At this time, the aura fluctuations of the Hands of Creation have subsided slightly. Kyle Rayner can see the two big hands with the naked eye, and others can also see clearly.

Even if its origin is unclear, anyone with long eyes can clearly see the situation on the battlefield.

After seeing the battlefield clearly and counting the losses, Chief Scientist Lann's mentality and reason immediately collapsed.

"Why is this happening? Why? Just a little bit closer. The Senagan front has collapsed and we are about to win."

Hearing his cries, Dinah couldn't help complaining: "I have been urging you to end the war and evacuate this galaxy. If you had listened, there would not be so many casualties now."

Although she was complaining, she felt even more sad when billions of people died at once, and her tone was filled with deep sadness.

When Sardas heard this, he wanted to regret it, but he really couldn't deceive himself.

Only when his brain is damaged and his IQ drops to a negative value, will he give up the great benefits at hand and choose a truce with Senagan. Therefore, he wants to regret but cannot.

He knew deeply that he would never agree to Dark Phoenix's suggestion at that time.

But he also really wanted to regret it: if only he could go back half an hour, he would definitely sell Black Phoenix a favor, evacuate the people first, let the Senagon fleet return to the Arctic system, and then "BOOOM", the giant hand exploded After losing their remaining military power, the Ranns returned to the Arctic system under the slogan of humanitarian relief, saying that they could not completely annex Senagon.

The more he thought about it, the more regretful he became, and the more regretful and unavailable he became, the more depressed he became.

Then when Alena exclaimed "Ah, father", Lann's chief scientist first blushed, then his head became hot and steamy, and then his body tilted and he fainted.

"Hey, Adam, what's wrong with you?" Dinah didn't care about Sadas' condition, but she screamed in surprise after seeing Adam being carried by Eagle Man.

Adam Qixia is like Mrs. Qi who failed in the palace battle.

The two lower legs were missing, and it seemed that even half of the butt drum and crotch had disappeared. The wound was covered with a layer of translucent hemostatic spray.

Similar to bandages on Earth, advanced interstellar civilizations are more technologically advanced and have improved the hemostatic bandage into a gel spray. Spray it on the wound and it will immediately solidify into a gel with bionic properties even in the space environment.

Only his right arm was intact, and a third of his left arm was missing from the elbow.

It was like being bitten off an elbow by a big mouth.

Adam Qixia was held in the arms of Eagle Man, holding his severed hand in his right hand. He was in good spirits - not that he was in good spirits, but in an excited state of extreme emotions such as sadness, grief, sorrow, and disbelief.

"I don't know what happened. I didn't even react when the accident happened, and I lost consciousness." Adam Qixia said sadly, and then raised his head to look at Hawkman who was holding him in his arms with a complicated expression.

"It was Carter who saved me. We were obviously fighting together, but when the danger came, he immediately spread his wings to block my vitals, preventing me from being shattered into a bloody mist like those space warriors."

Eagle Man sighed: "I also reacted subconsciously. At that time, endless light suddenly erupted on the battlefield. My crisis sense sensed it, and my body reacted immediately. Fortunately, the N metal barely blocked the shock wave."

Dinah only looked up and down at Hawkman for a moment, and realized that he was also covered in injuries, not as serious as Adam's, but worse than Kyle. He was almost covered in bruises, and most of the flesh and blood on his bones had disappeared.

The exposed white bones also have jagged signs of wear.

She thought of Adam's words again. The two were fighting to the death for their respective nations, but when the crisis came, Eagle Man still did not change his true nature as a righteous hero. Regardless of his own life and death, he subconsciously used his body to protect his companions from harm.

"Can Eagle Man's wings stop the aura impact of the Hand of Creation?" Kyle, like Dinah, sighed in his heart, and then focused on Eagle Man's wings, "The shock wave is very strange, like The shock wave shattered my internal organs, but it also had the property of annihilating all matter and energy."

