"Witch Harley, don't be so arrogant." Lafleeze said angrily.

Harley raised her chin to Sinestro and Atrocitus, "Are you crazy? You can ask them both. They have played this little game before."

Earlier, when Atrocitus entered the "furious" state, he was able to break through her defensive shield, so she had to cheat secretly.

Now that she has level 9 red light power defense expertise, plus the red light origin "gifted" by the Blood Slaughtered Ox, Atrocitas' Fury is useless.

The power of his rage is, after all, a technique for using angry emotional energy, which makes him nearly super strong.

Now she has a red light defensive force field, which can greatly interfere with the structure of the red light power, turning it from a reinforced concrete structure into a sandcastle on the beach, which is only stylish but fragile.

"Witch Harley, today is different from the past. If the seven colors of emotional energy merge into one, not even you can stop one of our moves." Sinestro said coldly.

"Oh, the seven-lamp fusion skill?" Harley was curious. She raised her body tens of meters and left the range of the meteorite. "I will give you two chances. First let you attack me alone. If I am as safe as a rock, you can Toss in combos, and if you hurt a hair on my head once, you win."

Not to mention the arrogant and bad-tempered Sinestro, Lafleeze, and Atrocitas, even Hal and Carol showed a little resentment.

"Holy Walker!" Harley had her own plan and took the lead in reaching out to the "tadpole man" who had been silent and had a modest and worried look on his face.

Well, his head was smooth and hairless, but the back of his head elongated into a soft tentacle.

Covering the area below the neck, leaving only the head, it looks like a big tadpole.

"I have heard about your wisdom and wisdom for a long time. I have always been curious about you. Come on, I will give you the opportunity to kill first."

"No, no need." Saint Walker didn't expect that she would call his name, and he quickly waved his hand to refuse and said: "No matter what, I will not use words to insult or slander others.

Miss Quinn, I have no dissatisfaction with your terms. "

"Hey, it's not like I'm desperate, I just want to prove to you by easily defeating all of you - I am your 'Harley ancestor'. In front of me, color, light and energy are joy." Harley's face was full of joy. To put it lightly.

After hearing these words, the good old Saint Walker also turned blue and wanted to fight her desperately.


Saint Walker flew in front of her, his body surface glowing with blue light, and his eyes met hers.

Harley was very curious about the blue lantern, so she didn't turn on her speciality at first. She only put up a transparent layer of pure defensive force field to wrap herself up.

For a while, Saint Walker didn't make any move or send out an attack.

But most of Harley's greed for the energy of the blue light miraculously dissipated.

If her heart is like a lake, and her emotions are like the waves of the lake, then her heart is calm and waveless, with no desires, no anger, no anger, and is peaceful.

"Hahaha, Harley." Selena appeared above the lake in her heart, smiling and waving to her.

"Harry." Ivy looked at her tenderly.

"Mother Harley." Helena ran towards her quickly like a small locomotive.

"Halley." Rachel, Cassandra, Bruce and others appeared one by one, surrounding her happily.

"Harry" stood on the calm lake of his heart, looking around, feeling only contented and happy.

"Buzz buzz" her defense expertise was beating, warning her.

"It's interesting. Is this the special effect of blue light? It can soothe people's souls?" Harley looked at Saint Walker in surprise.

"The blue light is hope. As long as a person has hope, he will feel happy. Miss Quinn, you are not a bad person. Your hope is very simple. You just want to be with your family and friends for a long time and be safe." Saint Walker said with a complicated expression.

"Of course I'm not a bad person, but my hope is not simple." Harley sighed: "These days, even the supreme being can't guarantee that I and my family will be safe and undisturbed."

"I lost." Saint Walker nodded and prepared to retreat.

"Hey, don't go, you haven't attacked me yet, you were helping me add buffs just now." Harley shouted.

"Hope can only bring good things to people." Saint Walker said.

"Don't let me look down on you, look down on the Colored Light Legion. Use your trump card, I don't believe that this little blue light can stop the robbery of the orange light." Harley shouted.

