I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1155 Seizing God’s Power

"You have set your sights on the power of ghosts," Lucifer Desire thought thoughtfully. Even though he was conceited, he also understood that he was not even a demon king at this time and could not help Etrigan realize his ambition to become a leader.

But if you get the power of ghosts

He started to feel hot in his heart and asked: "Only souls that have been touched by God can be combined with the spirit of vengeance. The stranger is God's black hand. How do you break this rule?"

Etrigan stared at Lucifer Desire and laughed strangely, "Every angel is created by God, especially the archangel.

You are the Bull Archangel, created by God’s own hands.

So, you have touched God, and God has touched you. "

"It seems to make sense." Lucifer Desire was surprised at first, and then hesitated: "But for billions of years, no angel has ever become a ghost.

The so-called ‘God’s touch’ should be God’s approval.

Without His recognition, the people chosen by Strangers are useless, let alone us fallen ones. "

Etrigan's eyes flashed, "Old man, we are allies now, please trust me, I have my own plans.

The ghost is the supreme being. If I tell you my plan completely, it is likely that he will respond to it, so..."

He suddenly drew his sword and cut his palm, letting blood flow out.

Then, Etrigan calmly used his bloody palm to smear a "scar of vengeance" on his face.

On the surface, it looks like just a trace of blood, but it's part of the summoning ritual.

"Led by the cry of despair and the blood-stained dark power, answer my call, old ghost fellow!"

Etrigen raised his head and let out a roar that echoed through the sky, not caring that he was currently in the territory of the inner dragon.

"Roar~~~" The sound wave was transmitted into the air, causing ripple-like vibrations in the air, and a door slowly opened.

This is the summoning ritual of ghosts.

Now the spirit of vengeance answers the cry of vengeance of the living.

Well, if the wronged person is filled with the anger of revenge and yells "God is unfair" and "God, please open your eyes" and so on, he may summon the ghost to his side.

Although the ghost is a red stick in heaven, like a thug, he also has a priestly role, that is, he avenges mortals who have been wronged.

At this time, Etrigan disguised himself as a vengeful person and it was not a disguise. He was really full of vengeful rage, but the object of his hatred was the ghost because of the grudges caused by Little Black Bean during the crisis.

Seeing that Etrigen was about to succeed, Lucifer Desire was anxious and angry: "You are crazy, we have not discussed a plan, why are you so reckless and directly summon the spirit of vengeance?!"

"Buzz~~" The holy light flashed, and the huge green figure appeared in front of the two demons.

"Fake." Lucifer Desire trembled all over and turned around to escape.

Etrigan pulled him and laughed triumphantly: "Without Jim Corrigan's soul, the ghost now is just a brainless fool."

The spirit of vengeance only has anger and revenge in its mind, so it needs to fuse with the mortal spirit to maintain sanity and thinking.

"You are so brave, you dare to summon the spirit of vengeance with a false cry of revenge." The ghost raged, because the majestic pressure brought by the anger made the fallen angel tremble.

Etrigan took two steps back, pointed at the fallen angel and said, "As you can see, my fallen angel companion wants to talk to you."

"Fake Squid, what are you doing?" The fallen angel was shocked and angry.

"Asmodeus?" The ghost had turned its attention to him and recognized his identity.

Etrigan smiled and said: "My companions told me that when he betrayed the Silver City, you shivered in the corner like a tortoise and didn't even dare to show your face. Is that so?"

"Etrigan!" The fallen angel trembled, his voice trembling.

"Sinner, you rebelled against God and teased the spirit of vengeance. You will be punished for both crimes. Accept the wrath of God!"

The ghost didn't even bother to distinguish between the truth and falsehood of Etrigan's words. In anger, he pulled out the sword of holy light and struck at the fallen angel.

"Stab!" Like a hot knife cutting through butter, with just one blow, the fallen angel's two deformed wings were cut off by their roots. With the second blow, the sword of holy light turned into thousands of rays of light, covering the fallen angel's body like Ling Chi.

"Ahhhhh." The fallen angel howled miserably and fell to the ground.

"Etrigan, it's your turn now." The ghost turned to the demon prince, raised his sword high, and said in a judgmental tone: "The wrath of God cannot be insulted!"

However, Etrigan had enough time to squat down, pluck a feather from the fallen angel's broken wing, and said with a smile: "Old man, I'm sorry, I just wanted to arouse your anger."

He looked sarcastically at the sword of judgment that was falling rapidly. He picked up the fallen angel with his left hand and quickly threw it towards the ghost. He brought the feather to his mouth with his right hand and violently sprayed out the fire of hell.


The scarlet flame burned away the feathers, and the ashes of the fire serpent's feathers fell on the ghosts and fell on the fallen angels.

This is a little trick that Harley has played many times: burn the holy angel feathers with the flames of corruption, and the burned ashes can bind the soul to any physical thing.

The ghost is not a spirit body, but since Jim Corrigan ran away, it has now lost its "physical body" and is only a spirit body.

Therefore, it turned into a phantom and merged into the fallen angel's body bit by bit.

As if being swallowed.

"Ahhhh~~~" the fallen angel screamed miserably, "No, it hurts so much, the sacred flame is burning my soul, ahhhh~~~"

His cry gradually distorted, changing from Lucifer Desire to .

It's not the voice of a ghost, it's the muddy fusion of two voices.

"I feel, hahaha, endless power, the power of anger that even God would tremble in fear, hahaha, I got it."

The voice of the fallen angel was distorted, and his body also twisted and deformed, turning into a green giant.

The Cow Angel used to wear a nose ring, and now the ghost has one on his nose too.