As he spoke, he looked around. When the hand of creation came, the Senagon people were collapsing and running frantically outside the Arctic system. They were not directly affected by the power of creation, but there were many people within the killing range.

At this time, there were many hawks and hawks flying out, dragging their bloody bodies.

Not sure how many of them died, but the survival rate must be higher than Lann's, much higher.

Then Kyle thought of himself. He was also closer to the creation hands and did not die immediately because he was strong enough.

However, the individual strength of the Yingmen is far stronger than that of the Lann people.

With a strong body and soul, coupled with N metal equipment, it is normal for the Yingren to have a high survival rate.

"That is the hand of creation, and the aura of creation should be like this." Dinah said.

"Those two hands are the hands of creation?" Eagle Man asked in shock.

"You didn't recognize it? Dinah said it was very similar to the hand of creation described by Harley, which was seen at the origin of time in Crisis on Infinite Earths," Kyle said.

Hawkman has experienced Crisis on Infinite Earths, and he also heard Harley describe the appearance and terrifying power of the hand of creation vividly like a cross talk, but he had never thought about it before.

Now that I think about it, that kind of annihilation energy and material properties are really in line with what Harley said, "the power of creation can assimilate all energy."

"As expected of the hand of creation, the aftermath of his power destroyed the world and destroyed most of the military power of the would-be overlord of the galaxy.

But why does the hand of creation appear here? What does it mean when it appears in the material world? I have a vague feeling that the rules of the universe in this star field have been broken a lot. "Ying Xia said solemnly.

"That's what I was about to say." After hearing this, Dinah immediately nodded in agreement, "I knew nothing about laws or anything before, and I had no feeling at all.

But Harley helped me train the skills of space law resonance.

I'm not sure about the other laws. The moment the creation hands appeared, they tore apart the space laws of the Arctic Galaxy.

I guess that the space gate cannot be opened in this galaxy for the time being. "

"What is the Hand of Creation? What does it have to do with Harley? Why does it appear here? Why does it appear at this time, just after Harley left?"

Adam's voice gradually changed from confused and confused to filled with grief and indignation.

Dinah frowned and said, "What does this have to do with Harley? You can tell by the name. It is the hand of the God of Creation. No one can control it."

Just as she subconsciously defended Harry, she suddenly remembered something.

When Harley asked her to resonate with the laws of space, she not only said that the universe was about to undergo major changes, but also said that the center of the changes was likely to be the North Pole Galaxy, so she agreed to Adam Strange to come here to act as mediator.

And after killing Onima, she also wanted to return to Earth, but Harley stopped her, saying that the work here was not completed yet.

Does Harley really know about the Creation Hand? One of them seems to be her hand. Could it be that Harley secretly planned all this? No, the best she can do is sit back and watch this happen.

Dinah had so many things in her mind that she wanted to call and ask about Harley immediately.

On the other side, after she fell silent, Hawkman first looked at Adam's injuries, sighed, and then roughly told the story of the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

"I guess the universe is experiencing a restart crisis again." He finally said.

"You guessed it right, Alexander Kent is the mastermind behind the scenes, and he is accompanied by Old Superman and Superboy." Kyle paused for a moment. These were two names he didn't recognize but were definitely very strange. "They co-directed After all this, Superboy pushed the Rann Star to the North Star System, and artificially moved the stars to change the center of the universe.

Old Superman relied on his rich 'experience in being a Superman' to open Dachao's Fortress of Solitude, unlock the password, and steal the cosmic tuning fork hidden in the secret room."

"I contacted Hal through the Green Lantern Ring, and he told me this. Harley has led the Legion of Heroes to fight them.

It's been a fierce battle with two supermen on the other side, plus more than a thousand super villains, and we can't call Harley to support us for the time being. ” Kyle explained.

Eagle Man glanced at Adam Qixia and said hesitantly: "Although such an accident happened, the war is not over yet, Adam, look."

