling Black Lantern planet from all directions.

"This is the biggest crisis that earth civilization has ever encountered." Louise said seriously in front of the camera.

Uh, she is still broadcasting live with the watchdog at the moment.

As long as users activate the Watchdog or "Lex Shield System", they can see her live broadcast.

Of course, the traffic of Watchdog is too expensive. Except for billionaires who watch videos, ordinary people can only watch graphic explanations.

Louise is brave not because of ignorance, but because she is one of the few people who knows that the black light planet does not pose a fatal threat to the earth.

As long as the altitude is lower than 2 meters, she will not die even if she stands under the falling planet.

What's more important is that she is currently sitting in the Archimedes airship.

Ivy pilots an airship.

Because it has to travel through Limbo, the airship cannot load the "Star Garden System" - a city in a bottle built with Brainiac technology. Instead, it is replaced with a Boeing 747-level belly, with dozens of people ready to go. Super hero.

When jumping out of the shadow realm, the airship passed over the black light planet that crashed into the earth and went directly to the black light army.

"I'm sorry!" As soon as they saw the scene outside the window clearly, all the heroes took a deep breath.

Wherever you can see, black light zombies are densely packed like a plague of locusts in space.

And among the dense living corpses, there are countless black light planets.

The huge solar system seems a bit crowded at this moment.

"Fuck, why are there so many planets? If they all hit the earth, Superman wouldn't be able to catch them."

"God, the earth is screwed."

"Where is Admiral Galaxy? Admiral Galaxy, help!"

"Lord, I regret that I should not have ignored your guidance and given up the opportunity to board Noah's Ark."

Through Louise's lens, people watching the live broadcast on Earth also saw the scale of the Black Lantern Corps. They all cried like ghosts, some were so scared that they broke down and cried, and those who didn't broke down also screamed and regretted.

"Superman, can you hear me?"

Bateman sat in the co-pilot of Archimedes' airship and shouted into the microphone.

"Huhu." Dachao gasped a few times before saying, "I'm wearing earplugs, you tell me."

"It's no use pushing the planet, just blow it up, just like Superboy-Prime did." Bateman said in a low voice.

"Is the situation so serious?"

Just when Dachao asked in surprise, a black planet flew quietly and hit the surface of the first black light planet that fell to the earth with a "rumbling".

"Uh ah~~~" He was caught off guard and was crushed and rolled back hundreds of kilometers before he regained his balance.

"What happened?" he asked laboriously.

"Fake, where did the Black Death Emperor get these planets? Do you want to make candied haws on a stick?" Neptune cursed.

"Superman, blast the stars." Bateman said again.

"What should I do if the planet fragments fall into the earth?" Dachao asked worriedly.

"You explode the stars, and the others are responsible for intercepting the large fragments." After a moment of pause, he continued: "The Black Death Emperor brought many planets and exploded them before they were close to the earth. The fragments may not necessarily fall to the earth.

If you wait for Him to keep adding more weight to you, it will be too late for you to become a star. Too many planets are close to the earth, and even dust will bury human cities. "

"I see."

Dachao shouted "Ahhhhh" and pushed the two superimposed planets away, and then suddenly retreated hundreds of kilometers.


He turned into a red light, surpassing the speed of light, and at the same time changed his biological force field from a flexible shield to a hard "cone".


First there were two muffled sounds, and the two planets that had previously crushed Dachao slowly split open.

Then, everyone saw a red line in the dark starry sky walking in a zigzag shape, traveling up, down, left and right. Wherever it passed, "planet fireworks" connected together.

In just half a minute, the Black Lantern Planet Legion, which had caused huge psychological pressure on all humans, was completely wiped out without leaving a single person behind.

"Wow, it's so spectacular!" The heroes breathed a sigh of relief.

"Superman. So awesome." Louise's cheeks were rosy and her eyes were moist, extremely moist.

"Long live Superman, Superman is invincible!" People watching the live broadcast were also excited, and many people burst into tears with excitement.


Just as the people on earth were cheering and joyful, streams of black smoke-like energy emerged from the fragments of the black light planet in the starry sky. The black energies attracted each other, pulling the fragments together, and in just a few breaths, they came together again. Become a complete dead planet.

"——" Inside the airship, the heroes looked solemn and silent.

"——" On Earth, the people watching the live broadcast had their faces as white as paper, their whole bodies were trembling and weak, and they couldn't even cry out.

"Damn it, the Black Lantern Planet is just like the Black Lantern Living Corpse. As long as the lamp ring is not destroyed, it can be resurrected continuously."

It was Dachao's anxious and angry voice that broke the heavy silence.

Bateman turned to look at the seven-color lamp master, "Hal, can you destroy the lamp ring on the black lamp planet?"

