I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1200 Gordon was beaten

"Is Jane's news reported truthfully, or is it suppressed a little?" Louise looked at Harry and asked.

"up to you."

"I'm not sure, that's why I asked you." Louise sighed: "Many people have died in the past few days, including Su and superheroes.

On the night when you deduced and analyzed that Jane was the murderer, Firestorm missed while chasing the Shadow Thief and was almost stabbed to death by the Radiant Knight's magic sword. "

Harley said: "I have read the news and understand what you mean. Many people have died these days. They need fairness and the truth."

The Radiant Knight is a DC version of Magical Captain America, one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. He possesses noble knightly virtues, but he slipped and fell into a glacier during a mission and was frozen for thousands of years. It was only unearthed in recent years.

What is special about him is the weapon and armor enchanted by the mage Merlin. It is said that the armor protects him from any harm, and the sword can cut through any substance - a perfect pair of "contradictions".

The shadow thief's body remains in the two-dimensional world, and only shadows move in the material world. Therefore, he becomes a suspect in the secret room murder case.

Because of this special ability, the superheroes who were chasing him had almost nothing to do with him. Instead, he took away the Radiant Knight's magic sword and stabbed Firestorm in the chest.

Firestorm and Captain Atom are collectively known as the "DC Duo".

They have too much energy stored in their bodies, and they often run the risk of nuclear explosions on the spot after being punctured.

This time Firestorm is preparing for a big explosion. Fortunately, the newly minted "Teen Titans" are also on the team.

Raven is responsible for controlling the overflowing energy, and Barbara is responsible for healing - borrowing the power of Harley's Heavenly God of War to use Heavenly Holy Healing.

Firestorm himself also used the guardian dog to call the voice of heaven, consume heaven's merits to stabilize his soul, and finally save a small life.

But Firestorm is just one of many heroes in danger, and many heroes have no merit in heaven at all.

They were unlucky and did not encounter the great merit distribution during the Niu Angel Rebellion.

Therefore, several superheroes died in Jane Rowling's case.

Louise said: "In addition to the superheroes and Su, there are also people who have been affected, and they all deserve to know the truth.

But if we disclose the truth, will superheroes lose the trust of the people and the government?

They will say - a superhero can't even manage his own family well, how can he be responsible for hundreds of millions of people and the huge earth? "

Dachao said solemnly: "Let's make it public, we never wanted to be the gods of the people and the earth.

Only God does not make mistakes. Superheroes are human beings, and they have weaknesses and weaknesses.

It’s inevitable that we will make mistakes in the future.

Public suspicion can supervise us and spur us to make fewer mistakes in the future. "

Louise agreed and appreciated her husband's words, but she still looked at Harley.

She didn't know when she started to have a superstition about Harley.

For example, this case of Jane Rowling.

So many heroes have gone through so much trouble, but it's not enough for Harley to take a tour of the crime scene.

Harley said: "Then let's make it public. What Tearman said is right. What the people need is a hero who shines with the glory of humanity, not some human god.

Moreover, the disclosure of Jane Rowling's case can also serve as a warning to future superheroes and heroes' wives.

As a hero, you should pay more attention to your family.

Only one guardian for a city is too few.

The rule of 'one man guarding one city' had better be changed.

Having two City Guardians means you can spend twice as much time with your family. "

"As for the wives of heroes, they should carry forward the spirit of military wives, endure loneliness and be willing to give.

If you don’t have this awareness, it’s better not to marry a superhero.

Or, advocating for superheroes to marry men and women who are also heroes?

Or maybe bring the hero's wife into the staff?

Alas, the road is long and long, and you will surely search for it up and down. Come on. "

The Jane Rowling case had an immediate impact on superheroes.

A few days later, in the evening, as soon as Harley came back from get off work in heaven, Selina pulled her into her room. She felt lost for a while, and then said with a look of joy and confusion: "Harry, something happened today." Well, Bruce proposed to me."

"Oh." Harley responded, not surprised.

"You just said 'Oh'?" Selena raised her voice, "He proposed to me!"

"Who do you think was the most embarrassed by Jane Rowling's comments about her best friend that night? As long as Bruce still has a sense of responsibility for you, he will propose to you." Harley said calmly.

"I think Iris is worse."

"Iris can't help herself. What can an ordinary person do about the restart of the universe?" Harley said.

"Carol is more embarrassed than me." Selina said.

"While Carol was not Hal's girlfriend, Hal was not Carol's boyfriend."

Hal made many alien girlfriends and especially liked hanging out with his Green Lantern teammates. But at that time, Carol was also free and happy with other men.

Selina said: "But I'm really not miserable! Bruce doesn't marry me because he wants to protect me. It's safer for me to live with you, and I usually spend a lot of time with him."

"But Jane Rowling feels you are miserable. When the video was played, many heroes were secretly glancing at you, with obvious sympathy in their eyes."

"Okay, I'm miserable, then do you think I should agree to Bruce's proposal?"

Harry asked strangely: "He was so careless that he let you know that he planned to propose to you so early?"

