I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1239 Harley beats Da Chao violently

"Clark, wake up!"

After being knocked away by a punch, Harley sent a mental message to Dachao.

She was immediately sure that this guy was under mind control again.

Uh, why do you say "again"?

The strength of super villains in each city generally follows the pattern of "dragon versus dragon, phoenix versus phoenix, insect versus insect."

That is to say, if the superhero who protects the city is outstanding and arrogant, the strength of his fan base will often be comparable to it.

Superman is a well-deserved "Superhero", so his enemies are also the top group of super villains.

Compared with himself, Superman's mental power is far inferior to his physical body, and his mental attributes are one of his weaknesses.

His fan base has the ability to detect this and the ability to take advantage of it.

In Dachao's daily life, situations of being mentally controlled occur from time to time.

However, Dachao is not a fool and will not always let his "flaws" go unnoticed.

With his super "sight" that can see electromagnetic waves and the movement of electrons - Harley feels that it is no longer sight, but spiritual perception - he invented his own "Faraday Cage Mental Protection Method".

Put aside all magic theories and use pure scientific principles to explain brain activity, which is a set of complex bioelectrical signal activities. Since it is an electrical signal, it can theoretically be shielded by a Faraday cage.

The simplest way to express a Faraday cage is an iron can that isolates signals: if you put your mobile phone in the iron basin and cover it with the iron lid, you will not be able to receive the signal.

No matter how you dial, the cell phone in the basin will not ring because the signal cannot get through.

Dachao controls the flow of bioelectricity in the brain and builds a Faraday cage in the sea of ​​consciousness, which is equivalent to putting the brain into a "mental Faraday cage."

Mental signals from the outside world cannot be transmitted and cannot affect Dachao's own mental consciousness.

Not to mention, this "technological mental protection method" is very easy to use. In the past two years, he has rarely been completely controlled by people with mental abilities.

Even if he is affected by psychic powers, he can detect and struggle and will not become a willless puppet.

"Dachao, hurry up——"

As soon as Harry shouted, he was interrupted by an almost boiling "gu dong gu dong".

It's an experience jar.

As Da Chao punched her one after another, the level experience tank was bubbling like crazy.

The experience inside the jar is visible to the naked eye as it increases.

She stopped shouting, put her head in her hands, and turned her elbows outward to block Dachao's attacks on her chest, abdomen, throat and other vital parts. She covered her head and let him hit her.

The opportunity is too rare.

After reaching level 100, she hadn't gained experience so freely for a long time.

The total amount of experience that each person can provide her is determined by his strength, reputation and influence in the DC universe.

No one meets these conditions better than Dachao.

However, he had no hostility toward her before, with zero malice. No matter how powerful his attack was, he still had zero experience.

Even if she had thought about letting the villain mind control him to attack her - she was not crazy enough to actually experiment on Super Villain, but experimented on super villains in Arkham Asylum - it still didn't work because she was controlled The person is equivalent to a human Gundam, and the experience points come from the person who controls his mental abilities, not the person being controlled.

Something is different this time.

Da Chao is not simply mind controlled.

He is not the "Gundam" of some psychic being.

"Harley, can you hear me? What happened?"

A minute after Super went crazy, Martian Manhunter's psychic power connected to Harley.

"Dachao was controlled by someone and was attacking me with all his strength. He wanted to kill me and ignored the surrounding civilians and buildings. He was completely out of control.

But don't worry, I first summoned the Grass-Headed God to clean up the battlefield, and now I'm taking him away from the city. "

In the Atlantic Ocean on the edge of Gotham, in the stratosphere dozens of kilometers away from the sea surface, Harley answered while holding her head and being beaten.

Before leaving the city, they fought in Manhattan for more than a minute. In order to block the escaping thermonuclear rays and the shattered glass and billboards from hurting the citizens on the street, she also summoned the grass-headed god.

Caotou Shen does not need to besiege Dachao, but is only responsible for cleaning up the falling objects that have not yet completely landed.

"Who is controlling him? Jon, can you remove Superman's mind control?" Bateman joined in and asked.

"I've tried, but the mental power cannot enter Ripman's brain. It should be because of his 'mental Faraday Cage'." Martian Manhunter said helplessly.

"Since he has turned on his mental defense, why is he still being controlled?" Wonder Woman asked doubtfully.