Saint Walker turned his head and glanced at Hal. Hal hesitated for a while and took a few steps closer to him.

"Miss Quinn, I'm going to start." Saint Walker raised his right hand solemnly, and "buzz" bright blue light penetrated the starry sky, forming a 300-meter-long sharp sword in the movement of thought.

"Ahhhh~~~~" He seemed to be using all his strength, pushing the giant sword straight into the gap on Harley's left side.

Well, he didn't aim the sword at any part of her body, but struck at the empty space.

Harley's eyes softened as she looked at him.

But she only glanced at him and turned her thoughtful gaze to Hal Jordan beside her.

He was obviously watching and did not participate in the battle, but his face was solemn, his teeth were clenched, and he seemed to be holding his breath?

"In order to show my respect to Lan Lan, I decided to use my strongest move." Harley's mental transmission was completed instantly, and then she moved two steps to the side, aiming right at the tip of the sword. At the same time, she opened her mouth and fiercely Breathe in.

"Huhuhuhu" There is no air in the space environment, but there is a lot of air in her mouth, which actually makes a fierce whistling sound in the starry sky.

"Oops!" Hal and Carol shouted.

"This is impossible." The other lamp owners were shouting.

Everyone screamed in horror because Harley opened her mouth wide and swallowed the three-hundred-meter-long and thirty-meter-wide energy giant sword directly into her stomach in one breath.

"Hiccup~~~" Harry felt proud and deliberately burped, then said to the stunned Saint Walker: "I have this powerful trick of 'Swallowing the Starry Sky'. Don't attack me with slender objects, that's it." Easily swallowed by me.

You can try again and switch to a move with a larger attack area. "

Her ability to choke is certainly not a talent for swallowing stars. The dimension of her stomach is modeled after the green lantern ring, and its shortcomings are exactly the same as the lantern ring: it can only hold people and things without any resistance or will.

She hadn't turned on the blue light defense specialty just now. In theory, she shouldn't be so arrogant, but she has the ninth level green light energy defense specialty!

Qingnv once said that the Color Light Corps has different characteristics, and not all Lanterns can manifest strong energy weapons like Green Lantern.

Green lamps manifest swords, spears, and halberds, just because they rely on will to survive, and the toughness and strength of embodied objects are determined by will.

Green lanterns can also materialize physical objects, but their intensity is very poor.

What about blue lights?

When Saint Walker raised a peerless sword, Harley's first feeling was: Hey, why does it smell like a green light?

It turns out that her feelings were correct. The great sword of the Holy Walker is composed of two parts: emotional energy, and the will to maintain the emotional energy.

The energy comes from Saint Walker, but the will comes from Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

They are secretly working on a combination of skills - as long as Green Lantern is by his side, Blue Lantern can manifest a powerful and sturdy weapon just like Green Lantern.

But the problem is, Harley has level nine green light defense expertise, which just happens to disintegrate the energy structure of the big sword.

The loose structure of the big sword has been transformed into a sword-shaped vegetable salad, and it doesn't taste irritating to Harry's teeth at all.

"Miss Quinn, be careful."

The Holy Walker roared, and 36,000 three-foot short spears appeared above his head.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Shooting at 360 degrees with no blind spots, towards Harley in the center at extremely high speed.

His idea was simple. Even if she could swallow the short spear in front of her, what about the back of her head?

"Impossible!" The next second, he exclaimed.

The short energy spear, which could penetrate the deck of a spaceship of an advanced civilization, actually became as soft as noodles after approaching her, and was easily sucked in by the vortex in front of her mouth.

Just like ordinary people eating noodles.

"Gudong, Gudong." After rolling around in the mist of stomach acid, the experience tank of the blue light defense specialty was full again, rising from level 2 to level 3!

Harley was satisfied, but not satisfied, "If you keep working hard, you'll almost hurt me."

But this time the Holy Walker just shook his head with a pale face and insisted on retreating.

"Donkey Mouth, it's you, Orange Lantern Donkey Mouth, come here." Harley pointed at Lafleeze and shouted.

