I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1228 Celestial Eclipse, Eclipse Lord

There are "tribulations" in the world of Xianxia. Each heavenly tribulation is a test of heaven for the practitioner. If the test is passed, the realm will be improved, which is equivalent to a big step forward in the evolution of life level.

DC's wizard training is also a kind of life evolution, and there is something similar to "heavenly tribulation", that is, the "dying transformation" that all wizards love and fear.

I love it because after each transformation, their strength can be greatly improved, getting closer to the origin of the avenue.

I'm afraid it's because the success rate of completing the transformation is too low.

Humans and gods are definitely different. The evolution process from human to god is divided into several stages, and the change in each stage is the deathbed transformation.

The reason why there is the embellishment of "dying" is just because every transformation is equivalent to walking before the gate of hell.

According to big data statistics, the success rate of end-of-life transformation is only one in seven.

Although it is said that the process of the Master's death-bed transformation is like "a pony crossing a river and knowing whether it is warm or cold", different people have different experiences of the same kind of transformation. Some people find it difficult, while others find it easy.

But any mage who has experienced nightmare demonization, or has a relatively in-depth understanding of nightmare demonization, will all agree that it is the most terrifying transformation.

Other transformations are just various "distortions", such as distorting the body, distorting the blood, distorting the soul, distorting the mind, distorting the three views, and distorting the cognition. It is equivalent to "kneading and shaping" the mage from the inside out.

Bringing the mage closer to the essence of magic.

Nightmare demonization is "dividing and cutting": subdividing the thoughts that make up the soul, separating out the "negative emotions", and then cutting them out.

It is extremely difficult and dangerous to separate each phantom person, and the main personality is easily affected by the phantom person - in fact, more than 90% of the wizards who failed to demonize nightmares had their main consciousness swallowed by the phantom person, and became emotionally monotonous. monster.

Even if he can barely control the phantom, dealing with the phantom later will still be a bigger problem.

Generally speaking, gods will cut off one or more phantoms of themselves. This is how the Seven Original Sin Demons in Pandora's Box came to be. They are all phantoms of original sin cut off by mages and gods.

But it's not something that can be done easily by Cut Huanren.

Many mages can only barely suppress the influence of illusion people on their main consciousness.

Even controlling it is very difficult, cutting it off is even more difficult, and the risk of failure is extremely high.

So some mages simply gave up on the way of gods, controlled the phantom to combine with the main consciousness, strengthened a certain emotion, and degenerated into demons.

The two ways to deal with the phantom are the difference between addition and subtraction. Fusion of the phantom will enhance the emotions represented by the phantom. For example, if you fuse desire, the desire will be stronger and you will become a demon; if you fuse violence, you will become more murderous.

Cutting off the illusory person is subtraction, subtracting this emotion in the main consciousness.

For example, if you cut off the illusion of desire, the gods will remain calm; if you cut off the tyranny, the gods will be very restrained in killing.

Even God is adding and subtracting to the phantom.

For example, the spirit of vengeance represents the "wrath of God", which is very similar to the angry phantom of the "God of Light".

Well, just God of Light.

The wrath of God is not a random temper. It only avenges justice and light, and is angry only against injustice and corruption.

Now Harley saw another way to deal with phantoms: the Nightmare Nurse actually fused all the phantoms, and her strength increased a hundred times. What kind of method is this?

It's not impossible to fuse a magic person, but the fusion of a mage like a demon is equivalent to the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to produce water.

If the main consciousness is oxygen and the illusory person is hydrogen, after fusion, neither oxygen nor hydrogen will exist.

Nightmare Nurse is a mixture of water and oil. Although they are mixed together, her main consciousness is still there and her essence has not changed.

Harley guessed that Asa could even lift the "Dark Nightmare Curse" at any time.

"Don't run, I won't hurt you."

She took a step forward and chased after him.

Zha Kang hesitated for a moment and followed her.

Only Gordon knelt down and helped Alice Winter, who was moaning softly, with concern.

After using the Dark Nightmare Curse and fusing multiple phantoms, the Nightmare Nurse did not attack Harley with a hundredfold increased power. Instead, she broke the magic seal of Harley's God's force field.

The space around it turns into gray-white foam, and when you jump into it, you leave the material world and enter a strange dimension of gray and white.

"You still dare to chase me?"

Seeing Harley following behind, the three-headed dragon was frightened and angry, shouting: "Do you know that this is also a forbidden area for God?"

Harry looked around. The gray world was endless, as empty and dead as Limbo, making life lose its existence.

But this place has a lot more gloomy, depraved, ominous, and evil atmosphere than Limbo.

Although Limbo will dissolve all matter and spiritual bodies, it itself is neutral. There is no bias between good and evil, light and darkness, good and evil in terms of power. Limbo can give birth to both hell and heaven.

"Could this be at the bottom of Limbo?" Harley asked curiously.

There are many divine realms and planes in Limbo.

On the surface, it looks a bit like the starry sky in the material world, and the planets in the starry sky are the plane of Limbo.

However, the starry sky does not have directions of up, down, left, right, east, west, south, but Limbo does, with two directions: up and down.

Therefore, Limbo is more like the boundless sea, and the eight divine realms and many fifth-dimensional planes are like small islands in the sea.

There is a subterranean space beneath the "surface".

For example, God specially prepared purgatory for heroes (decent people) who made mistakes.

The atmosphere here is somewhat similar to purgatory.

"Witch Harley? I've heard about you for a long time, and today I finally met you in person." Just as Harley was looking around, a black shadow rose from below, and the ultimate evil aura made goosebumps appear on her arms.

"Who?" Harley turned her head and looked around. Her vision was hazy, and she could only see mist-like darkness gathering from all directions.

"Hey hey hey, who am I?"

