I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 124 Having both sides

"Avanti?" Harley's expression changed, "Is it the legendary evil baby, the demon Avanti?"

"Your magic ability is not good, but your knowledge is not that shallow." The evil spirit said with a strange smile.

The crow is a product of black magic called the "message bird". It is very evil. It is made of tortured souls and is full of resentment and hatred towards living people.

It is not "modern black magic" like the "Magic Book of Truth", but a witchcraft before the birth of human civilization.

To put it bluntly, all black magic is the exploration of the power of darkness and chaos by human "wise men", and the understanding of hell and demons.

Just like philosophical books such as "Tao Te Ching", it is the understanding of the relationship between heaven, earth and man.

In different eras, philosophers with different ideas were born.

In different eras, black magic with different characteristics was born.

Compared with the ancient black magic of the Wizarding Group, "falling into hell" and "driving demons" in "The Book of Truth" have become child's play.

For example, the demon Avanti: takes a six-month-old baby, supplements it with black magic, turns innocence into evil, and reverses holiness into extreme depravity. In the end, the living baby turns into a ghost that can freely switch between yin and yang. ——The crazy ferocious baby Avanti.

That thing is only briefly mentioned in the "Magic Book of Truth", and there is no specific witchcraft or manufacturing process. However, the many black magicians who wrote the "Magic Book of Truth" all list it as a taboo among taboos.

With Harry's current knowledge, he has only heard of this kind of man-made demon.

Black magic sends souls to hell, rather than turning souls into demons. Demons are hellish creatures, completely different species from fallen human souls.

Even if a dark wizard turns himself into a zombie, it is not a hell demon, and the body is still in the world.

Avanti is a real demon. It was created in the human world and can travel through hell and the material world at will under the driving of a dark wizard.

Now, the "messaging bird" of the wizarding group actually said that he would give her an Avanti.

Harley was more horrified than surprised.

Well, she wasn't happy at all.

"Should you give me a ready-made Avanti, or teach me the black magic of making Avanti?" Harley asked with a frown.

"Of course it is made on site. Avanti always has only one owner, and that is the wizard who created it."

The messenger Crow Jiejie smiled strangely and said: "I have to remind you that Avanti is extremely powerful, but the failure rate is also extremely high. As for the consequences of failure, losers don't need to consider the consequences."

Harry pondered: "So, this is a big gathering of the wizarding group. Are there many junior members like me participating?"

The smoky undead made an exaggerated expression of surprise, "You are not too stupid. Three days later, on a full moon night, St. James' Cathedral on the outskirts of Jersey City."

"Church?" Harry was surprised, "Another bishop-level priest has fallen?"

"Hehehe, in terms of the number of people who go to hell, ordinary people definitely exceed priests. But in terms of proportion and quality, the number of priests who have become demons far exceeds ordinary people.

It is difficult for ordinary people to have access to extraordinary power, and regular church priests will receive certain training in exorcism.

At least have seen the church’s classic exorcism cases.

Exorcism and summoning demons are like two sides of a silver coin. Once you are confused by desire, it is too easy to fall, for example."


"Quack, quack, I was once a Vatican cardinal, quack, quack."

The undead monster smiled and turned into a messenger crow, flapped its wings and flew away.

Harry returned to the meditation room with an expressionless face, drew a pentagram pattern on the floor with chalk, filled in some runes, and lit a candle in each of the five corners of the pentagram.

She sat in the center of the circle, with her five hearts in the sky.


There is no need for complicated spells, the real name is the foundation.

"Huhuhu" is like a strong wind passing by, and the candle flame is swaying.

Suddenly, "Puff, puff, puff, puff", the yellow flames of the five candles suddenly lost their color, and a deep well seemed to appear under Harry, falling continuously in the darkness.

Then, she landed on her feet and stood. Turning her head and looking around, she was standing on the rooftop of a building, and the surrounding street scene was very familiar.

That's Gotham.

A dilapidated Gotham that has been weathered by time for thousands of years.

It was so dilapidated that her glass loft didn't even leave any trace, and the warehouse beneath her feet was full of holes, like a ruined wall.

"What's going on?" A white naked "asexual man" wrapped around a red barbed wire was suspended in the air a few meters away. His long red hair was like seaweed, floating freely in all directions.

"Aren't you happy?" Harley said hesitantly.

Although the image was almost identical, and the sound and magic power fluctuations were indistinguishable, she just felt that it was not joy.

"I am not joy, I am its twin brother pain." The Pain Demon looked surprised.

"You can actually tell that although we are not very talented in magic, your spiritual sense is very strong. It's a pity."

"Are my talents bad? I'm only 14 years old. I've been in Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years. Don't look down on people!" Harley said unconvinced.

Pain gave a sarcastic smile, "According to the levels of human mages - magic apprentice, official mage, great magician, magic master, spiritual mage - you can't even be considered an apprentice, because you don't have a trace of magic in your body.

As for age, age has never been a limit to magic power.

