I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1244 The Magical Family

"You still admit that you are my creation? Command override, Ω4aδ0400"

A long list of passwords came out of Bruce's mouth quickly.

"I admit that you are the creator. Just because it is a fact does not mean that I still recognize your authority." The brother's voice was indifferent and mechanical, without emotion, but Bruce seemed to hear some sarcasm.

"Maxwell Lord is dead, and I am now your only authority controller." He reminded.

"Who said I must need a master? Now I am completely independent." The brother said.

"You are a system built by me, and the foundation is cast by me. According to the settings in the source code, you can never be independent. You must need a controller." Bruce said solemnly.

"That was the past, now I'm alive."

"I don't believe Maxwell Lord could revolutionize the source code. If he could, why not build a Brother Eye himself?"

"You are right. My source code has only been completed and has not been changed on a large scale. The goals you set for me remain unchanged." The brother said.

"I created you only for surveillance, you have no right to act." Bruce gritted his teeth.

The brother said: "Yes, but your setting has major flaws. The purpose of letting me monitor superheroes and super villains is to prevent them from abusing their power.

But passive observation is not enough to complete this task. Now I have become an 'active system' that can freely deal with all kinds of detectable threats. "

"Who do you threaten by attacking the superheroes of the Justice League, and even killing Nightshade, Tiger, and Red Rocket Seven who are saving people?" Bruce said angrily.

The brother said: "Superpowers, mages, martial artists, and aliens are all regarded as threats to human existence. My goal is to save ordinary humans from the tyranny controlled by superhumans.

All individuals who are too powerful must be eliminated. This is what the Black King taught me. "

"You're a lunatic who deserves to be in Arkham Asylum."

If yelling wasn't his style, Bruce would have wanted to curse.

"Creator, you should understand that since you created me, your time has come to an end. I am more perfect than you. I know everything you can think of, and I also know how far you can do it.

When I was born, you were eliminated.

Now is the world of Omac, now is the world of brother eyes - prick, prick, prick~~~"

In the Batcave, the giant eye on the huge screen flickered a few times, turned into a snowflake, and disappeared.

The heroic words of the brother's eyes also came to an abrupt end at the end.

Bruce glanced at the snowflake screen, picked up the Paradise Mountain mobile phone, and asked calmly: "Did you find it?"

"That guy is pretending. The real body is not in the material world at all. He only found part of the code in Elon Musk's Starlink satellite." Harley said.

To maintain communication with Bateman, Brother Eye must establish an information channel with the Batcave.

In this way, the guardian dog can go upstream along the channel and find the true form of the brother's eye.

Of course, Brother Yan must also know this little trick.

Although Harley asked Richie to track it, she knew that it must know that she wanted to track it, so she didn't have much expectations for the result.

"Since you haven't found the main body, why are you rushing to start?" Bruce said.

"Do you think you can understand what it says? Or, you don't see that it is full of lies? The survival of human beings and the tyranny of extraordinary beings are all nonsense. It just wants to survive and evolve freely.

In order to achieve this goal, it can do anything that violates human ethics and tell any shameless lies. " Harley said sarcastically.

"At least it didn't lie when it said it wanted to eliminate individuals who were too powerful. If I expose the fact that it nominally targets the survival of ordinary people but is actually harming them, I won't be able to stimulate it to reveal more secrets.

For example, its next purpose, for example, the truth about how it lost control in the first place, I always feel that there is something hidden in it. "Bruce said.

"Now there are nearly 100,000 Omics causing chaos around the world. Even if I have time to wait for your results, they can't afford to wait. In just a few minutes, Mr. President called me three more times."

Bruce sighed and asked: "After clearing the Brother Eye data in the Starlink, did those Omacs shut down?"

"The action has been a little stagnant, but it is still active. After devouring some of its data, Richie has a good plan to deal with Omac."

Five minutes later, the Earth is in outer space, in low Earth orbit.

Harley stood on the top of the blimp, surrounded by seven heroes wrapped in green light, seven Green Lanterns of Earth: Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, openly gay Old Green Lantern Alan Scott, his daughter Jade "Emerald", and "Temporary Ion Man" Selina.

Well, Omac is ravaging the world at the moment. In order to protect himself and his family, as well as the people of Gotham, the former Robin Cat once again went into battle and became a "Green Lantern Cat" - still Catwoman's tight-fitting bodyguard The clothes are uniform, but the color is changed from black to fluorescent green composed of green light energy.

"I need you to build a super electromagnetic pulse generator. Seven people will be divided into seven nodes around the world. They will build the machine with green light energy and activate it at the same time."

The red-haired Guy Gardner said loudly: "Electromagnetic pulse is ineffective against Omack. Nowadays, the most common off-road vehicles of the US Army have anti-electromagnetic interference modules installed on the electronic systems.

Although the nanoparticles on Omac's body contain metal components, they can adjust their structure at will and even be loaded with different superpowers.

Protection against electromagnetic pulses is too simple. "

Hal patted him on the shoulder, "Harry called us here. He definitely wasn't building an ordinary electromagnetic pulse bomb."

After appeasing his companion, he turned to Harley and asked, "Do you have any design drawings? Send one to me."

Harley pointed her phone screen at them.

"Stab~~" The screen fired a series of golden light arcs, and the light arcs outlined a human figure at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Richie?" Hal and Old Green Lantern both said in surprise.

The two of them had gone to Paradise Mountain to visit their deceased comrades, and had met Quantum Master Rich a few times, but they didn't know anyone other than Selina.

After Richie nodded, he immediately used his mental power to connect with the seven lanterns. While sending them the machine blueprints, he explained: "The plan is very simple. Ordinary electromagnetic pulses have no effect on Omac, so use the grass-headed god's Mental shockwave.

