Harley only caught the Parallax Monster on the fourth day after the battle between the Yellow and Green Legions.

In fact, she had already set off.

It's just that the Parallax Demon is not the Great Wall. If you put it there, you can see it at any time.

It can move and is very fast. It keeps running away to the edge of the universe out of fear.

In order to chase it, Harley spent several days on the road.

But that's not why she ate it in front of everyone.

On the way, Harley had nothing to do and chatted with Hal.

When talking about the performance of the Parallax Demon on the battlefield, Hal looked very solemn.

"Paralax Demon is very restrained by Green Lantern. The basis for Green Lantern to control Green Lantern energy is will, and the biggest enemy of will is fear. Therefore, the criterion for selecting a new Lantern for the Green Lantern Ring is 'the will to overcome fear.'

However, the Parallax Demon can easily project fearful illusions in people's minds.

Just like when you used the source of fear to control the fear of the Yellow Lantern Corps.

Even if there were guardians responsible for containing it, at least 500 lanterns were killed by it in just one hour of fighting. "

Then Harley asked out of curiosity: "Did you use my image to scare it?"

Hal's expression was strange and complicated. He couldn't tell whether it was admiration or complaint, or both.

"Yes, the effect was very good at first. It was so frightened that it screamed, turned around, and quickly fled the battlefield.

The Green Lantern who embodied your image didn't expect it to work so well, and was shocked.

He laughed after the shock.

Then tragedy happened.

The phantom that appears is not the real you after all.

The Parallax Demon quickly returned to the battlefield, specifically looking for those who used your image to intimidate it, and stuffed them into its mouth, just like ordinary people eating roast chicken, tearing off a piece of meat with their mouths, chewing it until blood is all over their face and mouth. "

Harley was a little embarrassed, "How come there's more than one Lantern taking on my image? After they found out that the move didn't work, they probably wouldn't stimulate it anymore."

"Alas, only one lantern used it at first, but the Parallax Demon was too strong, and ordinary lanterns couldn't resist it, so they could only drink poison to quench their thirst. When they were in a desperate situation, they changed their tricks to simulate you to scare it.

For example, at the beginning, a certain lantern appeared as a ten-meter-tall image.

Even if it knows that it is just a physical object that simulates you, it will tremble all over and its combat power will be greatly reduced.

When it gradually adapts, recovers, and yells and attacks at the ten-meter-high image, a certain Green Lantern will appear as a physical figure your size and suddenly rush out from the side, simulating your voice and shouting, " Parallax Demon, you are so brave, you dare to destroy my statue'."

Hal smiled awkwardly and bitterly, "The effect was particularly good, the Parallax Demon was so scared that he almost lost his soul.

Not metaphorically, Parallax really nearly broke away from Kyle.

But what is false cannot be true. When it discovers the truth, it will only become angrier and more cruel.

The more brutal it becomes, the more dangerous the lanterns it fights with. In a life-and-death crisis, I can only embody you again and simulate your voice."

It was at this moment that Harley decided to make Parallax pay.

——They were using her name, but instead of retreating, they even intensified their attacks and caused ten times more damage. This was a slap in her face!

She wants to revive the majesty of the "Fear Ancestor" and make the future Yellow Lanterns and Parallax Demons, even if they know that her embodiment, image, sculpture, and statue are not her, will still be so frightened that they tremble with fear. Far away.

Therefore, she could obviously seal the Parallax monster in the stomach bag dimension and slowly extract its origin, but she still chose the most effective way to chew it with her mouth in public.

Over the years, its origin has been restored to 70% of its original state. The head and tail were cut off, and the 50% in the middle was eaten by her. The 10% of the head was thrown to the "breeder" Ganser, and the 10% of the tail was not eaten by Harley.

"Xiaodouzi, how do you feel about this trip?"

While escorting the remaining members of the Yellow Lantern team back to Oa, Harley asked into her empty palms.

"Fear is the source of Kuai's authority!" The voice of the tyrant insect "Little Douzi" was full of flattery, "Master, you are the true master of the light of fear. I was blind before and thought that Sinestro was the master of the yellow light. "

Tyrant Bug was originally a name, but Harley felt that "Heavenly War God" and "Pox Queen" were both good gods, and the servants of good gods should not have cruel names.

