I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1300 What can I do to save you, old Louise?

Superman is the foundation of the DC multiverse.

Dr. Manhattan once said this to Harley.

He personally used the elimination method to test the results: without Superman's timeline, the universe will soon be destroyed in the crisis; with Superman's timeline, even if Doctor Manhattan personally destroys the world (the Doomsday Bell event), the universe will still exist has hope.

Just because he saw that the foundation of the DC universe is Superman, and Superman represents hope, Doctor Manhattan chose to merge his own "Watchmen Universe", which lacked hope, with the DC "Previous Main Universe" to form Earth-0 before Crisis on Infinite Earths. The universe is the universe where Harley was born.

Harley believes in Dr. Manhattan's words. He doesn't need to lie and has the ability to find out the truth about the DC universe.

But she had no idea about "Superman as the foundation of the universe" before.

Why is Superman the foundation of the universe? How did he become the foundation of the universe?

If she had not traveled through time and was still in the real world, she could give an immediate answer: Superman is the most famous hero in DC comics and the leader of superheroes. If you can only choose one cornerstone, who else should he choose?

But she traveled through time, and the current DC main universe is the real world to her.

Today, when she holds the hand of creation and uses her own will to lead the restart of the multiverse for the first time, she can't do much. She only strengthens the defense strength of the new multiverse according to her own understanding, but she intuitively feels the restart process. , it’s like watching a building go from foundation digging to topping out.

She "witnessed" 51 parallel universes that were originally empty and lifeless. First Superman appeared, and then his life expanded into a complete timeline. Then the whole world became perfect, with people and society.

"Do you know anything about writing novels?" Facing a group of superheroes looking at her in confusion, Harley explained: "Before officially starting a novel, the author must first have an impulse to create a story.

Write this novel for someone, something, or a setting.

That is to say, clarify the main plot of the story.

What kind of protagonist does the author plan to write, what legendary things does the protagonist do, and then adds worldview, supporting characters, conflict settings, etc. around the protagonist and the main plot.

With a protagonist as the center and expanding in all directions like a spider web, a grand and complete story world is finally created.

If the author has the power of creation, then the story world he writes will become reality.

This process can be called ‘creation’.

Now think about it, what is the cornerstone of the novel’s “Creation”? "

"The protagonist of the story," Wonder Woman murmured.

"You mean, the story of Superman and Superman is the protagonist and main plot of our universe?" Bateman asked in surprise.

"Obviously, he is." Harley reminded: "When the tuning fork was broken, I said that the multiverse restart was a mixed bag.

Afterwards, Dachao and I chased Old Superman to Earth-2. There were streets, cars, stalls, trees, flowers and plants, but no people.

Just because the story only has a blank piece of paper and the story has not been written yet.

The reason why Superman split into phantom Superman can be seen as the author's different ideas when conceiving the plot.

For example, if he plans to write a story about Superman, he will think about how old Superman is, what his skin color is, what kind of family environment he has, and what opportunities he will encounter in the future. Every choice he makes is a new timeline, and The new timeline represents a new parallel universe. "

Under the strange gazes of his companions, Da Chao sneered and said, "Isn't that too exaggerated? I think Harley is more like the protagonist. Even civilizations outside the Milky Way want you to be the 'Galaxy Admiral'."

And in every major crisis, you play a leadership role. "

Harley shook her head and said, "I won't be the protagonist. Even if I were to do it, I would only be the 'author'. Or the author's immediate boss, the editor-in-chief."

"Why is Superman the protagonist?" Bateman asked.

"Is it possible that you think you should be the protagonist?" Harley asked.

"No matter who plays the protagonist, I have no objection and it will not affect my life. Now, I am just discussing this issue." Bateman said.

Harley guessed: "Perhaps Superman represents a special power, chosen by the origin of the universe as the basic force to build the universe.

Just like us humans building houses, if we plan to build a wooden house, we will naturally choose wood as the main material.

If you plan to build an ordinary brick house, red bricks and blue tiles are the best materials.

If you build a modern skyscraper, you must choose reinforced concrete and glass walls.

Now the origin of the universe is going to cover it. Tell me, what does Superman represent? "

"Hope, I hope to bring 'hope' to everyone." Dachao said immediately.

Neptune said slowly: "There is also justice, mercy, and kindness."

Harley nodded, "Just think of Superman as representing hope and justice. The origin of the universe wants to build a 'House of Hope and Justice'. If it doesn't choose Superboy, who will it choose?"

"What is the origin of the universe, and why does it build the 'House of Hope and Justice'?" Bateman frowned: "I'm not saying that hope and justice are bad, but it can be more neutral and neutral.

Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, only benevolent. "

Harley said: "Our universe is actually divided into three parts, and the three universe administrators correspond to the three areas.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths , we saw the antimatter universe.

The universe we live in now is called the "Light Multiverse", and it would be best if there is still a "Dark Multiverse" in the sixth dimension.

Since now is the time to restart the multiverse of light, the original consciousness of the universe must of course choose the characteristics of light as the ‘building material’. "

"Are all the villains in the Dark Multiverse?" Dachao frowned.

Harry shook his head and said: "What I am saying now are all inferences based on the vague information obtained from the Hand of Creation, and there are many uncertain guesses in it.

In particular, the sixth dimension belongs to the Creator’s space and is extremely mysterious. I don’t know much about it. "

"Ten billions of years ago, when the Martus people observed the hand of creation causing the universe to restart, there was no Superman." Bateman said.

"Superman is just a representative of hope and justice, and each era may have different representatives. No matter how much the little blue man stretches his hips now, it cannot be denied that over the past billions of years, the Green Lantern Corps has maintained peace in the universe to a certain extent." Ha. Li said.

