I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1288 The hand of creation appears for the third time in history, the hand of creation

A system that is in a stable operating state is difficult to change.

For example, if a company is in good operating condition, profitable, and has no pressure to survive, generally speaking, its employees and business model will rarely change significantly.

If the company is enlarged to a country, as long as it is not in troubled times, it is almost impossible to "rebuild the country".

Since ancient times, no dynasty has ended in true peace and prosperity.

If a country is enlarged into the multiverse, under normal operation, the universe is very stable and will not restart.

On the other hand, if the system becomes unstable, will it be easy to restart?

If a company suffers losses, or its products lose competitiveness, and face the pressure of being eliminated by competitors, no matter how mediocre the boss is, he will take the initiative to seek changes.

The arrival of troubled times means that the country encounters problems that are difficult to solve, and the troubled times will inevitably end, a new dynasty will be established, and the new dynasty will definitely be different from the old dynasty.

The same is true when zooming into the universe. As long as a certain structure of the universe becomes unstable, there will be a chance to restart.

As the "successor" of the Monitor, Alexander Kent understands this truth very well.

So he asked Superboy to use his body of steel to change the "center of gravity" of the universe through artificial star movement.

When the material and energy structure of the universe changes, he can seize the opportunity to restart the multiverse for the third time.

Well, this is already the third time. The first time was billions of years ago, when the little blue man observed the hand of creation and split the only universe into multiverses.

The second time was during Crisis on Infinite Earths, when Harley struggled with the Hand of Creation to collapse the multiverse into a single universe.

This is the third time that the only universe that has completed the "system" update is once again split into a multiverse of all "new systems".

It's just that Alexander ignored one thing, or maybe he didn't care at all: restarting the single universe is different from restarting the multiverse.

When restarting a single universe, it often only needs to start changing at a certain point in time, without affecting the "reality" before this point in time, and without touching the place where time originated.

For example, when Hal Jordan triggered the "Zero Hour Crisis" that day and restarted the universe, Harley opened up her authority and allowed all participants to change their lives that had been distorted in the Crisis on Infinite Earths to a limited extent.

That point in time was during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Time is like a line, Crisis on Infinite Earths is a point on the timeline, and change only occurs after the point.

Another example is DC's classic "Flashpoint" reboot, which is when Barry the Flash goes back in time and changes the history of his mother being killed by the Reverse Flash, causing the entire reality to be distorted.

History is like a straight steel wire that was artificially bent at the point of Barry's mother's death, and then the general direction of the steel wire completely changed.

The above restarts of the single universe have not affected the reality before the "change point", and naturally cannot affect the earlier origin of time.

The multiverse reboot is different.

It is based on the current only universe and creates a complete timeline from scratch.

A complete timeline is "0 hour when the universe opens - 1 year of the cosmic calendar - 1 million years - 10 billion years - Crisis on Infinite Earths - Zero Time Crisis - Now". To restart the single universe, you only need to start from "Infinite Earths" If the point of "crisis" changes and the multiverse is restarted, it will start from "0 hour".

Herein lies the problem.

"0 hour" is the origin point of time. At that time, Papetua was rubbing the universe with his big hands and creating the world!

For some powerful beings, mentioning his name will immediately attract his attention; for some more powerful beings, even if they only indirectly touch the afterimage left by him, it will trigger an unbearable terrifying reaction.

Such as now.

Alexander Kent asked Superboy to attack the Rann Star. While the Senagan female spy was using the Omega teleportation ray on the Rann Star, he fished in troubled waters and changed its destination to the North Pole System (ps) for two purposes: to expand The battle for galactic supremacy distracts the energy of the Lanterns and the heroes of Earth. This is one of them. Secondly, the North Pole Galaxy is the most important link in the "Change of Focus" plan, which can be called the last piece of dominoes.

The moment he activated the tuning fork of the universe and began to restart the multiverse, the "0 time point" was touched, and the "Hand of Creation" at the origin of time was observed, and one after another time starting from the "0 time point" Lines are created, and these timelines correspond to the newly born parallel universes.

But the "Hand of Creation" is not a stone or wood sculpture, it comes from the "highest and supreme" God of Creation, who is almost "seven stories high".

Even if you keep looking at a "big brother in society", he may be angry, slap you in the face, and yell at you, "What are you looking at? If you look at me again, I'll kill you!"

The God of Creation is much more arrogant than the "big brother in society".

Putting aside the personal emotions of the God of Creation, if you observe His hand, you will form at least a "sight channel" between you and the "Hand of Creation", and through this channel, you can see it and its breath. It will also be vented into the real world.


When Alexander activated the tuning fork, a horrific explosion occurred on the battlefield in the Arctic Galaxy.

There is no "cosmic nuclear bomb", and there is no "Secret Killer Weapon of the Senagans". The so-called explosion is just the projection of the hand of creation appearing here, and then emitting a wave-like aura.

"My dear, those are just two hands, there is no explosion."

Dinah was the first to see its true face.

She was also the first person to recover from the Divine Explosion.

At this time, just ten seconds had passed since the explosion. Others on the battlefield, either because of their close distance, were directly transformed into space fireworks along with thousands of galaxy battleships in the explosion.

Either he was strong and far away, and he was injured and fainted.

Or he is not injured, but is dizzy, with distorted light in his field of vision, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Dinah not only saw it clearly, but she also had nothing to do with it, no scratches or dizziness.

"Kyle, did you see it? Two people appeared in the middle of the battlefield - God, Kyle~~ don't die!"