"I don't know, it might be magic. The Faraday cage is very scientific, but it doesn't have a very good effect on magic." Martian Manhunter said.

Harley said: "It's not magic, there isn't any magic power fluctuation, but it's not ordinary mental control either, it's more like a kind of cognitive charm and distortion.

At this time, Superman's thoughts are still dominant, and he himself is controlling his body.

But he regards me as a deadly enemy. For example, in his eyes, I become Darkseid and Gotham City becomes Apokolips, so he has no scruples in attacking. "

Only in this way can Da Chao gain experience in beating her. Even if he treats her as someone else, his malice is real.

"Well, if that's the case, then the trouble will be big. We have to find the person who controls him. Only he can completely eliminate Superman's mental distortion." Martian Manhunter said solemnly.

"Since the mind control cannot be released immediately, then control his body first." Bateman said solemnly: "Harley, use your kryptonite to knock him down."

"Kryptonite?" Harley was extremely surprised. "Superman is my friend. How could I collect things that can harm him? I usually destroy kryptonite immediately when I encounter it."

——If you don’t have kryptonite, I will live broadcast eating food!

Although Bateman didn't say that and didn't expect Chi Xiang, he did not believe her words.

After a moment of silence, seeing that no other hero offered the kryptonite, he said: "I have a kryptonite weapon. Cyborg, you take Wonder Woman to the Batcave, and then Wonder Woman holds the kryptonite to paralyze Man and tear him apart." .”

Harley reminded: "Have you ever thought about why Tearman was suddenly controlled and why he made me the first target?"

Bateman has a guess, but it's hard to answer. There are too many superheroes connected to the "Jon's Mind Internet" at this time.

"Because of the Omack Plan?" Diana said it outright without much scruple, "The mastermind behind the scenes knew that you came to us yesterday and discussed the Omack Plan with us.

He feels threatened, so he takes control of Tearman to kill you. "

"What is Omac's plan?" Neptune asked doubtfully.

Bateman sighed inwardly and said: "Blue Beetle is investigating a criminal plan against superheroes. There is no time to explain now, let's deal with Ripman first.

Harley, what are your thoughts? "

"Did you start investigating immediately after we parted yesterday afternoon?" Harley asked.

"Yes, I have also initially identified the suspect." Bateman said vaguely: "The investigation direction you gave is probably correct."

"If this scene is really directed by the man behind Omac, then what will he do when he sees me blocking Dachao's attack and you all rushing in with kryptonite?"

Bateman murmured: "It won't hit the earth at the speed of light that tears apart Manya, right?"

"I bought it!" There was an exclamation in the Martian Manhunter's spiritual network.

"Crashing into the earth is an extreme situation, but Da Chao can run. With his speed, who among us can catch up?"

Bateman muttered: "You try your best to pester Tearman, I will take the Kryptonite over now, and Diana will lead the remaining S-class heroes to the Hall of Justice to prevent any unexpected events.

When Blackhand saw that I was alone, he would definitely not let Tear Man run away. "

Neptune asked doubtfully: "If we suddenly appear next to Rip Man through the sonic boom channel, and Harley stops him a little, and everyone rushes forward, wouldn't it work?"

"No matter how fast we are, we can't tear Man apart. When we get together and prepare to open the sonic boom channel, the person who controls the sonic boom will know it and immediately adjust his tactics." Bateman said.

Neptune understood and became even more surprised, "Why can Black Hand know immediately when we gather in one place? Could it be that he can monitor us all the time?"

"The reason will be explained later, Harley, will my plan work?"

"No, you can't get close to Tearman right now."

If Bruce was still sane, he would play the game of "Batman v Superman" with him, but now no matter what kind of armor Bruce wears, if Superman hits him at sub-light speed, there will only be a piece of rotten flesh left.

"Don't you have a guess about the black hand? Go and confirm it first. It's best to capture the thief first. As for Da Chao, you don't have to worry about it. I'll challenge him in a duel.

I will paralyze Blackhand before he can react. "Harry said confidently.

This time, not only Bateman, but also many heroes said in a strange tone: "But, you have been beaten all the time, and you have no power to fight back. Netizens said... Oh, you don't have to force yourself too much."