A huge, fuzzy snake head stuck out from the darkness, "I am a part of you!"

"Ah ah ah, kill, kill, kill it."

A cruel and twisted face appeared on Harley's face, and a strong anger rose from her chest and went straight to her forehead.

The next moment, another smiling face with shining eyes and salivation appeared on her face, "Its power is interesting. Eat it and see what it tastes like."

Greed expanded like the smoke from a smoke bomb with the safety bolt pulled off, filling Harley's chest in an instant.

There was a third picture, a listless and lazy face appeared on her face, "Eating is worse than sleeping."

Harley's inner motivation disappeared in an instant, and she didn't even want to pursue the secret of the Nightmare Nurse's "Dark Nightmare Curse".

Fourth and fifth.

The moment she was stared at by the dark snakehead, Harley's soul seemed to split, splitting into six or seven "Harleys with extreme personalities". The images of seven or eight Harleys overlapped with different expressions, different thoughts, and they said they were different. if.

Zha Kang is right next to Harley. Although he is not the target of the smuggler, he has also suffered a lot.

"Fake!" He cursed, and his body "exploded" - like setting off fireworks, dozens of "little scumbags" exploded from above his head.

The devil Zha Kang wearing a brown trench coat.

Zha Kang’s phantom!

"Who are you?" Harley stared at the giant snake, wondering.

"It is the Eclipse Lord, the true form of Heavenly Eclipse! Damn it, Asa actually brought us directly to its territory.

Wasn't it because Witch Harley came to visit her that she was so desperate? "Zha Kang gritted his teeth and said.

Dozens of little scumbags surrounded him, screaming, scratching, and biting, but he remained indifferent.

"Interesting, in my field, facing the root causes of corruption, anger, corruption, violence, and evil, you can actually control your violence, greed, laziness, evil, and multiple emotional riots." Zha Kang said The snakehead who was the "Lord of Eclipse" stared at Harley and said in surprise.

"What is the origin of Lord Eclipse? I seem to have heard of a magic crystal called 'Heart of Eclipse'." Harley asked in surprise.

She was surprised that there was such a monster hidden in the bottom of Limbo, and she was also surprised that the monster was so powerful that it was almost a supreme being, but its power was actually restrained by her God's force field.

Well, although the Eclipse Lord appeared very impressive and made her phantoms riot at a glance, when she turned on her defensive specialties, especially God's Force Field, all its negative effects on her disappeared.

Being targeted by the power of God shows that its power attributes are related to heaven.

Zha Kang said: "I don't know very well. I just know that the bottom level of Limbo Hell is a restricted area for all mages.

The bottom layer and Limbo are two different dimensions, and there is a "monster powerful enough to shake the authority of God" hidden inside. This evaluation comes from an ancient clay pot with magic taboos recorded by the ancients of the Celestial Dynasty. "

After speaking, he looked left and right, looking at the three-headed demon dragon wailing in pain in the distance and said anxiously: "Stop talking nonsense, take Asa with you quickly, we will leave here immediately."

The Eclipse Lord has the power to trigger a phantom riot, and both of the two demons present have phantoms, and they are both greatly affected.

Harley's control over the phantom is extremely strong, so "Fantasy Harley" only appears on her body and cannot break free.

Zha Kang also has strong control over the phantom, but the identity of the Eclipse Lord is extremely unusual - just from the aura revealed at this time, Harley is certain that it is a supreme being.

When faced with it, Zha Kang only lost control of the phantom man and was not greatly affected by the emotions represented by the phantom man. This was already rare.

But the nightmare nurse is miserable.

Her control over the phantoms is not as good as that of Zha Kang and Harley, and in the "Dark Nightmare Curse", she merged with multiple phantoms, and now her main consciousness is almost taken away by the phantoms.

Harley glanced at the three-headed dragon that was struggling to sink deeper into the "bottom", but did not run away immediately.

The Eclipse Lord on the opposite side did not attack them, but more and more black smoke gathered, and the aura of corruption became stronger and stronger - its power was gathering here.

As the black smoke grew larger, one snake head after another poked out from inside, and the thick python body wrapped around Zha Kang and Harley again and again until they were completely covered in darkness, with only a dozen eyes on their heads. The head of the python flashes with white light.

"You should listen to him and escape from the bottom dimension as soon as possible. Now you have no chance at all. You will be integrated into my body together with your materialized dirty thoughts (phantom people)!"

More than a dozen snakeheads made gloomy and indifferent sounds at the same time.

"Can you withstand it?" Zha Kang asked nervously.

Harley nodded slightly, "This guy seems to have no body, maybe it needs a host."

It is impossible to launch powerful physical attacks without a body.

It's useless even for the supreme being to attack her with only magic.

"Hey, Lord Eclipse, you know me, but I don't know you. Let me introduce myself first." Harley shouted to the giant snake head in the sky that was brewing an attack.

"When you become a part of me, you will naturally understand."

The snakehead said something rumble, then opened its mouth wide enough to hold a locomotive, roared down, and swallowed the two of them.

"Boom~~" Black smoke exploded on the back of its neck. Harley used Superman's classic flying posture - her left arm retracted to her waist, her right fist stretched upwards - and she directly punched through the python's mouth and passed through it. Through its head, a large hole with a diameter of two meters was drilled.

"Aww~~" The python let out a shocking scream, and the other heads said in disbelief: "This is impossible! This body of mine is transformed from a collection of subconscious minds, and it is the biggest nemesis of all magicians like you. You Why is it not affected and why can it still hurt me?”

——Because of the quantum critical strike, it directly attacks your existence field.

Harley didn't explain, but turned to ask Kang, "What exactly is a subconscious collection?"

Zha Kang's expression changed slightly, "Hurry up, it's the bottom dimension of Limbo itself."

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