Kyle Rayna and she were both a little too close to the center of the battlefield.

Where the fighting is fiercest, there are more wounded soldiers.

Dinah was wearing the "Golden Body of the God of War", nothing happened, she just felt like she was knocked upside down by the storm, but Kyle felt like he had been beaten seven or forty-nine times by a seven-injury punch that only hurt the organs and not the flesh, and then was beaten again. The dragon-slaying knife was thrust into his heart.

His Green Lantern uniform has almost faded away from his body. Foamy purple-black blood is pouring out of his mouth, nostrils, and even his ears and eye sockets. A ribbon-shaped green lantern energy is sprayed from his chest, and the energy floats towards his two big hands.

Strangely enough, when Dinah came to him, she didn't do any first aid. She just picked him up and patted his face with her hands. The flow of green light energy on his chest stopped.

Although his Qiqiao was still bleeding, he groaned and woke up.

"Kyle, how do you feel? Is the green light ring out of energy? The uniform on your body seems to - well, the green light no longer flashes, and the uniform is stable again, strange." Dinah was surprised.

"My light ring will never run out of energy"

Because Harley has always heard that the Little Blue Man is a black-hearted person. It was clearly the central energy battery that Hal repaired. When the Little Blue Man returned, his authority was restricted, and even the yellow defect appeared again, which indirectly caused the destruction of Beach City.

When Kyle reestablished the Green Lantern Corps as the Torchbearer, he deliberately paid attention to it. In the process of reforging the Central Power Battery with his own lamp furnace (his lamp furnace came from the fragments of the Central Energy Battery), he created the lamp for his own lamp. The ring has locked up one permission: no need for a lamp, no need for recharging, always unlimited energy, and all permissions belong to him.

The "2814 Sector Light Ring" that once belonged to Hal and now belongs to Kyle is now completely a "Supreme Ring".

"Ahem." Kyle coughed a few times, used the green light energy to barely stabilize the injury, and then asked blankly: "What happened?"

"I don't know. Look, two giant hands appeared there. They came from an unknown space, tore through the dimensional barrier, and came to the real universe. They are still tearing the space apart, like a person locked in a cell. Put your hand into the crack of the door and pull it to both sides."

Dinah frowned and added: "Those two hands should belong to two different women. One hand has long nails and sharp tips, like claws, and the other hand is delicate and delicate."

"I can't see anything, the light is too strong and too dazzling - uh - "

Kyle turned his head to look, only to feel that his eyes hit a dense nail board, which hurt sharply. But when he struggled to get up, his head felt heavy again, as if he had received seven more seven-wounding punches. Purple-black blood sprayed out from his mouth again, and a green light energy ribbon was drawn out of his chest again.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Dinah quickly supported him, and then his symptoms disappeared again.

"It's the Golden Body of the God of War on me." Dinah lowered her head and looked thoughtful. The Golden Body of the God of War looked like a three-meter-tall "Susa", and its defense range was not limited to itself.

As soon as Kyle struggled just now, he left the defensive range of the Golden Body of the God of War.

Earlier, she was in the same position as him, and there were many star battleships and space warriors around them. Kyle was on the verge of death, but she didn't even break the oily skin. The others were even worse, some even had no scum left, and some Only a few corpses were left, and all the battleships exploded.

"Do you think those two hands are the hands of creation?" Dinah asked.

"What hand of creation?"

"It was during Crisis on Infinite Earths, when we were at the origin of time - well, you were not a Green Lantern at that time." Dinah realized halfway through that, Kyle had never experienced Crisis on Infinite Earths at all.

Then, while pulling Kyle away from the giant hand, she quickly explained what happened that year.

"Did you see the hand of creation at that time?" Kyle asked.

If she had seen it, she shouldn't have hesitated.

Dinah shook her head, "Except for Harley, even the Anti-Monitors dare not go to the real starting point of time and face the true hand of creation.

But Harley later described its appearance to us. The fingers were slender, with sharp tips, and the nails were long and sharp, like claws. They were exactly the same as that hand. "

"Moreover, if it is the Hand of Creation, it also explains why it destroyed the nearby star fleet with just the fluctuation of its breath, and almost killed a strong person like you." Dinah said.

About another quarter of an hour passed, and the aftermath finally dissipated. Kyle, who came to the edge of the battlefield, could also see the two hands.

One of them is exactly what Dinah described, like a claw, but it exudes a supreme aura that cannot be blasphemed.

When he saw the two hands clearly, he also saw the current situation of the battlefield. To describe it in one word, it was miserable; in two words, it was extremely miserable.

Compared with the vastness of the earth, a person is as small as sand; the earth is as small as gravel to the sun; the sun is as small as a grain of sand to the solar system.

The Arctic Galaxy is ten times larger than the Solar System.

But before, human fleets and warriors filled the starry sky, making people feel that the Arctic Galaxy was crowded.

Now the Arctic Galaxy is empty again.

The "starry sky carpet" composed of space soldiers and battleships has not completely disappeared, only a large piece of space is empty in the middle, and there are still a large number of remnants on the periphery.

"God, how many people died this time? Millions, tens of millions, or over 100 million?" Kyle said with a trembling voice.

Dinah swallowed, "The dozen or so major civilized countries in Rann's camp even have reserve forces. Adding the main force and reserve forces, the number exceeds three billion."

"Lan's done," Kyle muttered.

"Oh, no~~~" Through the communication earbuds, they heard the shrill wail of Lann's chief scientist, "Why? We obviously won."

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