I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1375 Where is Dick? (Wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and reunion with friends and f

"Do you really think the Black Hand is on the other side watching what's happening on your side?" Bruce asked.

Taking a final deep look at her father, grandpa and black girl Barbara, Harley forcibly took away their light rings and let them sink into the earth, where they were completely digested into fertilizer by the magical plants.

"It's at least 70% possible. Even if the Black Hand doesn't pay attention to me, I will keep my promise. If I don't do it tomorrow morning, I will issue a statement now to send an alert to the whole world and the entire universe."

Harley was very mobile and had an idea in her mind. Before she could finish speaking, she took out her mobile phone and danced her fingers on the screen to create an afterimage. In just ten seconds, a 500-word emergency announcement was written. On every hero and every Watchdog user's phone or tablet.

At the same time, she also used the authority of the "Galaxy Admiral" to bypass the President of the United States and find the White House Press Department and several national news television stations, asking them to immediately broadcast her announcement as an emergency news.

There was nothing in her announcement that was pretentious or mocking the mastermind behind the scenes. The 500 words were pure dry information.

First, let's briefly introduce the ins and outs of this "Blackest Night" crisis - she actually doesn't know the root cause, but it does not prevent her from placing all the blame on the Green Lantern Corps - paying the price for their excessive use of emotional energy.

Then he explains how the Black Night threatens everyone.

Finally, a large amount of space is used to introduce the black light zombies to let the public understand that they are not their relatives resurrected from the dead, but they are just puppets controlled by the intelligent system of the light ring.

Finally, here is a piece of advice for everyone: get rid of the bodies around you immediately.

With a "ding dong" sound, Bruce's cell phone received this emergency notification on the spot.

He glanced at it casually, then said urgently: "Harry, something happened to Dick, he was -"

"Huhu~~" Suddenly a gust of wind blew up over the manor. When everyone looked up, it was the Black Warrior carrying the Batmobile, which was filled with smoke and flames. It flew from the direction of the city, broke the sound barrier, and made an emergency stop above the manor. , the air flow caused by it surged, almost forming a hurricane.

"Damian, are you okay? Where are Dick and Jason?"

Bruce's voice was trembling as he looked at his son struggling to get out of the driver's seat.

"I - cough." As soon as the 14-year-old boy opened his mouth, he couldn't help but cover his lower abdomen and spit out a pool of blood.

A hole the size of a fist was opened in his lower abdomen, and blood was pouring out.

The dark green cloak he pressed against the wound was almost soaked.

"Good boy, it's not easy to still stay awake despite such an injury."

Harry complimented him first, then used holy healing to stabilize his injuries, then wrapped him in bubbles and entered the side hall, tearing off his clothes, leaving only a pair of boxers.

There were hundreds of wounds on his body, as if someone had been beaten all over again, which was shocking to see.

Harry released his mental power for a moment, then his expression changed, "His large intestine was broken into seven or eight sections, and his liver was cut into two sections. There was also a perforation in the lungs, and a large amount of blood accumulated in the abdominal cavity.

Judging from the pattern of wounds, the enemies who injured you were Dick and Jason, and their weapons were daggers and short sticks.

Are they dead? "

"I bought it!"

Selina covered her mouth, both because of Damian's horrific injuries and because of Harley's speculation about the condition of her two adopted sons.

Bruce pursed his lips and looked livid.

"They, they all." Damian's mouth was bleeding, and there were tears in his eyes, but he tried his best to hold back the tears.

He failed.

Tears slid down two wet streaks along both sides of her cheeks.

Harley said for him: "They died, and then they were selected by the black light ring and became black light zombies. They also said a lot of dirty things to you, breaking your defenses and making you angry, sad, fearful, and hateful. You Your mind is confused and your moves are slow, but they don’t kill you and deliberately torture you.”

Damian opened his eyes wide, "How do you know? Have you been watching from the sidelines? Why don't you help?"

At the end of his speech, there was some anger and complaint in his tone.