"Well, he already asked for it this afternoon, outside the Greenwood Cake Shop. The ring was hidden in a balloon, and he did a magic trick. It was very romantic." Selena had a sweet giggle on her face, and unconsciously rubbed her left ring finger with her right hand.

There was a sparkling pink diamond ring.

Harry said with a dull face: "So you are not looking for me for advice, but you just want to get my blessing?"

"If you think it's inappropriate, I will keep the ring and refuse to enter the church with him." Selina said.


"You have a good mouth. As long as you think it's inappropriate, it will definitely do more harm than good." Selena said seriously.

"You have a good mouth? What kind of words are you talking about?"

"Didn't you read yesterday's "Daily Planet"? Louise's special issue, the front page headline was "It turns out that the Galaxy Admiral is still a detective", she said that you are the 'Smart Mouth Harley', who can judge life and death with one word, and can tell the truth at a glance."

Harley immediately took out her phone and searched for this news.

Although Louise unreservedly revealed the full truth and details of Jane Rowling's case in her article, she used clever writing techniques.

The protagonist is not Jane Rowling, Sue, or any other superhero.

They are all supporting characters, and Harley, a first-time detective, is the protagonist.

The news tells a very cruel and dark story, but any reader who sees it will be immersed in the tense investigation process of the chicken for the first time.

A piece of current affairs news with great influence was actually written by Louise as "Detective Harley solves the secret room murder case".

The focus of the story has shifted, from current affairs news to famous detectives solving crimes, and the protagonist has changed from Jane Rowling to famous detective Harley. In this way, the hero's wife degenerating into a murderer has lowered the irritation to the public by several levels.

"As expected of the Galaxy Famous Chronicles. If you were to write a novel at the level of this story, you could become a great writer." Harley said with a smile.

She is quite satisfied with this article, because as the protagonist, she is not only smart, thoughtful, and able to distinguish right from wrong, but she is also particularly considerate, considerate and gentle, and has deep humanistic care for criminals - all of the above are revealed by the great writer Yi Si's original words.

Even Sherlock Holmes still has a few shortcomings, but the "Detective Harley" in the news is almost perfect.

"Tell me, should I marry Bruce?" Selina asked again.

Harley could clearly see the expectation in her eyes, "Today is different from the past, safety is no longer a problem. If you want to get married, get married."

"What's different between now and the past?" Selena asked.

"First of all, Bateman himself has become a powerful person. At least in Gotham, he is enough to protect the safety of many people."

Before Talia and Laughing Scar could start their conspiracy, they were destroyed by the Batemans, proving that he had become a "mature bat".

"Secondly, compared to back then, my strength and power have improved a lot. For example, if you are in danger now, the time it takes me to get to Wayne Manor is about the same as it takes to get back to Quinn Manor.

Even if you suffer misfortune and become the second Su, you can still become the second Su - go to Heaven Mountain and become a grass-headed god. "

"I'll marry you!" Selena said excitedly.

The news spread that Gotham's golden king Lao Wu and "Arkham White Fumei" were getting married, causing an uproar in Gotham.

Various media outlets reported that the superheroes and their families also sent their blessings to the two "old and newcomers".

In this joyous atmosphere of universal celebration, Gordon wailed and brought Harley some not bad but very embarrassing news.

"Harley, I can't survive. Dr. Light is too strong. He beat me to the point of being knocked out of my mind. Please help me~~"

Gordon used his faith and magic to condense his body. Not only did he act like a normal person, he was even able to live a normal married life with his wife.

But what appeared in front of Harry now was only a streak of blue smoke, as thin as a phantom.

If his soul had not been infiltrated by the sacred power of Yebi, he would really be out of his wits at this moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Harley quickly transferred her "Heavenly War God" power to him to stabilize his form again.

"It's Dr. Light. I've been monitoring him these past few days. I heard him plotting a plot against the nine superheroes. I also saw him colluding with many super criminals to spread rumors that the Justice League would modify their memories and distort their minds. News. Now the super villains are all in danger, and they seem to be operating secretly."

At this point, the panic on Gordon's face turned into solemnity.

"Let's talk about things one by one. Let Zheng Lian worry about the changes in the villains. Now let's talk about your embarrassing incident." Harley said calmly.

"Why do you blame me for being so embarrassing? Dr. Light is a super criminal with S-level powers, and his light energy is particularly capable of restraining ghosts like me." Gordon said aggrievedly.

He then described the battle in detail.

Dr. Guang was just a supernatural being and had no defense against magical means. He was tracked and monitored by Gordon for several days without noticing.

As a super criminal, his only property is still mortgaged to Datou.

Well, to buy medicine.

Dr. Guang has to make money.

The way he makes money is also very consistent with the style of "DC Universe Super Criminal".

Rob a bank.

Dr. Light's power is to control light, not like Starlight in "The Black Robe". He can convert any light energy into energy and store it in his body.

The most powerful move can even turn oneself into an energy state of light. Its speed, strength, energy attack, and defense are all S-level.

In order to stop him from killing bank police officers and employees, the Hell Detective officially appeared, and was beaten until he ran away with his head covered and his soul was scattered.

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