I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1241 Wei Zheng comes out again?

"Harry, I have determined the identity of the mastermind behind Omack, which is somewhat unexpected."

Before Harley's battle was over, Bateman unexpectedly cracked the secret of Omac.

"Unexpected? Did I guess wrong? It's not a secret government or military organization? No, you found the answer so quickly, which means the direction I provided is correct!"

Bateman said in a complicated tone: "You are right, he comes from the military spy organization, but he is not a soldier or a politician, but a... At least based on his past achievements, he is equivalent to a 'half' hero."

Then he stopped pretending and said directly: "He is the black king of the Shogi Club - Maxwell Lord. The reason why I was able to lock him in immediately was not only because your suggestion pointed me in a direction, but also because of the recent huge rise in the Shogi Club." The cause of the accident.

Maxwell is the Black King, and besides him there is the White King, the White Queen, and his deputy, the Black Queen.

Now they are all killed.

Two kings and two queens, leaving only the black king.

Most of the bishops and knights have also been eliminated, and now the operation of the shogi club is almost paralyzed.

There was too much movement.

If you don't investigate, you may not notice it for the time being, but with a little investigation, you can immediately discover the abnormality of the shogi club and the abnormality of the black king. "

"It's not easy for you to find the abnormality of the Shogi Club so quickly. At least Amanda Waller hasn't called me yet." Harley said.

Bateman was silent for a moment and said: "Actually, there is a spy (ps) that I planted in the shogi club, and he is also a 'knight' - Sasha, the Black King's right-hand man.

She should have reported to me the drastic changes in the Shogi Club as soon as possible.

But without even knowing it, she was parasitized by the Omac nanorobot and became an 'Omac bionic robot' that appeared to have an independent will but was actually controlled by the eyes of her brothers.

In other words, Maxwell was actually spying on me through her and delivering false news to me."

Although his tone was as calm and steady as possible, Harley could still hear a bit of frustration in it.

"Since Sasha is from Lauder, how did you determine the abnormality of the Shogi Club so quickly?" Harley asked.

She was actually a little surprised that Bateman placed spies in the Shogi Club.

This kind of behavior does not meet the aboveboard standards of superhero work, and even violates the law he respects most.

Of course, only those who know Bateman a little bit would think that the reason why he abides by the law and adheres to the bottom line is because of his absolute respect for the law.

This is nonsense.

Bateman respects the law simply because obeying the law is the best option to protect Gotham and the people at this stage.

To put it bluntly, obeying the law and defending the dignity of the law are just means to achieve his goals.

He himself is not superstitious about the legal and political systems of the United States.

Dachao may be a redneck, but Bateman is not. He is the purest big capitalist. There are fundamental differences between the two in their attitudes towards the law and the American system.

The problem is not that Bateman broke the law, but that he was able to plant spies in the Shogi Club. What about other governments and hero organizations?

For example, in the Sky Eye Society, are there any of his people?

She is the nominal boss of the Sky Eye Society.

Moreover, as an agent organization that specializes in tracking superheroes, only Sky Eye has always placed spies in other organizations, but now it is being secretly monitored by superheroes. How shameless is it?

As for Maxwell tricking Bruce through his spy, she didn't think it was a big deal.

Bateman was guarding the whole world, and Maxwell was probably just an inconspicuous one. The energy he invested in him was only one thousandth of his total energy.

Maxwell is considered a great person, but he regards Bateman as his "first target" and invests one thousand percent of his energy in him - otherwise, how could he steal Bateman's brotherly eyes in the first place?

"In the message Sasha gave me, everything in the Shogi Club was normal. I didn't pay attention to the Shogi Club before, but when she said this, I believed it.

But when I started to have doubts about the shogi club due to your reminder, and discovered that everything was abnormal, what she said was normal became very abnormal. Bateman sighed.

"What are you going to do now?" Harley asked.

"Take Maxwell Lord immediately, or what do you suggest?"

Harley said: "When I met with your three giants yesterday, I told you that you can handle Omack's affairs and I will not interfere."

Bateman was silent for a moment and asked, "How is Superman doing now?"

