I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 133 Forgotten Bar

The gardener asked Harley to hide for a day before returning to the world's number one fighting arena.

One day was enough for him to carry the "Ice Old Wizard" and run away.

But in fact, around ten o'clock in the morning, police cars surrounded the mayor's mansion.

To Harley's disappointment, she waited at home for two days and still didn't see the "black silk heroine" named Zatanna.

"The archmage who is proficient in 'irony magic' is named Giovanni Zatara. He is one of the most powerful mage in recent decades.

His daughter Zatanna Zatara is also incredibly talented and is said to have awakened her magic power at the age of three.

Among the current generation of young people, probably only your Brooklyn kid, Nikola ‘Supernova’, can rival her.

It can be said that Zatara and his daughter are the top figures in the magic world, and many major events that determine the fate of the world are waiting for them to deal with.

Although you are famous, it is difficult for you to get the attention of real big shots. "Frankenstein said disapprovingly.

Well, before the beauty in black stockings could wait, the ugliest man in the world came over.

Really ugly.

It's like sewing a layer of human skin on the head of an orangutan. The big eyes are always open with anger, the mouth is big and square, and there is a bunch of ridiculous black hair on the top of the head. There are traces of stitches everywhere on the skin, and there are even nails under the temples. A rivet as thick as a finger.

A complete monster.

He was just going through the motions this time to let the wizards see that she was being investigated.

Harry frowned and said, "It seems that the 'heroes' in the magic world are also paying close attention to the giant beast incident?"

"Of course, the wizard group and the giant beast are the biggest news in the supernatural world right now, and they even determine the direction of the future world.

Didn't you have a conflict with the Crusaders?

The coming of the Crusader Son is not a big secret in the magic world, but do you know the purpose of the coming of the Holy Son? "

Harley really knows this.

"Because of a prophecy, the sacred elemental life and ordinary humans give birth to a child. He will calm the elemental chaos caused by the fusion of the universe and the awakening of the giant beast."

"Have you ever dealt with the Great Demon of Hell?"

Frankenstein stared at Harley with his big eyes.

"Why do you say that?" Harley asked strangely.

"More than ten years ago, on the plain deep in hell, a stone tablet was raised, with a prophecy written on it - on the winter solstice (the day of the birth of Christ), nature will combine with the supernatural to usher in childbirth, and the 'child' will have The power to heal this land.

So, prophetic sayings come from hell.

Heaven and the Crusaders will only talk about following the Lord’s arrangements and never mention prophecies. "

The green-skinned monster stared at her and said angrily: "So, you must have seen the big devil."

"How did you know that?" Harley asked.

"The Frankenstein you heard in bedtime storybooks when you were a child is me. I have lived for hundreds of years and have many non-human companions and friends." Frankenstein said.

"I'm a black magician. Isn't it normal to deal with demons from hell?" Harley said lightly.

"If you are completely depraved, I will cut you in two." The green monster patted the sword on his waist and warned: "It is forged with hell iron essence and calcined by hell fire, so it can swallow evil spirits."

"Don't worry, my soul is holy enough to go to heaven." Harry waved his hand and asked: "As for the Zatara father and daughter, are they loners or do they belong to some magical organization?"

"It's not a formal organization, just a small circle composed of top wizards. They often deal with magical incidents that threaten the security of the world."

Harley looked complicated and said: "This is not the first time I have heard of the name Zatara. There is a 'Zatara Magic Theater' in Crime Alley in the New City, which was once Park Street. They should be the same person, right? "

Others use magic disguised as magic to deceive the world, but it is better for them to play magic in public under the banner of magicians.

Fortunately, she had sworn to brag to Bruce before - she could tell at a glance that Zatara's magic was fake.

Magic is indeed fake, people use real magic.

"It's them, but I suggest you not to disturb the personal life of the great magician easily. The magician has a weird temper, and you have a bad reputation." Frankenstein said.

"I know it well." Harley nodded and asked curiously: "How many of those apprentices died, and how were the rest dealt with?"

"Twenty-five of them died. Those who are younger and have no criminal record will be let go directly after a warning.

Those whose names are on the wanted list are immediately put in jail.

Those who have no criminal record will probably be detained for a few months, not more than three years. "

Harry was surprised: "This punishment is too light."

"Alas, regarding religious freedom in the United States, even if they loudly shout, 'The beast is God,' and then organize rallies and meetings, there is not a single law that can convict them.

Except for Didier, the lich Fulun and the more than ten black mages who were ambushing around the church were all killed by my sword in two parts, and their souls were forever trapped in the demon-killing sword.

But baby theft has nothing to do with the apprentices, unless they are allowed to make Avanti.

We cannot just watch crimes happen just to arrest them. "Frankenstein said helplessly.

Thinking of the many cult incidents in the United States, Harley fell silent.

Such as the infamous "Jonestown Incident".

Pastor Jones brought believers together openly and built an "ideal paradise" Jonestown.

The government knew what he was doing, but had almost nothing to do with him. They could only investigate him under the pretext of "whether believers were forced to come to Jonestown."

How tough and crazy is Pastor Jones?

He established his own "Crusader", arrested the congressmen who came to investigate, and then led more than a thousand believers to massacre

Frankenstein continued: “More importantly, the White House and the Pentagon have absolutely no interest in giant beasts, covens, hell, or the balance of the elements.

Their demands are very simple: social stability and no riots.

Arrest those who are guilty, and pretend that they don't exist if they are not guilty.

In short, don't let bad things from the supernatural world interfere with their national affairs.

There is no distinction between black and white in the magical world.