"I'm not a donkey," Lafleeze said angrily.

"The strong is king. I am strong. You can listen to whatever I want to call you, unless you win my respect with your strength." Harley said.

Lafleeze threw away Seid who was hanging from his paws, howled, but he did not rush towards Harley, but retreated two kilometers, and then shouted: "Lafleeze Army, attack!"

The next moment, Harley knew why he backed away.

It's not because of being timid, and there's no need to be timid, but just to leave enough space to summon the Orange Lantern Corps.

Hundreds of thousands of alien ghosts of different shapes appeared in front of, below and above him.

They are both translucent orange ghosts.

The Orange Lantern Ghost is the "Greed Man of the Universe" who was selected by the Orange Lantern and then killed by La Freeze and imprisoned his soul.

Just like the Green Lantern's will and emotion, they perfectly fit the power of greed and emotion, but extreme greed also represents extreme selfishness. The Lord of the Orange Lantern is unwilling to share the power of the Orange Lantern with others.

So they were transformed into ghosts under his control that could use the energy of the orange light.

"Orange Lantern Ghost, tear her apart!" LaFleeze pointed at Harley and roared.

"Ho ho!" More than 500,000 orange-lantern ghosts had ferocious and bloodthirsty expressions, roaring and rushing toward Harley.

Instead of shooting energy rays, they used their claws and teeth to perform the purely physical technique of "a swarm of ants kills an elephant."

A flash of excitement flashed in Harley's eyes. Before level 110, this attack method could really hurt her.

Although the attack of a single orange light ghost is weak, it can still cause damage to her defensive golden film. If the total damage exceeds the limit of her will, the golden film will be temporarily broken.

If the golden film is broken, her life may not be in danger. After all, her physical defense is also very strong, but she will definitely be "hurt to a hair". In that case, she loses and cannot show off.

But after level 110, the defensive golden film evolved again - the change was as expected, from a purely defensive move to a powerful auxiliary skill.

Harry's heart moved, and he expanded the range of the defensive golden film to the maximum, a transparent "doughnut" with a diameter of 200 meters: it was still spherical as a whole, but Harley in the center was also covered by a film.

In this way, she completely covered the orange light ghost that was close to her.

They were crowded together, as many as twenty or thirty thousand in number.

Then she opened her mouth and blew out air mixed with gastric acid mist and yellow light energy.

The yellow light energy is not an attack move, it has only one function: to turn into a torrential hurricane.

The hurricane carried the gastric acid mist and rushed into the "donut". The orange light ghost inside, which was already stumbling and structurally unstable under her 11 major defensive specialties, immediately turned into stockings in the drum washing machine. No, A controlled circle around the donut at high speed.

"Huhuhu~~~" Harley kept blowing. The speed of the storm in the circle became faster and faster, and the air pressure became higher and higher. Finally, it turned into a circle of afterimages, and people outside could not see the scene inside at all. .

In fact, there was no need to see it clearly. They had seen it before. The pairs of "silk stockings" melted and decomposed in a mournful manner and disappeared. The tens of thousands of ghosts inside were cleared out in one or two breaths.

The defensive gold film in the shape of a donut completely changed according to Harley's wishes. She allowed it to enter but not to exit, so the orange light ghosts swarmed in to fill the vacancies left by the disappearing ghosts.

"Gudong, Gudong." Harley gained level experience while ingesting purified orange light energy to increase her expertise level.

Well, a malicious attack landing on the defensive gold film can also give her corresponding level experience.

"No, it's impossible." Lafleeze trembled all over, and his orange face turned slightly white.

"Go on." Harley licked her red lips and raised her fingers to him.

Lafleeze is far more powerful than Saint Walker. At this moment, she has upgraded her orange light expertise from level 0 to level 6 and a half.

There are more than 500,000 orange light ghosts, which is huge.

"Where's my ghost? Give me back my ghost!"

Lafleeze was like Grandet whose home had been robbed, jumping on his feet and shouting hysterically at her.