Adam Qixia's face looked uncertain for a while, and he was so disabled. How much say did he still have in Lann's senior management?

And he no longer cares about the war situation now.

"Carter, you still don't understand? My personal will cannot determine the direction of this war. You ask Dinah to contact the Rann Command."

After saying this, he looked at Dinah longingly, "Can my injuries be cured through holy healing?"

Dinah winked at Kyle first, hinting him to go to Sadas and convince Lann, who was mostly disabled, to agree to a truce with Senagon, who was mostly disabled.

Then she took Adam's body from Hawkman, took out her phone, scanned his injuries, and asked the watchdog the same question.

"A holy healing spell with one merit point cannot cure this kind of injury. To fully recover, it will take at least a million merit points of 'life regeneration'."

This answer, conveyed by the watchdog, actually comes from the voice of heaven.

Therefore, there is absolute guarantee in terms of authority.

"Millions of meritorious deeds." Adam Qixia looked ugly and remained silent. He only glanced at Dinah with a look of expectation from time to time.

Dinah looked troubled.

Under normal circumstances, she, who was once only a B-level hero, would never be able to accumulate a million meritorious deeds in her lifetime.

But during the Rebellion in Paradise, Harley gave big red envelopes to many heroes, especially those who praised her a little. Many of them received million-dollar merit awards, including her and Oliver.

Oliver is the contractor, and he is the one who contracted the project in Hallina to "please the Lord of Heaven". Although his strength is not strong, his achievements are at the highest level.

The same goes for Dinah, who opened the "Hero Couple Store" with him.

But that was all a long time ago.

In the past few years, she has spent a lot of money to treat illnesses and injuries during the battle, as well as to buy insurance for her family to clear her sins after her death. She only has more than 400,000 merits left on her body. If she adds Oliver's savings, it is barely enough to treat Adam's injuries. , but why?

Even within the Justice League, there are strict requirements for paying merit for the injuries of teammates: first, they must be injured while fighting for a just cause; second, the merit required for treatment is shared among all members.

For example, during a certain battle, Dinah and Eagle Man went on a mission together, and Eagle Man was injured. Dinah spent 1,000 merit points to ask the Voice of Heaven for emergency treatment. When they returned to the Hall of Justice, the Zhenglian giants distributed 1,000 merit points equally to each Zhenglian hero. The 1,000 points, minus the merit points that Dinah should have paid, had to be returned to her.

It is not shared equally, but the hero's ability and annual income level will be taken into consideration.

For example, Superman has the strongest ability, but his ability is not suitable for finding demons, and his share is not as good as Zatanna's. But if there is a special year when hell is lifted and the devil comes out, his income will crush his companions, and his "taxes" will also crush his companions.

This is definitely not completely fair and just.

The strong earn more, but are less injured; the weak earn less, but often need holy healing to heal their wounds.

But they are all heroes who adhere to the ideal of justice. "The strong helps the weak and the strong leads the weak" is their philosophy.

Anyway, the "Zhenglian Meritorious Mutual Aid Plan" has been running for several years and has never had any problems.

But now the problem arises. Adam Qixia was injured for Lann's overlord cause. It does not apply to the "mutual aid plan" and cannot be reimbursed with public funds.

If he had merit of several thousand or tens of thousands, Dinah would definitely help him without asking for anything in return.

It can be millions.

She could only suppress the embarrassment in her heart, ignore Adam Qixia's gaze, and pretend to know nothing.

"Hey, what are the Lann Space Force doing?"

She did not deliberately change the topic, but she looked around, and then discovered that there was a new change in the interstellar battlefield. Thousands of surviving Lann Alliance fleets were actually arranged in an arc formation, slowly approaching the center of the creation's hands.

"Kyle, what did you tell the Lann people? They didn't cease the war immediately, but instead wanted to attack the Hand of Creation? Are you crazy?!"

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