I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1268 Their respective plans

The day after Kyle Rayner arrived in the Arctic Galaxy, the couple Hawkman and Hawkgirl were also picked up by Adam Strange.

Using Zeta light waves, they flew back to the earth in a whoosh, called Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and with another whoosh, the three of them arrived at Lann Planet, where the war was red in the starry sky.

"Harley, I have a plan to end the war."

"Stop it, don't fight anymore." Adam Qixia had just connected to Harley's communication channel. He only had time to say a word when the devil's brainwashing shout came from the other side.

This remark to break up a fight was quite normal and there was nothing unusual about it.

But it has been ringing through the Arctic system for four days and nights, non-stop.

In order not to miss useful information, ships flying in the universe and space soldiers on the battlefield generally do not close public channels.

Then they listened to it over and over until their skulls nearly split.

They were so tortured that every time they encountered Harley or Dinah holding up the "Golden Defense Shield" on the battlefield, no matter whether they were Senagan or Lann, whether they were the party being blocked from attacking, or whether they had been Those who have been saved by their "Golden Defense Shield" will vent their firepower on them.

But the more they behave like this, the more Harley wants to torture them with "magic sounds". It's best to make them hate her more than the enemies on the opposite side, and focus fire on her when they encounter her.

Well, Harley has already considered replacing "Stop fighting" with "Stop it, you bastards."

Does this seem to attract more hatred?

"Harley, listen to me. Stop first. I have a plan to end the war." Adam Qixia endured the brain-piercing demonic sound and shouted louder.

"I am the mediator and I cannot listen to your plan." Harley finally reacted and changed to a "quiet" private channel.

"Why? As a mediator, don't you want to end the war?" Adam Qixia asked strangely.

"You clearly stand on the side of the Lann people, and your plan must be the most beneficial to the Lann people. If I follow your plan, wouldn't I violate my responsibility as mediator?" Harley said.

"Listen to me first. If you think it's unfair to Senagan, you don't have to participate." Adam Qixia said helplessly.

"Okay, you say."

Adam Qixia said seriously: "Not all Senagans are cruel and warlike. There are many Senagans who love peace and hate this war just like us."

Just hearing these words, Harley wanted to "hang up the phone." Oh, before hanging up, she spat at him and then raised her middle finger.

But Harley has not forgotten her identity after all: she is not a Senagan, and there is no need to bring in the emotions that a Senagan should have.

"According to the information detected by the Lann Intelligence Section, Rosif, the Speaker of the Senagan High Council, is currently being held in Lannaga City Prison by the Grand Commander.

The reason is that he led members of Parliament in opposing the launch of a full-scale war at this time.

To put it simply, he is a scientific peacemaker who is more rational and cares more about the well-being of the people.

That he was imprisoned not only proved his attitude towards the war, but also showed that he had huge influence among the soldiers and civilians of Senagon.

In fact, Speaker Rosoff is well-known throughout the galaxy and is a respected and honest elder.

Unlike Grand Commander Varnod, who has a fanatical belief in the Seven Demons, his ideas are more 'modern' and he has also publicly proposed to ban the spread of the Seven Demons cult in Senagon.

I firmly believe that as long as he can regain his freedom and regain power, there will be complete peace in the Arctic galaxy. "

Harley knew exactly what he meant.

"So, you plan to rescue the honest elder to form a puppet regime and compete with the commander? Disintegrate Senagan's war potential from within, and ultimately help the Lann people win this galactic hegemony?"

Adam Qixia's expression was distorted and he shouted: "It means that, but when the words come out of your mouth, the taste completely changes."

Harry stopped taunting him and asked directly: "What do you want me to do for you?"

"It's not about helping me, it's about helping all the suffering people involved in the Rann-Senagon war."

"Can such nonsense fool me? Be direct." Harley said impatiently.

Adam Qixia said nonchalantly: "You are the mediator, or a galactic admiral with high prestige in the universe. If Speaker Rosoff regains his freedom, if I can get your public recognition, peace will be easier to come."

Is this asking her to recognize the "Rosov pseudo-regime" in the name of Admiral of the Galaxy?

Harley refused: "Unless more than half of the Senagan people support him, I will not regard him as the leader of Senagan civilization."

"Don't you want to end the war? In just three or four days, 8 million Rann people died, 40 million were injured, and 5 billion people were affected.

If no changes are made, the next war will only become more intense and cruel.

And you and Dinah have been doing useless work. No matter how many attacks you block, it will still fall on the warriors of both sides next time. "Adam Qixia said excitedly.

Dinah, who was also in the communication band, was unhappy, "If we hadn't blocked the Star Destroyer cannon attack in outer space, Planet Lann would have been exploded long ago, and then not millions of people would die, but billions!

Moreover, many of those wounded soldiers who lost their combat effectiveness and were floating in space were saved by us. "

"I'm sorry, I was too anxious, but what you did was just put a Band-Aid on the critically ill injured. You couldn't even treat the symptoms, not to mention the root cause." Adam Qixia sighed.

"I just don't guarantee the puppet regime you created, and I'm not against your actions. Why are you so excited?" Harley said.

"But your approval can convince more hesitant Senagan soldiers and civilians." Adam Qixia said.

"Haha, you think highly of me. Now when they face my attempts to stop the fight, they just start firing without saying a word."

Although he did not receive Harley's guarantee, Adam Strange's "Puppet Regime Action" did not stop.

Both Hawkman and Hawkgirl were taken to Lann, and the Chancellor's rescue plan was imperative!