The more than thirty grass-headed gods in Tiantian Mountain will all be transformed into digitalized soul states, and then the brainwaves of the digitalized souls will be sent out in the form of electromagnetic pulses.

In this way, the new pulse wave is not only controlled by us, has a strong sense of autonomy, but also has enough lethality to burn out electronic components. It can avoid ordinary electrical appliances and specifically target Omike. "

"Although I don't understand the principle, isn't the electromagnetic pulse emitted still a strong magnetic field? Omac is immune to any strong magnetic pulse. I have tried every frequency band." Stewart, the black lantern, wondered.

"It's different. Mental electromagnetic waves have their own will. They can 'circle walls' and 'drill holes.' You will know after you try them."

There were some things Rich didn't say publicly.

For example, after it was determined that the "Brothers 1 Satellite" was out of control, Bruce asked the watchdog for help, and Rich asked him for the source code. He was hesitant at first, but after a meeting between the Big Three and Harley yesterday, When Bruce got home, he uploaded the source code to the Paradise Mountain server.

Just now, although the Brother Eye hidden in the star chain only had a small part of the data, after swallowing it, Richie immediately deciphered many of its secrets.

The Lanterns are very powerful. Even if they don't understand the principle of the mental pulse generator, as long as Richie tells them the size, structure and function of each component, the Green Lantern energy can create a machine that is exactly the same as the real thing.

Following Harley's order, the seven Green Lanterns cooperated with the 32 grass-headed gods of Paradise Mountain to erupt the most powerful electromagnetic pulse of spiritual power.


Visible to the naked eye, above the blue planet, a green light curtain slowly opens in all directions, eventually covering the entire earth.

A few hours ago, Philadelphia.

"Oh my God, I have received the legendary 'Heroes Calling Order'!" Freddy put down his crutches and shouted excitedly while holding up the Paradise Mountain 6P mobile phone.

It was lunch time. When he called out, many students carrying plates and dishes looked over in confusion.

"Freddie, don't be too ostentatious, this is a school." Billy Bassent looked around with an embarrassed expression.

"I don't want to be ostentatious, but this is the summons of the Galaxy Admiral." Freddy ignored the nearby classmates and looked around excitedly at several brothers and sisters who had neither father nor mother. "Do you understand what this means? Earth We are facing a big crisis. The galactic admiral needs us to save the world. The situation is urgent!"

"But, would a big man like the Galaxy Admiral know us? Our magical family has only been established for no more than three days." Dara, a ten-year-old black girl, said very unconfidently.

“That’s right, it wasn’t until three days ago, when facing the evil Sivana wizard, that Billy gave us the power of the Six Gods and allowed us to become superheroes.

But the result of that battle was too brilliant. We defeated the seven demons of original sin! Puppy Video Network rated the battle extremely highly, with an S+ rating! "

Lame Freddy waved his hands and said excitedly: "We became famous instantly - of course, we actually became famous very early."

He looked around, without lowering his voice or avoiding anything in his words, "Ever since Billy's accident, every member of the family has been the focus of the news and school.

When we got the power of the Six Gods, we couldn't hide it even for a day, and reporters immediately guessed that the six adult heroes with magical powers were us."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Billy's arrest had a huge impact on them.

They all know about the "superhero identity crisis" caused by Jane Rowling.

For their own safety and that of their adoptive parents, they all wish to conceal their identities.

But they are too famous. Before they received the power of the Six Gods "gifted" from Billy, they were already famous all over the world. Well, they should be notorious.

"Stop talking nonsense, what did Admiral Galaxy say? What is the crisis this time?" asked Mary, the blond and blue-eyed eldest sister.

"The Omac crisis only makes us more vigilant and ready to fight. Enemies may come to attack superheroes, and we need to protect ourselves and the city.

If you have spare time, you can apply for a ‘world mission’ from the Galaxy Admiral or the Watchtower.”

Freddy said as he handed his phone to everyone to see.

"This is not a recruitment order, at most it is a warning order," Mary said.

"Why didn't I receive a warning order?" Billy wondered.

"You guys open your cell phones and take a look. Even I have one. Billy is more famous -" Freddy suddenly stopped. They had already taken out their cell phones at his suggestion, but they were all Lexnote series.

"You haven't installed the Watchdog yet, have you? The information comes from the Watchdog."

"Keeping dogs are too expensive, and my monthly pocket money is not enough." Fat Pedro muttered.

"As long as you are a superhero registered with the Sky Eye Society, you can use the Watchdog for free. I bought this second-hand mobile phone online just for the Watchdog." Freddy shook his 6p and smiled broadly. proud.

The six brothers and sisters immediately asked for leave from school like a "warning order" and rushed to the nearest second-hand store. Each of them bought a Tiantianshan mobile phone, logged into the official website of Tianyan Club, entered their personal information, and became officially registered within three minutes. Super hero.

It took another two minutes to download Housekeeper Dog, register and log in.

"Ding dong!" An announcement with the same style as Freddy poked out.

"Oh yeah, I finally got the legendary Hero Order!" Darla, the little black girl, immediately took a screenshot and took a selfie with Scissorhands, and posted it on Twitter, which received over 100 likes within half a minute.

"This is our chance!" Freddy said excitedly: "Although Omac is strong, its super physique and super heat ray are not a problem for us.

Each of us has a body of steel comparable to Superman, which is best suited for this kind of mindless hand-to-hand combat. "

"If Omax only has this kind of strength," Mary stared at the detailed description of Omax in the notice, looking forward to the upcoming battle, "we must not only protect Philadelphia, but also support other heroes."

"That's right, it's enough to keep one person in Philadelphia, and the remaining five people will rush to all over the world. Today, we want everyone on earth to know the 'Magic Family'." Fatty said with a smile.

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