I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1280 Restart again

"Heroes' Paradise has recorded all your actions over the years. I have seen all the unjust deeds you have done!" Old Superman shouted excitedly to the heroes: "You have betrayed the heroic concept of justice, distorted the will of others, and erased The memories of his teammates are simply heartbreaking and outrageous.

After Superman knew what his teammates had done, he remained indifferent. Aquaman and Cyborg even secretly encouraged the evil.

Wonder Woman obviously didn't have to kill, but she still chose to kill.

Maybe you had many reasons and many last resorts at the time, but as the leader of the Justice League, you should bear responsibilities and demands that ordinary heroes cannot bear. "

After criticizing the Zhenglian giant, he glanced at the other heroes, "And you, when you chose to put on your uniform and become a superhero, didn't you hold the belief of selfless dedication to the people and society?

But now, your heroic career has become a routine part of checking in at work, and you are more commonly seen on various TV shows and celebrity parties.

Each of you has endorsements, advertising and promotions, and almost all of you are millionaires.

Some heroes don't even want to go to cities with low commercial value, and want to gather in big cities like Gotham, Metropolis, and Los Angeles.

The total number of heroes in one state in the middle of the United States is not as large as a block in the metropolis, but the metropolis has already broken up the city, so what are you doing there?

What's even more outrageous is that some superheroes are completely in the style of superstars. I don't know how to cultivate my moral character, and get into a scandal, but I don't know how to repent. I only buy hot searches, hire public relations, and suppress negative news.

They did such a thing, but the Justice League, the leader of superheroes, did nothing and did nothing.

You have the responsibility to set a benchmark and guide other heroes onto the right path! "

Dachao's face turned red and he was ashamed.

He had heard the story of Earth 2.

On Earth 2, the first generation of superheroes was the Justice Society, while the Justice Society was the second generation of heroes. The Justice Society did exactly what the old Superman said, setting an example, passing on the torch, and admonishing future generations.

The other heroes also had awkward expressions, their faces were hot and their eyes were wandering.

Especially those who get endorsements and buy hot searches.

"Ahem, old Superman, times have changed." The heroes were silent and bowed their heads in shame. Harley could only do it by herself. "Take ordinary people as an example. In the past, they ate from a big pot and worked overtime in a big factory. That was called serving the people. Now 996, it is to accumulate wealth for the capitalists who "can't wait to be rich for thirty generations".

The lifestyle of ordinary people determines the structure and thinking of today's society.

In this era where everyone cares about money, you ask the hero to endure hardships, be willing to live in poverty, and risk his life to work all his life. As a result, he has no savings, his son cannot afford a car or a house, his beautiful girlfriend is stolen by the second generation of rich people, and his daughter wants to pay for a high price. Due to college tuition and high consumption in big cities, spending time with an old man in a nightclub is simply a human tragedy.

Nowadays, the endorsement fees of heroes do not occupy the social resources of ordinary people.

Their personas are stronger than superstars who are high-flying and messy, and they can deliver positive energy to society and solve their own quality of life problems. Don't they get the best of both worlds?

Even if you don't agree with it, there is no reason to criticize this lifestyle. "

Many heroes nodded: Harley, a modern person, understands them! The old Superman's outdated "principles of justice" are no longer suitable for this era.

Just thinking of this, some heroes with keen minds were suddenly stunned: If they agree with the concept that "old heroic ideas are not suitable for this era", doesn't it mean that they agree with Harley's "hero reform"? this.

"Harley, stop arguing with old Superman. Alexander Kent is controlling the tuning fork to change the universe." Arthur, the king of the sea, anxiously transmitted a message to Harley through the power of life connection.

"Don't worry, I know it well." Harley replied casually, and continued to ask the old superman: "Have you ever had your wife killed? Has your wife ever been raped by a super villain?"

The old Superman, whose wife is critically ill and on the verge of death, has exposed veins on his forehead, his expression is slightly distorted, and his fists are clenched tightly, "Harley, are you insulting my wife?"

"Oh, I just said one thing, but you can't help it anymore? You want to hit me? Come on, hit me!" Harley stretched her neck and handed over her face.

Da Chao beside her couldn't help it and wanted to go up and punch her.

But the old Superman took a deep breath, not only held back, but also quickly regained his composure and looked at her coldly.

The sneer on Harley's face did not change, "You can't stand it just by being said. The telescopic man really killed my wife, and my wife was raped by the villain in the most humiliating way."

Even after her death, this humiliation not only did not disappear, but also continued to increase with the fermentation of Dr. Guang's incident.

To be honest, I'm a little lucky right now that Su went to heaven early and doesn't have to endure this kind of humiliation in the human world. "

Old Superman sighed, "Even if-"

"Don't tell me that even if you didn't kill your wife and your wife wasn't raped, then you have no right to criticize the person involved in this matter.

Your feelings are only based on your cognition and imagination, but the seven people personally participated in that nightmare process.

To put it bluntly, your condescending and gesticulating attitude is even more inappropriate.

Even the heinous Dr. Light knows that his actions can greatly irritate the superheroes on the scene and drive them crazy, but you ask the heroes to "be patient and persevere". You are simply worse than Dr. Light.

Dr. Light can at least understand the pain and anger of the heroes, but you cannot and are unwilling to understand. "

Having said this, Harley simply turned around, stretched out her hand and nodded on the heads of the heroes, "And you, I didn't want to say it at first, after all, I am not a superhero, and I have no qualifications or reason to interfere with your internal affairs.