Bateman said: "I don't deny the contribution of the little blue people to the universe, but they are not pure enough."

"Superman is pure?" Harley asked.

Dachao's face turned red, "Although I always pursue pure justice."

"That's a fair statement. Although you can't do it, you have been pursuing it." Harley nodded.

Da Chao was choked hard.

But he couldn't refute it.

During this crisis, both he and Old Superman made mistakes that were difficult to clean up, and Superboy degenerated into a super villain and was the mastermind of the crisis.

"Since Superman is not pure enough, why did the origin of the universe choose him?" Wonder Woman said.

"Well, they were probably set off by other people, like the little blue men. Their disgusting behavior can add up to a big basket, but to be honest, they are the least bad in this universe." Harley sighed.

Wonder Woman puffed up her cheeks and muttered, "I think I'm very pure and not bad at all."

Harley praised: "Keep this spirit, with the current rate of degradation of the 'Superman' brand, the future universe will not be able to choose you as the cornerstone."

It's a pity that her encouragement to Wonder Woman cannot represent the attitudes of other heroes.

"Diana, you still don't think it's wrong to kill a person who has lost his resistance?"

Bateman frowned, Dachao frowned, and the other giants of the hero organization frowned, with disappointment rising in their eyes.

Wonder Woman pursed her lips, her eyes and tone firm, "If I had it to do over again, I would break his neck."

The atmosphere of unity, harmony, and harmony that was originally created by working together to fight against the enemy and save the world suddenly dropped in temperature.

It's like a frozen watermelon just taken out of the refrigerator and dropped to the ground.

It split into several petals from a whole body, and cold air continued to spread.

After calming down, they bitterly discovered that the cracks in the "Hero's Sin" had not disappeared, but were only temporarily hidden. Just after the crisis passed, it reappeared and seemed to be expanding.

Dinah took note of everyone's reactions.

As the temporary "talker of Zhenglian", she felt anxious and embarrassed.

"Harry, what do you think?"

Harley waved her hand to interrupt her and said: "Before I held the hand of creation, I would have given you advice. Now I find that I think it is useless. You should stick to what you think."

"What do we think?" Dinah was confused.

"Well, didn't I suggest the 'professionalization of heroes' earlier? You think superheroes should adhere to absolute purity. Now I find that I was wrong, and you are right." Harley sighed.

"Why?" The heroes looked surprised. Harley changed her mind and even admitted her mistake. The sun came out from the west?

"Because I discovered that the 'justice' of this universe is an unchangeable absolute value——"

Speaking of this, Harley suddenly thought of old Louise who was in desperate need of "justice" to extend her life.

"Clark, old Kent, I almost forgot to tell you that I found the soul of your wife Louise."

She shouted to the old Superman in the corner who had been immersed in his own gray world.

"Whoosh!" Harry felt a red light flash in front of his eyes, and then his shoulders were tightly grasped, and the golden film with 108 points of defense strength was almost crushed.

"Harry, are you kidding me? Where is Louise? Tell me quickly. I want to see her."

What caught his eye was the old Superman's face, which was glowing red with excitement and distorted.

It was as if he suddenly transformed from an extinct volcano into an exploding supernova.

"Don't be excited." Harley held up the defensive golden film and pushed the old Superman two steps away. "Old Louise somehow merged with the Heroes' Paradise, which is equivalent to becoming its...Have you ever seen the City Spirit? No? She is a bit like a regional spirit or heavenly spirit who has been canonized by the earth god."

The old Superman didn't know the city spirit, but that didn't stop him from being ecstatic that his wife was still "alive."

"Great, I'll go back to Heroes' Paradise now - by the way, the universe has been restarted, so heaven should be restarted too, right?"

"Not yet." Harley shook her head and said: "Louise is the spirit of the old paradise, but the old paradise has been smashed by you. If it is restarted directly, Louise will be wiped out with the remains of heaven.

But don’t worry, I am now the contractor of the ‘Heroes Paradise Reconstruction Project’.

Regarding the work of rebuilding paradise, I have already thought of several sets of "design plans" to ensure that old Louise can revive the dead tree, return from death, and become the soul of a new paradise again. "

The old Superman was confused and asked, "Where is she now?"

"In the ruins of old heaven." Harley pointed to her temple, "It's also in my mind."

"Her soul is in your sea of ​​consciousness?"

"No, she exists in my mind as a concept."

Everyone looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"It involves the knowledge of the sixth dimension of creation. I don't understand it very well myself, let alone how to explain it clearly." Harley gave up the entanglement and said simply: "Anyway, our purpose is just to save Louise. When the time comes, you will Just do as I say and place Louise in the new paradise.”

"What can we do?" Dachao asked.

"Give me the 'justice' in your hearts, and I will use them as bricks to build a world of pure justice, which is the new Heroes' Paradise." Harley said.

"Justice is just a concept, how can I give it to you? Can we tell you our own ideas of justice to change your mind?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"Justice is indeed just a concept in the material world, but don't old Louise and the ruins of paradise also exist in the form of concepts in my sea of ​​consciousness? I will guide your will into the sixth dimension and make the concepts substantive."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly." Old Superman said urgently.

Harley raised her chin toward the front window of the airship, "Now that we've arrived on Earth, the mess of the secret society is still waiting for you to clean up.

In the process of dealing with affairs related to secret societies, you'd better re-examine your own sense of justice.

Only firm belief and united will can ensure the quality of 'justice' and make the hero's paradise stronger.

You certainly don’t want the impurities in your righteousness to stain heaven again and make old Louise seriously ill and dying, right? "

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