I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 127 Sun Houhou manages the peach garden

New Town, Fishbone Bar.

"Fish, the old man is really angry this time. Even Barnes will kill him at will." Big Butch said worriedly.

Fish smiled coldly, "Isn't this what we want to see?"

"Will he doubt us?" Butch frowned.

"Of course I doubt it, but I now hold a trump card that he would never have thought of. I will defeat him before he finally makes up his mind to deal with me. It won't be long, just in these few days."

Fish clenched his fists, his tone was confident, but his smile was a little forced, and his expression even looked a little sad and hesitant.

"Are you sure that trump card will work for him? If he doesn't care at all, we'll be doomed." Butch hesitated.

Fish closed his eyes and sighed softly: "He once taught me like a daughter, and I completely understand his heart.

Knowing what a person cares about most is knowing his weaknesses.

He is old and will be replaced sooner or later. Instead of letting others step on his crown and humiliate him, it is better for me to send him away personally, which can always ensure that he has a decent ending. "

"I thought you were going to kill him." Butch said strangely.

Fish looked complicated and said: "He is the person I respect the most and my biggest benefactor. I will not allow anyone to hurt him.

I will give him a beautiful dream until the day he dies of old age. "

Butch frowned and said, "Next, let's win over the family bosses as originally planned? Who should we start with?"

Fish smiled lightly, "When the old man proposed raising taxes, Saviano and Tuskey reacted the most violently."

Butch nodded in understanding, and then asked: "Sass and Witch Harley are the old man's confidants. Should we kill them first?"

"Are you dreaming? Sass is the number one killer in Gotham, and the witch even knows black magic. Are you going to deliver food?" Fish rolled his eyes.

"Ambushing ten gunmen, each armed with an RPG, and firing them all at once, even a real devil can't hold them back!" Butch said solemnly.

Fish smiled bitterly and said: "If they were just ordinary people, your method would certainly work, but they are not alone.

Take the Witch for example. She spends most of her time in the world's largest fighting arena, with dozens of gunmen deployed a hundred meters away. How do you approach her quietly?

If we fail and either of them goes crazy, we won't be able to stop them. "

"If I don't kill him, I'm afraid I won't be able to bribe him," Butch said.

"Don't worry about them. As long as Old Camai quits on his own initiative, they will have no chance or reason to attack me." Fish said confidently with a smile.

Armory, Park Avenue, Manhattan.

"Wow, these are all mine? That's great!" Harley's voice spread far in the vast and deep hall, attracting curious looks from many customers in suits and ties.

The armory is not a warehouse, at least not entirely.

The first and second floors are exhibition halls, with a dazzling array of weapons displayed in glass showcases for guests from all over the world to choose from.

Different from the mercenary supermarket, this place is more like a wholesale market. Every business is a big deal worth millions or tens of millions of dollars.

"Miss Quinn!" When Harley was taking a group of younger brothers to visit the new territory, a middle-aged white woman in a dark blue women's suit trotted over to greet her.

Her face shape is a bit like Pepper Pepper, with red hair and big freckles on her cheeks, but her chin is squarer and her mouth is bigger, and her facial features are not as delicate as Pepper's.

"Hello, Miss Quinn, I'm the Armory Sales Manager, Hannah Downe. Well, I'm also the niece of Jerini Barnes."

At the end of the sentence, Big Mouth "Pepper"'s eyes dimmed and his tone became heavy.

"I'm sorry for what happened to Boss Barnes!" Harley comforted him without much sincerity, then said in a deep voice: "You are the manager of the armory, you should understand that being in charge of the armory is not a fat job.

The Falco cabinet separated it from the Barnes family entirely out of work needs and without any personal grudges. "

"I understand." Hannah looked ugly and said something insincere.

Seeing the probing eyes of the people around her, Harley patted her shoulder and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's go upstairs to your office."

After a while, the two came to the modern and simple office on the third floor facing the street.

Harley occupied the magpie's nest, lying comfortably on the boss's chair, wearing fingerless leather sandals and crossing her feet on the desk.

"Hannah, you are a very knowledgeable Falcone, so I will give you a chance. Within three months, you have to complete two things."