Two parts are like a cow, and eight parts are like a human being. It is a ghostly form in the style of a cow and an angel.

The new ghost looked up to the sky and roared, "Etrigan, we will take revenge, to heaven, to the world, to the Witch Harley, and to the inner dragon!"

"Hahaha, very good!" Etrigan also laughed proudly.

The ghost suddenly lowered his head and said, "You just tricked me."

Etrigen was stunned and said: "Didn't I explain? Just like every time the Stranger selects a ghost, he will use deceitful means to trap him to death, making the soul filled with resentment and hatred.

Hatred is a necessary emotion for revenge. Only in this way can the frequency of the soul and the spirit of revenge be close to each other, and finally they can be perfectly integrated. "

"Huh, just this once."

"Of course, you are the boss now." Etrigan bent down and bowed to him.

"Boss, how do you feel now? Can you control the ghost power in your body? Who is dominant in your thoughts?" He straightened up and asked curiously.

"The original consciousness of the spirit of revenge was completely suppressed by me, and almost 70% of the power of revenge is controlled by me!" the nose ring ghost said proudly.

Etrigan frowned and said: "The previous ghosts were completely unable to suppress the consciousness of the spirit of revenge, but you are 100%?"

"Can a mortal compare with me?"

Etrigen thought thoughtfully, "In this way, the reason why God chose mortals to fuse with the spirit of vengeance is because mortal souls are weak and cannot occupy the magpie's nest."

"It's not surprising, God is so hypocritical!" The nose ring ghost sneered: "If you had given this power to me earlier, heaven would be ten thousand times more prosperous and noble than it is now!"

"Ghost?" At this moment, the master finally returned with his servants. When he saw the huge green figure from a distance, he exclaimed, "You are not a ghost, your breath is wrong-"

"Inner dragon?" The nose-ring ghost saw the inner dragon, roared, and rushed towards it.

"It's time for revenge."

The nose-ring ghost's whole body spurted with power, and the magic of the entire Nine Hells was disrupted.

"BOOOM!" The earth cracked, magma erupted, and the inner dragon's palace collapsed and shattered.

"Is this the true power of ghosts? Just the breath of emotional fluctuations can trigger a "celestial level" elemental storm in hell. I can even control the fire of hell at will. This..."

Not to mention Etrigan and the inner dragon, even the nose ring ghost himself was stunned.

After being stunned for a while, the nose-ring ghost laughed happily, "Hahaha, so that's it. The previous ghosts were all defective products and could not perfectly exert the power of God as the spirit of vengeance."

"You are not a ghost, I smell the stench of Asmodu on you." Neilong said in shock.

"Call me Lucifer Desire!" The nose ring ghost stopped attacking and stood proudly above the inner dragon, "Give you a chance, surrender to me and be my servant, you will not only live, but also live better , one person is inferior to ten thousand people.”

This is what Neilong said to him before.

"You're dreaming." Neilong put on a fighting stance and sneered: "It's not like the ghost has never been defeated."

"You know nothing about real power." The nose ring ghost shook his head, his eyes full of contempt.

Just as Neilong was about to sarcastic, a chill that penetrated his heart spread up from his feet, and the heat in his body was like snowflakes under the summer noon sun, disappearing in an instant.

"How is this possible~~~"

"Crack, click, click."

Before he could finish his sentence, the majestic Demon King of Hell, one of the strongest First Fallen, turned into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

"I'm also surprised that God's authority is so useful in hell." The nose ring ghost looked down at his hands and murmured to himself: "Not only did the origin of hell not reject me, but it was extremely compatible with my power. God, He He is the real master of hell.”

"Hey, boss, don't be dazed, we have to do something." Etrigan shouted at the ghost's heels.

The ghost was a hundred meters tall at this time, and Etrigan, who was just over two meters tall, could only reach his ankles.

"What suggestions do you have?" asked the nose ring ghost.

"You are the boss, you don't need advice, you can just do whatever you want." Etrigan said knowingly.

A look of satisfaction appeared on the ghost's face, he looked around and said: "We will build up the Silver City layer by layer from bottom to top, first to hell, then to earth, and finally to heaven.

Now, I will open the gates of hell and let all the evil spirits, demons and demons come to the world with me.

Of course, I have to form a 'Ghost Guard' first!

Witch Harley is very difficult to deal with. She must be treated leniently and the enemy must be treated leniently, and she must be destroyed with the force of overwhelming force. "

"Boss is wise!" Etrigan complimented.

"Etrigan, I now appoint you as the 'Commander of the Phantom Guards'. Go and call all the demon kings and demon lords over, and ask them to come and pay homage to the new Satan, Phantom Satan!"

At this time, in Gotham Brooklyn, the basement of the nightclub is secretly controlled by Scarface.

"Thalia, do you know what you are doing?"

"I understand that you asked me not to summon you easily, especially not in Gotham, but I didn't use magic to summon you, I was calling you on my mobile phone.

Using a Celestial mobile phone and Kagemusha dedicated satellite, you can rest assured. Thalia said respectfully to the phone screen.

The tall man across from him was speechless.

"What do you want from me?" he asked in a muffled voice.

"Your Highness Raskov, the 'Gotham Destruction Plan' went well, but something happened to Scarface. He said he was possessed by the undead.

At this critical point, I suspect that he has been plotted, and maybe it is related to the Witch Harley, so I came to you. Thalia said.

"The undead are possessed." The second prince of the Third Palace, disguised as a mortal, thought thoughtfully, "It's probably a coincidence. It has nothing to do with the witch. A sudden change occurred in hell."

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