Harley glanced at Da Chao, who was floating in the air like a wooden stake with a bruised nose and face, dripping with blood, and said, "He's fine."

"Have you regained consciousness? Can you discuss the shogi club with him?" Bateman asked again.

Harley thought for a while, took out the confession stick, and hit Dachao on the forehead a few times, causing him to jerk violently all over and wake up from coma with a groan.

"Dachao, are you awake?" She was alert, but her tone was gentle.

"I - hiss, it hurts!" Dachao opened his swollen eyeballs with difficulty, opened his mouth with difficulty, said a word, and then inhaled through bared teeth.

"Well, he's probably recovered, but he's not sure when he'll relapse again, and he doesn't have the energy to keep you company. I suggest you get rid of Maxwell Lord immediately and solve the problem from the root." Harley said.

"I understand, Diana and I will solve the chess problem. You take good care of Superman and don't let him escape your control before we take down Loud."

Martian Manhunter has been acting as the "spiritual Internet" for the two of them to communicate, and he has always listened without asking. Now that the conversation between the two has ended, he finally couldn't help but ask: "Can you explain the relationship between 'Omac' and the Shogi Club?" Changed relationship? I think you are hiding something important from us."

"Jon, please be patient and wait for up to two more days. Now I want to arrest Maxwell Lord immediately." After saying this, Bateman took the initiative to "go offline."

"Hehe." Harley laughed strangely and asked, "Jon, do you know about Dr. Light?"

"Hmm" Martian Manhunter seemed to have some realization.

"Do you know?" Harley asked.


"When did you know?" Harley continued to ask.

"This." Martian Manhunter hesitated.

"Shit, you must have noticed it before the Jane Rowling incident, right? By the way, you can read other people's memories, so you must have known about it, right?"

"Harley, how is Chao doing now?" Martian Manhunter began to change the subject.

"Hehehe" Harley sneered, "Why do you pretend not to know?"

"Harry, Diana is calling me. Let's talk later." Martian Manhunter "disconnected" directly.

Harley took Dachao directly to Paradise Mountain.

"No matter what means Maxwell Lord uses, if he wants to control you, he must rely on at least one medium. As long as you are in Paradise Mountain, no medium will be effective on you."

"Harry, I'm so sorry today. Did I hurt you?" Da Chao, whose eyes were swollen like two peaches, looked at Harley with a blushing face guiltily.

"Yes, you almost broke my elbow." Harley nodded.

Da Chao felt even more guilty. He forced himself to stand up and wanted to reach out to support her arm, but as soon as he made a move, he felt a heartbreaking pain in his left upper arm.

"Um~~~" He screamed in pain and subconsciously looked over with clairvoyance, "Ah, Harley, my left arm is broken, broken into three sections, the bone stubble is uneven, and there are eight ribs broken. Shouldn’t we have surgery immediately?”

"Charles, Charles, please come here, Superman needs a surgeon." Harley shouted towards the door.

The grass-headed gods outside the house shouted noisily for a while before the first generation of the Midnight Doctor finally arrived, "I've searched everywhere, and there seems to be no kryptonite in Paradise Mountain. There is no kryptonite scalpel, so it can't cut Superman's flesh!"

"Oh, I want kryptonite."

Harley opened her mouth, the yellow light energy flashed, and a green kryptonite dagger spit out from the dimension of her stomach bag.

Dachao asked in surprise: "Why didn't you use it to deal with me before?"

Harley threw the dagger to the Midnight Doctor, looked at Chao and asked curiously: "The watchtower has an energy body holographic simulation combat device. Have you never simulated a battle with a kryptonite weapon?"

Dachao nodded matter-of-factly and said: "As long as I stay alert, any Kryptonite bullets fired at me or Kryptonite swords thrust at me will be as slow as a snail. I have ten thousand ways to deal with them.

For example, thermonuclear rays directly attack weapons or people holding weapons.

For example, grab the items around you and throw them at the kryptonite to smash it into powder. "

"So, why should I use a kryptonite dagger against you? In my impression, you are not an idiot in the first place.

Secondly, there is a large amount of Kryptonite on the earth, and Kryptonite meteorites can be found everywhere in the ruins of Krypton. It is too easy to find Kryptonite. You must have been used by super villains to deal with Kryptonite many times.

