I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1226: Distorting the world in one thought

"Gordon, please explain the matter in detail." Harley said.

"Didn't you ask me to learn black magic from Constantine? I often go to see him these days, but as your favored one, I haven't given up on my daily job - using God to exorcise evil spirits from Gotham.

Generally speaking, there are two situations where God is needed to exorcise demons. First, when I hear about a murder in a certain place on the news or at the police station, and after investigating it myself, I determine that the law cannot solve it.

I will personally seek justice for the undead who have been wronged.

In this case, most of the undead have gone to hell. I will communicate with them, fulfill their wishes, and let the undead partially rest in peace.

The second situation is that I take the initiative to inquire about the supernatural events in Gotham, learn about unjust cases from the undead that linger in the world and refuse to leave, and call the police first. If the police cannot solve the problem, I will contact Bateman.

If Bateman cannot punish the criminal through legal means, I will ask God to exorcise the devil."

Harley listened very impatiently, "Just tell me what happened. Just one sentence, nonsense for so long."

"Isn't this just for the convenience of your understanding?" Gordon muttered awkwardly, and then said: "The day before yesterday, I met an old lady who lingered in the world and refused to leave. Although there was no resentment in her body, she was stained with a touch of evil. Power.

I was curious, so I asked it about the situation - whether I encountered any evil spirits.

The old lady told me that she was the old housekeeper of the Winter family, named ‘Janet’, but she had actually been dead for more than ten years.

She should have died of illness, but she couldn't worry about her young lady - probably the kind of relationship between Mr. Alfred and Wayne in Wayne Manor.

She prayed to God to let her die a few years later, and she wanted to continue taking care of the frail Miss Alice.

Hum, common sense in the magic world, God may listen to the prayers of believers, but he will rarely send miracles.

On the contrary, demons often respond to the desires of people's hearts.

A monster responded to her—"

Zha Kang crossed his legs, waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "I told you, Asa is a nightmare nurse, a medical magician, not a monster."

Gordon was unmoved and continued: "By taking away the body, the monster fulfilled Mrs. Janet's wish - to survive cancer.

In the years that followed, monsters used that flesh shell to move around in the world."

"What did it do? Why didn't it just swallow the old lady's soul?" Harley asked.

Gordon hesitated and said: "Just looking at what it did in Winter Manor, it doesn't seem like a demon with ulterior motives.

First of all, it only suppressed Mrs. Janet's soul and did not harm her. Well, just being in contact with each other for many years made poor Janet never get to heaven again.

In addition, it did not do any bad things at Winter Manor. Instead, it played the role of a caring butler, very gentle and considerate. "

"Hmm, this seems to be a good demon." Harley tilted her head and asked strangely: "What's happened recently, are you meeting some non-mainstream demons?"

"It's only good on the surface." Gordon's expression also became a little weird, "The housekeeper's job is only a small part of Janet's life.

It spends more time wandering around in the form of Mrs. Janet, doing all kinds of debauched and immoral things. The reason why Mrs. Janet refuses to rest is because the monster is targeting her lady again.

She was right to worry, now the monster has abandoned the body of the aging housekeeper Janet and taken control of the young and energetic body of Miss Alice.

I wanted to perform an exorcism on her, but Constantine wouldn't allow it.

He and the monster were old acquaintances. "

Harley nodded, turned to Zha Kang and said, "What did you say?"

Zha Kang said helplessly: "I have said everything that needs to be said, what else do you want me to say? Asa is the favored one of the God of Medicine and will not harm mortals at all. She is not even a real demon."

"How could that kind of aura not be a demon?" Gordon said.

"Then tell me, is she a fallen angel, an ancient demon, a demon from another dimension, or a fallen mage?" Zha Kang asked.

"I don't know where it comes from, but the smell doesn't lie," Gordon insisted.

Harley thought for a while and asked, "Is the nightmare nurse still in Winter Manor? She is a human or a demon. It would be more direct to meet her in person."

"Alice Winter is your friend?" Zha Kang frowned.

"She is a follower of Christ, and I am the God of War in Heaven, the guardian of believers in Christ." Harley said seriously.

Zha Kang wanted to give her the middle finger to express his disdain for her righteous words at this time.

"It ran away. After I discovered its identity, it took Alice's body and ran away." Gordon said.

Zha Kang sighed and said, "Do you think she needs to run away in front of you? She left just because she didn't want to hurt you."

"Hmph, I am Harley's favored one. Who dares to hurt me in Gotham?!" Gordon looked like a yamen showing off his mother's position as prime minister.

Zha Kang sneered and said: "Don't say that you are just the favored one of Witch Harley. Even if Witch Harley is in front of you, Asa doesn't have to be afraid, because she is not an ordinary demon at all."

"Call her here." Harley became a little more interested.

The Nightmare Nurse is a demon, and Zha Kang knows her name, so it shouldn't be difficult to summon her.

Zha Kang was startled, "Here? You know your reputation yourself. It is almost impossible to summon any demon in Quin Villa, or even within dozens of kilometers of the Villa."

"Didn't you say she's not afraid of me?"

"Facing you directly and responding to the call of you or the people around you are two different things. Even the supreme being is afraid of being tricked by you. If you face you directly, at least you won't be tricked."

After a pause, Zha Kang said strangely: "Over the years, I have also developed several spells specifically in your name, such as the 'Spell to Avoid Evil'.

It's actually about using your real name to exorcise demons.

Just like in "Christ's Song of Casting Out Demons", one uses the name of the big devil to scare and drive out the little devils.

You are the biggest devil in the world today.

Especially effective against low-level demons.

