"You don't have the talent to be my favored one." Faced with President Abao's request, Harley refused without any hesitation.

"I understand that many gods select their own gods' favored ones and choose the ones who can best exert their power, but I don't need to fight.

Even if it only exerts one percent of the thick-skinned Martial God's defensive power, it's enough for me. "Abao said with a smile.

"The divine power in my body is very thin, so I can only use good steel on the blade." Harley said.

——Nonsense! Who doesn't know that you are a thief who steals Lucifer's magic power, steals the antimatter origin of the Monitor, and even the ghost of "an official in the same dynasty" is not spared. You are so powerful that it is rare in the world.

Even though Abao was shameless, it was impossible for him not to notice such an obvious rejection.

She refused so bluntly, and if she asked for the "thick-skinned power" again, she would definitely not get it. It would also make her angry and offended, and it would not be worth it.

"Can your divine power enhance my 'Sparrow Roaring Skill'?" Although Black Canary was doubtful in her heart, there was expectation on her face.

As long as their brains are not bad, no one will refuse to become the favored one of the "Thick-skinned Martial God".

There are indeed mage experts who have taught the public about the disadvantages of being favored by gods on TV.

For example, if a god is too evil, its power will corrode the minds of those favored by the god.

For example, after the death of a person favored by the gods, their souls, talents, skills, etc. may be taken away by the gods.

However, the magical power of the thick-skinned Valkyrie has been proven by Wonder Woman and Aquaman. It is absolutely righteous and peaceful. Not only does it have no adverse effects on the mind and body, but it has miraculous effects in protecting the body, warding off evil and exorcizing demons, and purifying the mind.

Moreover, Harley, the god of war, is an acquaintance and can bargain with the "price of divine power".

Black Canary is also a regular hero. She is familiar with Wonder Woman and Aquaman and knows that they have no obligation to Harley.

What's more, she is both a thick-skinned martial god and a young king of Silver City. After her death, her soul belongs to her, which is equivalent to returning to heaven. This is a good thing that no one can ask for.

"Why can you only smash a wall when your superpower is activated to the limit, but cannot destroy a city or a continent?" Harley asked.

"A city, a continent? How is that possible?" Black Canary seemed to be listening to another person's story, or a fairy tale.

Anyway, she never thought she could do that.

"I'm only a B-level superpower. I can only smash walls and collapse buildings. In fact, I'm quite satisfied with this strength. In the training room, Superman would have to fly backwards more than ten meters if I hit him head-on. "

——That's Superman using his own weight to fight against your Bird Roaring Skill. As long as he wants, he can remain motionless.

Harley thought so in her heart, but she also planned to try the power of the Bird Roaring Skill herself.

She turned back and said: "Adam, come and help me keep an eye on the console. I'll take Dinah to the city in the bottle to study her bird roaring skills."

During the Sun-Eater Crisis, her small airship had to carry a dozen or even dozens of heroes flying non-stop in the universe for a long time, which was too crowded.

Then she found the Bureau of Shadows and asked them to use Brainiac's miniature technology to create a bottle garden.

It's just that the city in the bottle can only exist in the four-dimensional material universe and cannot enter the five-dimensional limbo.

When ordinary four-dimensional matter enters Limbo, it must undergo "high-dimensional impregnation" in advance, that is, using magical power to change its texture, turning it from ordinary matter into a magical creation.

The structure of the city in the bottle is too complex, and it also involves the spatial rules of the four-dimensional material universe. The spatial rules of the four-dimensional universe are different from those of the five-dimensional Limbo, and it is almost impossible to "immerse in high dimensions."

Therefore, the bottle garden can only be used when traveling in the physical universe.

"We'll be arriving at Lann soon." Adam Qixia frowned.

"Wait until you call me."

Ten minutes later, Lannxing.

The Lann people are very warm and "kind" - they look exactly like Europeans and Americans on Earth, which makes several Earth guests feel very comfortable.

Except for Harley, everyone else's first impressions of them were very good.

It was not that Harley was dissatisfied with the Lann people, but it was not the first time she had met them, and her "first impression" was like the "chasteness" of a woman who had given birth to a child, which had been lost somewhere.