She renamed it Doudou, which means "pox", and nicknamed it "Little Douzi".

"I promised you back then that you would become my little brother, and I would ensure that you could still be a Yellow Lantern, and that you would still be a true Yellow Lantern who had mastered the origin of fear."

Xiaodouzi seemed to understand something and was so excited that he was like a nano-level virus. It had no body and could not tremble all over.

But its voice was trembling, "Master, I will always be your most loyal servant. I am willing to swear a poisonous oath, and I am willing to hand over my soul and body to you."

Harley disapproved in her heart and swore that if it worked, she would have died many times over.

"Xiaodouzi, you don't need to swear, I trust you." She said gently: "Come, let me help you complete the 'divine body transformation' first."

"How to do it?" Xiaodouzi became even more excited. Master Harley is on top. Is it going to become a god? !

"Relax your mind and let my divine power soak into your little body."

No poisonous oath is as effective as magic debt!

By accepting her divine power, without its self-sacrifice, its body and soul become hers.

Little Douzi didn't understand his master's sinister intentions, so he immediately followed his words and acted with great expectation, welcoming the vast power that would come to him.

In fact, even if it understands these magical common sense, it won't care.

Compared with the status of a god and the source of fear it has received, its contribution, at least to itself, is justified.

Anyway, after seeing how she dealt with the Yellow Lantern Corps and the Parallax monster, it believed that it would never be able to surpass her in this life, and was willing to be her little brother for the rest of its life.

"What are you doing?" Diana asked confused.

At this time, Harley was sitting in the Archimedes airship, with several earth companions beside her.

In the eyes of others, she suddenly raised her palm, stared at it for a while, and then began to gather a little bit of divine light into it.

However, even though Xiaodouzi was small in size and had weak fluctuations in divine power, he immediately alerted Wonder Woman next to him.

"I'm making something godly."

The Acne Lady will finally be able to spread the word, and there is absolutely no need for Halle to hide her "Acne God".

She was triumphant and reiterated her plan.

"It's a miracle that even viruses can have independent consciousness." Supergirl simply sighed.

When Hal heard this, he said with a serious expression: "Harley, do you know about the Tyrant Bug? It is very dangerous and evil, and it once slaughtered all life on the planet."

"Oh my God!" Dinah and the other girls covered their mouths and exclaimed, "Is this true? How many people are there on one planet!"

"Of course it's true. I've seen its files. The Tyrant Worm came from the Condola Planet in Sector 3497. In just one hour, it infected the entire planet.

One day later, Condola became a dead planet with no living people. "

Hal seemed to be answering Wonder Woman and the others' questions, but his eyes kept looking at Harley.

Harley said calmly: "Have you ever found out in the files why it wanted to destroy a planet?"

"I don't know, but I'm 100% sure that it was intentional." Hal said.

Harley nodded: "It was definitely intentional, but I think it was done very well."

Hal's eyes widened, "What did you say?"

"I said it did a good job, it saved countless people." Harley said seriously.

"Harley, Hal said it killed countless people." Diana reminded.

"I'm not deaf."

"Then you -" Several people looked at her incomprehensibly.

Harley sighed: "Little Beanzi is not a natural virus. Well, it might have been a natural virus in the first place.

However, after the Kondolan people discovered it, they did not seal it or destroy it. Instead, they took advantage of its powerful mutation characteristics and actively helped it evolve.

To put it simply, it entered the Condola military's biological and chemical weapons laboratory and was studied as a weapon.

It goes without saying that it is powerful. Hal has already told you that it can infect the entire planet within an hour and destroy the world within a day.

If you think about it seriously, what is the purpose of Condola inventing this 'star-destroying' biochemical weapon?

As long as they use it once, it's like a planet is completely uninhabited.

Use it twice, two planets, use it three times, three planets. Before Xiaodouzi becomes a conventional world-destroying weapon, his ancestors destroyed the evil Kondola people, doesn't it mean saving one, two, or three planets? Countless innocent civilized planets? "

"Uh, this" several people were dumbfounded, "can it still be like this?"