99% of great magicians activate the magic power in their bodies at the moment of contact with the spell. "

Harley was a little skeptical of its words, because in her own experience, magic was almost a legendary existence, and her friends, including Constantine, were suspected of possessing magic.

She didn't care, she had only been exposed to magic for "only half a year", while Rich and Judith both had more than five years of "Tao practice".

Li Qi has even mastered quantum magic. You say he has no talent?

"Brother Pain, I am the undercover agent placed by Brother Huanxi in the wizard group, do you know?"

"Don't call us brother, you don't deserve it!" Pain said lightly, and then asked: "Is there any news?"

——Sooner or later I’ll let you call me aunt!

With a harsh word in her heart, Harry told the story of the wizards' gathering with a dull face.

"Hey, such a trivial matter." Pain shook his head and sighed: "As long as it is not directly related to the giant beast, it is a trivial matter, and there is no need to tell us.

In other words, you have only one purpose in the wizarding group - to find out how and when they awaken the giant beast. "

Harry frowned and said, "Boss Huanxi asked me to reduce the frequency of supernatural events as much as possible last time."

"Yes, you can stop them, but what do you want from me?"

Harley was speechless, "You just thought that I had poor talent and didn't even have a trace of magic power, and now you want me to deal with Avanti and the more powerful Witch Lord?"

"The witch master is also a human being, and he will die even if he is shot. Aren't you very good at fighting? Just like how you dealt with the Crusaders, even a hundred witch masters couldn't resist with the Vulcan cannon." He said painfully.

Harley's face was twisted. The dark wizard, the big devil, and the Vulcan cannon were all connected together. It was really awkward.

——Don’t be surprised, the devil is an alien!

She comforted herself in her mind, and then said: "If I take action, won't my identity be exposed? Moreover, Avanti can travel between the shadow world and reality at will, so it is difficult to hit with physical attacks!"

"It's really troublesome. He's obviously a disposable pawn, but he thinks he's a big shot." Pain complained "quietly" in front of Harley.

Harry's face turned cold and he began to think carefully about whether he should forcibly summon Pain, that bastard, to the material world, and then use the Vulcan Cannon to blast it.

Pain is definitely a Duke-level or higher-level demon. The binding circle on the "Book of Truth" seems a bit low-level and not enough.

She needs the trapped god circle.

Benjamin once mentioned in the group that in history, there were magicians who used formations to trap gods.

Just when she was being rebellious and thinking wildly, the pain spoke again.

"I'll give you two choices, or you can do nothing and attend the party honestly. Once you create your own Avanti, you will definitely be promoted to a high position in the wizarding group.

Either I give you the real name of a superior demon, and you can use your blood essence and poetry as a sacrifice, or you can set up a Vulcan cannon, kill the witch master and wizard, and use their blood and soul as a sacrifice to summon the demon. Deal with Avanti. "

This plan seems to work.

Harley thought for a while and asked: "Is the upper demon strong enough? Avanti is the demon of killing and the king of resentful babies."

"Don't I understand Avanti yet?" Pain said angrily.

"Okay, I'll choose the second option." Harley said.

"Son of Baal, brother of Merlin, the demon Etrigan!" Pain read out these words in magical language.

"The son of Baal." Harley asked with great interest: "Is he the prince of the Demon King? Is such a being willing to accept the summons? And Merlin, he is actually the son of Baal and humans?"

"If you have any questions, just ask Etrigan. As long as you use the spell I gave you to summon him, he will respond to you at least once."

The surrounding scene suddenly changed, and Harley returned to her meditation room.

She didn't leave, wiped away the five-pointed star circle, and started to communicate with the voice of heaven again.

"Great Voice of Heaven, I report to you: Under your guidance, I became an undercover agent of the Legion of Eternal Punishment in Heaven, and then under the order of the Legion of Eternal Punishment, I became an undercover agent of the Evil Witches of Hell. Now."

She recounted everything that had happened before, including the real name of the demon prince who sent her pain, and finally asked: "I wonder what heaven's attitude will be toward this gathering of evil witches?"

"Saving the baby and killing the evil wizard are all meritorious deeds."

Harley was a little disappointed that the voice of heaven did not give her an "angel's true name".

"Hey, Sister Laurie, it's me." Harley recounted the gathering of the Wizarding Group for the third time.

"Well, let me transfer you to the Shadow Bureau."

After pondering for a moment, Laurie felt that he was really not good at this kind of thing.

"Hey, I'm 'father time', the director of the Shadow Bureau. Everyone calls me 'father'. Are you Harley Quinn? I didn't expect you to become a secret agent, but that's okay. With the U.S. government as a big backer, you can write novels with peace of mind. The most recent "Three Body" I"

A cute lolita voice crackled, and her words were like spitting bullets. Harley didn't say anything for a long time.

After a long time, the other party asked her to send a signed set of "Red Manhattan" before Harley said awkwardly: "Thank you for liking my book, but how are you going to deal with this gathering of the wizarding group?"

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