If your reputation could have been as loud as it is now when you dealt with Novosheng, Astra"

Sighing and shaking his head, he continued: "There is another magic that is more practical for mages. When you are targeted, tracked, or hunted by gods and demons, use the 'Harley Advent Spell' to simulate your mental fluctuations and vitality. It can make most of the wary gods and demons suspicious. "

Harley's face had no expression, but a bit of pride flashed in her eyes - Zha Kang had used a more sophisticated flattery to please her.

Zha Kang sighed: "In addition, I also came up with many magic tricks related to you.

More than 90% of the magic spells in the world are related to gods and demons.

With your current strength and reputation, you can definitely develop a systematic 'Harley Curse'. "

What he was saying now was exactly what Harry expected from Barbara.

If Zha Kang was her divine priest, the effect would be a thousand times better than Barbara's.

This guy is too talented in magical innovation.

In the world of martial arts and fairy tales, the strength of a practitioner is measured by the "internal force" and "original force" in his body.

Practicing swordsmanship without practicing martial arts will result in nothing.

Internal strength is the king, and pursuing skills without internal strength is a crooked approach.

But in the DC cultivation world, all powers have their masters. The bosses are strong and high-level. Their power is very corrosive and assimilated to the bodies of low-level mages. If they pursue magic power blindly, they will fall into the inferior category.

From ancient times to the present, the most respected people in the DC magic circle are always those who can continuously innovate in magic skills.

The so-called first and second people of the younger generation are not about how strong their magic power is, but how good their magic skills are and how quickly their magic skills are updated and iterated.

When a kind of magic spreads and becomes known to everyone, it is not far away from becoming obsolete.

If they know the spell and operation method, the "first generation of young people" will immediately figure out a way to restrain it - just like Wang Yuyan, who is familiar with the world's martial arts classics and can tell the loopholes in every martial arts.

Therefore, although Zha Kang debuted late, he was never afraid of the old wizards like Phoenix Faust. On the contrary, those old guys suffered at his hands many times and hated him with itch.

"What kind of devil is worthy of you trying to flatter me to change the subject? I am becoming more and more interested." Harley said.

"Uh, I didn't change the subject." Because of the word "flattering", a trace of embarrassment appeared on Zha Kang's face, "I don't know her real name, so I can't force her to respond to the call."

Harley remembered something and was a little eager to try it: "I also invented a new spell recently. I guarantee that after using it, Quinn Manor will no longer be a restricted area for demon summons."

Zha Kang became a little interested, "What magic spell?"

"The Forgetting Curse! As long as I recite the curse, the whole universe will forget me. I won't even remember 'Witch Harley', so of course there will be no summoning restricted areas," Harley said.

"Are you bragging? What spell can be so powerful that it will make the whole universe forget you?" Zha Kang didn't believe it at all.

In addition to the cost magic - the black vortex of thorns, she has never developed a second, even the most common magic spell.

"Let's try the black magic meditation room." Harley said.

Zha Kang did not refuse, he was even more curious now.

The two of them immediately went to Harry's meditation room where he specializes in experimenting with black magic.

After entering, they stared at her intently.

Harry didn't waste any time, and casually muttered "Forgetting Curse, disappear" in English, and her body visibly froze into ice, then became so transparent that it almost disappeared, leaving only a thin ice shell in her original position.

Zha Kang's head felt dull, as if a steel pipe had been inserted into his mind, forcefully draining away the memory, and then filling it with "new brain" loaded with unfamiliar yet familiar images.

"Uh~~~" He slapped his forehead hard with his hand and groaned: "Damn, my memory is distorted, no, not only the memory, the timeline is also distorted, Harley, stop it! "

He could still scream, but Gordon beside him stood there blankly, his body like a 3D projection with poor signal, flickering and changing constantly.

It seems that he is going to change from the man in the trench coat to a middle-aged man in police uniform.

living person.

Not only is Gordon changing, the Quinn Manor where they are at this time is also uncertain, and seems to be changing from an exquisite and beautiful villa to a barren mountain.

Outside Quinn Manor, the entire world stood still for an instant, as if covered with a layer of fog, and the scenery became unreal.

"Why do you still remember me?" Harley changed from the transparent ice shell back to its original state and asked strangely: "Just now I completely disappeared from the world."

Nothing has changed about herself.

Even if the feeling of emptiness and deadness of disappearing existence is not very strong.

"Fake, this is not a forgetting spell, it's a multiverse restarting spell!" Zha Kang was mentally traumatized. He was holding his knees with his hands, his face was pale, his forehead was sweating, and he was gasping for air, as if he had experienced a fierce battle. fight.

"What just happened?" Gordon had just recovered from "time stopped" and looked around blankly: "Why am I here? I - uh!"

He covered his head and groaned: "I seem to have traveled to another world where there is no Harley. I am still working as a police officer in the police station and have been promoted to chief. They call me 'Chief Gordon'."

He seemed to be recalling this title, with a hint of regret in his tone.

In this world, he will only be a police officer until his death.

Zha Kang said fearfully: "If your forgetfulness curse continues, he may really resurrect from the dead and become the chief of the Gotham Police Department.

how did you do that? I don't believe this is pure magic. "

"Is it that exaggerated?" Harley frowned slightly. She just revoked her defense expertise and voluntarily disappeared into the wind of nothingness in the stomach dimension.

When the entire Nordic pantheon disappeared, the legendary story of Odin would also be left in the world.

She thought of one thing. Odin melted into the wind of nothingness, not willingly. He never stopped struggling, but she took the initiative, holding the idea of ​​"let the world forget me".

In addition, there is the Wind of Nothingness defense specialty: creating a "story" out of thin air in a world with no trace of its own existence.

Is this also a kind of world distortion?

If the other way around.

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