Faced with such an emergency, Cassandra was still in the mood to broadcast live because she was worried that the urban war would cause too many casualties and tarnish the reputation of Teacher Harley.

Through the live broadcast, she can convey a message to the public: The bad guy is not my master, but the crazy Tearman. If someone dies, you all blame him, he takes full responsibility.

Later, the grass-headed god came, and the battlefield shifted again. Cassandra's purpose of protecting her master's reputation was achieved, so she no longer drove the airship to shoot, and only observed the aftermath of the battle from a distance.

However, viewers who watched the live broadcast felt that although Admiral Galaxy could not be beaten to death, he kept being beaten and was unable to resist. The little nun was afraid of losing the teacher's face, so she gave up the close-up shooting.

Superheroes feel the same way.

Harley sneered: "I didn't want to hurt him before, but now, just watch and see how I kill him next."

She told at least half of the truth, because Da Chao was a friend and had not yet posed a fatal threat to her. Not only had she not used any means against him before, she had not even used counter-injury magic.

Now, she launched a counterattack for the first time - activating the counter-injury effect of the thorns and black vortex.

"Stab-" A scarlet ray as thick as a finger shot out from between her eyebrows and landed on Da Chao's left eye.

"Ah~~~" His forward momentum suddenly slowed down, and he screamed in pain while covering his eyes.

This is the Black Vortex of Thorns, a specialty jar fused with cost-reflective defense magic, which has a certain limit of "transferring the best" effect.

The black vortex of thorns can now absorb the energy of the "level 2 can" (equivalent to 25 kilograms of TNT) and reflect it away.

A thermonuclear ray with "25 kilograms of TNT equivalent" landed on Da Chao's left eye, and Harley immediately activated his life defense specialty - controlling every cell in the body so that the power of each cell can be directed in one place.


Harley stepped on the air under her feet, and also knocked out a circle of white air waves in the air in front of her, as fast as teleporting.

"Boom!" A "Zidane's Hammer" hit Da Chao's chest.

Dachao arched his body and flew out.

"BOOOM!" Harley maintained the overclocking state, stepped on the air, and continued to move forward.

However, Dachao quickly stabilized his figure. There was no expression on his stern face. With the blood stained in his left eye, he looked a bit cold.

When she rushed in front of him, he had enough time to turn aside and let go of her headbutt. At the same time, he raised his left arm and struck her temple with his iron elbow like lightning.

"Bang!" Harley whirled and was knocked away.

"Ouch~~~" Dachao's head felt intense cramping, and he screamed in pain. His eyes were blank for a while, and two bright red blood stains flowed from under his nose.

"Hey hey hey" Harley's temples were dented with a hole the size of a wine glass, but she let out a proud laugh.

The food defense specialty was activated, and the broken bones at the temple made a slight "click" sound, and the injury healed visibly.

But she kept moving, continued to overclock, and teleported to Da Chao again.

He was still confused and couldn't dodge.

Because of the anti-injury magic, the mind spell.

After studying God's Sevenfold Retribution, the anti-injury efficiency has reached 10%, which means that for every 100 points of real damage that Harley receives, 10 points of spiritual attacks will fall on the enemy's sea of ​​consciousness.

Well, it must be real damage, attacks that are defended do not count.

Therefore, if she wants the enemy to be more seriously injured, she must take the first step to make the enemy more miserable: if she wants to kill ten thousand enemies, she must first damage herself by one hundred thousand.

She knew that the overclocked state had an obvious weakness: it could only go straight.

Even Mongo can dodge and counterattack, but Da Chao will only have an easier time.

But this is her purpose - at this time, Dachao is mentally controlled, and his mental defense is weaker than usual. Maybe a few more shocks, fighting fire with fire, could help him regain consciousness.

She was injured by 100,000 yuan, all physical injuries, which she could completely bear. Dachao was injured by 10,000 yuan, all of which were mental shocks. As long as she was injured seriously enough, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

In the past, Harley couldn't use this move against Da Chao because Da Chao's "health bar" was lower than hers. Now, she is level 102!


Harley's headbutt hit Dachao's forehead hard.

The power is mutual. Both of their pure physical defenses are at the limit of the material world, which is almost the same, but Harley also has the black vortex of thorns and the defensive golden film.

The expression on her face became more relaxed and proud, and Dachao's head became more confused.

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