I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1384 The Black Death Emperor Arrives

At this time, Harley's stomach bag dimension, inside the small plane.

"Is it worth fighting for a breath?" the shoulder armor of "God King Nabu" sighed.

The shoulder armor is golden and has the same style and material as the helmet. It is an artifact forged from N metal, and the spirit mage has placed his essence on it.

"Of course it's worth it, look at them." Nabu glanced at the "human representatives" around him, "Look at their expressions, they are completely different from the indifference they had when they faced us before."

"We don't need human faith," the golden cloak said.

"The power of faith is of no use to us, but the 'Earth Law Order' we established needs the support of humans." Nabu said.

"Of course they will support us. We help them get rid of the enslavement of gods and demons. Human civilization can develop freely without restrictions and cannot do without our protection." Boots and leg armor said at the same time.

"They should be like this, but now something unexpected happened." Nabu said in a gloomy voice.

"Witch Harley?"

"Well, you know how bold she is. She definitely dares to 'turn over the table' and destroy the existing order of the earth. She also has this ability and is greedy enough." Nabu said.

"She is also a human being. How about dragging her into the God of Order?" Left Glove suggested.

Naboo Helm said nothing, but the atmosphere seemed to become oppressive and dull.

"Stupid. With her domineering personality, if she joins, she will definitely ask to be the boss. Are you willing?" Breastplate scolded.

The right glove also said: "We are a perfect unit, she will tear our team apart."

It is certainly not a coincidence that the "armor series" of the God of Order, such as helmets, cloaks, breastplates, and gloves, just form a complete set.

These gods of order did not come together to form a god system after forging their own natal artifacts.

Instead, Nabu, as the leading brother, first formed a group with several of his contemporaries, the "first people of the young generation", and then gradually absorbed and accepted new and promising "first people of the young generation" over the next countless years. .

When there are enough people, select the most outstanding and obedient group of teammates.

Choose helmet, cloak, and breastplate according to "seating order".

Naboo was the boss, so he became the "helmet spirit", which is the brain of "the gods combined".

Left Glove quickly explained: "I'm not asking Witch Harley to join our 'god armor' combination. In addition to us, there are many human gods in the Order God System.

What I mean is, let the witch Harley become the 'lower god' of the God of Order.

Or, you can give her a higher position, such as 'Head of the Lower Gods'. "

"The Head of the Lower God is our promise to Zatara." Cloak said.

"Zatara is a peerless genius that is rare to see in a million years. We are all optimistic that he will become the first 'human mage god' in the contemporary era, but he died young and died early in the Little Black Bean incident." Left Glove sighed.

"Being the leader of the gods. The price is too high." Zuo Xue said hesitantly.

The left glove said disapprovingly: "Ninety percent of the power of the Order God System is in our hands. Being the head of the lower gods may gain a lot, but we gain even more.

You must know that the witch Harley is the God of War in heaven.

She has seen the big world. A 'Bima Wen' can fool a monkey, but he cannot fool her now. "

At this point, his tone became low and solemn: "Everyone, you have not forgotten the ultimate goal of 'order', right? Time waits for no one, there are only a few years left."

Nabu scolded: "Before the Mother of Magic comes, you should not even think about that matter in your heart, and always 'forget' it. Why are you so stupid now and say it in the belly of Witch Harry?"

The left glove said: "Boss Naboo, it is precisely because I am in the witch's belly that I say this. The dimension of her stomach bag is very magical, and even the laws of the multiverse cannot be manifested here, just like it is outside the multiverse.

Therefore, no matter what we talk about here, it will not touch the sea of ​​laws, it will not attract the attention of the origin of the universe, and it will not be noticed by the kings of gods and demons.

As for the witch Harley, she has all the treasures, but she doesn’t know how to create the world.

As a result, although the dimension of this stomach bag is magical and powerful, it has no original consciousness.

