I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1286 The miserable little superman

Guy Gardner rubbed the neck that was broken by Superboy and healed by Harley's Holy Healing Technique. He gasped and said: "After receiving the news from Hal, we came to this area leading to Oa. The only way to go is to use green light energy to build a 'meteorite belt of willpower'.

Every meteorite is a manifestation of the Lantern's powerful will.

Superboy rushed into it, and as expected, he was like a fish caught in a fishing net, his speed immediately slowed down. "

Harry curled his lips, "Are you sure he was a fish caught in a fishing net?"

Guy Gardner mocked himself: "We had the home advantage and surrounded the big shark caught in the white striper's fishing net, but we couldn't even touch his shadow.

He is cruel and ruthless, not like a 'Superman' at all.

Smashing with fists, breathing with ice, and using thermonuclear rays, the attack methods are not complicated, but the attack process is dazzling and overwhelming.

I didn't even react, my neck was already pinched by him.

Probably because I came from the earth, he killed me last and pinched my neck and taunted me coldly.

Later, two supermen rushed over and knocked him away. The three of them struggled into a ball and disappeared into the distance. My throat was broken and I couldn't breathe. I was dizzy and was affected by the aftermath of their collision. I fainted. Finally, you It's coming. "

Harry glanced at the two of them. Hal was still supporting Guy Gardner, and the nearby starry sky was still full of broken corpses.

"I must catch up immediately. You can stay here to deal with the bodies of these lanterns who died in the battle."

During the flight, she also used her mobile phone to send a message to Earth.

Three minutes later, Harley found three supermen three hundred thousand kilometers away.

They are intertwined like hungry beasts. If you punch me, I will give you a hug.

Their figures can still be barely seen, but the fists are so fast that they seem to disappear from their shoulders, and the afterimages are hard to catch.

Everyone's expressions were distorted because of too much exertion and too much pain.

And because they were excited, they kept shouting. Unfortunately, in the space environment, sound could not be transmitted, and the three supermen could not actively communicate mentally.

You can only feel the other person's emotions and will through close "communication" between flesh and blood.

Although the three of them interacted with each other, Big Chao and Lao Chao were obviously at a disadvantage. Both of them had bruises and swollen faces, and their faces were covered in blood. But Superboy...well, he also looked miserable, and his face looked like a bucket of concentrated sulfuric acid had been poured on it. .

That's not right. If concentrated sulfuric acid is poured on it, the skin and flesh will be burnt to a crisp. At this time, his skin and flesh are just eroded, not blackened, but showing the pink color of fresh flesh.

It looked even more ferocious.

But these injuries were all caused by Harley's previous work, and Da Chao and Lao Chao did not cause any substantial damage to him.

"Don't just hit him on the head and face, or smash his armor! Just like what you and Supergirl did during Crisis on Infinite Earths." Harley flew over and shouted.

"Harley Quinn?" When Superboy saw her, especially her bloody mouth, he couldn't help but flinch. He immediately calmed down from the violent killing mood, turned around and flew into the depths of the universe.

"Don't run!" Dachao wiped the blood from his face and was about to pursue him again.

"Stop chasing him." Harley stopped him and said strangely: "Now that we know his purpose, we can just wait and wait."

Dachao was stunned, "You mean, we are going to Oua now?"

"A few minutes ago, I sent a message to Ivy. She's almost here." Before Harley could finish her words, the space around her "popped", and a small silver airship, the Archimedes, jumped out. .

"Come up, everyone."

"Archimedes is indeed fast, but Superboy is also flying at super-light speed." Superboy said worriedly.

"It should be faster if we approach Oa directly from Limbo, and the Green Lantern Corps is not dead," Harley said.

——At least not all of them are dead yet. Only dozens of 3,600 lanterns have died, and the little blue men haven’t even appeared yet.

Harley was right.

The Green Lantern Corps simply cannot sit back and watch Superboy storm their headquarters.

Guy Gardner's group was just the advance team.