But because of such nonsense, even the old Superman in Hero Paradise has turned black, and I can't help it anymore. "

The old Superman felt depressed and wanted to retort loudly: You are the degenerates, I have not turned evil!

But Harley didn't stop giving him a chance to speak, "You are just human beings, not saints.

When you receive endorsements or participate in TV shows and you make a lot of money, you don't hold yourself to the standards of a sage.

When your companions were raped because of their friends, and the criminal's attitude was extremely bad and arrogant, and he reacted as a normal person should, you stood up and spoke righteously, saying that the reason why superheroes are superheroes is Because when they face choices, they will firmly stick to the bottom line of justice.

Could it be that this kind of double-standard behavior also falls within the ‘bottom line of justice’? "

As the only remaining "unorthodox" superhero giant, the old Flash felt that he should stand up and express his position on behalf of the heroes who opposed the actions of the "Seven": "Harley, if we only distort Dr. Light's will, we can actually do it too." understand.

But after deleting the memories of their companions, they became even more unscrupulous, using the same method on government officials, super villains, and even some reporters. Even if they don't evaluate the right or wrong of this behavior, it is at least certain that they have crossed the line.

If Dr. Guang had obeyed the law honestly at that time, the seven people would never distort his will.

But many of the other people who later had their memories changed and their wills twisted were not as sinful as Dr. Light, and some would not even threaten the hero's family.

This means that the bottom line is being lowered step by step, and it is becoming less and less bottom line.

What we object to is this depraved behavior, not the simple Dr. Light incident. "

"Shit, Alexander Kent is starting the tuning fork! Harley, Jay, stop talking nonsense and do it." Seeing the change at the top of the tuning fork, Neptune shouted anxiously.

Harry glanced sideways and saw that the tuning fork had indeed been activated.

The tower vibrated slightly, and the golden arc shone.

At the top of the fork shape, Alexander Kent opened his arms, and vast sea-like scarlet energy spewed out of his body - the monitor's positive matter energy.

The energy flows along the two forks and pours into the tuning fork, becoming the driving force for its startup.

In fact, without looking at it with the naked eye, heroes with a slightly keener perception can clearly feel that the universe is undergoing some far-reaching changes.

And Harley still has a power that was taken away by the ghost. Now it is poured into the tuning fork along with the power of God. Her perception is more direct and accurate.

"It's too late, there's nothing you can do to stop it!" Another red light flashed, and another Superman appeared next to the old Superman. He had the same uniform and the same face as Superman, but he looked ten years younger.

"Harley Quinn, Alexander values ​​you very much. As long as you return to the material world, even your breathing will be monitored by me.

You discovered that the tuning fork was missing in the Fortress of Solitude, and you also speculated that 'Superman' could enter Superman's Fortress of Solitude silently, that Superman could push the stars in the universe to move faster than light, and even named a few of us."

He has the same eyebrows and voice as Superman, but the smile on Superboy's face reveals an "innocent" evil.

"You guessed it right, it was Clark (old Superman) who opened the Fortress of Solitude like his own home without triggering any alarms.

It was I who came to the Great Desert of Rann Star when the Senagan agents activated the omega rays, pushed it to fly to the North Pole System, and tore apart the Senagon Prime Star just in time.

Unfortunately, I heard all your guesses.

Alexander guessed your purpose when you gathered in large numbers at Quinn Manor.

Therefore, he made a prompt decision and immediately activated the cosmic tuning fork. Now that the energy has been injected, the outcome is destined. "

Harley looked him up and down and frowned: "What happened in the Heroes' Paradise? Or maybe the Heroes' Paradise is not worthy of its name, but is actually a sinful paradise, and the evil inside is always eroding the souls of the 'heroes'?"

Forget it, Alexander was a bad guy to begin with.

You two supermen are symbols of justice and light, why have you fallen? "

"You are the ones who have fallen!" Alexander Kent, who had been silent all this time, spoke, his voice booming, like God's judgment on the human world: "Your sinful behavior has stained the 'righteous will' of more than the universe, and the hero's paradise is the embodiment of the righteous will. .

Once you, who represent justice, become corrupted and fall, the righteous will of the universe will be contaminated by evil, and the glory and holiness of the Heroes' Paradise will also dim and disappear. "

"You mean, the Heroes' Paradise is broken? What is righteous will?" Harley asked in surprise.

"It is everyone's belief and persistence in justice, and it is a vane that justice overpowers evil. When the superhero who represents justice loses his bottom line, justice is not there, evil thrives, and heaven falls." Alexander said seriously.

"It's because you are not good at your craftsmanship. There was a flaw in the construction project of heaven, and heaven turned into a devil's cave, but you put the blame on the heroes on earth." Harley said sarcastically.

Alexander said lightly: "You can mock me, but you can't deny the belief of countless heroes who shed their lives and blood in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

It was they who saved the current universe with their lives, and it was their belief in justice that created the hero's paradise and set the standards for heroes. "

"Boom - click!" The "sky" above the tuning fork tore open, and purple, red, and golden energy lightning poured out. The universe seemed to be roaring, and an ominous premonition was pressing on everyone's hearts like a substance.

They had an inexplicable feeling that the universe had changed.

"Harry, stop talking nonsense with him. Destroy the tuning fork immediately before the accident happens. They have fewer people and we have more people. We have the advantage." Neptune urged again.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time. It's better to explain some things clearly." Harley waved her hand.

"Harley, something is changing in the universe." Dachao said seriously.

"Isn't it just a restart? It's happened so many times before, why are you still nervous?" Harley's disapproving expression and casual attitude confused the two "fallen" supermen opposite who looked nervous.

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