I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 141 Lure the snake out of its hole

"Crack, crackle, crackle."

"Trash, you still want to be a boxer with this little strength, change to the next group!"

"Crack, crackle, crackle."

On the sofa in the living room, Bruce woke up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, and was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses: he was at Harley's house!

He lifted up the blanket and walked to the gate wearing the "H" T-shirt and shorts worn by members of the "Harley Family".

First, a burst of golden sun made him put his hand on his forehead, and then he saw clearly in the open space in the front yard, Harley was wearing a small vest, and she was in a zama stance. Four strong men holding iron rods took turns attacking her back. , legs, shoulders.

The strong men were gnashing their teeth and sweating, obviously exerting all their strength.

But Harley only trembled slightly, not swaying back and forth due to the powerful blow.

"Oh my god, this is so..." Bruce's eyes suddenly widened, and he didn't even feel the eye mucus solidifying in the corners of his eyes or the pain of pulling off his eyelashes.

It's too powerful, too terrifying, and the training method is too incredible.

Bruce stood at the door, watching a group of strong men retreating panting and with shame on their faces. Another group of strong men looked nervous, picked up the iron bars, and followed the example of their predecessors and continued to hit the "Gotham female boxing champion."

"No wonder Harley is so strong. She works so hard and pays such a high price. Maybe I can give it a try." Bruce murmured to himself.

If he had her martial arts and spear skills, his parents would not have died, he would not have been persecuted by Bishop Marvin and the church soldiers, and he and Selina would not have to escape.

If he has power, he can change many things.

Suddenly, Bruce had a realization.

"Come on, you don't have her talent."

At some point, Selena appeared next to him in slippers, hot pants, and a small vest.

"I'm not bad at talent either. Harley has said many times that I can become an all-around athlete like her." The young master said unconvinced.

"She has a cross, do you?" Selina whispered.

"Do you really believe she is a heavenly warrior?" Bruce looked strange.

"She has only told you and me this secret. By the way, and your housekeeper Afu. Remember, never tell others, this is her biggest trump card." Selina said seriously.

"Of course, I made an oath with Ah Fu that day, in the name of my parents. But I think Harley is being mysterious and using magic to cover up the truth about martial arts secrets."

Selena's mouth twitched, "You are thinking too much."

"I can be 100% sure that Harley is currently practicing hard skills like Iron Cloth Shirt!"

Bruce pointed at Harley, who was practicing, and showed a confident smile that understood everything.

“I’ve seen Hong Kong kung fu movies where the protagonists practice like her.

Moreover, everyone wants magical secrets, and whoever gets them will often be hunted by other martial arts masters.

Therefore, those who have secrets usually practice incognito and secretly.

That's what Harley is like now.

Her "Iron Shirt" was even praised by Ms. Siwa. You can imagine how precious it is. "

Selena said with a dull face: "Then tell me, why did she only mention the secrets of the Heavenly Warriors to us?

Is she afraid that we will steal her magical secrets?

Moreover, she told the secret of her cultivation of the 'Dragon's Iron Shirt' in public on the stage. "

"I think Harley has a secret that can quickly improve her strength, which is more precious than the iron shirt.

No one wants to reveal their trump card. Harley is so smart that she will definitely not do anything stupid.

Maybe, she has a secret book of true magical skills that can cultivate 'Qi'? "

Bruce showed his true nature as a detective and almost guessed the truth.

During breakfast, Bruce hesitated and finally asked.

"Harry, can you let me also learn "Iron Shirt"?"

Harry prepared sausages and eggs for Duoduo, and then said casually: "I can give you "Iron Shirt". Whoever wants it can learn it."

"Iron Shirt" is real. She also asked an old Chinese medicine doctor in Chinatown. The medicinal bath in it is mild and harmless. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, at least there is no harm after taking a bath.

Let Bruce play with it. Maybe he is the protagonist and can succeed?

Anyway, on the surface, she practices iron shirting, but it is actually daily masturbation experience.

The ancients often said, "Dharma and wealth come together in land", and it really makes sense.

Her fundamental "method" is the ultimate treasure of evolution and upgrade.

Wealth is not money, but resources to practice in conjunction with the "Dharma"!

Even if Harley becomes a multi-millionaire by writing books, endorsing sports, and buying stocks, it is not as "rich" as being a Gotham boss.

As the boss, she can easily arrange for a different villain to hit her every day.

They are all little leeks.

I can’t stand the large number!

After such a long period of testing, Harley had already discovered that there was an upper limit to the experience points everyone could provide her.

The upper limit is different.

Strength, power, status, and social influence can all determine the limit of experience value.

The more "important" a big person is, the more experience points they can provide.

For example, Ms. Siwa.

If Harley knew she was no match for her skills, why did she persist for more than an hour?

It wasn't that she wanted to hold on for so long, but after fighting for so long, Ms. Siwa's experience points were temporarily wiped out.

Just one person was enough to raise her to half a level!

Just like Leek, after a person is wiped out by her, he will slowly grow after a period of time.

Growth rates vary.

The growth of the boxers under Harley's command in one month is less than one percent of what they were before.

On the contrary, it is the wild boxers who are not under her control, who have been making influence (making trouble) outside, and generally grow two or three times faster.

Harley vaguely understood: The more criminals and heroes that have a greater impact on the fate of the DC universe (the plot), the higher the experience limit they can provide. The more they cause trouble (participate in or create the plot), the faster the experience recovery rate will be.