Harley answered him with a rude move during the "surgery" - deliberately pinching his gallbladder with her little hand showing the yellow light energy device.

——You are so brave, you dare to talk to her like this.

"Ouch!!!" Damian's pale little face suddenly turned yellow, sallow and dim, and his cry was sudden and high-pitched, startling little Helena who looked at the door.

"He was so excited that he injured his liver and gallbladder."

Facing the looks that looked either surprised or worried, Harley said very calmly.

After saying that, she lowered her head and told Damian: "Don't get excited, I am performing a magic operation on your internal organs."

Harley didn't lie either.

At this moment, she was multitasking. Part of her thoughts controlled her mental power to scan Damian's wounds, and part of her thoughts manifested 12 yellow light energy palms of different sizes. Eight large hands wiped the wounds, threaded needles, and sutured the wounds.

Four small hands, only about the size of thumbs, were inserted directly into Damian's chest through his belly, helping him clean up the congestion, organize the wounds, and use holy healing to heal the wounds.

At this moment, she was Daozu, and Damian on the operating table was Yumei.

She wanted to torment him easily.

Maybe Bruce saw something and took the initiative to explain for her: "Harley has been at the manor, but she also encountered a black light zombie, and her father and grandfather were resurrected.

By studying them, she discovered the characteristics and purpose of the black lamp zombies, and then made the above guess.

In fact, I also met your grandpa and grandma in Wayne Manor. They were indeed like Harley said. They did not launch a fierce attack as soon as they met, but used words to stimulate our emotions first. "

Damian said weakly: "At that time, we were patrolling near Longton Street in Queens, and suddenly we heard someone shouting Dick's name. Dick braked suddenly and was stunned for a few seconds. His expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly turned to the voice. Running wildly from the direction it came from.

Just as Jason and I were about to grab him, another voice called "Jason" came from the other direction. The voice sounded like a middle-aged woman.

Jason was even more miserable than Dick. He shouted "Mom" excitedly on the spot and didn't even bother to chase Dick. He quickly ran away without a trace.

I felt something was wrong at that time.

But I was alone, and I didn’t know whether to pursue Dick or Jason first.

But before I could think about it, a scream came from Dick.

I didn’t have to hesitate anymore, my body responded first.

When I chased Dick, I saw him and two people with muddy clothes hugging each other under the yellow streetlight. All three of them were crying.

It was a very warm scene, but my scalp was numb and my hairs stood on end.

I smelled the stench of decay, and waves of crises surged through my spiritual consciousness.

I yelled, "Dick, be careful," and then I pulled out my stun gun and shot those two people."

Having said this, Damian cast a resentful look at Bruce.

"If I had had a knife in my hand, the outcome could have been completely different."

He has learned eighteen kinds of martial arts in the Assassin's League since he was a child. Only the katana is the most comfortable to use, and he has put the most effort into sword skills.

He has mastered swordsmanship at a young age, and even "Martial God Harley" praised him as "good" when he saw it.

Come to Gotham, join Harley's "Next Stop Martial Arts Training Class", and practice the "Damian Martial Arts" customized by Harley, which also focuses on physical fitness, physical skills and sword skills.

But Bateman wouldn't let him use the knife.

In other words, when patrolling Gotham, none of the three sons can use weapons that are too lethal.

If it were Damian before participating in the "Next Stop Martial Arts" training, Bateman would not have made such a request.

Because Damian's sword skills are so superb that he can use his fingers like an arm to do whatever he wants.

As long as he doesn't want to kill someone, he won't miss it.

But "Damian's God of War" is so powerful that Damian's physique is improving every day.

The increase in strength and speed will inevitably lead to insufficient control of strength and it is easy to make mistakes.

Use a stick. If you make a mistake, the prisoner will be sent to the ICU at most. This is the tradition of the Wayne family, so it doesn't matter.

If the swordsman misses, the opponent may lose several parts of his body, or he may die on the spot.

So Bateman allows Damian to practice swordsmanship, but does not allow him to take the sword on missions.