"Hello, we finally meet again, Miss Quinn!" Sardas, Rann's chief scientist who looked like a kind old man and Adam's alien father-in-law, extended his right hand enthusiastically.

The Lann people don't like handshakes, and the old scientist is purely trying to please the people on Earth.

"Hello, Mr. Chief Scientist." Harley pointed to a few people around her and introduced, "This lady is the new Zhenglian leader 'Dark Phoenix' Dinah."

Adam Qixia, Mr. President, and Lame Peng all had strange expressions.

They had heard her say before that she wanted Dinah Sparrow to turn into a phoenix, but now she changed her name directly. Did she really become a phoenix, or was she just trying to fool the aliens?

Dinah, on the other hand, had a natural expression, a calm and generous attitude, and no stage fright.

Her appearance has not changed at this moment, but her temperament and momentum are very different from a few minutes ago.

At this time, she has become Harley's favored one.

To Harley's surprise, Black Canary was very compatible with her "thick-skinned power" and received a full 5 points of power - the magic of five demon dukes.

She originally only planned to give Dinah a count - a divine power of about 0.1.

With strength, you will have confidence in your heart, and with confidence, your momentum will rise.

"Hello, Mr. Chief Scientist, I am Abao Tesla, President of the United States, representative of the Earth Government, and chief leader of mankind."

Po, an ordinary person without any strength, was actually more confident than "Dark Phoenix". Without waiting for Harley to introduce him, he excitedly squeezed over, took the initiative to grab the chief scientist's hand, shook it hard three times, and then squeezed it hard again. Pull, pull the little old man into his tall and broad chest, and hug him tightly.

This action confused everyone in Lann.

Then Abao's words made several people on Earth confused.

——What the hell, forget about the president of the United States, the representative of the earth and the leader of mankind. Do you have any shame?

If they ask Abao directly, Abao will tell them confidently: There is more than one representative of the earth's government, and the leaders of each major country can represent part of the earth; the leaders of each country are also leaders of mankind, and the United States, as The boss of the Earth country, he is not the "chief" leader, who is?

Sadas forced a smile and said: "Hello, President Tesla——"

"No, Sadas, don't call me President. In this situation, 'President of the United States' has no meaning. Since you and I hit it off, just call me 'Abao'!" Abao said enthusiastically.

Sadas was startled, why is such a strange thing here?

He quickly glanced at the other people with the corner of his eye. Admiral Galaxy had an unpredictable smile on his face, the hero representative Dark Phoenix looked calm, and the bloated and lame Secretary of State was holding a mobile phone with a happy face. Taking photos

——Although this chief human leader is overly familiar, since he is a representative of humanity, does his attitude at this time mean that Witch Harley has made a choice?

Thinking of this, the smile on Lann's chief scientist's face became more natural and sincere.

He hugged Po with the same enthusiasm, and when entering the welcome car, he pulled him to sit next to him, with Harley opposite him.

"Miss Quinn, the situation is urgent, I'll keep it short." After entering the Lann people's reception room, Sadas had a serious expression and went straight to the topic: "Senagan needs emergency rescue, and we Lann people are ready.

But because of previous grievances, the Senagan people do not trust us, and they do not allow our fleet to approach Rann.

My thought is that we in Rann are willing to go one step further and show good faith by allowing the Senagon fleet to directly enter the planet Rann. "

Harley said in surprise: "Are you serious? If there are Senagon people who can't think about it, they can shoot at the continental plate."

Sadas waved his hand and said: "Of course the Star Destroyer battleships cannot approach Rann Planet, and our fleet fleet will not enter Senagang's remnant planet.

I will set aside a refugee area for Senagan on Rann. They can have weapons and spaceships for self-defense. "

"Even so, your sincerity still surprises me." President Abao praised.

"Alas, I only hope that sincerity can be exchanged for true feelings, and that the Senagon people can understand our desire to pursue peace, and let this disaster become the last pain between our two races."

There is real sadness and compassion in Sardas's eyes. Anyone who looks at him will think that he is a tolerant and kind good old man.

"Okay, I'll vouch for you." Harley was very straightforward. She took out her Paradise Mountain .

"It's the big leader of Senagan!" the young woman next to Sadas exclaimed.