The experience points gained from her evolutionary treasure are probably a more fundamental power.

That power leveled her up, allowed her to evolve.

It was not until this afternoon that Gordon and Alfred arrived belatedly.

Both of them were not in good condition.

Gordon looked tired and his hair was greasy. He probably didn't get enough rest.

Ah Fu's right arm was injured and was wrapped in a bandage hanging under his neck.

"Aren't you the British 007? You lead 50 bodyguards, but you can't even handle five people." Harley asked Ah Fu with a smile.

Ah Fu is in his early forties, looks and dresses like an English gentleman. When he was young, he was indeed an elite member of the British special forces.

The kind that kills people like hemp.

Ah Fu sighed: "I won't lose when fighting alone. In fact, in a one-on-two situation, I will kill one person on the spot.

It's a pity that the third person didn't follow martial ethics and hid in the dark to attack me.

After his arm was shot by him, I fell into a disadvantage. "

"Where's your bodyguard?"

"The enemy is very powerful, stronger than the elite agents. They entered the manor through infiltration and infiltration, and the security guards they encountered along the way were cleared away."

Ah Fu looked gloomy, "More than 15 security guards were killed. The two sides are not opponents at the same level. Maybe next time I should find a group of veterans."

"Harry, do you have any inside information?" Gordon asked.

Harley called Old Gibbs over and asked, "How's the investigation going?"

"The killer who attacked Wayne Manor last night does not belong to any Black Bond family in Gotham. I asked around one by one, and the underground world was also shocked by this matter. They did not receive any information about this matter in advance."

After swatting away the old man, Harley mused: "Gotham's forces can be simply divided into three parties: outsiders, Hey Road, and the Upper East Side.

Outsiders were excluded first, because the raid on Wayne Manor was, in the final analysis, a case involving Bruce's parents.

Now if we exclude Hey Road, then only the Upper East Side is left. "

"What does Upper East Side mean? Consortium, military and political bosses?" Gordon frowned.

"It's been more than half a year since the Waynes passed away. How many clues have you found?" Harley asked curiously.

Gordon touched his nose in embarrassment, glanced at the dull-looking young master from the corner of his eye, and said: "I have two directions of investigation, the sale of stolen goods and the inside of the police station.

Andy's death was caused by the murderer bribed Assistant Superintendent Flamingo.

But you also know, Harley, that they are all dead.

At present, it can only be determined that the murderer is a big shot.

The big boss of the stolen goods is Fish Munihali, you know, because of investigating her, I was almost forced to death by Falcone,"

"Yes, I know everything!" Harley said sarcastically: "I know you have been very busy recently, solving strange cases many times, being in the newspapers many times, and you can be called the number one star police detective in Gotham.

For example, the cross-dressing hero "Balloon Man" who eliminates harm for the people, a rare person with normal outlook in Gotham, was sent to Arkham by you. "

"Are you mocking me?" Gordon asked, eyes wide.

"Yes, I think you are aiding the evil under the guise of justice."

Gordon sighed and said, "Yes, the Balloon Man killed corrupt officials and black-hearted businessmen, and I wish they all died.

But the person who judges them must be a judge.

Punishment should be based on the law, rather than lynching and depriving others of their lives based on one's own will.

No one is above the law.

The current social order is based on existing laws.

Once the will of individuals exceeds the law, society will collapse and more people will lose the guarantee of survival. "

"Who made the laws of the United States? Have you ever thought about whether it can really represent the interests of all people?" Harley asked.

“I don’t know if you’re right, but I’m 100% sure that if everyone obeyed the law, Gotham would be ten thousand times better than it is now.

This is why I am a police officer - to make Gotham a better place by upholding the dignity of the law.

Maybe I'm not good enough, but I will try my best. "Gordon said solemnly.

Bruce nodded and said: "Gordon is right! Harley, I understand what you mean, and I agree with some of your views on American law.

The problem is that there is no such thing as absolutely perfect justice.

You can doubt the fairness of American laws and systems.

But at least now, the United States is the most powerful country in the world, and it is the target for other countries to learn and catch up.

One day in the future, when other countries prove that the American order is no longer superior, future Americans will naturally seek change.

There are still countless years between now and the future. We live in the present and do our best in the present. "

At this point, he shook his head bitterly, "We can't even uphold the law, let alone change the existing social system?

Moreover, the law can still be patched up. Looking at social changes in history, which one has not been a catastrophic upheaval?

Unless absolutely necessary, there will be no unity.

Without unity of mind, failure is inevitable. "

"You really amaze me that you can say this." Harley said in surprise.

Bruce rolled his eyes, "I'm not a thoughtless person, I also know how to think."

The stupid Selena, who couldn't say anything for a long time, said with a dull face: "You guys have gone too far off topic."

Gordon looked at Harley and said solemnly: "I have always suspected that Falcone did it. He is capable and suspicious."

Harley shook her head, "If he were 20 years younger, it would be possible. Now he just wants to maintain stability. The old man is too old to rush forward."

"At least, he knows something inside," Gordon insisted.

This time Harley didn't object.

"You can ask Old Kamai, or let Bruce stay with me for a few days, and we can continue our plan to lure the snake out of its hole.

As long as I am here to take charge, even the dragon crossing the river will have to be coiled up, and the tiger going down the mountain will also have to den. "Harry said proudly.

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