On the outskirts of the Oa star system, more than two thousand Green Lanterns formed an even larger "speed bump".

The Archimedes airship is indeed faster than Superboy. When it entered the material world from Limbo, Superboy had not yet arrived.

After the three of them got off the airship and exchanged a few words with Ganser, they "saw" the beam of red light coming from them.

Well, this time Ganser personally led the team, accompanied by 30 young and middle-aged little blue men who had "resurrected the second life".

In the super-light state, Superboy's flight trajectory was originally impossible to observe with the naked eye. It was the Green Lantern Corps' willpower speed bump that forced him out of super-light speed and reduced his speed to below sub-light speed, so they could see him.

"Buzz buzz!" 31 little blue men used telekinesis together, and 31 invisible big hands held Superboy tightly. More than a thousand Green Lanterns shot a beam of green light at him, and more than a thousand green light tools appeared in the coffin. Shaped restraints, binding him tightly.

"You can't stop me, I'm Superman!" Superboy is like Bolt running with a tire. Although he is carrying a heavy load, he still grits his teeth and moves forward hard.

The 31 little blue men, including Ganser, had pale faces, sweat on their foreheads, and their spiritual power was consumed rapidly.

"Crack, click, click!" The "binding coffin" embodied by the Green Lantern Corps cracked into cracks and was about to collapse before his eyes.

"One hundred Green Lanterns stopped maintaining the 'speed bump' and used green lantern energy to simulate red sunlight, covering Superboy's body. Lanterns with good skills can try to get the beam into his nostrils, mouth and other holes.

It can even be turned into fine needles and inserted into pores, eye sockets, and ears. ” shouted Harley.

The Green Lanterns looked at each other and hesitated for a while, and Gunther struggled to say: "Do as she says."

"Buzz buzz--" A beam of red light fell on Superboy.

Bolt, who was dragging a tire while running, was kicked into a half-meter-deep pool. He gritted his teeth and had a ferocious expression on his face. He still moved forward, but his speed was ten times slower.

But he was still struggling, the restraint coffin where the green lantern energy manifested was still cracking, and the little blue man's telepathy was weakening.

Superboys wearing anti-surveillance armor have unlimited energy, but they do not have unlimited spiritual power and willpower.

"Ahhhhh~~" Superboy yelled violently, "The armor can provide me with endless power. No one can trap me. I will kill all of you."

"Divide another hundred Lanterns out and use green lantern energy to simulate yellow sunlight." Harley looked back and forth on the faces of Old Superman and Big Super.

The old Superman is getting stronger and stronger, but there is a trace of sadness and dejection in his eyes that cannot be removed, and his energy is not as good as before.

And Louise, Dachao’s spiritual support, is not dead yet

"Pave a path of light between Superman and Superboy."

This time there was no need for Ganser to give an order, and more than a hundred lanterns immediately followed his instructions.

Then she sent a mental message to Superboy alone: ​​"Destroy the armor on Superboy. Without that armor, the crisis will be resolved immediately.

Well, think about Louise.

If Superboy succeeds, you will be like the old Superman, holding Lois's body and looking up and howling in agony.

Try to simulate that scene in your mind. The metropolis is littered with dead bodies. Your familiar colleagues, friends, and citizens all fell at your feet with dead eyes in their eyes. But in your arms is Louise’s head, her whole body. His body was blown apart by Superboy, and your son Jonathan only had half a small head left. His only remaining eye was filled with fear and complaints, complaining that you were not strong enough to break Superboy's armor with one blow.

By the way, there’s Martha, she—”

"Stop talking, ah ah ah~~~~" The scene was too cruel. Dachao thought about it for a moment, and then he became angry. His already muscular body felt like he was being penetrated. He put on the inflator and was squeezed hard by a pair of invisible hands. The fleshy lumps on his arms and chest swelled visibly.

"Whoosh!" He rushed into the Green Lantern Corps to pave the "path of glory" for him. His intuition and energy were unlimited, and his speed and strength also exceeded the limits.