Damian said sadly: "The stun gun was completely ineffective against the two living corpses. I watched them take out Dick's heart, and then I sent an emergency call to you because I knew that Jason was probably in danger as well. .

The result was worse than I thought. A black light ring flew out of nowhere and said, "Dick Grayson from Earth, come back to life." Dick fell to the ground and got up.

He used words to ridicule me and said "I

He glanced at Bruce, Selina and Harley's faces, shook his head, and said no more.

"Jason, too." Bruce's eyes were red, and his voice had a thick nasal sound.

"Like Dick, he had his heart ripped out and turned into an unkillable monster. They can't be hurt, they don't have fatal wounds, and they can fly.

I got into the Batmobile and tried to run away, and they chased me until Darth Vader arrived."

"Jason Dick"

Bruce's tall and strong body turned into a shoddy engineering building in the earthquake and collapsed all of a sudden.

He turned his back and faced the window, covering his face with his hands and crying silently.

One of the four great tragedies in life is the loss of an only son in old age.

Dick and Jason were not considered only children, but two died at once. Bruce probably felt double the pain of Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday at this moment.

Harley opened her mouth, not knowing how to comfort him.

After a moment of silence, an idea suddenly appeared in her mind, and she suddenly remembered something very important.

"Maybe Dick is not dead." She said slowly.

Bruce instantly transformed from a crumbling piece of shoddy engineering to a bow with its string stretched taut, bouncing almost half a meter high.

"Harry, what did you find?"

He widened his red eyes, turned around suddenly, grabbed Harley's arm and asked excitedly and nervously.

Damian touched the wound and found that it was almost healed.

He sat up and said: "Dick is really dead, I can be 100% sure of this.

His heart was ripped out and he wore a black light ring.

The light ring also says 'Dick Grayson is resurrected'.

But obviously, the resurrection it speaks of is not the resurrection we expect. "

Black Knight said: "I saw Dick Grayson just now. He did become a living corpse, exactly like the living corpse you buried before."

"He's dead, but" Harley frowned, "I think things might turn around."

Bruce's eyes lit up and he said eagerly: "Is the turning point in the soul?"

"Soul, please wait here while I go to Silver City to inquire about the whereabouts of Dick and Jason's souls."

Having said that, Harry did not leave the manor, but entered the "Sacred Magic Meditation Room" alone, holding a large cross in his hand, and his spiritual projection floated to the gate of heaven.

"Zha, did you see Dick Grayson and Jason Todd just now? They are Bruce's two adopted sons."

Zaulie was stunned and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"Literally, they died."

"Ah, what happened?" Zaulie said in shock.

Looking at her like this, Harley knew that the souls of those two people had not gone to heaven.

"They became superheroes at a young age. They should have merit without fault. At least they didn't have time to do evil. Why would they go to hell?" Harley was surprised.

The two children often come to her house to practice martial arts. It can be said that they grew up under her nose.

She is confident that she will not see the wrong person.

After explaining a few words about the Blackest Night to Zauliel, Harley went straight to the Golden Hall.

Dick and Jason are both Christians.

Theoretically, the Golden Hall Archives contains at least some basic information such as their cause of death, sins, merits, and the whereabouts of their souls.

But Harley only found the cause of death, sin and merit.

She was indeed right about them. Their sins were very low, and they were the kind of "honest people" who were more than ten times lower than their peers.

The merit is very high. If you die at this age, you will definitely be able to enter the lower heaven.

But the destination of their souls is "unknown".

"What does unknown mean?" Harley called the voice of heaven.

"That's the literal meaning." Tian Zhi said indifferently.

Harry wondered: "Even heaven doesn't know where their souls have gone, so where can their souls go?"

Tian Zhisheng said: "Here's a question, merit worth 20 million, are you sure you want to redeem it?"

Harry was speechless, "Didn't you mean 'unknown' literally? How did it become 'additional money'?"

"This question is worth 2 million, are you sure you want to redeem it?"