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense!

"Harry, you can't say that." Hal came back to his senses and sighed: "The Kondoran people certainly deserve their punishment, but the tyrant bug——"

"It's Xiaodouzi," Harley corrected.

"Okay, Xiaodouzi." Hal couldn't help but sighed again, a little weakly.

Given such a familiar name, it would be impossible to convince her to give it up.

"Little Douzi's motive for destroying the planet Kondola is not to protect the peace of the universe and prevent other civilizations from being killed. Its brutal behavior stems from the violence and evil in its heart."

Harley gave him a strange look and asked, "Do you have a dog at home?"

Hal was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "I've been too busy at work recently, so I sent Percy to my sister's house."

"Does your Percy do evil things like eating daddy?" Harley asked again.

Hal frowned and said, "It's a dog. Why is it evil for a dog to eat daddy?"

"It's natural for dogs to eat daddy. Isn't it natural for a virus to infect people? What does it have to do with evil and violence?" Harley said.

"no the same--"

Harry waved his hands and said, "It doesn't make any difference. You don't want your Percy to lick your mouth with the same mouth that just licked his daddy. If you scold him, he will restrain his instinct to eat daddy. He won't do it next time he encounters daddy." Touch it again.

Xiaodouzi became my god and understood what I wanted it to do and what I forbid it to do. Naturally, it was able to restrain its instincts and become a good and obedient servant. "

Hal had nothing to say.

"Buzzing~~" A majestic and sacred aura rose from Harley's palm, as if there was a god squatting in her hand.

However, the people on the side could see nothing except a pinprick of golden light.

"Hal Jordan, your Green Lantern Corps has a Lantern with the smallpox virus. It has killed many more people than me." A loud, angry voice appeared out of thin air in the palm of Harley's hand.

It had long been angered by Hal's "slanderous" words, but it had just been receiving the infusion of divine power and the source of fear, and had no chance to speak.

Hal frowned and said nothing.

"Are you a tyrant, Xiaodouzi?" Diana asked curiously.

"It's amazing that viruses can talk." Diane said.

Super Girl turned on her super vision and exclaimed: "Little Douzi is so small and ugly, like a mushroom with eight legs, but the whole body is shining with golden light, which is quite majestic."

"I couldn't speak like a human before, but now I'm the 'pox god'." Xiaodouzi said excitedly.

Harley nodded slightly, "Now that you can absorb the power of faith, you can barely be considered a god of faith."

Then she turned to Hal and said: "Do me a small favor. When you encounter uncivilized barbaric civilizations when patrolling the sector from now on, introduce me and Xiaodouzi to them.

It doesn’t have to be a lot of trouble. You just need to build a statue of the ‘Pox Lady’, or just throw the statue at the door of the tribe.

If a patient kneels down and worships, the statue of the god who has accumulated enough faith can perform miracles. "

"The Green Lantern commandments are that you cannot interfere with the normal civilization process of the primitive planet, and you cannot use your identity as a Lantern to serve your personal interests." Hal said awkwardly.

"Master, I received the source of fear you gave me and became a Yellow Lantern again. I can travel across the stars and spread my faith by myself," Xiaodouzi said.

"That's okay, but you have to remember that the Lord God is me, the Queen of Pox. You are just a god. Above me, there is also my God brother. You must never forget Him, let alone transcend your identity and rob Him. Position C, do you understand?”

"Master Harley, you are so powerful, you should occupy the C position. Who is God and why does He have authority?" Xiaodouzi shouted.

"Pah!" Harley slapped it in the face and cursed: "You evil beast, even your master I have to call you 'brother' respectfully. Where do you have the guts to question God?"

"Ah, Master, atone for my sins. I have blind eyes and cannot see the mountains." Xiaodouzi begged for mercy again and again.

In the next two days, Harley used her mind to convey information, and taught Xiaodouzi a complete and thick book of "Kui's New Bible Commentary". She also gave it a Tianshan mobile phone and helped it join the "Tiantian Mountain Cult". "Group", after much warning, I released it before arriving in Oa.

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