Harry looked solemn and made a cross on his chest with his right hand, "God is merciful, so good! You have imprisoned those poor souls for countless years, and you still refuse to let them go free?"

As she spoke, she extended her right hand forward, palm facing up.

It's like setting off fireworks, your palms are the nozzles of the fireworks, and translucent souls are sprayed out one after another.

Each soul is like a spark from a firework.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo an long oooh and doo!" They either sobbed in mid-air, or bowed and kowtowed to Harley below with gratitude on their faces, and finally they all flew towards Lafleeze, whistling ghostly cries around him, and yelling curses.

Although the ears cannot hear it, people with strong mental power can vaguely perceive it.

"You are all my slaves, obey me." Lafleeze shouted at them, and used the light ring to shoot out a curtain of orange energy.

The undead was frightened and hurriedly left his side, weeping and cursing for a while. Ninety-nine percent of the spirit body turned into white light spots and dissipated in the starry sky like distant fireflies.

The rest scattered and disappeared without a trace.

"Don't leave, come back. You are all my slaves and my property." Lafleeze jumped so anxiously that tears almost burst out of her eyes.

"Harry, what happened to them?" Hal couldn't help asking.

"Their souls have been completely purified and have now entered reincarnation. Most of them have dissipated in Limbo. There are still a few souls left, and they have never forgotten their hatred for Lafleeze. At this moment."

Harry thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Maybe he will become a ghost? Maybe he will fall into hell? I'm not sure either."

Her "donut drum washing machine" washes away the greedy power of the orange light ghost, leaving only the pure spirit body. If they have just died and their spirits are strong, they still have a chance to go to the country where they believe in gods.

But they have been transformed into "Orange Lantern Ghosts" for hundreds of years, or even longer, and their basic consciousness has been lost in time. Once their obsession is gone, their souls are gone.

Well, their initial obsession was to take revenge on La Freeze. Countless years after becoming Orange Lantern Ghosts, their memories and hatred turned into pain and fear, and their obsession turned into a desire for "relief".

"No, they are all mine, Witch Harley, return the legionnaires to me." Lafleeze shouted.

Harley pointed at him and said word by word: "You have already pissed me off. This is the first warning. The second time I will get angry. Do you really want me to get angry?"

The anger on Lafleeze's donkey's face suddenly turned into fear, and he gritted his teeth and stopped saying a word.

A thin wisp of golden "smoke" also emerged from his body, rushing toward Harley a few hundred meters away.

The amount is too small, and the others haven’t noticed yet.

Only Sinestro was sensitive to the power of fear. He sighed with a complicated expression and looked at Lafleeze with more sympathy and recognition.

Well, recognition of Lafleeze's "partner who was oppressed by the witch".

"Now it's your turn, Carol, let me see how much you have grown in the past few years." Harley turned her eyes to the purple lamp representative.

In the two competitions just now, she not only successfully installed a big pen, but also took the opportunity to activate the blue light and orange light defense specialties.

As long as Carol's attacks are taken, the defense of the seven-color army will be assembled.

Well, she had activated the green lantern defense specialty long after she became the guardian of the green lantern.

After all, as the guardian of the green lantern, it's impossible not to give him a green lantern ring, right?

She uses her "salary" to activate her expertise, which is neither stealing nor robbing.

After taking down Carol, the seven colored light defense specialties are combined into a whole. Can they resist the "Seven Lights Fusion Technique"?

This is the reason why she came up with the method of fighting alone and then attacking in groups.

If faced with the Seven Lantern Fusion Technique from the beginning, Harley really wouldn't have much confidence.

No matter how you say it, the Seven Lamp Fusion Technique is a killer weapon prepared for the Black Lamp BOSS.

But now she was taking the opportunity of a duel to activate all the Seven Lanterns' defense specialties. Facing the "Seven Lanterns Fusion" again, her chances of winning would definitely be greatly improved.

After getting rid of these Lords of Color and Light, they will go to the Black Lantern's lair next. With seven lantern defense and an eight-level Black Lantern, they should be able to face the Black Lantern BOSS calmly, right?

Harley began to look forward to the next move.

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