Even the Archmage Zatara often deals with demons, alien creatures, and black mages, and he himself is proficient in black magic.

Only God knows whether he has secretly tested Avanti.

For example, his good friend Sargon the wizard is like a bastard who has done more evil than Didier's old lich.

They are in conflict now just because they have different ideas.

Of course, Zatara and other archmages respect the law and life more. "

"There is no absolute sense of good and evil. There is no Ministry of Magic and Aurors in Harry Potter. There is no regulatory authority in the wizarding world to judge the apprentices who attended the assembly that night, so..."

Shaking his head, the green man looked at Harley, who looked blank, and comforted: "You don't have to worry too much, the Shadow Bureau is also a huge force in the supernatural world.

Those black mages with a higher level of danger will be specially monitored by agents. "

The Shadow Bureau agents came to the fighting arena to investigate, and unexpectedly alarmed Old Kamai.

Prince Jimmy was killed and he remained silent, but as soon as Frankenstein left, the old man called her and asked her to go to the manor.

"Harry, I won't ask you what you did. I'll just give you a piece of advice based on my decades of experience - black magic can be used as a weapon, but don't be completely addicted to it, let alone let those bad things happen. It affects the family business.”

Old Kamai was in good spirits, with no dark circles under his eyes or fatigue.

Harry listened with both ears and accepted the teaching "humbly" before wondering: "Jimmy is dead, do you have any strategies to deal with it? Or, hold another family meeting?"

The old godfather smiled lightly and said: "I really want to know what she will do next. Besides, Jimmy has his own family, and his revenge should be avenged by his successor.

As for the family meeting, unless others take the initiative, I will not interfere in this matter for the time being. "

Do you want to sit back and watch the fight, or do you really not care about Fish's trump card?

Or maybe the old man was dissatisfied with his integrity and cursed, but in his heart he was more and more appreciative of Fish's courage.

Already regard her as the heir?

This is not impossible.

There are only a dozen people in the family. Harry is too inexperienced and not even familiar with the family members, so he was eliminated first.

Sass has no ambition, so he is eliminated second.

The Italian gang was incompetent and could only rest on their laurels. They were secretly despised by the old godfather. Even the tragic death of "Jimmy Boy" could not move him.

Gotham's local gang always looks to Fish for guidance.

Harley put herself into the role of the old godfather, and suddenly found that besides Fish, there was really no second more suitable successor.

The double undercover Penguin was subconsciously ignored by her.

"Shit, Rebecca, why are you here?"

As soon as she rode her motorcycle back to the dock fighting arena, Harley saw Wu Huo leaning against the window, talking and laughing with Ivy at the ticket office, and they were having a happy chat.

"Why can't you come here?" Seeing Harley holding the helmet, Rebecca's eyes lit up. She quickly came over, looked her up and down, and said, "I felt relieved when I saw that you were fine. The magic was out of control that day. I don’t want to either.”

Harley said hello to Ivy, who was looking around, and took the red-haired witch to the office on the second floor.

"Are you okay? You seemed to have been hit several times during the magic competition with Zatanna that day."

Rebecca smiled awkwardly, "My magic power is simply out of control and my consciousness is confused. How can I compare with Zatanna.

Originally, I was indeed seriously injured, but then Zatanna just said "recover from injury", and all the dozens of injured people on the scene were jumping to life. "

The admiration and awe on Wu Huo's face was as obvious as a fly on a white porcelain plate.

"A magician's magic power is borrowed, and there will always be a price to pay." Harry seemed to have a pickle in his mouth.

"Hey, do you really believe the lies of the evil dark wizard? Magic is magic, just like talent, it is something you are born with.

They just want to make us believe in the Lord of the Fall through intimidation, but in fact they are all lies. "Rebecca waved her hands and said disapprovingly.

"From your tone, it sounds like you have been recruited by a well-known and upright hero?" Harley asked curiously.

Rebecca was stunned for a moment before she understood what she meant.

"Yes, Zatanna thought I was extremely talented, so she introduced me to the 'Sisters of the Skillful Hand'." She said excitedly.

"Sisters of the Skillful Hand, sounds like a female mage organization?" Harley's eyes lit up and she asked tentatively: "Can you also introduce me to the person in charge?"

"I'm just here to take you into the club." Rebecca took a step forward, grabbed Harley's hands, and said apologetically: "You saved my life, but I was a little ignorant at the time. Thank you!"

Harley's hands were grabbed, a little embarrassed, but also a little happy - although it was just casual at the time, at least he didn't save a white-eyed wolf.

"Where is the headquarters of the Sisters of the Skillful Hand? When should we go there?"

"There is no headquarters. It is just a mutual aid organization that helps novice witches hone their skills, just like a tennis club or a gun club in the real world."

Rebecca let go of Harley's hands, opened the office door, looked on both sides of the corridor, smiled and waved to Harley: "Follow me, let's go to the Forgotten Bar now, the sisterhood often gathers there."

"Where is the Forgotten Bar? Why did you run upstairs?"

Harley followed her, confused, to the third floor.

At the door of the accounting office, Rebecca stopped and said with a strange smile: "The Forgotten Bar is behind this door."

Harley stared at her with a dull face.

The sound of technicians discussing boxing odds behind the door could be heard in the corridor.

When Rebecca turned the handle and pushed open the door, Harry was stunned.

There was indeed a sound of voices, but it was not her little brother, but various tones and languages, noisy but not noisy.


"Bang!" The stainless steel tray fell to the ground, and the glass full of beer was scattered on the floor, but the girl didn't seem to notice, just staring blankly at Harley behind Rebecca.

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