Thousands of years ago, Eagle Man and Eagle Girl were famous heroes in Senagon. They were very prestigious in the army and knew many of the senior leaders of Senagon today. Because N metal guarantees that the memory of reincarnation will not disappear, even if it is a relationship dozens of lives ago, it will still be effective in this generation.

For example, the secretary of the Speaker of the High Council, Shayena, a dashing red-haired beauty warrior, is an old friend of Hawkman.

Rann secret command center.

"I know which room the Speaker is locked in, and I also know the layout of the prison. But because I know the prison very well, I am 100% sure that it is almost impossible to enter by force, unless..."

Shayena raised her head and glanced at the sky. She seemed to see the "immortal" figure on the battlefield filled with flames, and heard the head-splitting "Stop, all of you, stop fighting."

"Unless you have the help of Witch Harley!" She said with admiration: "As expected of the thick-skinned god of war, the Lann and Senagan camps have used thousands of weapons in the past few days, including high temperature and high radiation, extreme low temperature, and All kinds of toxins, venoms, interstellar viruses and parasites are all ineffective against her.

No matter what level of defense force Lannaga Prison has prepared, with her here, we will be on equal footing. "

Yingnan shook his head and said: "Most of the time I ask her to do a small favor, it's not a big problem, she's not stingy.

But when it comes to her principles of life, it will be difficult to get her to change her decision unless she is bribed with extremely high benefits. "

"Does the Speaker's friendship count?" Shayena asked.

"Unless the Speaker is a powerful supreme being, or a demon king with abundant magic power."

A tall woman with light orange skin walked slowly towards a few people and said remotely: "I know your plan and I can help you!"

"Blackfire? Why are you here?"

"Are you Cormandel?"

"Queen of Tamaran!"

Several people on Earth called out different names, but they were all equally shocked.

"Don't be surprised, Queen Tamaran is our ally now." Sadas beside Blackfire said with a smile.

"What's going on? Tamaran is Senagon's traditional ally, and it has declared war on us before." Adam Qixia asked in surprise.

His wife Alaina was more direct, "Father, be careful of fraud! You should not have brought her to our secret command center, let alone see her in person."

"There is no doubt that the Queen is our friend now." After a pause, Sadas added: "She has proven her determination to form an alliance with us with facts."

"What fact?" Alaina asked doubtfully.

Sadas smiled and pointed at the red-haired Hawkgirl.

Shayena said with a complex expression: "She killed the great commander's envoy, an archbishop of the Seven Demons Cult, and also saved me by the way."

"When did this happen?"

"After the Speaker was imprisoned, I was also arrested. The Archbishop planned to use me as a sacrifice in the alliance ceremony with the Tamarans.

Let Onyma witness the blood alliance between the two parties.

So, he took the envoy and I to meet the Tamarans, but the Queen of Tamarin brazenly attacked him from behind, and the Senagang envoy on the scene was also slaughtered by the Tamarans."

Most of the wariness on the faces of these people immediately dissipated. After killing the Archbishop of the Seven Demons Cult, there would be no way to look back.

"Why did you change your mind? In recent thousands of years, Tamaran has been an ally of Senagan." Adam Qixia asked doubtfully.

"When Tamaran was destroyed thirty years ago, Senagon did nothing." Blackfire glanced at Sadas and said: "And I am the queen of Tamaran. For the overall interests of the nation, we cannot stand on the same side. The loser’s side.”

"Why do you think Senagan will definitely fail? They are attacking very fiercely now, and Lann does not have the absolute upper hand." Adam Qixia asked.

Not only did Lan not gain the upper hand, they were almost blinded.

Lann's technology is indeed advanced, but outside of Zeta Light Wave, they cannot absolutely crush it with technology.

Their physical fitness is comparable to that of the people on earth, but Senagan has an average "Eagle Man" per capita, with average attributes of 50+ and above. Everyone carries N-metal equipment that is immune to most magic and almost all energy rays.

What's even more frightening is that the Yingren warriors are not afraid of death. Even after they die, they can be reborn with their memories. Are you afraid?

The Lann people are much weaker than Senagan in terms of morale and combat effectiveness.

The reason why we are now able to win 50-50 is simply because Rann has occupied the "right time" - Senagang's main star was exploded, and the battlefield was also in Senagang's home system. Most of the refugees fell on Rann's star, and the main fleet did not dare to let go.

If the war situation had not gradually turned against their side, the Lann people would not have made plans for Speaker Senagan.

"Do you know the Seven Demons?" Blackfire asked.

"They are evil demon gods believed by the Senagon people. They use evil soul magic and like to devour the souls of living people." Adam Qixia said.

Blackfire shook his head, glanced at Sadas where the old god was, and said: "You should ask your old father-in-law why he must let you go to Earth to find Harley Quinn as your mediator."

Adam Qixia looked at Sadas in surprise, "Isn't it because of his identity as Galaxy Admiral?"

Blackfire sneered: "In the material universe, the Galaxy Admiral is not as effective as the Green Lantern Corps. Look at the battlefield outside, her hoarse voice of persuading people to fight spread across the starry sky, who pays attention to her?

Even if she has a chance to establish supreme authority, your father-in-law will not let her succeed. The Green Lantern Corps has just been driven away, how can she establish another 'authority'? "

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl frowned: Lann doesn't seem to be a good bird either!

Adam Qixia murmured: "Why?"

"Because the Seven Demons were almost killed by the Witch Harley, Onyma slipped through the net, and the hatred between her and her is irresolvable and irreconcilable.

So, you get it? Onyma's followers are naturally her enemies!

You are the enemy of Witch Harley and you still want to win? Darkseid didn't dare to think so easily. "

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