"Boom - click click click." The green light restraint coffin on Superboy exploded into fine crystal powder, and the anti-surveillance armor on his chest cracked into cracks, and finally the pieces fell off, revealing the "S" on his chest.

"No, it's impossible, you can't, my armor." He shook his head in disbelief and murmured in despair: "I want to go home. Martha, Jonathan, and Laurie (his girlfriend) are still waiting for me. Only I can save them. Multiverse.

The world is a mess and I am the only one who can make it right.

Destruction is its best choice. Its destruction can bring about the rebirth of the multiverse. After completing all this, I will become the greatest hero and the only Superman. "

"If you think so, you will never become Superman." Big Chao's orifices were glowing with golden light, and he grabbed Superboy's uniform with his big hands. "You know nothing about what Superman represents."

"Stab it!" He tightened his palms and tore off the "S" symbol representing "Superman" from Superboy's body.

"Ada!" Superboy was still in a daze when Harley yelled, jumped out from behind Superboy, raised a mace to his head and hit him on the head.

The mace is a blood-killing stick covered with "nails" of gastric acid mist on the surface. The strong corrosiveness and the huge force can almost scrape off a layer of hair stuck to the scalp.

"Ouch!" Xiaochao, who was completely disfigured, howled miserably. He covered his head with both hands, and the yellow juice after digestion of blood and flesh flowed down between his fingers, which was very oozing.

But Harley still refused to let him go. She kept shouting "Ada Ada" and swung the stick one after another, landing on the back of his hands, neck, and chest. When the old Superman and Big Super reacted, they rushed to stop him. Superman's face and chest were completely covered with skin, and his bones were even exposed.

Some of the bones also showed signs of erosion.

Just like a wax figure melted a small part, probably less than ten kilograms of "wax juice".

"Do you know how many people he killed? If a villain like this is not killed immediately, what hope is there of surviving?" Harley suppressed the anger in her chest and shouted at the two supermen.

Her blood-killing stick was snatched away by Superboy, who also pulled her arm hard and pulled her away from the wailing Superboy.

However, the Green Lantern Corps and the Little Blue Man reacted quickly and immediately put Superboy in the restraint coffin, leaving only his head howling outside.

"He has lost the ability to resist. We cannot cross the bottom line, otherwise there will be no difference between us and him." Dachao said earnestly.

"He lost the ability to resist because two thousand Green Lantern Corps and dozens of Guardians restrained him tightly. How long can this state last? When he escapes and causes thousands more killings, will you be responsible?" Harley questioned.

"The Green Lantern Corps has the ability to prevent him from ever escaping." Gunther suddenly said.

Harley turned her head and looked at him with squinted eyes, "You mean, you don't support the death penalty either?"

"There is no death penalty for the Green Lantern Corps."

Harley's mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and she "looked" at the experience jar. Superman alone provided her with nearly 140% of the experience.

After the experience is wiped out, it can be restored as long as he causes trouble.

The greater the impact on the DC universe, the more it can leverage the source, and the faster the experience can be restored.

"Since the Green Lantern Corps is willing to assume the responsibility of guarding Superboy, I have nothing to say. You can judge him according to your 'Hero Code'."

——When Superboy breaks out of prison and bloodbaths the entire Green Lantern Corps, 80% of the total experience will be restored. This will not hurt her. Anyway, it is the little blue man and Oa who are unlucky, not the earth.

When the atmosphere of "Ding Jingle Bell" was awkward, Harley's cell phone rang. When she took it out, she saw that it was Dinah, the Dark Phoenix.

"Harry, no, a giant hand suddenly appeared in the North Pole Galaxy. It seems to be the creation hand of the Creator - but I think it is a bit similar to your hand. In short, come here quickly, it will kill Lan as soon as it appears. Enxing and the nearby fleets are all crushed.

The aftermath is still spreading to the surrounding areas. Many planets have been affected, and billions of people have died. It’s so miserable. "

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