Harley resisted the urge to raise her middle finger and left heaven without looking back.

Before leaving heaven, she asked Zaulie again: In the past two hours, had many familiar souls reported to heaven?

Zaulie's answer is "No."

If Harley realizes something.

"I guess their souls are still trapped in their bodies, or taken away by the mastermind." She said to Bruce and the others.

Bruce started covering his face in sadness again.

Ivy wondered: "Is this answer worth 20 million merit?"

"It's not worth it." Harley said firmly.

She added: "The Voice of Heaven probably doesn't want Heaven to be involved in the Blackest Night, so it politely refuses by asking for a price. This is not the first time it has done this."

"You just said that things are still improving, what do you mean?" Selena asked.

"Please wait." Harley entered the meditation room alone, took out her mobile phone, and dialed Angela's number at the foot of the mountain.

The person on the other side seemed to have been waiting for her call, and the call was answered almost instantly.

"Harry, I am taking Harry and the angel guards to stay together at the moment. Are we going to carry out a 'danger evacuation' again? Should I go up the mountain immediately, or should the Archimedes airship come to pick us up?" "

Angela asked quickly, preemptively.

The earth has encountered too many crises in recent years, and Quinn Manor has often been at the center of crises. The fat butler, who has "went through many hardships", has now developed a conditioned reflex.

"There's no need to avoid it. You can take Harry up the mountain. It's better to avoid it. However, I'm not looking for you to avoid danger. I want to ask-"

Harry was about to ask her if she had slept with Dick Grayson, but suddenly remembered what she had just said: Take Harry with you.

It's normal to stay with your only son during a crisis.

But there are some things you can't say in front of other people's sons.

Harry is also 13 years old this year.

"You come here first."

After waiting for less than two minutes, Angela and her son ran into the living room at full speed.

Although he has no martial arts talent, he has practiced martial arts with the "Martial God" for more than ten years. At least he has developed his physical fitness. He ran from the foot of the mountain to the villa halfway up the mountain without sweating on his forehead.

"Let Harry find a guest room to rest. Come over here."

Harley called Angela to the meditation room, closed the door, and asked straight to the point: "Tell the truth, did you and Dick Grayson have an affair?"

Angela's round almond eyes stared into two big walnuts, and she exclaimed: "Harry, what are you talking about!"

"Really? No need to hide it, I just want to confirm something." Harley frowned.

"Harry, I swear, it really doesn't happen." Angela raised her right hand first and swore seriously with a fat face.

Then, she sneered again and said: "You are talking about having an affair. How far will it go? I, I."

"Just that kind of thing between men and women."

"No." Angela immediately denied firmly.

"Then what were you hesitating about just now?" Harley asked.

"Dick is very handsome, very energetic, and has a great figure. I once secretly watched him while he was practicing dance with his shirtless body." She blushed and glanced at Harley nervously, "You know."

"I don't understand." Harry said with a dull face.

Angela blushed even more and whispered in her ear.

Harry gave him an extremely contemptuous look before confirming again: "You really haven't done anything like that?"

"I really want to, but I am self-aware. Everyone looks up but not down to see each other. If I really go to harass him but he gets scolded, how will I see anyone in the future?" Angela said awkwardly.

Harry looked her up and down. She had a medium build, a big face, and ordinary facial features. She was not very beautiful, but her skin was very good, and her slightly plump round face was healthy, rosy, and shiny.

The temperament I have developed over the years is not bad.

"Actually, Dick may not be interested in you." She comforted him.

Seeing her doubtful face, Harley lied again: "Really, I caught him peeking at your breasts several times."

Well, her great mind is definitely a plus for her.

"Is that so?!" Angela was elated.

Harley nodded casually and opened the door, ready to call Bruce in who was still immersed in sadness outside.

"Where's Dick? What's wrong with Dick?" At this moment, another group of people rushed in from outside the door.

It's the teenage heroes of the Teen Titans, Cassandra, Barbara, "thirty-year-old girl" Starfire. Even the Gordon family is following them.

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