Unless one day, she can integrate a ray of her will into the origin of the stomach bag dimension and make it the "way of heaven" of the dimension, she will be able to "hear" our spiritual conversation. "

"Be careful not to make a big mistake. The goal we have spent tens of thousands of years planning is too ambitious and has too wide an impact. Once the news gets out, all the gods and demons in the sky will regard us as mortal enemies." Nabu sighed.

"I don't believe they don't have any plans and are just waiting for the arrival of 'twilight'." Left Glove said.

"They may have ideas, but we can't control them. All we can do is be ourselves." Nabu said.

"Brother Naboo, it's because I attach great importance to the 'Final Order Plan' that I suggest taking the risk of dragging Witch Harley into the divine system. With her here, our plan can increase the chance of success by at least 30%," said Left Glove.

"You have a beautiful idea, but what we want is to replace the Mother of Magic. If she knew our plan, wouldn't she want to replace us?" Zuo Boots said disapprovingly.

"Our target is not the Mother of Magic, she is just a puppet in front of the stage." The right leg guard said.

"The 'Mother of Magic' I'm talking about is the true Mother of Magic, not Hecate." Left Glove said.

"Don't call them by their names," Neb said sternly.

"Sorry, brother, I'm too excited." Both the right leggings and the left glove apologized.

Nabu said slowly: "Don't talk about recruiting Witch Harley into the gang anymore.

Not only is she unruly, but she is also very smart. All those who tried to plot against her were eventually counterattacked.

Although I don't like her, I never despise her.

If we plan to use her to realize the plan of the 'Final Order', we will not escape the fate of being used by her. "

The left glove heard the words and stopped making any sound.

But the chest armor said worriedly: "Brother, what Lao Liu (left glove) just said reminded me. Witch Harley doesn't understand the method of creation now, but you evolved the creation process in the dimension of her stomach bag in public, and you also took this newly created If the small plane stays in her stomach, will she secretly learn our technology and wisdom?"

Nabu sneered: "With her character, it is certain that she will learn from others secretly.

But I wish she could learn from it secretly.

She is also a half-step god king. If she takes our path, she will end her own future.

Because only one person can walk on a road. "

Breastplate said: "According to common sense, this is indeed the case, but her unique skill is not martial arts or magic, but theft and robbery.

For example, according to common sense, there is a price to pay for borrowing magic power, but who dares to lend her his own magic power? "

Nabu was silent for a while and said: "Your concerns are reasonable, but there are some things we have to do.

Whether it is for human faith or our responsibilities as the God of Order.

Moreover, this small plane is completely created by us. It is our eyes and hands, which can most directly observe the dimension of this stomach bag.

It's even possible to discover the core secret behind Witch Harley's rapid advancement in level. "

"That makes sense. Brother is more thoughtful."

"Well, even if it's just for this weird stomach bag, it's worth a little effort."

"Naboo" was right about one thing. Although the stomach bag belonged to Harley, she could not eavesdrop on their soul-level whispers.

When the darkest night came, she swallowed the entire earth in order to clean up the living corpses of the black lights, and could only trace the traces of the black lights that were moving on the surface.

If the black lamp living corpse hides deep underground and restrains the aura of death on its body, Harley will not be able to detect it.

Although she didn't hear the conversation between the "Naboos", Harley also understood the truth: the small plane was created by Naboo and was their "monitoring device."

Therefore, before "Naboo" herself was aware of it, she had quietly changed the position of the small plane in the stomach bag dimension.

Move from the center of the stomach bag to the corner near the "Hall of Valor Plane".

This is just the beginning. When Naboo leaves and the people on earth move to the small plane, she will release the suppression of the breath of the laws of the Hall of Valor and let them disrupt the "perception" of the small plane.

If the small plane were a monitor, Harley would point its camera at the Hall of Valor so that it could only see the "secret picture" of old Odin.

"My God, my God, it's unbelievable. The God King of Naboo actually created a world out of thin air." After returning to the material universe, General Lane said to Harley with a trembling voice: "His Majesty the God King also took us there. Went around the 'Temple of Order'.

Oh, 'Temple of Order' is the name of that world.