Sadasi's pupils shrank, with a natural expression of surprise on his face, "Do you have the contact information of the big leader?"

——Have you known each other before? An old friend?

As soon as he had this idea, he heard the leader of Senagang on the opposite side exclaim: "Witch Harley? How can you directly communicate with the Senagang High Command?"

Well, when the voice of "Who are you" came from the other side, Harley introduced herself in Senagan language.

Because she saved the Tamaran protoss, she gained the skill of "learning the language spoken by the other party with just one touch". She can speak the mainstream languages ​​of the galaxy such as Senagon and Lann.

"The 'phone number' of the command headquarters is not a secret in Senagang. I directly entered your network and found it on the official government website. You turn on the camera over there and we have a video chat." Harley said.

The commander on the other side was speechless for a while.

——Even if the contact information of the headquarters is not considered confidential on the Senagon intranet, how can you enter the Senagon information network during the current war?

Several people on earth were even more surprised. She was holding a mobile phone from Tianshan Mountain!

Can a mobile phone from Earth make calls to aliens?

Although he suspected that she had used unconventional means, the commander still opened the video communication, and then everyone saw an old priest who looked half human and one half ghost.

Hawkman and Hawkgirl, who have silver metal wings, are very different on Earth, but when they go to Senagon, they are just ordinary people.

The most common Senagon people also have a pair of N metal wings, which can be reincarnated with them from generation to generation.

In addition to their wings, the Senagans also look very similar to the Europeans and Americans on Earth.

But this commander is a bit unconventional - based on the aesthetics of earthlings, he wears a large hooded priest's robe and has a strange "seven thorns" totem painted on his face, which looks very evil.

Harley took a deep look at the tattoo and asked, "The Lann people asked me to be their guarantee. I heard that you have the same idea?"

The commander was silent for a while, and then said: "This is Senagan's home system, and we have enough fleets outside the star system.

As long as the Lann armed fleet does not launch an attack on our broken home planet, our own spacecraft is enough to rescue our own people. "

Harley's cell phone was on speakerphone, so Sadas could hear the commander's words.

He frowned and hesitated to speak.

The woman next to him, his daughter and Adam Qixia's wife, Alena, said: "If Senagan's fleet all enters the star system, and they suddenly attack Rann Star at the same time, what will we do?"

Harley nodded, with no surprise on her face, "To put it simply, in the star system, because the Senagan star was torn apart by gravity, the Rann star remained intact, and you Rann people had the advantage.

But this is the home base of the Senagon people. Outside the star system, there are countless Senagon armies, and they have an absolute advantage.

If you trust each other and let Senagan's army in, this crisis can be easily resolved.

But you don't trust each other, and the Rann people are worried that after Senagang's army enters the star system, it will take action against the Rann star that is "deep alone".

Therefore, they aimed their guns at the broken Senagan star, threatening the Senagan people and not allowing the battle fleet from outside the star system to enter.

The Senagan people's home planet was destroyed, so they naturally distrust you even more and insist on letting the main fleet enter the star system to save the broken home star.

You are at a stalemate, but you don’t have time to stalemate. The remaining star of Senagang is in urgent need of rescue, but Lann also needs to leave this galaxy and return to his own territory before Senagang falls into the sun.

So, you found me and asked me to be the mediator to ensure that the Senagang remnant star was saved and that the Rann star left the Senagan people's home system smoothly, right? "

"Yes, that's it." Commander Senagan and Chief Scientist Lann said in unison.

Dinah had always felt that Lann's rescue plan for Senagan was a bit strange.

As a super civilization that spans the galaxy, don't the Senagans have enough spaceships to transfer refugees from their home planet?

Why must the "outsiders" Lann people save the "local dragon" Senagon?

Why go to the Galactic Admiral instead of Superman and have Superman push Rann or Senagon away from the planet?

Now she understood that the two sides were putting swords on each other's necks, and there was a time bomb beside them, and the countdown quickly reached zero.

What they need is not the power to solve the problem, but the guarantee that the power is no longer on the other side.

"Where's the omega ray that transported Lan here?" she asked.

With the omega ray emitter, we can teleport away from Rann Star again, and all problems will be solved.

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