Since you are not stupid and have been targeted by kryptonite countless times, you must have developed a correct instinctive reaction to kryptonite weapons by now. "

Smart people have long figured out how to deal with kryptonite weapons, not to mention that Dachao is not only smart, but also extremely powerful. As long as he is not killed in a plot, it is difficult for him to be attacked by kryptonite.

Returning to Quinn Manor, Harley found that her home had a new style.

The previous classical Western-style castle was carefully selected by Selina after the "Witch Hunting Brigade" incident a few years ago.

Now it has been replaced by a simple modern apartment that Harley prefers.

It is normal for Quinn Manor to change houses in such a short period of time.

Because Harley's house has always had more than one apartment, and now they are using one, and the second and third apartments that will follow have been booked, built, and decorated long ago. They will be placed in the suburbs far away from the city first, waiting for the current Kui The Yin Manor exploded, and the Black Warrior was able to carry away the ruins in three minutes and change to another set at the same time.

After walking around the new house, Harley picked up her phone and secretly sent a message to her spokesperson.

A few minutes later, Jim Gordon quietly came to the mountainside in a ghostly state, and quietly floated along the window into the black magic meditation room.

"I'm not talking nonsense. I'm calling you this time because I want you to be Wei Zheng again. The goal is Maxwell Lord, the black king of shogi." Harley said directly.

"Did he cause what happened today?" Gordon thought thoughtfully.

"He did more than control Superman to kill me."

Harley briefly talked about Brother Eye and Omac.

Gordon said in disbelief: "He is simply crazy. Even if he kills the White King, the White Queen, and the Black Queen, no government of any country will let him go.

He also planned the Justice League at the same time, controlled Superman, stole Bateman's brother's eyes, and offended the superhero to death.

Is he crazy? What is the purpose of offending superheroes and the government at the same time? "

Harley glanced at him, "I thought you were going to say that Bateman was crazy enough to come up with such a crazy plan as a brother would do."

Gordon sighed softly and said with a complicated expression: "Of course I think the Brother Eye plan is crazy, but when Batman did it, I was shocked but not surprised. It fits his style very well."

"that is it?"

"I am just a dead ghost, and he is no longer the young Master Wayne who needed help. No matter what he does, he will bear the consequences himself. I can't help him, so I have no right to criticize.

Now I just want to do a good job in my career - to become a qualified father, a 'God Exorcist' who satisfies you and myself. "Gordon said with a wry smile.

"A qualified father." Harry asked curiously: "What happened to Barbara, or little Gordon?"

"They are very good, but..." Gordon said with an uncertain tone: "Do you still remember your 'Wind of Nothingness Invisibility Technique'?

In order to summon the Nightmare Nurse, you used the Wind of Nothingness to erase your own existence.

I saw some scenes, my memory changed, and my way of existence was almost twisted from a dead person to a living person."

"Have you seen certain memories with sad endings? Related to Barbara?" Harley asked.

"Why not Jim?" Gordon asked curiously.

"Even without me, Barbara would most likely get involved with Bateman, and her restless heart would sooner or later make her wear the uniform of a hero.

There is no doubt that a heroine without superpowers is much more likely to suffer misfortune than an ordinary child. "

Gordon nodded bitterly, "You are right, an ordinary girl with only blood but no strong power is really not suitable to become a superhero."

In that world without you, her spine was broken by a clown, her lower body was paralyzed, her clothes were stripped off, and a lot of unflattering photos were taken, and all of that happened in front of me. "

At the end of the sentence, he clenched his fists, the joints of his hands cracked, and his eyes were red and almost bursting with flames.

"How about you drop by the Sky Eye Meeting and I will create conditions for you to remove the 'laughter scar' quietly?" Harley suggested kindly.

Ps: Batman is almost the biggest spymaster in DC. He has secret agents in almost every organization and group. For example, in Zero Time Crisis, several heroes were persuaded by Hal Jordan to join his camp and wanted to create a parallel world that met their wishes. Two of those heroes were Batman-my book The book didn't include that plot, because with Harley around, no fool would believe that the Earth hero defected to Hal.

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