I think it should be called ‘Noah’s Ark’, a modern Noah’s Ark. "

As he spoke, he looked at Dr. Fate with awe.

At this time, Naboo's "merging of gods" state was over, and the helmet fell back on Kent's head.

"Noah's Ark is indeed amazing!" Harley gave Dr. Destiny a thumbs up and praised sincerely.

Doctor Fate said nothing, but his golden helmet seemed to have a flash of golden light.

Then Harley changed her subject, patted her flat belly, and said with a smile: "The ancients said that the prime minister's belly can hold a boat.

Today everyone will understand that Harry's belly can not only punt a boat, but also anchor Noah's Ark.

Or a super big ark filled with 7 billion people! "

"Harry, you are so awesome." Ivy immediately gave two thumbs up and praised sincerely.

"Hahaha" Harley threw her head back and laughed.

Dr. Destiny smiled bitterly and said: "Now that the 'Noah's Ark' is here, prepare to move all the people into it. Maybe the final battle is about to begin."

General Lane asked: "How to move the people?"

Harley said: "This is simple. Let everyone on the earth be prepared. When I swallow the earth into my belly again, I will ask the two Flashes to help me migrate."

The order was quickly communicated to all parts of the world, but was very difficult to implement.

"It's been two hours and they're not ready yet?"

Harry looked at the sky. The sun was already setting, and he saw that the dusk of the fifth day was approaching.

Bateman looked at the information summarized on the computer screen and said: "There are many troubles. First of all, there are some positions on the earth that require workers and cannot leave.

Secondly, many residents do not want to leave their homes, especially after hearing that ‘Noah’s Ark’ is small and each person can only be allocated two square meters of space. They do not want to suffer and want better treatment.

In other words, many of them have a sense of luck and do not think that their homes will become battlefields.

Finally, we don’t know when the final battle will come, so we inform the public to prepare as much food and water as possible, and they are frantically buying in supermarkets.

The above are just the most common difficulties faced by various countries. "

Harley thought for a while and said: "It is impossible to improve the salary. Noah's Ark is only that big, with a length and width of no more than 150 kilometers.

It's not that Nabu is stingy, but if it is too big, my stomach can't bear it, and it will seriously affect my strength.

And each person has two or three square meters, which is enough to set up a tent. It’s not a long-term stay, only three to five days at most. "

After a pause, she added: "Everything follows the principle of voluntariness. If they want to come, they can come. If they don't come, forget it.

To be honest, even if you stay on Earth and hide in the basement immediately when the war starts, you will have at least a 90% chance of survival. "

In fact, the plan to "transfer people around the world" was not proposed by her from the beginning.

It's not that she doesn't think it's necessary, but the project of moving people around the world is too huge.

Based on her understanding of the American people, she didn't dare to think that way.

Bateman frowned and said: "If tens of billions of living corpses descend on the earth, how can they have more than 90% hope of survival?"

"There are really tens of billions of living corpses coming to the earth. The seven colored light armies are seriously derelict in their duties." Harley said.

"What if they really failed in their duties? Could it be that they failed in their duties and made us pay the price?" Bateman said solemnly.

Harley sighed: "I'm not against your 'Popular Transfer Plan', but time waits for no one and the people are not happy. Can you force them to do it?

Forcibly stuff them into Noah's Ark. If there is a commotion inside and a conflict breaks out, more people will die, which is not worth it.

Now we have transferred those who are willing to go in to escape, leaving a small number of people on the earth. If the mastermind behind the scenes is seen, they will lose interest in "killing the earth".

Well, he will automatically give up this plan when he realizes that he can't kill all the people on earth no matter what.

In this way, the survival rate of the remaining people has been greatly improved. "

"It makes sense." General Lane thought thoughtfully.

Bateman frowned and did not refute.

As a result, more than half of Americans choose not to go anywhere but stay at home, especially those who live in "big villas" in towns and cities.

But they are also preparing.