Harley raised two fingers, "First, my helpers and I are completely familiar with the armory's operating mechanism, so familiar that they can replace existing employees in any position at will.

Second, there have been no mistakes in the past three months, and performance has been steadily improving.

As long as you can do these two things, you will still be the manager here, and I will treat you as a confidant.

Or do you want to leave your job now? "

Hannah quickly shook her head, lowered her eyebrows and said, "I like my current job very much, and I am also willing to work for Sister Harley."

Harley was noncommittal about her promise.

She would only look at her overall transcript three months later.

The internship period she gave Hannah was three months, and the old godfather promised her an internship period of half a year.

When she first learned that the managers of the armory were nothing more than "guard dogs" for the military and military-industrial enterprises, Harley was very repulsive towards this new territory.

Later, when it became clear that the armory mainly served Wayne's military industry, and many top-notch weapons were also stored in the warehouse, Harley began to imagine her wonderful life as an oil thief again.

"Hannah, what should I do if I want to keep myself secret?"

"Uh" Hannah's eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

"What are you looking at? We are gangsters, and we are gangsters. Isn't it natural to do bad things?" Harley glared at her and said angrily.

Hannah was actually speechless.

"Sister Harley, there is no need to steal, you can get 1.5% of the sales share, and then buy the weapons you like at cost price." She persuaded politely.

"1.5% of shit. I'm just a legal white glove. It's a great achievement for me to land one of them. The rest goes into the pockets of those bastards." Harley sarcastically said.

Sales share is not profit share.

The 1.5% sales share is actually very high. For example, a machine gun priced at US$100 costs US$40 to manufacture, and US$20 to transport, store, and sell. Harley takes another US$1.50, leaving only US$38.5 in profit. .

Harley is just a warehouse security guard and sales manager, not Wayne Military Industries. Thinking about it this way, it seems like she got too much?

In fact, she couldn't get $1.50.

Just like the person in charge of a government project contracts the project to a company at a high price. The company does the work honestly and then quietly returns 90% of the contract payment to the person in charge.

Harley got 1.5 US dollars in her left hand, and took out 1.3 US dollars in her right hand and handed it to the upper-level boss. The 0.05 US dollars was the tax for Kamai, and she could barely afford 0.15.

In a certain sense, the executives of Wayne Military Industries and certain generals in the Pentagon are Harley's real bosses.

If it weren't for the fact that some of Wayne Military Industries' high-tech products were so fragrant - they would smell even better after the birth of Batman in the future - Harley wouldn't even bother to take on the job.

Hannah didn't know how to answer the question, so she hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Sister Hallie, if you encounter 'scrap products' in the future, I can keep them for you."

"Is the scrap rate high? Or, can you make it higher?" Harley became interested.

"Uh, this." Hannah said with three drops of cold sweat on her forehead, "BOSS, the scrap rate is not decided by me. Wayne Enterprises' quality inspection department will personally inspect it."

"You idiot, the quality inspector is also a human being, and he has desires. Don't you even know how to send money? If you can't bribe him, you can also give a few bullets to the quality inspector for personal inspection, and you still need me. teach?"

Harley felt a little regretful, maybe she shouldn't have given the fake Pepper a three-month trial period.

A lumpy head is not enough for Gotham!

"BOSS, I understand what to do." Hannah swallowed and said with difficulty.

She suddenly had a hunch that the little sister Harley in front of her had a bright future, because she was bad enough and Gotham enough!

Thinking of this, Hannah suddenly became full of energy.

The boss has a bright future, so won't her "probation period confidant" also benefit from it?

"BOSS, what kind of weapon do you want, I can help you choose it." She became proactive.

"Does Wayne Enterprises have weapons against mages?" Harley asked curiously.

"This." Hannah's freckled face turned pale as she thought about the rumors about the BOSS's evil black mage.

"There are no weapons specifically targeted at mages, but if you are a mage, you can choose your own targeted weapons based on your mage abilities."

This was a bit convoluted, but Harry understood what she meant.

Then, she stated her request, Hannah turned on the computer, and weapons appeared on the computer screen.

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