"No, you have to deal with the Black Lantern Planet yourself." Before Hal could speak, Lafleeze was the first to refuse, "We are responsible for dealing with the Black Death Emperor, and we will only leave the airship to fight with the Witch after he appears. Let’s deal with him together.”

Sinestro also said: "Witch Harley has proven with facts that the Black Death Emperor is very strong, and no one among us can take a blow from him.

If we deal with the Black Lantern Planet now, the Black Death Emperor hiding somewhere may sneak up on us.

As long as any one of the seven-color lamp masters is killed, the integration of the seven-color lamps will be impossible. "

He looked around with searching eyes, but couldn't see his target, feeling vaguely disappointed.

After a pause, he still said meaningfully: "Don't think that if one lamp owner dies, you can replace it with another. It doesn't matter.

We are not ordinary Lanterns.

You don’t know about the others, but Hal Jordan, you Justice Leaguers are definitely familiar with it.

He is will incarnate.

We, like him, are representatives of an emotion.

So the seven of us work together to create the white light that can kill the Black Death Emperor. "

Bateman frowned slightly. He could hear that there was something in Sinestro's words, but he was not sure whether what he said was true.

"Where is Witch Harley? She thinks we are slow and said she would use the power of God to rush back immediately. Why hasn't she shown up yet?" Atrocitas asked loudly.

Bateman also had a hundred questions in his mind, but his face remained calm and he said vaguely: "You don't know her yet?"

"Fake!" Atrocitus immediately showed a constipated expression when he heard this, turned to several lamp owners and shouted: "Am I right? Witch Harley is the ancestor of black guns and dirty tricks. '.

She had dared to pretend to be dead in front of the Black Death Emperor before.

He must be hiding somewhere in the void right now, waiting for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

Therefore, we don’t have to worry about her not showing up or looking for her.

Can't find it.

When the Black Death Emperor appears, we rush over to the Seven Lanterns Unite. Once he reveals his flaws, she will not let him go. "

Lafleeze nodded repeatedly, "Witch Harley must have been back a long time ago and is secretly planning something."

"Really?" Sinestro squinted his eyes and scanned the faces of several heroes. Most of them looked blank and seemed to know nothing about Witch Harley's situation, while Bateman looked incomprehensible. I heard that he has a good relationship with Witch Harley.

"Ah, my power witch Harley, you, you are so cruel!"

At this moment, the roar of the Black Death Emperor resounded through the void, and the time and space of the solar system rippled gently in his roar.

"Look, look." Atrocitus looked at his companions with some pride, "What did I just say? Witch Harley must be waiting for an opportunity to do something dirty!

Although he didn't know what she had done, he knew from the voice that the Black Death Emperor was furious at the moment.

He was definitely being plotted against. "

"The Black Death Emperor said 'my power'." Sinestro asked in surprise: "Did Witch Harley steal his magic power again?"

"This is Witch Harley's style. She must be devouring the source of the Black Death Emperor's power right now, just like she has done countless times in the past." Lafleeze's eyes shone, and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth unconsciously. Come out, "We want it too. We have to help her. Quick, open the hatch. I have locked the location of the Black Death Emperor."

The Black Death Emperor was furious and his aura leaked out, forming a huge shadow of Death near Mercury, and his position was completely exposed.

Bateman said nothing and only ordered Ivy to drive the airship to the outskirts of Mercury.


When the cabin door opened, Lafleeze flew out impatiently.

"The Black Death Emperor, accept your fate!"

Even if the other six Lanterns hesitated, they could only follow closely.

At this time, the Black Death Emperor's spiteful voice once again spread across the starry sky: "Witch Harley, just wait, if you dare to destroy my lair, I will make you homeless."

"What? Lair?" Lafleeze, who had already shot a beam of orange light at the phantom of Death, froze. Greed and desire froze on his face, and quickly twisted into fear.

Ps: I didn’t make up the Black Lantern Planet. In the comics, the power of the Black Lantern resurrected the exploding Zanshi Planet, and then really exploded the Star towards the Earth.

In the comics, the planet Zanshi was destroyed in an accident, and the responsibility lay with Green Lantern John Stewart. He failed to overcome the yellow light defect. As a result, the planetary bomb on Zanshi was yellow. He failed to move the bomb away, causing Zanshi to Shi Xing was destroyed, and later the Avenger Destiny was involved...

I'm confused. Planet Zanshi is not the only planet that was exploded in DC. How many planets were destroyed in the Sun-Eating Beast Crisis alone?

Why didn't the Black Death Emperor resurrect them all and use them to smash the earth?

Well, in the original comic, only one Zanshi star almost wiped out the heroes of the Earth. If there are a few more, like this chapter, hitting the earth from all angles, the earth in the comics will definitely be doomed.

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