Every household is gearing up. Oh, no, they are rubbing gun barrels, buying ammunition, and preparing to practice the power granted to them by the Constitution: to use the guns in their hands to protect their homes.

Three hours later, it was completely dark.

"Something's wrong!" General Lane strode into the manor's living room and shouted: "Harry, we still have more than half of the people left in the United States, but 95% of the people in the country opposite have immigrated.

Except for the military and police in key departments, they are not even operating the 'world's factory'. "

"So?" Harley didn't know why.

“Their proportion of people entering the ‘Temple of Order’ is too high. By the way, our several ‘little brother countries’ in Asia are also very high.

But our traditional allies in Europe, like us, have relatively few people choosing to enter the ‘Temple of Order’. "General Lane said worriedly.

Harley immediately sensed his worries and disapproved in her heart, and said seriously: "What do you want to do? Carry out general mobilization again?"

General Lane's eyes flashed and he said: "How about taking the proportion of the number of people in the United States who have entered the 'Temple of Order' as a standard and move some of those Asians out?"

"No!" Before Harley could say anything, Bateman fiercely objected: "We can't assess the intensity of the battle with Black Hand, but we can be 100% sure that entering the stomach bag dimension is the safest.

If possible, I hope to forcibly move all humans into the 'Temple of Order'. How can I move people out? "

Harley also said: "Who gave you the bad idea? It's too stupid and too bad to bring out the people who went in."

If you are worried that the worst scenario will happen, leading to the prosperity of Asia and the decline of Europe and America, you can mobilize more people of Europe and America to join in.

In this way, call Louise, make a short video of each hero persuading people to enter 'Noah's Ark', and then post it online. Let's see when tonight or tomorrow morning, the Flash and I will spend more time. Jin, open a back door for them. "

"That's all it can do." General Lane sighed.

The next morning, Harley opened her mouth again and swallowed the earth into her belly. A "runway" with yellow light energy connected "Noah's Ark" to the earth.

And the two Flashes are also ready to "travel hundreds of millions of miles."

But something unexpected happened.

Not many Americans chose to board the "Noah's Ark", but many Europeans and Americans who had already boarded the "Noah's Ark" clamored to get off the ship.

"It's too narrow and there are people everywhere. It's simply not a place for people."

"I swear, jail would be better than this."

"I'd rather fight the black light zombie."

"What to do?" Flash Barry was dumbfounded.

Harry said calmly: "Follow the voluntary principle. If you are willing to board the ship, bring them here. If you want to go, you can send them back."

"Oh my God, how come the proportion of people entering the Ark has dropped?"

After learning the result, General Lane pulled his hair and shouted.

"This is the people's own choice. No matter what, we must respect their right to choose freely." Harley said seriously.


Harley waved her hand and said: "There is no but, if you are really worried, just pray to God sincerely. Or, continue to mobilize the people, and wait until evening, I can give everyone another chance."

General Lane was afraid to mobilize. If he opened the back door again, would more people come down?

Unknown dark space.

"The emotion of fear is 99.9% 100%!"

"Angry emotion 99.9% 100%!"

"Will and emotion 99.9% 100%!"

"Buzzing buzzing" The central furnace of the huge black lamp vibrated slightly, and the lamp mouth emitted a bright light.

"Hahahaha, all seven kinds of emotional energy have been collected, Witch Harley, and the earth, your doom is coming." The Black Death Emperor laughed heartily, and the space around the lamp furnace was like a glass wall hit by bullets, "Crack, click, click" cracked the spider web-like gap.

A "behemoth" is about to cross the border.

"Master, something happened to the earth." Scarface quickly said the "population transfer operation".

The Black Death Emperor sneered: "When I came, their fate was doomed. Whether they stay on earth or hide in the belly of Witch Harley, their ultimate fate is eternal death."

"Then let's go to Earth now?" Scarface asked.

The Black Death Emperor thought for a while and said: "Originally, this was my plan, but now I decided to wait and let Witch Harley feel more and greater psychological pressure before she died.

I want to kill her heart! "

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